L" .8 �� - - 5' .` . 5 _ ... - ` � " ;' '�f "__
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<br /> Y. __'_ `( __ .. _ . __p L __ _I._�.�. _ . _ _ __ —
<br /> r/. - rr . - . (c Cr 7 �� �V- � `�c . c i � � r . .r' , �o
<br /> � - � h �-, r u t•
<br /> �'4.=' • t OC . .. Z. '- . .`C�� • �_�F . .p f .. c �.t. � .5t� ' .
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<br /> t �}� ` c4. -t" t � . . ' • � ' . ' r Y r� .
<br /> �a G�1. • '_ .F, l _ ` f. . __ �, ,.
<br /> .�4- �� ': . � , � ' . � �G:a ` . .�i a , � �.[.i ' . . F,. ' , '` _..
<br /> �c , . . � .cr ry .r . - . �< .r . 4 F� ,.�� G. �(.'�.
<br /> `,*. ' ' � . . �E.:l� .
<br /> . " c ° 2. . ` . - �`+� c� � _ �L• . ' _ :{. _ , _�_ _ ` ' - _ ` ` .. . r� . '� '
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<br /> .. � _`� a��° ��a���d�s�aII . . � k _,.�
<br /> ,. - r � tu be hEld hy RFSPA. •`�� • '.
<br /> YP ihe amo�ts held by I.en�r for FsROw Itc,ms acteed the amount9 pe�miucd � �,
<br /> ,- �.---=-=s� accom�t to Bmmwer for tbe excesa fands es zequined bY�PA If t1�e amo�ts of funds he2d by I.eader ai aay t�e ,_` - -�- .
<br /> �'_�..�. . aze not suScieni ro pay ths Fsaaw Ite�whea duer I�mdea maY notify the Boaowea aad reqaIIe Banower to mm�e ap ,,�° t - -__ �.
<br /> -. �
<br /> �.�c �_-� r�����►�a (•-
<br /> � t ��F�a��rep�ag�a��a�on��►to�an��auy�s s�y rn�u��►c �s�� �: .. °
<br /> 1� s�r
<br /> teadeas m Le�dea dte faU paymeat of all sach sums,Barmwea's accowu shalt be cxe�s�witb ihe hataace m�ainiag far r"- -
<br /> ataa �
<br /> . i� �* ari InstaIImr�t it;�ns Ea). N��(�)��►Y�8e���eat tbat I.end�hag not i�come .
<br /> � ���`�. .:�.:` ablig,a�d m p8y to t�ee 5e�etacY,and I.e�de�s1�aD promptlY iefmmd anY excess fuuds to Baaoa�er. I m m�lY pri��o f ..S ` .., . •- --
<br /> b I.eudea,Bmmwer's aa��t sliall be�d witb aay balance "` -
<br /> �. . a f�ectosare sale of the Pmpaty or its acqoisarnn y aa � `' _
<br /> �ing for altinstaAmea�tsfor it�s(a?.N),and(c)• r ..
<br /> r. ".- � , :.:,i, 3.AppHcation aYPsyment�Ail p�ts aadrr paragraphs 1 and 2 sbaD be agplied isY I.ender as foilow� _J =.
<br /> w 6e I�eades to die S�i►ar ta the montWy c6�ge by the "
<br /> � �&d,w the�ge msman�e Pre�ium p�bY _ -
<br /> . " S�►instEadaf themomthly moitga$e in�uanceprem�: 'A
<br /> ,
<br /> , __�.; � flaod mid otha haza�+d ,i > '` _.. _
<br /> - - -- �Q,m m►y tax�v,sseri�i�.�����is c�gt�d r�� �. �� _
<br /> ' L�2 4�
<br />. s i � ' %' j�Cie.�1Qm�s . ..�aaro°---
<br /> 8$IC[lIlIC3�u+ ' �[;,y�„y:
<br /> :i i ..
<br /> �. � , ..:'. 7111id.[O mt�CSt�UIIdR QiC NOfL, --
<br /> ' �'s �,to amo�on of t6epr�pal of We Nun��d `:�� .
<br /> _'<� � �,ro 1at�charges dae aade,rtheNo3� _ �
<br /> 4,: �
<br /> .� } . �, 4.P7�Ftaod aad OWer Hazard I�.�rsno�Barmwer shall insme all improv�ts on the Propeaty,whethea
<br /> nflw m existeuce or snhseqacdttty ereCtsd.�st anY h�ds,casuattitieaa.and cmnt�ngencies.ficlnd'mg fae.for whtch : _
<br /> . ` Leader req�es�11tis iasurance shaU 6e maintamed'm the amotmts�d far the paiods @�at i.e�de,r require�. ' �;:,� __-
<br /> .. ..: .� .: � ' Boaotva shall aLso u�ue all impmve�ents on t�e Rapescy.whethea now ia exi.gtcnae or snbseqac�tty�,a�i�t , -----
<br /> � toss by IIaods w the extentseqaued by the Secaetary.All ins�raace s6aU 6e c�Ied wttb cnmpanies appmve�by Ian�ea _
<br /> . ., �.7,. ,ibe i�s�ance pn2icies and auy reanewals sha11 be held 6y Lendet and shall incl�loss paYa�ile clsuses in favor of,and . .�.
<br /> '� iu a f�m acceptable to.Lande,r. � , ` _�--
<br /> In the eveAt of Ioss.Boimwea sh�ll gtve I.c�dea ilamedIate natice hy maU.I.eader may make proof of loss if nni -
<br />-- . . � ' `�• . maAs gtomylty by Bomnwer.Es�ti i�suiancc cam�Y ca�A is d�es�eby suttwr�zed and direc�W madcs paymea�i for _:.,a�__-�-
<br /> :� sucm loss dfirectly w Leader.instead of to Bolmwe�and to LenGer jaindy.All or any part of the iasur�ce pmceeds maY � �--
<br /> � . � :.3 be ap�lied by Lendea,at its apti�on,either(a)to the reduaion of the indebtcdaess uader tbe Note and tiils Secanrity ` '
<br /> •,�'. � Iastrnment,fust m anyr d$liuqaeaitaAw�mLg agptied in the ordea in paragisph 3.artd thea to piepaymeat of psinctpal.or - , -v
<br /> � . � :,.:��: (b)w the restatanian or r+e�ir of the damaged ProPmty►-AnY ePDlic�an of tha praceedv tv the lninc�pal sba11 not extead ,--�
<br /> . .. f ar postpone th�e dne date of the mo�lilY Paym�ts whicD are refeaned to ia paiagarapL 2,os drange the amoont of sacl� . -:
<br /> . ',.... over an amount:equir�ed w pay aIl o�nding indebredaess aader tha Note
<br /> ,�,� �.�� paymeats.Any exce�s insittaace pmceeds � � • __�
<br /> ,� . and tLis Seauity lnsuumeatshall be paid to tbe entity legally eatitl�thaeou. .-- =��:
<br /> �� 't : tn the event of fonxlosare of this 5ecarlty Inswm�t or athe,r nansfer of title w the Pmperty that exfmguishes the �� �^_=.
<br />- . . . . ' r � uidebtedness.atl righ�6tIe and intecest of Boirowet in and m iosarance policIes in force s4�aU pass w the purc�assea. ` _ ; �� "'
<br /> 5.Orcapa^c9,Presesvation,MainL�ance ead Protedton o8 the Propert9i Barrawes's�an AppHeattnn; _—_-
<br /> � ' ' Lcase6olds. Borrowes sbaU occupy,establ�►,and ase the Roperty ag Barmwea's princ�pal�de�sn with�sixty days —
<br /> � � ai�r i�e exe�cation of this 3ecauity Ins�raateat(or withm�cty days af a tatrd sate or�nsfea of the Proparty)and sha1D . �:
<br /> : . . • condnae to oc�,vpY the Ptopen�►as Boirower's yrmc's�II�sideance for at teast ane year after the date of aaapancy, ' ,.J:;
<br /> , ,. .��� anIess L�Psa QeUe�m�nes that requtteanent will cavse undue hardship for Bosrow�,ar uatess exreauanmg ciratmstances _
<br /> ' exist which�6eyond Bosiowet's conue3.Bolmwer shali nodfy Lendea af any extenuating cacomstanres.Bomnwer _ ---
<br /> shall not commit waste or destmy.damage or sabstandalty change the Piroyeny or allow fhe pirogeRy to det,�iorate. �
<br /> . . reasanable wear�d tear e�cce�ted.I.endea may inspect the Property if the Praperty is vacant or abaredonc,A or the loan is �, � ' .
<br /> ' . , . ' in defautt Lender may ra�e reasonab2e acdon w psotect and pre,setve such vacant or.abandaned Pc�perty.. '� _� ,
<br /> L . � .. ` � ' . ...
<br /> . • (�4R(NE)tssoa�.o� Paga9o10 ,y. Ifdt ! c t ; . ..
<br /> t
<br /> . .. . . .
<br />; .
<br /> .-. • ,
<br /> . . ,
<br />-- • • ._.,.-_._..._._. -�..� ��. ._..._.._.._..._..,�,.� . .
<br /> • . . � . ' � . . n.. ' . . ' ' �. _ ' .1: .. � ' . , ' . .' . .� .
<br />_ ' • . .. , • _. _� � . . :. . . . . , , ' . �. ' .. ,� � . . .` � _ .
<br /> . , . . _ . _ . .. .. . � . . _ _
<br /> . .
<br /> ,_ . . . _ .
<br /> _. .. ' ___'_.._...._ __. .. . . . - . � ..
<br /> ._'-._�.�- _ .—" . _. . _ .... _ . . ... _ '-'.__ _ - _.-_-__ .—..— _ - _._ — _ '__--__- ._.._ ____ ._
<br /> �'_'—'_ ___ __ ——_ . _-._ -. . _ . ... .. ._ _��.—.�__ » .. . '
<br />. i , . ' . � .. � . . ' .. � ' ' ..�....�'--..+'^-_'#�-n--�.�' �°r---�--'�� . � .
<br /> -- .- - v --•�+-'--.. . ..- '�' ...___'�..�..n:.6 . .�. z.:'y=�.�:�w...=e-,,. _s .�_a•, ��.... ... .. ,i... .-�t.- . . . _ �. . . �s._. �ti.;,.h- .. _ .� tv __ii4.�:•:.f?h,. . _ � -� - ,
<br />