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<br /> , , , CITY OF (�RAIID ISI+t1bID. HALL COU13'1'Y. NSFIRASRA .;..< �{�°. �-
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<br /> �. F.� by tius Secariiy Ins�meul.Ali of ti�foregoing i�¢r�emeti to iu this Seciaity Inswmeat as tLe"Pmpesty° . - ,"g_,_ _
<br /> � BORROWEit COVSNANTS that Bauawer Ls Iawfiilly se�zed of the es�ie heaebY�anveYed aad tsas dte rigt►t w , .,.:<?':; ''�'=--'"+"`
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<br />- � , � . 1.p�ymen4 of Prtncipa�,Interesl and d.�te CNaasga Bomnwer shall pay wh�u due the prmcipai of,and iateaesc ���--
<br /> . �� � p � , �. _._.
<br /> • . ' ' � pn.the de6t evtdanced by the Nate and late chazBes dne under the Note. �
<br /> �.Rrdo�t�ty Payment o9 T�xe9,Insurance and Other Chsrge�.Soirowea sball inctude in eacb monthly payateat, ,�,._:, y--
<br /> � . and inteaest a�set f o i t b i n t he N o t e a n d a n y l a t e c h a r g e s.a s u m for(a)mxes and s p e�a t �._, .-__ -
<br /> tngethet cvIth the pmtc�pat �:�,;:
<br /> cpa
<br />- � � , .. a5sessme�nss tevic�or to be Ievled against the Pmpe,rty►,(b)lessehold paymenta or gro u a d s�nts os�t he P c�a F e rt Y.m W(c) .,-;._
<br /> .: � pmuilums far lasuiance recinired uadra Par�aPh 4. In eay Y�in which the Lender musi paY a mart�age ms�uence � .'�=„-,. "--
<br />'-�: �. ' , pse�iu�n tQ the S�r of Housing and Urban Development("Searetary'�.or in any year in which sach prednium ';�;�; --
<br /> aantd have been requireA if Lenda st�l held the S�rity Insuamea�eacb maatflIy yayment shalt aLso inclnde ea�hea:(y . � -
<br /> a som fw the a�moal tnottgage ias�uauce prernium w be pai9 by Leatder w the Seaetaty,ot Ctt�a mo�Y charge instead 'S , ,.�.
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<br /> � �� 1 �� oi a mantpge iasmrauce Prcmium if this Sec�uiry lnsuume�t is Ge1d by the 5eQetary,n a:easnnsble atttrnmt w be �. _ -
<br /> . . Qetem�ed by the Secm.tffiy. E�ccepi for the monthty ct�ge by the Secre�ry.these items�called"Es�mw items"�d . ` :
<br /> , . the sums paid w Lender ete c�lllled"Fsaow Fuads.° �- ct� �� _ .
<br /> . � � Lendra mal+,at et►y dme,collect and hoid amour�for Fscrow Items in an ag�egate atnount aa$ou exceed the � _
<br /> � . , ', • ��'' .. . �
<br /> ' : .�,,.. . mmdmum amount that may be required for Bonower's esaow accouat undea the Real P.state Setlietnent Ftocedives Ast � ,
<br /> � �. � � of 1474�12 US.C.Ser�an 2601 er aeq.and img2ementing regulations�24 CFR Parc 35ab,as�t�ey may be amended �
<br /> ` ' � � � from dme ta ti[ne("ltESPA").except that the cashion or reseave perrniued by RESPA fur m�mifcipated disb�aseaneats -
<br /> m . _
<br /> . �� or disburEements befare the Barrowe�'s payments are ava�able in the accuunt may not be based a.n.amo�ts dae for the � • .
<br /> , � moitgage u�svrance p�emium. ' '
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