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<br /> '-� Sh$U 113V6 thC IIght[O IIi�ifjl.�Of I�IAffiC the Q7tL4�g IP�SC9 aIId LO CxCCaLC IIC�ri IC8SQ3,m I�IIdP!'S Sb1C ��^'_`
<br /> . . �._.;. dLSLZCCOfl.AS QSC�DI tbt3 p3[�(Spb Gs th@ wOld°ItdS6"BhBll pl�'dA°Stl?DICaSC°If th8 SCL�1y In3fi�lCIIt 1S O1!8 {°, �'
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<br /> $`. ' �. ICaSC�O�. . , .' '`:
<br /> . � f ` H. ASSYGPiMEAiT OF R�1�iT�i APPOII�R9LI�PP OF Y�F1VFdt; a.IDVDER IIV PO�ESSIOIdi. •� �``4:= f- �
<br /> . Boiraw�absoiut�y and�mo�ditiatmIIy a�gns and�sfas 6n I�d�aII th�re�and reveunes(°Rents�af t�e �-':�-�
<br /> � .. � • �"',,�':. � Property,re�of tn whom d�e Re.ats of the P,ropaiS►�e Payable.Haaowar�I,ercdes ar Lender's ' ��_�-�'==
<br /> • . " �to coIlect the Remts.and agrees that�fi�nant af the PmpeEty s�aU pay the Rants Do Leader or Le,nd�'s . ... : _-
<br /> ag�b.HnwevPa,Barmw�shaU reoeive�e Reats u�h I.ead�a Im4 given Boimwa nati�of de+.Fmmttp�suant tn '_ - ---
<br /> .� " p�h 21 af die S�r Insuame,ut an�fn�I,endea 6as giv�notice w ihe tenant(s)that the R�are to be :,�`::::��-
<br /> . �l to L�aider ar Iradea's ag�t 'j'dis asssg�eat of Reats cons�mte.s � afssnlar�a�signm�t artd not an -
<br /> • a�,gnmeni for addrtiflnal s�it�►anl�►. -
<br /> 4 . . If Lender gives nadce of bcea�t►to Bo�ow�(�alt Rents received 6y Bamawer shall be IIeld by Baaowea as _
<br /> ;-� ,:`�, . tra�ee far tfle 6enefit of i+�des onlq.w be appfied to the smns secaaed by the Seauiry Ins�uamr�fii�1�der shall -�
<br /> . ,..� � � 6e e�6tled w coIIoct�d t�ceive atl of the Re�ts of tfle Progeaty:Cm")Bmrower�ees tbat eas��aat of dte •. ��:.:_= '.
<br /> . •:: � phorpe�ty sball pay all ReAtS due aad�pai¢tu I.endea or Latda's ag�ts apnn�der's writt�deatand to itte " _ -
<br /> � ,�.� fenanx(h►)unless aPPU��+P��otl�eawlse.ail Rmta callected by l�cad�a ar L�der's agents shaA be _
<br /> app9ieA fusE oa ti�e casts of mking canuN oPand managing the Pcapcaty�d coIIecmag t�e Rents,iaclnding,but Qot ;
<br /> '�s:� l�.ite�tn,atmmeys'fces,receivea's fees.premiums on receiver's bonds.ieyair aad m�cost�m�ce �'. _
<br /> `� +`� �.,� p�mms�mxes.a�ents aad orhea charges oa tt�e Piopercy.aad th�to the smns sec�aed by the Sec�it�r -- — -
<br /> - -.:r,: Ins�u�nenx(v�I�ead�r,l.a►der's ageuts ar aaS►3udi�ialiY ap�ointed:ooeives st�all be tia6l�to a�oa�mtfor only tho�..e _ -----
<br /> . .,;�` Re.nts acuially recelveA;and(v��I.e�d�shaU be ea�titted w dave a recelvPa agpoi�d w m9re po�essiun of esd :-��:;_�
<br /> manage ttie Rapeaty and collect the Rwis ead profits deaived from tha Fmpeaty ww�&out any sUwwing as to tt�e . ;;:,�;�;_
<br /> � ��1�l+of the Pio�tyr as secArity. ''•:�� i--
<br /> � :. ' �; If the B�of the Prapeny are nat suKZCieut ou cnv�the casts of takiag control of and managtng the �'-�•
<br /> � � Propeny and of coll.ecdng the Rc�ts�y f�ds expeaded by LeAQa fnr sucb purposes shaU h�rame�debtednesg of "'`'°•___ -
<br />,;� . - _
<br /> . ��� , : Boaow�w LQnder secured by the Secarity Instrume�t puasuant to Uniform Cov�az►t 7. •';�;�;';"'��
<br /> �, � Bmruwei re�eats and wanants thai Bornawer 6as noi ex�ated any prior assignmea�t of the Ren�v and has .�,� �.�
<br /> a �m�
<br />_ . . ,.,- . - � noa ana an'D not perfonn aay aa @iat aroutd prevencLead�from exeaas�ing its rigtus aadea this para�aph. . ��:,. ----
<br /> � � �`�.i Lea►dea,or Lender's age�ts or a jadicialty.appn�nted rereivea.shaU imt be reqoaed to e�nter a�n.�a&e cantrol �'- --- -
<br />= � . , ; �� of or maintain the pmpatyr be�are oi aftra g�vb�g aotice of defaalt w Borrower. Nov�evea,I.endea,or Lendea's >.;�°�,�:�-_=
<br /> � - �`-;��_
<br /> . .� agentv or a 3II��Y SPPoint�d receivea,may do so at any tisne ahen a d�fanit ocaus.Any appHcanon of Reats � .:
<br /> . � sha11 not ciue ur waive any d�fault or invatidate any ot6er right os semedy of Lendex'Ibis asaigmn�t of Remts af • .�'-'''
<br /> _•; � :-�.'`,�, _
<br />_ ° .�. ti: the Prageny shall teaminate when all the sams sec�ed by the SesArit}►Instrumeant are paid'm full. � ;�,�`-.:�'=�'.:
<br />- . � �CROS��Ek+AULT PROaILSION. Bormwea's defaulc or breach undca any note or agrecment in . ;;�r;=�� . .
<br /> � . ` ° : whicb Lendea bas an fnterest sUaaT!be a breach�dea the Se�uity Insltmnent aad Lender may invoke any of the ��. ;�
<br /> ri
<br /> _ � � ; re�ea���uEa by�o s�cy►r��r. . � . : �,
<br /> • .: j.� HY 5IGNIN(3 HffiA�V.Borrowes a�epts aad agrees�o the te�ms and psovisons�ntau�ed in tbis 1�Fam�y
<br /> . ; � - - " --
<br /> — . ' � ( r � • � � ...—
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<br /> (S� u �71�, �� (Sea� `� .
<br /> .. . • .'. .. $EiNNSTT R MtJRPHY JR -Borrowet �ZTIi A MURP�Y .Borrower � '-4'',
<br /> • • ts� �S� . ' .: . .
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