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<br /> �` T,E�S 1�FAIVID.Y YtIDER Ls made this 17TH day of laOV�ffi8R � ,aad is' �'`
<br /> - . . `�.` incospaaated i�to and shaU ba de�emed tu am�►d aad supp2emeat the Mor[gage.D�d of'f7�ust ar Seauity Deed(ti�e ,�.� _�
<br /> of tbe same date en by the undeisi�ed(the°Basaarea")W sea�e Boimwe:'s Nots tv .. �'
<br /> ' °Secmtity Inswmenl'� 8►�+ 4 � '����'
<br /> ; . ° ,, "`,�;_
<br />_ . _ `��' .. . _—
<br /> .. { .. ' ...—
<br /> i.'s� „ � -. _ .: � HOMS FSDSRAL SAVIDIGS � I�OAN ASSOCIATION OP CiRJ�ND ISLAND ;�`y.'�; ,:�..'"_"�
<br /> , . .;. , (the"L6ndet� _-
<br />:� . .:� - � � ��'
<br /> � ��` of the same date and coveaing the Pmp�ty des�ed in the Sz�ity Inswment and toCated a� `"`." .._..
<br /> .. . � � �.� -
<br />' � " 2309 S S�'ObLSY PARR RD • �� ;:� �.——
<br /> � (iftADID ISLADID, N�RASHA 68801 :� ��.
<br /> . ..� N •Y:
<br /> � • - (PcaPertY Addteasl ` ' r:
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<br />. . .--�� 1�4 FANllLY COVF.r1ANT3. In ad@itiot►to t�e coveaanis actd e�em�ts qnaiie ia the S�+Ins�um�►t, -
<br /> • _ . . -_'' � B�o��e,r aad Leuda further oove�ant and agcee�s foliow� . .' ` -
<br /> .. � . .,,.:;G<�. pioperiy de�bed ia We Seaaity lnstrame��t}�foIIowiug items ar�added w the PmPeatY d�ption.en�shall ' 4...,�.�� ___��
<br /> ' "�; atso consamre ace P+rupacy cave�ed by che s�Cyr 1nso�amea�t bw7d�s��P�aud goods of evay _ •.,:�.�.
<br /> :r, ,1. i!��_--
<br /> ,, :.._ . naAnre wbat5oeve�r now or h�r located in.on,or�sed.or intende�tn be used�n cannectian�v�b the Ptopezty. -,::r. ,�L�
<br /> - � . .. imGladi�g,but aot limited m.t&ose for the purposes of supP#yin�ar distn'budag fl�ting.cQOlmB+e�Cit�4 8�. . _; :�r��,
<br /> , . . °<<�� wa�r,air and light,6ce prevcaitian and eatittgaishin8 a�P�atus.security and aa�ess contml apparata�,Dlambmg, ;•�::,...4.-_-_—_�
<br /> '-�. , � ba9�mbs.water heaters.wate+r ctase�.s1�,rea8es.stavPS.m.fidg�atois.dishwashers.disposaLg.washcas.drYeas� ���-
<br /> � -
<br /> �` � °'�}: a w a i n g s.smrm wmdows.stana doors.saec�s.blinds.si�ades,c�s and cutt�n mds.ausched mhmrs.c�binets: �'-'".��-i'. _
<br /> '` Pdneyli�g and aitached flaor oovzr�gs now or hae�ter at�ched tn the Pivperty,�all of wbich, inc�IudinB .�• --
<br /> � replaoeme�and addi�ns thecem.sball be deemed to be aad�a,part of che Fmpe�ty coveaed by�he Securityr j ' -.,..a �--.
<br /> . . . Instrumea�t All of the fau�gomg ooge�h��rith the Pcopesty dsscn'bed in Ihe_S�cariry Insun�ment{ar the leasehold ,:�� ;,d.�,::
<br /> � '' . esr�re if the�Sec�rinr �nstnnm�t is on a l�tsehot�are ref�red [u in t�is 1-4 Famity Rlder aad the Se�it�t
<br />':. . ., . � � Iasi�meat as the�mpeaty." � ` -_-
<br />_.�•"• . . '`•; t0 Ot.meke a �`�'a:.
<br /> � ' � B.IJSE O�PROPEltTY;COMPLIANCE�VYI`�LAW. Bormwea shaU not seeds, agree _. _ ....��
<br /> . change in the ose of the Pmp�aty ar irs zor�ng classifrc�don.w�Iess Le�der das ag�ed in wrldng w the change. ��;=,;-':�' -
<br /> ' .�:�
<br /> . . • ` Bomnwer sbaII comply with all laws. ordinances. regaiations and requkeanents of euy gavcrnmental bodY --- e-y�
<br /> . • '. p` app}ic�ble to the Pmperiy. �...
<br /> �• i'� '.} � . C.St1BOL4�IIVATE LIENS. Exce�t as permiued by f�eral taw.Boirowec shall not altow any t�ea iafeaiar —_
<br /> . -
<br /> ' ;. w the Sec�ity Insdnme�t w 6e peafe�ted aSainst ttte Prope�tyr arithout Leadet's prior wriuen pean�issioa ----
<br /> � � . �.. D.REI�TPP LOSS ID�iSURANCE. Borcowea sLall Ynaintaia insur�ce against re�t Loss in addidan w the other - �__
<br /> 4 :��� � i'; hazards for whic6 ms�nce is reqaired by Uniform Coveaant 5. � . . , �,'�:,-
<br /> ���..' �= E."SOffiOL�'S RIGIIiT TO IiEIIVSTA�'E°11ELET�D Uaif0lu!COVClta11L 18 is dt'dCteQ. � .,�� ' _
<br /> � . ,,,. ---
<br /> , , F.��HROWEA'S OCCiJPANCY. IJntess Lea�da aad Boaowe,r atheiwise agree m writin8, the �rst . � ..
<br /> .'� sentcmce in Uniform Covenant 6 conc,esNng Bonowes's accupancy of the Pmpeaty ls deleted. AU mmaining . , r�..�`°�'.;
<br /> . � . . ,. . , .'� . . . ., .
<br /> coveaants and agrcemeaus set farth in Uaiform Coven�ut 6 shall remain 9n effeq. �,Y,
<br /> . ,r;, . . ..
<br /> � � MULTIBTATE 1-4 FA�AtLY AIDEN-Fanoto tDao�Fraddle E�ao Unitort»Instrumont Form 8170 8/93 �
<br /> ' ` . . ';�,� , P�gotot2
<br /> . .� ' �-5710304).01 VMP MORTQAQE FOHM9•(800I521•7281 Inhlata: , ,
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