T }.�.��s�r _ . , - _ . _ .
<br /> ' � .�"�+}3'. . -.. ; , . r t S
<br /> ,.. ..
<br /> z . ... .... ` i3-_..w:_: s.�•_�.. _ . .,.� .c,�; .:_._ ,_ c...c.,. '._�— ....n. sc., �c'_�-_��._ i,.
<br /> cn.N �-. _: . „
<br /> `. t� . ' _' ' c. - - _ J- - , _ _ . - -. - F <_ __ _
<br /> _Y `
<br /> ;r .� ..�_, t � 4 •1 1 �-.
<br /> .� `. � � � I - 2 .`r- 1 t � � F Z� ..t ; -;. ( �. �a; .
<br /> � �.��_ . . � �4= " �} (�. _L - l 6't` !i"� rt.
<br /> ;F ' - < �" _ t. .� . �_r. .. . �
<br /> }t �.T�.wt-a�^.� �• � t ��� �L��� . ��,,4 ..
<br /> . � ,�,�} 18. BorroweP� Rtght to RetnaY�t�. ir eorm,wer mases cer�n conet�ons. ecrrower snan nmr� a�e �S to n�re `f : '
<br /> cato�mn$nt ot Nis SQCUrAy Instrument�eanttnueb at any ttme prtor to the earUer ct(a)6 days ta�e�ah a��►O�d�°�P��
<br /> ` m n
<br /> , � �c.. � !�y tngy Sp�t�r tor reU�statameM)betar8 sata of the Propenyr Aursuen!to any pow8r ai sata cnrtffi6ta�dp tttis�rRY tnsh�►�� ` , .' , < �`
<br /> � ,r,�`k`:.`. ," ' . (D)entry at a I�QB►nGnt entoRing th�S'..eur31/tnstrument Those cnrtd3tonY are thai 0orroti�sr:taj�t,�s��•+�g vfitel�tt�s _ :
<br /> , •'� �� ` ::"tt wautd be Oue undssr tbis S¢eur�5► Inatrument aseG tRe Note as �na acoetetattan hae necuae� t�)�s �► �tt of�ry affisr •:.r'':-t.`.`4<i,;, .
<br /> , ti�:``��c:" eo++c�+ant cr aB��ents: (c)OaYS eD e�cpanaes (nc�ured In ontort�+►9 this Secu��y►tnsuument,int4adin9.but na!6e35d t0.esa8ana8b
<br /> „ � ". . - ettoc�eys'tees:anQ(d)talces such acUon es LsnQsr may reasonaDty requtre to assure that th0�en of tlds�Y Inatrrt�L LEnd�sfs
<br /> � rghts tn the Property end @ortowefe ob�attcn to pay tAe sums s�ured tY this Sea�Y�nstrummsstit eha�eanti�unct�8. UDan �,-� ��� .
<br /> • ` nstra
<br /> `_'` °:::.,_-�.,.., • c
<br /> <'' " rein9t8teinent by BortOwOr.thts Sseur37l InsWment end Ns eDt�aYtons secured hsrebY SABQ remffir►(U4�f�es B eo eC�
<br /> ..� . . hi7. . :. -
<br /> ' IiaQ aaeumjd. Ha�vaver�thfa dgnt to�et�s�ffi sha�no4 epDhl��e�e ot s�ailon undsr O�D
<br /> �.'`f 19. Sate ot Note:Change of Lo�n ge�cer. TAB Note a�a Ds� �� ��a Note(to8�th�►w8� �� •:`;,���,:"�".'�.
<br /> .: �.,��". Nstrument)maY be SoiA one or cnore�nss wafiout Ddo�natkce to gorrawer.A sate may rasuR�a chanDe�tha ad85►(Imov ,
<br /> a
<br /> : .G� .. . 'I:osn Satvtcefl thst caRects monNN pal�fs due unQer tha Nota an6 thTS S�r3Y InstrurttBnL Thste atso msY be on3 at mCtD ..
<br /> :�
<br /> ._� '
<br /> _- ,.
<br /> e �;:. changes ot the Leann Servtcer unratate0 to e sat�ot tn0 Note. tt tA�a ts a�rt8�ot tAS l�oar�S2rvker.6o�rowct wn ba BAr�f s-= —.-_
<br /> �
<br /> <: no4Je9 at t�o ehang9 tn eeeordanee w�A paragraph 14 aboua and eAPQCaba taw. The rtattce w(D sffiOi t�e name ena eddres9 of fHe -
<br /> `. _ e6+rr Loan S�vker end the address to wAicb payments shantd be made. Tha rtotice vrID etso eontabi efil�fitonn�tan�0quhed E1/ • .y.,�.•.: �
<br /> . ' � � : '=� ` nDDaceDta�w.
<br /> . { ' , ��-;. .. �. :_:•. � Et. ,.�.�
<br /> . 20. Maz�rdous SuOttt�nce8. 8arrower BhaO not eause or permD ttio Prese�ce.uss.dtsvossab storas+�.or r�tease os ar►y ;. J .
<br /> HSTBtd0u9 bLbsffit�C�S On or In the PtOpfRy Bonov+et sha9 not do.nor a�ow arryone etse to do.enyM�s9 a�0��� ' } ,: `�
<br /> . .. ' , '�' is {n ytctaUpn of sny Environmental Law. 'itie precedfig two se�t�cas sha9 not apDN to the p�ce.use� or stosage on tha . _
<br /> ize0 to be apPro9r�te to nartnel restdent�l uses end to `�`•r'�..,� .-�
<br /> , � ;. Prppe�ty ot smaU quantates of FtardrQous Substances that ere SeneraRy recoBn , � 1�.
<br /> _ , , matrrtenance of tAe Property. � s � =
<br /> Bmrower shall Pramptry give tender wntten noUcs of enY investiBaUon.c�rn.�eman0.��S ot other�CtFan ay SnY So�� �
<br /> • � or tegu(atory egency or prtvate paRy tnvoMng the Property and any Hardrdous Subsmnce or Env�onmarttal t,aov Ot whicN Bosro«'ar hes , .�.r
<br /> gCh�sl kttpwtgdge, If 8ortower teams.or Ls aot�'iert by any govemmental or cegul8tory suthordy.that enY��at oth�remediBfiDQ _;`•<<,...
<br /> pS eny HamrQous Substence af[ecNng the Proyerty is necessery. Bocrower shaD prompty mke a0 neCassary �dial ecUona tr► . ----
<br /> . .. � ` ECeotdanCe wBh Envhonmentel Law.
<br /> . � ��,(. As use0 tn this parag►aDh 20� 'ka�dous S1iDstences' ara t�ose substances defined as to�tc or hs�rQoua subsfenCes by 1`... . --
<br /> - Ersvtron�nenla!Law end the touow6�g substanCes:gasol'me,kerosene.other flarimiable or Lox�Petroteum praduots.tox1�P�tiCMas end -
<br /> . .. `•�,.• .• ttetbbides.volatRa saNents.mater(a1s containtng asbestos or formaTdehyde.ertd radioattive mater(ei9. As usAd I�f t�ts P4�h.20, . ,:`- ___
<br /> � 'EnvBOnmentAl Law' means feQeral Fav+s end faws of the Iu�LSQJCtton where the ProPetty► IS lucated tl�a!r9�W h88Ah.sde'tf► Ct T.��.
<br />- . -:—°•
<br /> � � envtronmenml protecHon. • ' . —
<br /> • NOS�WNIFOFL'UI.COVENANTS. BOrtower 8ttd Lender fuRher Covartant end 89tse 8S fOUows: <.; ��`=
<br /> � � � � • , 21. Acce[e�atlon; Remedies. Lender shall give aottee ta Borrower prior t� eccetere4lon fotlOv+t�t� ,_,�.�a..���_
<br /> � • Borrower's bresch oi eny �venant or agreemen4 in this Secutity Mstrument (but� �eo4_�rio ta —
<br /> � acce9eration unde� paragraph 19 untess applicabte [aw provides otheiwiss?• '[i�e no�ce�t��e�tM �`�� `—"
<br /> � ` (a)the Aefaut� (b)t1�e actton requtred to cure the detautt; (c)a date. not [ess th�nn 30 dsyA t�otn the . -.,:..-
<br /> • . yA
<br /> �� ` �,� �r� date the nottce is given to BoRawer,by whtcb 9he default must De c�ered:a�8 (d)t�tta�hu'e to�urs ':`` �'.--
<br />_-.: ��; :�;�.-
<br /> ti�e detanit o� ar beio�e the da4e s�ecifled te� the nottce may Pes�i1 t�e 8�eeleret3on at fhe aums .
<br /> � � secured by thto Security Instrument end sale o4 tne P+ro�le�tY. Ttta natice ahsll tu� tntorm ��=��^ ��
<br /> _,`��7��,
<br /> � �� Borrower ot the right to reinstate �fter acceleratton end the right to bring e couet ectIon to ssaaet 9�te __
<br /> � �� non�xlstence ot a c9efautt or any other defense o4 BoRCwer 4o acceteratlon�d �e. If th�defe�it la :�
<br /> .1�.�� not cured o� or betore the d�te s�ecifled in the nottce, Lende� et tts optton may requUe tmmedl�e
<br /> �, .� ,�`� payment in tuil oi a1i sums secure0 by this Security In�umen4 without Yur�'a�..r �4emaotd ea�� �ttayi . __ Y
<br /> invoke the.power ot sate and �ny�other remedtes pe�mitted by eppltcabte tav�. Lender �l�11 be :,; ��
<br /> � • entttled to collect afl expensea incurred In pursuing the �emedies provtded tn 4hle pasagra�h 21. ��,�' � _
<br /> ` ,,',.; inctudirt�, but not timited to.reasonable attorneys'tees and costs o4 titte evtdence. ,- � ,;�
<br /> " If tAe power ot sate is invoked, Trustee shaQ record a aotice of defeutt in e�c h coun 4 y in ��4�t c➢� ;,:`, : �,
<br /> °� � • any part of the Property ta tocated and shatl mail.copies o4 sucb nettco fn the manner�resordbed by ��•:�,:, Y�
<br /> . . .eF`. , r,.. .. .>.
<br /> • • a�pilcabte law to Borrovve� and to the othe� persorts prescribed by apppcabte law. Atter the time ��.�,,:�.:,,:
<br /> 7.:,r.';-•
<br /> requtred by appUcab[e iaw,Y►ustee s ha l l g ive pu b l i c n o 4 i c e o i s a i e t o t h e p e r s o n s a s d t�t h e m a n n e r _-.�
<br /> �.t . prescribed by apSUeabfe taw. Trustee. without demand on Borrower, shatl seil the .Property et Public
<br /> - auction w the �lgheat btdder at the time end place an d un der t he te r m s d e a 1 g n a t e d l a� t h e n a 4 i c�►ot
<br /> _ one ea4e of ail� �. :�--Y
<br /> � sate in one or more par�ets ans in arry order Trustee determines. Trustee may postp - . y.
<br /> � '�` � oP any parcei o� the Property by public ennouncement at 4he tlme antl pt�r� of any proviousty �! _
<br /> . .- .t _
<br /> • scheduled sale. Lende� or its desTgnee may purchase the Property at erry eate. __
<br /> _.. . Upan recelpt of payment o4 3h� price bid, T�wstee shatl deliver to the purcha�er Trustee'e deed - ,. .
<br /> -`�� ` � ", , conveying�the Praperty. The reciteta In the Trustee'e deed shail be�Orlma iacte evi�Penee of ttt� truth ,..::,,�,.:"
<br /> .,� �' . � , ot the statements made theretn. Trustee ahall appty the proceeds of the s�te t�the toltov+ing�t o4 � �. �
<br /> • � � ` (a)to all costs and expenses of exerctsing the power of sate, and the sate, including Ute paym �
<br /> � " tPie Tsustee's tees actualty tneurred.not ta exceed 3 °�o!the princ[pa1 emoun4 of 4t�e n�te ;.
<br /> at ti�e ttme oi the dectarailon of de9autt, and reasona4�te attorney's te�s aa permitted by taw; (by tQ all -;. � _
<br /> ' - � � � � sums secured by thia Security InstrumeM; ana (c) any exc e s s t o t n s p e�s o n o r p e r s o n s t e g a t t y . ; .
<br />-;r ' . :� . . � enUtted to it � � �
<br /> :.�',:� . .' 22.Reeonveyanee. Upon payment ot all sums secured by tt►is Secur�y instrumen�Lender shall request Trosteo to reoanvo/ �
<br /> • the P�operty end ahail surrender this Securiry Instrument an0 all noles evidencing debt seCUred by thts SaCUr$y Instrument t0 TNStae.
<br /> "� Trustee Shall recomrey the Propeny w�hout warranty and wkhout�harge to the person or persons fegatty entft�d to R. SuCh peison o� „
<br />-���'�� . persons shall pay any recorQation costs.
<br /> ::` _ .. . .
<br /> ��' � 23.Sutastitute Trustee. Lender. at ns op�ion, may from tUr+e ro tune remove Truste9 ar:Q eIIDofnt e Successot buStE11B to � `'.
<br /> " � . any Trustee appoh�ted hereunder by an instrument recorded in the cc;:r,� in whtch th"s Seeurny i�s^vment is reCarded W�hGUY �
<br /> � „ � conveyance of tne Property,successor wsiee shatl succeeO to al1 the tdte. power and ct:�s conterred upon Truste0 hersin end bf►
<br />= aADlcebte Isw. ... .
<br /> 24. Request tor Noti�ea. 8orcower requests that coples o1 the notices of Qefau�end sete be sent to Borrowefe BdQte3s
<br />_��� - . whiCh is t�e PtoOerty Addre55. '
<br />_ �. � � 25.Riders to this Security Instrument. if one or more dders are executed by Bortc�aor artd reCOrCea togethat wftA � •: .
<br /> . � - thts SeCUrily Insttument,the covenants t1n0 agreements of each such ridor shall be ineorporatod into end Sh80 Amend and SuppbmOnt
<br /> ' . � tAe covanants and agreements oi this Secur'dy instrument as if the rider(s)were a part ot this Seeurity Instrumsrit .
<br /> �,: .. •
<br /> . Fo�m ao2a alao . •
<br /> � � ,�. � . . - F70t9.1M0(�0l97) Vaps 4 0l S . .
<br />.- .. " _ _ � ,� e'I - :.. .
<br /> �--�- .a a.n,, r- -C'Tfi_
<br /> .-�....+_-��;�.�� 'T '.' 1� . g -
<br /> ....�.� .�3��" �t_ ..L � ... •. � . ._... . .-. . . . . . ... . ........ . . . . -.._ ..v . _ . . , �..., .... .-. _ �.. �. --...-....
<br />