�.^ -Y...� z. "_ �lii�.:.. - ��. �-t. �:.C`, •_-r°:li�';`�c°'` ._.r..�.�.zw. Y� °r"-7 e:°*'� �. .�
<br /> � ._ , . _ . _ r . ._
<br /> _. ...__..�. — . � - t_., —� -.��' �.- __ — __ _,s'. - - -. --�r -- `- -� . ,,
<br /> . 2 Sw r � - > f F
<br /> . �.� -� ��. -� R _ • ; .0 � '•,
<br /> , �„.. F f ,� �_ f � � .� ! ,� . ,_ Z .c ` � a,}. �`�c'�-
<br /> c t•
<br /> ='�FF'' .•`titi� .a i� ' ' _��2 ..1.:�� os £ '��t _i c -.G"F.- _�o r . y_ r.." ' ' �4 ' ;� �' a< S n.r .
<br /> - � r. '4�� N�.:.:-.e £.�.�„� - . . , n ,
<br /> :c "y,� . . � 4t
<br /> �•��. z.� ' - ' ��A ������ . �.
<br /> ��•�`<'<: ':` `-'��•`�� �.�ctio�o!1.en6er'a i�3ghts tr�ghe Prope�. u eorrowe. rac3 eo p�tonn n�a covcnarto cne e� _ �
<br /> `' '��` aene�neo h t1�ts s�ur�r tnstn,men��r tnaro La e bgat vsocesd�n9 U�at maSr s�1�tA►ef�st I�d�o����''ev�4►ta�n as .;'�r:
<br /> �.. 4� ,�
<br /> °�.,':4':, :'. ,, a Arae¢:�tn bankruP�Y.O�ata.tor eond�mattion or t�Aeftur�ar to er�torco��are er�rgut�tiona�,th�n t6n�ntall�D end�it tar �:x..,�
<br /> ,' r,;�:,:�;, •`:' Yfi�E3(ISCSSS8f1►t0 Oi0teC1 th9 v89t9 O[itlB PtODB�lI EUtO L68def8 t�41Dt8 61 fh@ PtO��Ay. LrPJl�e eCtIQi18 tlt�t�Q°�. p�� ":.� f�_
<br /> " _ Esny sutns sc-�ured by a Gan which has�r�y aver tht�Seaur�y►ln�trumenl,sppearPng N aaur�9aY�8 2ssans0��a�s31a f:�eed •;�,. ..:
<br /> �`�•t:�<..r `� entering an the RroAeriY to mak�wPaira. ACAOngh LenAer maY ffiice actton artd3rlR�S paraBrsPQ T.Len�d0es not have t0 do 80. . �.�•
<br /> • 4, , � ` ` �t,: Ar�Y emounb disbutsed by lender tuibmr Mi3 P�9�Dh 7 shBD becoma add�Tanei dabt o�Barta�t�tsed Of► t4tb Se�ur�Y
<br /> - , , tnsbumsnt Un�ss BoROwer and 6ercd8r a8rea to oU►e► tmms af payrr�en� tt►�se emowts sfla0 �:.f �ter�s4 bam tRO �t° 0�
<br /> � � �^ . d�bursemsnt at the N�►te rate and sha0 be OsYebie.w@h tnteresL aAOn not�ce trom Lender to Boirower raRaastng OaY�ti -
<br /> ���'`��.`��' �. �„`� � �. [�tortgage tnsur�nee. it t�enrier�e�Ued mortg�6a tnsuranc�as a eand9lan ot maktn9 tRs�a�t s�eu�bIi thts Se�u3ff -t_',�
<br /> �_ :: �,°? � Instruinet►b BoaovrEUU shall PaY the premhuns ceA�+tred to maintatn the�mortgaga tnr�►runeo in Gf[�L (�tar ary reaa0�,tha m�"B9 .- :.� `.
<br /> '�,•.�•�`•.� � .
<br /> tpsuranes coverqqa requGed by lende►Iapses or ceeses to be tn ettect.Borrnwer sAaD pay tAo premh�rtls tBaN�ed to ob4i9�Ca�rE�.9 ,
<br /> ;' ,��� substsntt�ty equtva�r►t ro tha mortgage insurance prs�rtousry(n effeet.at a east substentt�ttY E4�Ara�t to tlto eost to Borros,r�'x of!hs ;� ���.,
<br /> L t ,;�',� �nortgage Nsurancs are,�ri�ausy tn e'E�r.rrom an ertornsce martgag�i�,u�r,pa�br�d� �i euDst�r�attlr�utvat�nt mnRg� , -`
<br /> tnsuranes ccveraSa (s not avaitaD2a. Sartovrar shaD paY to GanGar eseb month a eum eauual to one�tf� ot th9 y�trH mo� '
<br /> ` � insurance pcemium b�ng pa18 tiy Borcower+utien the.1 nsurance c m r e i a g e t a p s e d a r�a$s e d t o ba M eff�t. l�dar w�1 e�L�s�►d `
<br />' • ; , ` •,•. tnsiuence. i.ass reserve pallments msy no (onger tre�equir�Q.�tM ��:=.`.
<br /> , :�� � t , ee�in these poYmertts as a toss resetve�s Ra�e o!mortgage
<br /> � •�r` <` ,,� :� eptiron of tender, if mortgage tnsurance caveraSe M tAe emount snd Por the period that t�mrt�sr raquII�eal Omv�sa by e» fnsunar _ ''�
<br /> ° 8�ed to maDntatn moRaag� wr
<br /> `..•,. � :� �. ¢pproved by Lender agatn becomes avaQabie �d ts ob�tnea Borrowsr sRaD pay ths prem�ms �aQu .4:
<br /> •�. 1`�° ,w� fnsurance(n eNect. or to provtde a toss rese�ve. untU the requUemant Por mortgage hsurancs ends tn eQeendartc�wBA,enY� t °
<br /> . ��� 'egreement between Bartcvrer end Lender or appQesbta!aw � Y,�°,.
<br /> � 9.Inspecuot►. tenQer or �Ts�agent may make reasonaDt9 eriVies nAan and tnsp�ctinns af th9 PtOpert�f. L�tQ�t BhiB ON9 �
<br /> •N� '
<br /> [E. _`n�
<br /> . .•�.;`F Bmrovrer nottce ef fhe tune of ur prtor to er�6upectian spec8ytng reasonabta cause,far the 6►sDecfian. �
<br /> . . 10.Condemnation. The,procceds ot eny award or claim tor damages. d�Ct or conse$uentt� in earmecllon wH� �ri► �-
<br /> • � t a ri o t t h e P a o e ri y or tor cnmr e y a nce fn Geu ot con�innatian.ere Qet�Y assigned and'shxG ba �`�_��
<br /> � condemAaUon or other mktng o sny p A . � --
<br /> f paid to I.enQa� .
<br /> . . tn tlts event of�total takmg ot thA Froperty. the pra.�ds sh3U 6e appGed to M0 sums SeCUreO Ey MFat S�t Usetntm�R � ,,_°'
<br /> r� ` , ` : � whether ar no!then due,w�t►any excess D�d to Barrower. tn tDe event ni a parttal taktn9 of N9 Propsrt�/kt whtch tlts feU rtt� `r_;.;=
<br /> .,,i, � x,ri•�., vatue of the PropertY immadfatety.DatorO the taking is equal to or greater Men tha emount of�tl�e swt�s SeCUred by 8t13�8eeutIh► . �- ."'
<br /> .� .., • InstrumeM immedtatetY hetore the tatcln@.untess'9orrower an0 Lender othenivisa agrea tn mBtn9.the sur�Sectuo0 bY � _ -
<br /> � �.;�" instrument sha6 be �educed hy tde amourn ot the procesds muftfpltsd by the foSfowing traction:(a)thB toffi3 emntatt oT t[�e sutrt8 � : :'
<br /> _. ._ _ >:.'�;;:�; .
<br /> s�ured bnmed'ateN befcre the taking, dMdeO bY(b)the�a►r martcet vatua of the Property tmmedt�bD�Y Defore the tok�tg.AnY ba!ant� %:
<br /> stiail ba Pal�d to Borrovier. In the evant of a partfai mkmg of the Property tn which tRe taU msrket vai�e oi tAe Rrop6Ay hm�4�te�Y �
<br /> ,. .. , ... t a
<br /> c.� ,,�.-, , • ..' • bebre the taking is tess than the amaunt ot the sums secured Urimediatety betOre the taktng. unisss Borravrer end 16nde►Ottt�wtse F�;
<br />....ni!:�..p�., .,.,.��.....:..�.:. . ��:_ '
<br /> - flgres Fn mfting or untess appGCebte taw otherwtse pravides. the proceeds SAaD ba�yp0ed to fAe 8ums�!►Y tht�S�sau3y
<br /> � ' MsL�umant whether ot�ot the sums ere then due. �A
<br /> �:�.
<br /> ' It thB�Aarty is ebaaEoned by 8orrower.or H.after notice by lender to Bortower tt+at ths eondsnu�ar atf�s to tnaks•Qn ee�'aTd ot ���
<br /> • �• • ,^; . sett�e c,t2'.m fror dameges.Borrower f8iis W cespand to t.endet wRhfi 3a days after the date it[e not�C9�gN�t.L�det is e�easizEO �""-°'
<br /> , .t.� �,:�:...
<br /> 1 : " to�of6eC!end epply the ProCeeds.at Rs opdon.eBA�ta restoiattan or repak of tt�e P�oDenY or to tho sums ascured Dy fhtG&6�atrBy► ^_
<br /> ;,.,. : ' . � ' tnstrument,wAether or not then due. -
<br /> ti.,,`�`.', ....�... ,,�� , �,,�..
<br /> � Untess Lender and Borrower ather�nrtss a�ee tn wfiting.anY eDA�auon ot procseds to prtr�c6�al 8ha6J not e�0 or postpona thp �---
<br /> :.�' • ' Que Qate of trte monthy payments reteaed ta�O�S�Phs 1 and 2 ar ehanga tha amount ot such p2yfiertts.
<br /> ����-�
<br /> .. � .. - Tt.Borrower Not peleased:��orbearance By Lee�de�Not a W�tver. �s a� �0 e�a �� DaY�� ar .
<br /> �� . modHtcat�on ot emortizatton ot the sums secur8d by this Secur3y tnsUUment grented by LenEer to erty svCCGSSar In 61te�ASt ot 8�3wet [�`Y�':
<br /> `' � ' s�a0�not Operate t� refease the liab�'ity of the original8orrower or BarrowePs sucxessor�s.tr�tnterest isndttr at�afl not b�taqui�od to ��:__
<br /> � � � cCrnmence proceeOtngS againsi anY successor In interest or retuse to extend time tor payment ar othetwiss mad�y emortt�tf0n ot the �,___._�-
<br /> . sums sacurad by tnis SecurByr Insuument by ceason of any deman� made by the originai Bortower ot BorraH�s Successore h � __
<br /> .y �, . IntgregL Any forbaarance by Lender�n e�cercising eny rtgAt or remedy sha0 not be a wahrer ot ar prec5�da tAo exeriCise ot�ry��f •"
<br /> ' . �,�.,`
<br /> 9.�:..�,y.� . ,�� �'. �Bii19Q�, .�_:,._..
<br /> �� � � � � = 12.5nccessors and Assigns Bound; Jotnt and Severai Liab99�; C�slge�era Ths covenants and � . ,�
<br />.:t.. .. . � . . ���
<br /> . . 8g�82ments of this. 3ecuse.y tnstrument shall bind,end benefit the BuCCe53ors ent�&sstgne Of L6tldet F�t�tl 80t rtoEt,8u0j9Ct t0 tha �.-_�;�
<br />��� ':- ,•�:- ..�: .� provl;TOns ot paragra�b 1T. Bortowe�s covenants end e�eements ShaII be jotnt end several. Arty 8artower wfio Coasigns tp(s 8ecu�Y
<br /> L.• : ,� tnsuument �ut daes not ezecute the Note: (9) is casigning tnis 8ecurSy insuument ony to mortgagv, 8�ar►t, Md can+�BY that �-�"'�.
<br /> s. �v._':
<br /> Bartawefs interest tn the Froperty unCer�he tarms ot this SecurRy(nstrument;(b)Is aot personaVy obi�ated to pay!ha sums seeure8 R.-;
<br /> � � �• � '. by thts Secufity Insttumar:k and (c) agrees that LenCer an0 eny other BoROwer may ag�ee to b�m�e. modHy.torbeat or meka emf ���'_;_
<br /> acCOmmodation9 wfth regard to terms of tbis Securtty tnstrument or the Note wdhout that 6artovir�s Con38nL � ,�."'-
<br /> � .' � ,.� . 93.loan Chargea If the toen seCUred by t`s Securtiy (nstrument is subjeCt to e faw wtdCA SOts mttxtmum toE1n Ch8[g93„ . ��_:_
<br /> .�! �. � • and that�vi is flnaity interpreted,so that the tnterest or other loan charges coltected or to be col:9Cted N cormeCUOn wRh 4?es�an
<br /> <'.r. , � � exceeA ttto pertnitti9d funns,then; (a)any such loan charges sAaU be raduc80 by the amount necessery to reduG9 th9 eABBa�'tha '
<br /> ,;° ' � • . •` permfKed 13nit;and(D)anY sums atready colfected irom Borrower whlcA exceeded permftteC I7eKs+r+ID bo wfurtQaO to 8o�ravret LCnd� .
<br /> � . may choose tv meke tAis �etund by reQuctng ths prir.cipat owed under the Note Ot by melcirt9�etdUeCt P��t�t0��B�a�w� ,11 a •
<br /> � ' � �etund�e�ces prina�pab the ceducNon w�l Oe treated as a pa�tlal prepayment wnhout eny prepaYm o�tuga
<br /> 4:� �• . 14. NOliE@8. My notice to 9ocrower Orovlde0 Por in this Secufrty InsWment shap bo g1Yen by de41rer4�g D Or by trtaCa�g R by
<br />' �t fust etass ma1 unlass appUcabte law �:�es use o1 enother method. 1'Ne notiCg sh&D bB dfl�ected t0 the Proy�ty AQ�reS9 Gt BnY
<br /> L:.. OthQ�flddt63S BOROv/0►dOSig�iSieS F.y t'.qtiC9 t0 Le�IQei. My rrotice to Lendsr shaA be gkan by ftrst ctesa ms8 W Lendefe aQ�a . -
<br /> � � ' • state0 hereTn or any ott�e�.address LenQB►destgnates by notke to BoROwer. Arry�aoticrl proviQea tor In t�ts S6curQyt instrument ShaB .
<br /> :�� �� be deemeC to have�ee^given to BoROVror or LenQa wr3�en gNen as provided h t�:�peragrapP�• :
<br /> ��' '� � � 15. Governing l.aw; Severability. Tt�is. �ecurrty lnswment s�an �e e�mee by teQe,rat t�r� �a the �sv� at u,s
<br /> `�.�• . � • • jurisdtctton in which the Property is tocated. tn fhe event�that any provision or ctause ot tiib SCCUrity tnstrumGnl or ttre Not9 CotiTlcts .
<br /> � �� wSt�eppGcaDte law. such confi'�ct shall not effect other provisions ci this Secufity Instr�ment ot the Noto whlah Ca�t 69 plu�7 affDCt
<br /> . � �ithout the contf,cting provision. To thig end the provisions of thb Secufrty Instrument ertd th�Note ere QeCIet�Bd t0 De EEr►Cmb�9. :
<br /> �., • ., 16. Borrower's Copy. Bonower shall ba gtven ane contormad coAY of.the Note end o1 this&eCUfily Instrum9nL .
<br /> ;�'��� , 9T.Tr�nster oq�he Praperty or a 8enet�ciaf Interest in Borrower. u an ar amr vart ot ene Property ar anr
<br /> • � � interest in N is sotd or uansterted(or i}a bonetictal interest ln Bonower is sotd or Vansferted end Borcovrer ts not e natural persohj
<br />' � � • V�Rhaut tendePs prlor written consent.LenCer may.et its opt#on,requ've ImmaOtate paymsnlln tuli o!All Sutr�s sacurEtd by th13&eCWdY
<br /> • � Ingtrument. However,this opGon shall not 6a exercised by Lender H e�cercise is prohmfted by taderat lavr as of the date ot tht3 Sc�urdyl.
<br /> : ���.. . � . • - • InsWmen� _.
<br /> �?`• . (}l8nder exefCisAS thig option, Lsnder sha0 gtvs Bortower notice ot ecceleration. Tho noUce shafl proWQo a p�to0 01 not�ss
<br /> •,;�• .
<br /> � • • than 30 days from the data the nof�ee is deUrered or matled withtn whleh the Bortowei must pay efl surt�s seCUted by tttls Secut�f►
<br /> � Instrument. if Borrower tails to pay these sums�rior to the enpirallon ot this period,Lender may Y►voke any remedG3s OB1m9te0 by thf3
<br /> � '' � • SeCuritY Instrument wiNout fuAher nottce or demand on 8onowet. Form 2o2a¢/so
<br /> ..�. ' . aaa.a of s ,
<br /> . ft023.1M0�t0l8%)
<br />."..q. '� . - ..
<br /> .• . 8/2
<br /> . ' . . _ .. . . ��..i _. __—_—_
<br /> ..,....rr+1. H .�. . .. �
<br /> . . . . .. ..• . �.
<br /> .
<br /> . .
<br /> 1' . . .' :'.....'._.._.'_ �.. .._ ' •: l'._ .•".`....... . . . .... . ..? .... ." .. .... .. '_'. '.'�.-' ._ _ . _ _ .... ___ . .. _. ... _._.... _ ..__.. _'t:
<br />- _ _.. . � ..._ ... __...._ _.. ..... ....... .. ...
<br />