, r .. : . . ;� �: �
<br /> •
<br /> ,. ,�_ ._ . •. . . . ,t .t - ��' :�� ��` -r
<br /> .. ... .�.,. �
<br /> .. u�k. —� . _ , ' _ _'. — _ .. __ _ . ..4=' l.� j � �
<br /> . `, ' ( ' ` 4_ ��..lis. � `4 . �-. h '^.- i t .
<br /> " :_��" �l.l i• - �i`F.t' ti � C fi_. � (';.. -t�S ` . � - � - -l� .Fa� .
<br /> �. ' �� �O�. ,� .:. . . .. .. a. ._ aI�"f C G•
<br /> - �T n�5._ . � 9� ����4� . ��� `° r
<br /> �:5. ' �r` . . � , ,c.. � :as
<br /> `.�f ..._f.L:_ � � ' K -L:=`""•:
<br /> ` or aa inte�st ia it �
<br /> 17.T�ans�er o8 ttae�or fl Benefictat Ia�t�t in�rrower. If allt or any P�wu�'iseno�t aenatural�tsoa)attho�t �•<
<br /> � • is so2d o:uansfee�ed(ar if a bene cial inter�t in Borrower is'sold or transfeated�d B t in ft�11 of afl sums s�:ured by this
<br />-_ ` r.. ': Lender's prioT wiluen consent. 1.endec maY• ai ita optioa. � t�����rohibited hy federal laa as uf the date . . `t` : '
<br /> . . °•`f�� Securiry Insnument.Ho�vever,this option shatl not be exetcise��y L�ea,der P `•`,`.:�, �t:;:',`
<br />' .� ,. � of tLis Securlly Iasttnment• �`���•��
<br /> . `<<�- • � c��." If Lender exerc'sses t6is opHon..Lender snati gice Sarro6ver notisc of.ucceleradon.'f�e natice shall Pmvi�e a pertod of no� �� ;.�
<br /> '� less than 30 daya fraia the�ate the�t�ce is deUve�ed ar mailed ar(thia whtch Borrowes must pay �Il svms secured by this , `:'
<br /> � '. Seauity fust�ment.If BorroNCr fails to pay these suas pdor to-the expiration of this periad.Lender may Invake a�y remedies �` :;.�'�'...� ,';
<br />_ . • , '�..��. gedaitted b7+this S�uci Iagtrument wIthnut£tu4her aotice oz dsmaad on Bortower. . :,.-�xk� ,`.��.,•�:'
<br /> . . t$. Bos�wce�"s to �te. If Borrower meets cectain wadirEoas, Borrower shall have the rigrit to have
<br /> . , t of this Se��Insuament disoonttnue�ai aay time prior w the earlier of: ie)5 days(or sush uther P i�On ttns '� _
<br /> •. ' enforcemen tY >
<br /> , ` licab3e law may specify fo: teinstatemsnt) befon sale of the Pmperty puzs�ant to aay Power of sate contained , , .
<br /> � a� �. ��ty I��t;or.(b)e�trS►of a judgment enfordng tb3s Seauity(asxumeat.'tlsose condiuons arc d�at Bom►wer:(a)P�Ys � v, ,
<br /> ��`4� ` ` Lender aU sums which then wm�ld be due under tflis Secarity tnstr�me�and the Note as If IIo�B 1�!occuued;(b)
<br /> _ � .: .,
<br /> incuried in eafaicing this Security,Iasuamcnt, < " -
<br /> � `� � ` caues aay default of any other coveaaats or agceements:(c)PaYs a11 exgens�. > ' �
<br /> L S;
<br /> " '` `' R` ' mcinding,but not l i n n i t e d w,reaso n a b 2 e a a o m e y s' f e e s;a n d(d)t a k e s such asuon as Leader maY reasonahly reqwre w assvre
<br /> ,s ` ' d18i�h2 lieA of this SeattILy Insitllment.•Leader's rigl'ts in the PropertY and Boaower's obligation to pay the sums secur�d by ��
<br /> • - this SecuritY i�tzu�en+ s�ait caaanut �� UP� �t � Baaower. tins Sec�uiry Insuument and the �, � _T, :_
<br /> tu .
<br /> .` ` obligations secured her�by shall r�main fu]ly effective as if IIA acceterat�on had accumd. However.thia dght w reimstate sbaU ;� _��-,
<br />�, s".� ' ` ` aat agply ia the case of aceet�ration under paragraph 17. � ` ti _,_i�
<br /> . � ' `.°(. . 19. Sate oY Not� CbaIIge oP I.uaa S�cer.The Note or a p�inteiest in the Note(wSether witb t6is S�curity
<br /> � Instrumeat)m2�Y be sold o�or more times avithaut prior notice to Bosawer.A sale mag result ia a chaonge ia the entitY(�� _-'--'=.;r_
<br /> . '`�?� as the'Loan S�rvicer")that aolteas monthly paymeats due under the Note and tbis Secunty Insoromen�'Ihere atso may 6e oae T.:,��-r�,
<br /> ,`�t .�,; or more changes of the Loau SeYVicer anreta2e�to a saIe of the Nete.If thete is a cbange of the Loan SErvicer,S�rrower will be =_
<br /> . . . . .. given wriuen aotioe of the cbange in accordauce cvitb patagraFa 14 above an8 applicable law.The notice wU state the naffic an� `�' _�
<br /> shauld be made.The notice wili also co�aia any other •�`.��•, —
<br /> ' . �:.,: a d d r e s s a f t h e n e w L fl a a Servicer and tiie address w whi�Fayments . ��
<br /> ;, . '< infornration required hY aPPli�able laar. .. . .
<br /> ,ase, osai, swrage, or release af aay "''� '
<br /> •:., .., : . Z0. B�aa�dous Su6stences.Bnrrowes shall mot cause or permit the preseIICe dLsP �ge �:'�...'., '���;_��--
<br /> '�; �r;�: Ha�rdous Substaaces on or ia the Pmperty. Bormwer shall nai do, nor a1Iow anyoae else w da,aayc�saB ��S --
<br /> 3 �-°,�... pmgeriy thac is in violas�on of a�+�Law.T1�e preceding caro sentences shall aqtapply w s�ie presense,use.or � -
<br /> , ' . storage on the Property of small qu�tities o�Ha7ardous Substaaces thaz are genetaliy recog�nized ta�e appropriate m nomial , . . _---
<br /> ' '` msictenpat uses and w mamtenaace of the Proper4y. �,.��,- �
<br /> � � ' :: Borrower shall,pmmptty�ive I.eader writcen norice of aay invesagadon,claim,demand,lawsait or other aaion bY�Y - --
<br /> a
<br /> . ��'�.., � , govemmental or regutatory age�cy+or private party involving the PropertY and aay Hazar�ons Substance or Ea �� C ,�.;.
<br /> �._.::... :�:�.�' .',�:::..._ � of which HaaowPr has acNal Imowledge.If Borrower leazns.or is notified by�y govetnmental or regalatory + : :.;_�;
<br /> ,. . ` . a�r remavai or at�er remediffiioa of any Hazardous Substance affe�xing tBe Property is necessary,Borsower'sball gr�mptlY take , - '_
<br /> . . � . a l l n e c e s s s e m e d i a l a c d o n s i n a c c a r d a n c e w i t b E n i v i r a n m e n t a l Law. . : �:�"��
<br /> � �, As�ed in s6is pa�h?A; "Hazardau$S�bs�"are[hose substanses defiaed as tcs�.ar I�a r doua s a b s t a a c e s.b y °
<br /> � �� . � F a►vironmental Law and the fallowing snbstancesi gasoline, keroseae, other flammable or fous geuoleam pmdnqs, toxic '�=�..
<br /> .• .:,�. : .. .
<br /> �:�,�;• •• ., ,' des ancl herbicides,vo2an7e solvents,materials can t a i n i ng As b e s ros or f o r m a?d 8 h y d e,a a d r a d i o a c a v e ra�t e r t a l s.A s u§e d'm ?°��-_—
<br /> � :;:��: ` '�.� •;.:��:� �� �,t _. _ -_
<br /> . �P��Fh'�, 'Envimnmental Law"means federal laws and Iaws of the�sdicaion whe�the Ymp�ertY is lacated that -
<br /> . . ' relate to health.safetY or environmsn t a l pm t e c t ion. ' . -=---
<br /> ' � � ��y+.� NON-UPiIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further cuvenaat and agree as follqws: � ~.�-�_-�-
<br /> ' � Zl.AcceIeratio�ni Remedieg.Lendes s6all give nqt[ce W Bflrmwer prfnr W aqceQeratton Poltowtug Bormwer's�.�r.b "
<br /> �. � . of any covenant or agcee�eat in ti�s SaearIty Insd�eat N�ao4 prtop to acecler�►Hon under paragr�Ph 17 aia3exs� � '.-,�-.-:,�`:.-,:_�.
<br /> = • appScable taw provades otherwtse).T6e nott�e s�+ spe�ii�'% (a)the defaWt;(b)the adioa r�red t�wre tY�e defa�at�; ..� � _ �
<br /> .. .,�.:.;:' ' - (c)a date,not tess Wan 3�days frnm the date the�otloe Is gtven M Borrower,bq wbicts tDe default muurstt be cmred;and ��,�1 =;_,��_
<br /> „ . . (�that faQtue to care Rhe defantt oa or 6efore the d�te sped�l� IP�e nottce m2►y�t ia acceler�[on of the sa�s ��^:. �,�b
<br /> a
<br /> . ' secasea hy this 3�ritY Ia�rument and.sale oY the Property. The ua�ce sball twt�er faform Honnwer of tiie ri,�ht to . --
<br /> red�tate after acreterattan and the_rig6t to bring a cuurt acttoa to assert the aou exts4eace o8 a d�fanIt or any uther "'� ;�>_-
<br /> � :;• ' de�euse of$orrower to ac�eterattoa and sale.U t�e defanit ig not ctue�on or be�ore the date sperified in the adttce� . ,_�_.
<br /> ' � '. • � H�der. at its ogtion.c�y re4ui�'e immediate ya3�meat in full of aU sa�s s� by ihls Se�rlty Icshuraent wlttiuut ��:.:..._ -
<br /> �_•;,:;i,.��.� �.,: '. ,;. €artber desnand and may j nvo ke t he power o i s a l e a n d a a y o t h e r r e�e d I e�s p r a m t t t e d b q�� i�nelu��.b dcr�b�e � ---.
<br /> � - ' �- entttled�c�tiect aII expenses inc�re�in pursnqng the remedtes provtded tn t6Ls Pais�aP �+ -; ---
<br /> . ,-,t..` � to,reaso.:�7e attoraeys'fers and costs of S8e e�idence. '•�� -
<br /> - ',i:`a"°`�� �f tbe power of sate is invo�e�,T�slee sHaU recor0 a Qotice of defanit in eac6 co�mty in which enY part oi tha .u. . , _ _
<br /> �,.: . ProDc+�tY is tmrated and st�all mail oopies of suc6 aottce in the ma�er psescrIbed by applicable!aw to Borrawer gnd to �y;�,,;;:_
<br /> ; ° , . the othec persans pres s c r i b e d bq ap�l ica 6 le i aw.A f ter t h e t i m e r e q a i r e d b q a p p l i c a bte iaw,7Yustee e1�B g i ve pu5ltc nuUse
<br /> r
<br /> - � oY s�ale to the peisoas and tn the maaner pressrlbed by appllcabte law.'I'rustee,w[t�oni demand oa�rower,e1aa11 se11 -
<br /> . $
<br /> t�e Fropw4y at publle sudion to t�e ldghest 6idder at the time antl pface an8 under the terms destg�sa3e�10 the no3tce oY -
<br /> �±tt �. . st�Ie in one or�ore parceis and tn anp order Trustee detetimtne�.Tn�stee may pnstpone sale o�all or any parcei of the .;,;��.•.`
<br /> I
<br /> � �P�Y bY P�uc anno�ncement�t the tlme and ptace of any previou4ly scheduled sale.Lcader�r its deslga��ay ' :,,,'.. ..: .�
<br /> . purchase ths Property at any sale. ';�. .
<br /> �::; _ .. �o�,soaa s�so - ': � �
<br /> ..:� .
<br /> ��, . ,_ ' ��88(NEIt�t��.o� oape8ote wuan:y�l�(�.�� .
<br /> •�.
<br /> �r', . , . . . . , .. .
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<br /> i:, . . • ' •. : ' • .. • � ' .
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