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<br /> '`� � paymeats triay ac 2onger be�equired.at the option af�.endet.if monrage insurance cavcsage('m t�e amount an�!for the}i�riod' , �:r
<br /> °�.,.r..,�.�� .,.�: that l.�ader recluires)PrOn►id�t by an insuter appmaed bY Irender ag�n becomes available and is obtained.Boaower sha11 paY
<br /> a
<br /> � � � the remiums.�tck mah�tain mortgage it�smm�cc�ia effecs.ur w pmvide a tass ces�ve,�att�the teqniret�t far morsgage -
<br /> � insura.rs�eads ia aocordaaoe with aay w�uea agc¢e�eat betniaen Bosrawer xnd Leader or applicable la�r. .
<br /> �',�' ,. . ;`� � 9,�n.sp�On.Leader ar tts a�ent may ma�e reasoaable e�}uies sapon and inspectians of the Ptuperty. Iender shalt glvc � , ' ..
<br /> '� � �`t�sr BoYmwer notice at ths ti�ae of or prlor w�i�specdon speciFyIng reas�nabie c�use for the inspzcdon. . . �
<br /> �, . M , .
<br /> . � ,t: ��" !0.Con3�nation.'l4ie prac�ds of aay award or ctaim for damages.dir�t or aonsequ�auiaf,in coaaecdcn wlth a�► -- ,
<br /> : � , oo�de�a�un or o�er taldng of auy�art oY the�operty.or for conveyanc�ia licu of oaademnatloa are hereby mssigned and - -
<br /> .�`4. '. . • . `
<br /> � : . STlflii b8��id IO I.CadCt. . . .
<br /> ��� �.��� � in ths evcnt of a wtal takiag o![he Property.the proceeds sha11 be applied to the auras€ecured by this 5ecurIry(nsau�t+ ' � ,
<br /> �,.��"''``:.;L � �vhether or aot th�n due,with any excesa pa�d to Horrower.tn the event af a partial taking ot the Pmperty in which tve fair
<br /> a `
<br /> r =�= martcet value of the�erty immediatetY 6e€a�re tue tat�ng is egua]w os greater thap the aia�una of the sums sec�sred by this ,
<br /> - S�ry Instnuiient immYdiateiY befoie the taking,aAIess Borrawer and i.ender othetwise agcee ia wdtiag,tfle suffis s�bY � A
<br /> � dus Secutity Insuume�t shati 6e rednced by the azno�mt of t�e proceeds mntt�plied by the�ollowIng'$atxioa: Ca)the`w� -
<br /> " � uuma t
<br /> ,F�.':' . avnCUnt og the sn�s sec:ured i m m e d i a t e ly b e fo�t h e t a k i n g,d i v i d e d b Y(b)t h e f a i r u�a s k e t w a l u e o f t h e P r a p e rt Y i�a e d i a t et Y r
<br /> '� . begora ttte talda .A�y batanse sbali bx paid to Borrower. Ut the event of a partial taking of th�e�ropectY ln wiuch'the fair �_ _:`
<br /> �` f�. � °;`.';�. market valu�of the Prapeny�ly befoie the�ng is tess tlraa che amount of the s�sms sec.ured imm�Aiately befoce the .-
<br />-- � ,... . : ;:.E�� taE�ng+�mless Botmwer and Ixnder othenvise agree in writing or unless aPPlicab3e law otherwise provWes,�tfle proce�ds shati ., �r.
<br /> . �t'' be apglied to the sams s�by.tbis Security Instrament whether or nut the sums ate thea due. ��` -`:
<br />- � ' If the Praperty is abandoaed by Boirower,ar if,after notire by Leader to Bomnwer that the condemnar ofPeas tb atake an � �_ _
<br /> .�..,:;
<br /> aWard or setde a claim for da�ages.Eoisower fa�s w res�oa3 w I�ndec witt�ia 30 day�oRer t6e date tha n�ce�gi� ,: .
<br /> its o either to reswtation os air of the Propetty �o �'�``
<br /> � � Lendes is author3�d to collect and apply the prooeeds.at� uPt� �, . -•`
<br /> ` ` I�eat,whether or uot t hen d u e. .h s.
<br /> � `F �� � . ..: ', g����� stiall nnt extend ar ,;: -.`
<br /> � `'y • -'`�` t T z�l less I,eader aud Bormwer otherwise agree in writing, anY $PFlic�tioa of proceeds to principal i ll j~
<br /> E wts
<br /> °, " postponb the due Qate of the moatl�Iy payments referred to in p�agrapl�s 1 and 2 or c�aage t h e amaunt o f s�p a y m e n t s• , �� ;.°-
<br /> � � i1.Bon+nwer Not Reteased;Fo=bearanee By Leader PIot a Wafver.F.xtension of the wne for payazent or mndific�rion [
<br />_ .. _..._�:`�.:.� , [�—'!-
<br /> � ° .4 ti.� • of amortiratioa of the sums seaurd by t�►is�Secutiry tnsuument granted by Lender to aaY sac�sor m interest of Sorrawer shalt� - ---
<br /> .. . ;:: . � aot apczate w release the liability of tiie original Bo:mwer or Boimwer's sacressors in interesc.Lender sshaall not be required to. • .
<br /> ';:� `.,-; ° . commence pror�eding,s against anY successor in iaterest or refuse to extend time for payment or ott�a�ise modify amrlrtir.�nion �::.,�
<br /> � : of the swns sec�ued by this Security TnsaumeIIt BS+ reasoa of a�► demaad made by tlie origimal Sottower or.Boiroaer's '.�_,_.
<br />- - .._ .__. ;��:.! � , sac�ssars ia interest. Any forbeazance by I�nder�ia exetcising aaY ABht ar remedy eha]I not be a waiven af or pre,ctude'the „�`-
<br /> e�rcise of any right or rera�y. � � � , ��.
<br /> 12.�Successars and Asslgt�s Bo��aoi�and Seeeral Ua6ititg; Ca�Jgt►eQS.The covenaats and agreemeats of this ,
<br /> ' � Sewrity �nstrament shall bind a�beaefit the successors and asslgns of L�nder an@ Sorrower �subject to the pmY1sioas of. '
<br /> ' �x,"
<br /> -::� .��. ��: :�..�.:''::, P��Pb 11.Barrawer's coveaants and agreements shall be joint and seveaal. Any Borrower who co-signs this SecuritY .. �.1�;
<br /> enQ conv t1�at
<br /> ,' " � Insu�meIIt but does nat execate the Note: (a) is co-slguing this,Seauiry Instrament oniy w mortga�e.grant eY. . •
<br /> ' Bomower's laterest in the Froperty�r the cerms of this Securiry I�osuaoment;(b)is not�peisonaily ablfigated to pary the sflms
<br /> s�d by this Security Insuument;�d(c)agrces that I.ender and any other Bormvver ma�r agrze to extend,modify,forbear or ��-�
<br />_ m�ke any accommndations wttb r�gazd to the terms of this S�curity Insm�mens os the Note without that Borrower's consent. � ��_�
<br />-, i `: - i3.Laan Charges.If t�e toaa secu�ed by this Securiry Insmiment is subjea co a Iaw which se,tsa maximum loau cBarges, , ��.,...
<br /> • and t�at law is finally intetpreted�so that the interest or other toan charges colteaed or w be collectetl ht conneetion with t�e -;
<br /> . .- , ��' . loaa exc�the permitted limita,then: <a)anl+sucb toan charge shall he reduced by the amount nec�sary to reduce the c�arge �";�_:
<br /> .. �. � to the peimitted limit; and(b)aay sums already collected from�irrawer which exc�eded geimitted limits will be refunded to �y`;.._
<br /> � •Eorrower. Lender maj c�oose to make this retUnd by reducing the princi�al owed uader the Note or by making a direct
<br /> ,. .• . ��.� pay�aent t� �fl�rowea. E�a refu�d re�uces prim:�.al, the r�ducdon vril} �Se�treated as a partial PrcPayment without aay . . _ -°_.
<br /> - � � � PreP�ent charge uader the Note.. � � =u°-
<br /> . ,..z:�:,= • �: 14.:latises.Any.notice to Bor,¢�rer provided fot in this s�cnrity Iastrument shall be�nc�n by�ivetivg it or by mailing . � �:�`�°.
<br />- ,`�';;: �'.. i i b y fir5t�ass mail unless a p plicak�taw reqoires use of aaother c�ethod.The not�ce shaU be directed to the Praperty A�Sress N-
<br /> � . ' or any oi6er address Borcower designates by notice w Lender. Any aotIce to LenQer shall be given lry fusc c]ass�ait to � ';::
<br /> - . � . Lender's addr�s�stated berein or any other addmss Lender desigaates hy r�r�to Botrower.Any notioe provlded for.in this
<br />'"'' � . " '� ' Security inattument shall be deemed 4o bave been given w Borrower or I.ea��br ahen given�pmvlded in this paragrFtph.
<br /> f�` � .. ' I5.�oveming a.aw; SevetabfUty. 7Y�is Securiry .lnstn�eat shalt be govemed by federaI 1aw and the la� of the ..
<br /> � �. . � _ ' � jurisdictic�in wbich the Property is�acated. In tae event that�..y pravisia�vr clanse of tfiis Security Insuvment or��Note . �
<br /> '�}.`: . . .. ,canflicts with appltcable law,suc�eonflict shaU not affect other provisions��ahis Set�u�ity Insuument or the Note which can be - -
<br /> ' , � � glvea effect without ttae conflicting provision.To this end the provisivas of t�is Security Instcumeat and the Note are declared , . �
<br /> ��'� , to be sevcaab2e. �
<br /> .� �' ' 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrm�er sball be given one co�ormed copy of the Note and of this Security Insttument.
<br /> . � � � . fom,ao2a s�so lC .
<br /> ,. ..� ' ��$R{HE)(9Z1t1.01 , Pago 4 of 8 mtaw:�li 1/�
<br />-hY . .
<br /> � -; .
<br /> � .
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