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<br /> � `. If the amounts held by Ir�tt�for Fssaow�e�ceed the aQtounts p�miu�tn be t�eW by RESPA.Ix�des shaU ` , . -_-
<br /> � .. he
<br /> � . aacount to Baarotiver far the exoess 15�nds sas rdquimd by RESPA. If the smcm►ts of fumd's held by I.eQder at�ny dme
<br /> ``-�^�'�, . are�t�topsy thaEsca�av Items crt�e t�.Lratd�t ma5►notify the Hrnmw�aud reqai�Bottowea t�make ap
<br /> : .. . the s�ge as p�d ts�,gF,SpA, -°K�:�
<br /> 'I�e Fscraw Ftmds�e pledg�as a�ibw�I se�it}►for a11 smns seaued by this Secariry ias�team� 1f Haimw� . .
<br /> ' iead�ts to Le�td�the fall p3yme,ni Of ell SII�h s�s�Bosawea's Socuunt S 6 a I!�Credited WitD Qhe I�alBase lemainlUB far , _.:.�'.r-..
<br /> ' �'~( ',. ��' aA ins�lnne�t items(a),N�sad i�)m�d a�Y�e��°ins�t 8�ai leadPr ha9 ttoi become •,, °�a_�
<br /> . _�, '`��'� F`. I+C�DIId 8A ��RTldS fD E01i8WR. �Y FA�� f_- r� `.
<br /> ,. <.l Q�l1�I�W pSy LDlI�$BQ�fy.BII$�S�pIOfA�dy Y W1tI18II �3�9ILCC `e }'
<br /> _-�;. '-,�"-. =-�'� a fos�cbas�ue sale of dte pmperty ar its asx�ai�on isy Iaade�.Bo�+�'s acmunt sts�ari be wr�ited Y ,- ., .
<br /> " t. s: __
<br /> �.�`.: r�mainiug forelliastalimeats farite�s(a).(b).and(c). .
<br /> �ma
<br /> . . � � �, 3.�ppficattan af�ymeaLv.AII FaYm�s and�'D�Phs I mtd 2 shaIIbe applied 6y IeudEr as faIlow� - <.
<br /> , " -`��` �,to t�e��s+�P�m�P�by i.e�de�ta the Seraeiary►os m the mamthly c�ge bY� '��#;._::
<br /> ,,�._ `� �.
<br /> � :..�< 3eccetary instead of the monrl�ty mortgage insmance F�emimn: ar mcd�ents,aad fae,Soad mid oth�s�rd ' =�n :
<br /> ,s; Second,ta sny t�ces:sPeaat ass�n�ts�.ieasehold Aaymenls $TO _ at�r:�.
<br /> ,.�` insuzanoe preminms.as�eqmae� ��
<br /> ��r;�., •,
<br /> t= �,tnint�estdueandfatheNote;, . :
<br /> ;: z.
<br />��..._' . _ . . ��aemnrtbatioaofthepr�nag�lofeT�Nc��d _ ' ,��w�
<br /> ��'� �,h,to?ate chasges dua m�der the Note. '."'
<br /> � " �h8th�t r��_�;
<br /> > ,� ` . A.F�r�s Ffoad attd�ther S�rdl Insura�ee.Borsawes a6a}1 insure all Im�roveaacnts on Lhe Prapect�, . -- _
<br /> inc2udirt fae�,,fa:which '
<br />_? � ;?��. ',���:; naw im existacce or subseqae,mty�d,ag�nst�Y���and oonlnig�cie9, $ .
<br />.�,. � � ,:; ��,y{��,1i�is ins�uanee shall be mainfame,d in the amount�aad for the p�iods that L�d�re�uires. _
<br /> ..: '� _ :.{, . . Bonowei sY�aIl aTso insiue alt imgmv�ems on 1he PtopeatS+.aP�ethshall be cauied witL c�ampanies spptuv�tsy'�t
<br /> ` lflss isy fluods W the extent r�bY the Se�e�rY.Atl�aace ed I.eudra. ' :
<br /> ',��i,: ' - ,,
<br /> ' 4 : 1he u�ance��d any re�ewais s4aII be h�td by LraWer and shaII inclnde tass payabls ctanses in favmr of.an� . ;
<br /> in$form asxeytable do.Leatder. � c �..-�T
<br /> " .�� f of tass ff not � °`"�- '
<br /> F �• � In�he eve�i of toss.Baaower sGaU pve Leuder immediate nat�cce By mail.i.ender maY mage Pmo . '. `,�-:
<br />_- � ���; e � � . ,. - '
<br /> - �P�mP�Y by Bamnwea.E�insurance c�mPanY cont�ted is keteby��and di�acted to make payment for ,�:,, :
<br /> - • . �� �� of the ins�nee graceeQs may -`�'�:::_;-_
<br /> ..� sncd loss dire�lly m I.ender,ins�ad of to Bor�wa and wLendea jpin@Y.Atl or any part �
<br /> .. ,s,r • be applle�by Leadra.al its a�iian,either(a)m tha rataaion of d►e indebtedue�andea.die Note and tbis Security � . .,
<br /> � an
<br /> "� : Instnune�t,fiiat m�iy delinq�nt amounts applied in the oidra in pasagcaph 3,aad tTtsa�m pre�paymr�t af Pffic�al,ai . _ -
<br /> - �.�°�>.�::��� � ,'•, 2�s�tion of thepmceedsco t6eprIndpal sbsll notextea�d , :
<br /> - , (0)w the=e�stasaiion oT xegai�Af the d�naged ProP�tv�Y�PA' =-�U,
<br /> �� .- .,. :� er pas�une the dne datc af the monthly paymeats which are re�er�td tn in pa�agraph 2,ar c�nge the amount of snch ..!�•.:-�•�.
<br /> . .`�'.:,• .�� I�S .==-._.11.�:-.
<br /> z paymeats.Any excess insmance pmceeds aver an�amaunt nqunred ro pa�aII autsmnd'm�indebtedaess undea the Note
<br /> _ . _ . . c and this Seran�ity Instrumeat si�aall be paid to d►e endry teplly entitted thrteto. . �.
<br /> . . r �. I ��
<br />- ':. .�:4 �n the event of faiecIosure of this SeauitY Insuumea�t or os�ea t�er af dtle W the FroFex�Y�exthngnishes the .: •,
<br /> . .�-: indebte��ess.aU rIgfit�titIe aatl iot�est of Bamower ia eaA co hu�an�e gnlictes m force shaal pass to the pua�haser.. �.;:,�:,:
<br /> � S.Occnyanc�,Prtssarvatton,Mainteaaace and�rotedioa ot tine AroDes/9:Bon'owes'$�Laan Appltmtcoa; , -� '
<br /> . .l.eas�mlds.•Bormwrs shall bccnPY,eslaDlish.ant�ase tha AropeatY as Baxcower'e principal resid..�nce within sbaY�Yg ' �
<br /> ..�, �.;
<br /> ,;�. , , .�_ afc�a the executiran of dus S�uity Insuvment(oT wit�in sixty days of a tater sale ar transfer af the PcopectY➢and sha11 . . �. ;
<br /> n
<br /> �::;:;'c_ r�._..., �nt�mue to occapY the Prope�as Borrowc�'s princtpal residenae for ai teast oae yzar aRes tlie Aate of aaupancY► '� ...%,cj'
<br /> .`� .`• � . m�lesg LatQea deteamines that req�reanent adD c�use andue hardshtp far Bormwer.or anless eatenua�8 cu�a�a� ;'.
<br /> - ? ' , . `��'' ' e�st which are beyond Borrow�'s wnuol.Barrowex shall notiPy Len�r of aay eatea�uating chcumstances.Barrowec ..
<br /> .` ���.r>r..
<br /> '� � � � � shall not com�it waste or deslroy.Oamage or substanda]ly change die�Irape*q+ar a IIow t he P r o p e l t y t o d e t c a�o r a t e. � :
<br /> !P • reamnable woar and tear excepted.Lender may insPect the Property if the Property is vr•cant or abandoned or the taan is �.; ;...
<br /> �;:. '-. ;: � tn defaul� Let�der rnay take.reasonable action w protect an d preserve sns b v a c�t o r a b an d o n e d P r o p e n y. ..
<br /> •.:. ' . .. . ..
<br /> r., .
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