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<br />, ' , of Boaowes's cov�is aud ag�mcros a�der this Sepuity Insuament and the Nate. F�os t�s puigose,Homowea .
<br /> ( �S � ..
<br /> � �`',.< < �ev�Iy gcant�mW canveys to the Tlmste��n orost.,wrt6 gowFr of sal�the follawmg de�'bed prnpeaty'Iocated in � -
<br /> , , o � . HAIrL p� Cp1l�ty,Ill�dgk8; `-�
<br /> . .. N8BI2�18RA ` __-
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<br /> � .,.. — . .e . . ._Ir�
<br /> '"; . .:i• . PfiiCh!!3�thB EddiCSS Of 1611 N H[TSTCN, GRPitQD ISLAI�ID . . V:' _
<br /> . .. " - NC1Jt�i91� 68803 [TapCode) ("PcOFeatY Adt�ie,Sg"j: E��"�.�']. .� .�'Y�,
<br /> = ,,�-.:;;.
<br /> . T ..�, r, �DGRFHBR WITH aU the im�mvemmta now or,hereaftea erected ou tt�e propa�, aud aIt easerueuts. . . � ��,
<br />- � � ; ; appmte�nces and�ues no�v or h�a part of the pmpeatY•AU�ceplacements and addido�ss shaII alsu be coverecf -;,�::;:.
<br />- bji dIL4 SCC�Ity�laS�ium�L AU OYthB f0I2gOiD$i3lCfP,R�d t0 iD$1L4 S�IIy�7r a4 ihB°PtdjM'dLy.° 1:��=.
<br /> . .{ . B{{?RROWER COVTr�ANTS tbat Bormwea is Iawfali seized of the estate tiereb � , ��,�,�
<br /> ,�. Y Y��Y�and has the right tQ �.�•,:'
<br /> t;. � . g�t aud caavcy t6e Ptir�.+�iky'and thai the A�opeaiy is unea�cnm6raed,except far enc�b�ances of recarA.Boaow� •f.�..�
<br /> - ;� wa�rants aad�+71 def�d eaeaaII the wte m the ; •'�"
<br /> . g Y RopenY��st aI!claims�d de�ands.sabject to any e�cambrances 9,.
<br /> _ _ .:,. . ofrecwsd. , , ';�F
<br />- ��; ' - TH[S SECURTfY Il�1SZTtUN�N'P cambiaes�n covenanta for nati'onal ase and nan-tmiform cov�cirith �,-�:-
<br /> � , . . 1lmioed wdrfatIons iry jurisdi�tion w constimse a vn�faresi�urity instrumant coveaing real prapeaty. . . . . ��
<br /> ` � . � .,k . ' Bortower and Leatdea cavenant and�e as f�llaws: ' . '�"
<br /> _ ��:.
<br /> -. � _ -- - iJN�RM COVHNANI'S. ;`^{�-;%:
<br /> . _,�;.i,
<br /> - ,. • '`� 1.Paymeni of Ptiuc�al,Yntere�t�nd Late C�arg�Bolmwea sbaU pay when due the�incipal of.and�teaest . - .
<br /> . � an►the debtevlReaced by tl�e Natcaad late ct�arges dae aader theNote. _�
<br /> 2.fl�onthiy L"ayment of T�es,Insarance and Otie�r CP�aar�Basmwe�r shaU inclnde in ear�monthty payment, � ,�_"
<br /> , togethca with the princlpal and intaest as set forth In the Notc 2�fl my tate charges.a snm fas(a)taxes and sprcial -- _. ---
<br /> �. , : a�essments levled or w ise ZevIed against the Propeaty,t�?l�sehoid payments or groand rea�on tda PropertY,�ad(c) --
<br /> ' �• for msuiance �
<br /> . . � P� �andea parag�aph 4. L�cany year in wl�icb the Lender must pay g moitgage i�..�ance� -..
<br />- . .. ps+emium w ahe Secaetaey af Hnua�ng and Uiban Dese*a�ment f SecxetarY'�,ar�n 8ny year m wtrich such premiam • .
<br /> n
<br /> �`� . � ,.. � woa2d have been r utred if LeaQer still Qeld the S
<br /> e9 ecatitY lasuument,each monthty payment sball also incInde dther:(� `
<br />:�.� • . ; .. ; a sum for the annoal mortgage insutance pzemium to be paid by Latder to We Secreta�y,ar(ny a monthly c�ge instead ...
<br /> ? . � • • of a mortgage insurance premium if cbis Seauity Inswme�t is held by the Secretary.in a reasonab2e amoant to be �
<br /> ':`'.`" . � . , deterEnined by the Seaetary. BxceQt for the monfNy charge by the So►xePary.these items�calied"Esctmw Itc�rns"aud '
<br /> `;`'���,.� . �the sams Daid tn Leudea are called"Escaaw F�ds." ,
<br />- � , I.endea may;at mry dme.collect�:d hotd amounts for&aow Items 3n an�aBE�e�are amaunt noi w exceed the cu . �
<br /> .. ': maximmu sutaunt that may 6e requic�ed for Barrower's escrow acca�cmdea the Fieal Bstate Seutcment Procedures Act r„� �
<br /> .,��,,;.:�� .�. . . of 1974, 12 U.S.C.Secdon 26fl1 et seq.and imptementing regulaiions,24 CFR p�rt 3500.as th�y may be�cnded ;-• � �:
<br /> ;. . �; fram dme to tin►e("RESPA"),except that the cushion c�resave permiued by RF.SPA fflr anantiapated dish�nents � . � .
<br /> ' � � ' or disbwsements before the Bonowea's paymeats arc ava?able in the acco�t may not be based oa amounts Qne for tNe ,
<br /> � ;
<br /> '::..' ' . . t mortgag�insurance prcminm. . . . ..
<br /> ._ ` j
<br /> .5�,�, •- � • . �.
<br /> ,. � �RIH�icssoa�.o� Pago8ot6 tnitlafs• � . .
<br /> �' • .
<br /> .� •
<br />-' , . . _ " . ' .. • . . . • - : ' . . , . - . _. . _' _' . . , � . �. . y . .. ' .... _ � '_" .' •
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<br /> , . , ' � . .. . . . � - . . . . _ . :f . •. �, � • • .
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