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<br />. ` ' . ' ' S. l�9rd er�Pmgeriy IusQratt�.Borra�ver si�aIi ke�p the imprbvements now existing or,hecesfter erect� oa the � ��_
<br /> � ,�..;, t�.° ° •'.`��
<br /> � �.• .;. Fropeny i n s u r e d againsE loss by ftre,h a z a r d s i n c t a d e d a r i s h i n i he term"e i c t e n d e�covetage°a n d any o t h e r h n t a r d s,i n ci u d i n g �_`_
<br />`< `. � � �-_-
<br /> � , flaods or ftood'mg.fbT which Leader requirev insu�nbe.This insuraace shall 6e maiatained ia the smoums and for the periods, �:.::
<br /> . ` ����h�.�.;�. tGaat Lead�,reqirires.The�nsuranre carrier pmvid'eng the iesurance sBali be c8osen by Borcotiver subjecx to Geader's appmval ��-.
<br /> ` � ' �ahich shall aot be nareasonably withhsld. ff Barrower fails to maintain�verage descn"Bed aIiove, I.ender may,at Lender's
<br /> f ;'�� opdma,obsain cuverage w protect icader's rights in tbe Property In aocoMance with para�raph 7. �y`
<br /> f : �
<br /> , '� . All insvraace policies and renewats shaU be accec�gtabie to L�ader and s5all include a standard martgage ctanse. Lender ��
<br /> a
<br /> - -� c.� s5a1}have the right to hold the goticies aad renewats:Tf Leader reqnires,Barrow�r sbatt P�PUY 8�e m Lender all reoeipts of. �`��
<br /> ,.. paid preminms and renewal notices:In t�e event of Ioss.Borrower shali give pmmpt nodce to the insnrance rarriee and Lender. ��,,._
<br /> :: .::` Leuder may make pmwf of loss if nat made F�P�Y�3+Boanwer. � . . . • --
<br /> •' < �•�'� ` Uatess Lender and Bomower otheiwise agee in writing,insuiance proceeds shall be applied to�a4 or repair of the � t-x:
<br /> / �rt. <<
<br /> t .��,,���at�ys 'Pio�ertY�a�aged.if the reswratioa ar�air is,�annmicallp fe�i7ix and 1��'s se�curity es�of l�sznad:�#"tbe re,swration or � __
<br /> ;� ���°�t 4 ,:�r is'fnot eoonannirall�+:�easi�bl�ot�eu�er's'secuiit�avontd�te lessened,the in�rance graoeeds s1�aU ir��aPPlied ta the snms
<br />, `.::,�,e�.• . .. secured.by tbis Security�istrument,whet6er or not theat dne,with an}r excess p�.d w Borrawer. If Horrower ab2ndons the,� ,� =-
<br />- , ,:�:5.:. � PrupertY,ar daes naz answer within 30 days a notice fmm Leu�er ti�t the iusar�ce carrier has affered to settle.a claim, then
<br /> Leu er
<br /> � ' .Lender may coilect the insntance proc�s: Lender may use t6e proc�eds to repair or�reswre the Property ar to pay snms ��':'*Y-
<br /> t € secured by this Se�uity Instrument,a+hether ur not then dae.The 30-day period wili l�egiu vrhen'the notice is givea. � .� "-
<br /> .,.; . F
<br /> , �` ` �Jntess�.ender and Bor�rower othern�+ise agree ia writing, any application of prooeeds to pritt�ipal s6ail not eaRgttd oc �-'-'
<br /> rn
<br /> .';`�, postpone the,due date of the mtmthlY.Paym-ants referred'to in ParagaPhs 1 and 2 or change tfte amd�mt of tlie payments.Ig �==�_
<br /> _�' <;`,; � un�er pata�caph 21 ttie Property is arquired�}r Lender.Bortower's cig4►t to any iasussmce potic�es and prococds�esutdflg.from . : �.�;i=:
<br /> __ "'`"' " ' damage W tbe Froperty prior��wt��'the acqutsitiar�ahall pass m Lender to the extent of tha sums'secnreA by this Secutlry InsiramErn .
<br /> �MMP(IIa1A�y�IIOT LO�i1C EC�tW1I1OA. � - , � -�
<br /> � � 6.O�cupancy,�ervntton,Mutntenu�ce and Protection of the Peoperty;�orrawer's Lonn Appltcatfon;Leaschnlds. ,
<br /> i ' � Borrower sHall occupy,estabtiah.and use the Property us Borrower's principal restdeace withIn si�iry days aftar tha executlon af �;M:.-:-
<br />" `..__ _,�;.�a tWs Secnrity da5truatent end s�all.centinue to occupy the Propetty as$orrower's princtyal residence£at at least one year aRer, , _ —
<br /> • .,,��";,�� ,� . the date of occupancy,unless Leader otPienvise agrees in weiting, whtcb wnsent et�ali noi be unreasonably witi�held.or tra�less. y ���
<br /> . � eatenuatlag circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Bormwes shall .not destray, damage or impair the --•���•
<br /> - � �' � • Pruper►y.ailow the Praperty to deterIorate. or commit waste�an the Property. Aorrower shail be ia defaait if aay forfeiture� ----
<br />_ `` ' ' acdoa or pmceeding, whether civil or crimiral,is 6egan that in Lender's guad faith ju¢$ment couW result in furPeit�ue of the
<br /> ..� . '�• ; , �'roperty oT otherwlse mst�rialiy impair the lien Created by this Secvrity.Instn�mani or Leader's seciuity iriter�est.Borrower may _,-..
<br />-: •`.,. ; .� cure such.a default aIId reiustate.as provide�in paragraph 18.by causing the actiPn or procee�ng to be d'ismissed wit6 a ruling :,.....,:
<br /> ..� � 'J . .�,� . �tha� in Lender's good faith determivatinn, preciudes forfciture of the Bor�ower's intem„st in the Property or othex�material ;�;��
<br />- .. ` Si ' impairment of the lien created by this 3ecurity InsTCUment or Lender's se�uriry interest. Bozrower shail also.6e in defaatt if � �,:�:.:
<br /> ". � �''� Bosro�ver.cturing the toan appiication process,gave material�y false or inac�cauate infarmation or statements to'Len�er(or failed `"�-:
<br />. •.�� "$ to provide I.eader with any material infomiation)in connettioa with the toan evidenced by the Note,including,6ut nat limited --
<br />. . ;'::� to,representations conceming Bormwer's occupancy of the Property as�a principal residence.If chis Secarity fnstrhment is on a ��� .�v
<br /> :; leasehold. Borrower shaU comply aith all the provisions of the tease. If Bozrower aoquir�s fee title to the Property, the �s
<br /> , _ , � ���•� leasehold end the fee dde shaU not merge unless Lender�grees to the merger in writing. � ��
<br /> . ' • 7.ProtecGion of Leuder's.Rlgbts in the PropErty.If Borrower fails w.perform the covenants and agreements contained in r --
<br /> this ScKatrity Instrament,os there is�Qegal pro¢eeding that may significxretly affect I.ender's rights.in the Propecty(such a�a ', i�_-`-
<br /> � �`,����' • rooeedia in b robate,foz canQemnatioa or forfeiture or to enfozce laws or re ations).then LQnder ma tdo and�
<br /> � P P . �P�Y,P � Y �
<br /> ' � ;;, � pay for whatever�S n;ecessary to pmtect the valae of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property.Lender's aaions may
<br />_ � �'�: iIIClude pajring any sums secused by a lien which has priority over ti�is Security tnstrnment, appearing in oonrt, paying -
<br /> '� reasona6le attorneys'fees aad entering on the Property to maka repairs.Aithongh Lender may take actian under this paragragh � '_
<br /> �� . 7,I.ender does not huve to do so. ' .
<br />_ . ;•; My amounls disbursed �y I.ender under this paragaph 7 shall become additional debt of Bosrower secared by this . !�-__
<br /> � �; Security Insmiment. Unless Bortower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bzaz interest from the � ::
<br /> . i; date of disbursement at the Note rate and sha11 ba payable, wittr interest. upon nofice from Lender to Boirower requesting ' -
<br />--. .. , . paymenc. . ' . � '�_'-
<br /> °'� � �'��i �.t�4artgage Insusaace.If•I.ender required mortgage insurance s�.s a condition of makiag the loan secured by tbis.Serurity
<br />�` i � �. •�� .�: Instr�ment. Borrower�hall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any reason. the :
<br /> s•..; . � �••��� mortgage insurance coyerage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be 1n effect.Boaower shall pay the preminms required to ! �
<br /> � . ' � � • obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a wst substantially equivalem to the �
<br /> • • � ' � wst to Borrower of the mortguge insurance previously in effect, from an alternate mortgage insvrer approved by Lender. If ; � �
<br /> �� -• �° i substantialty cqvivalent mortgage insurance covcrage is not avaitable.Borrowet shall pay to I.ender each month a sum equal to
<br /> •�•` • • one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance wverage lapsed or teased to �
<br />` .'•- i.�.' �, { be in eifect.Lender will accept.use and retain these payments us a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> . . ' . . . Form 3028 8/80 � ' �
<br /> • . . • � -
<br />�. � . . Pago 3 a16 , . f � ..
<br /> .. _ . 4 ` .
<br />. . . . . . . . . , .
<br /> � . . . . .. . . . . , -' . � .. . - . � .. - . _ . ��r •- .. .. . _ .. • .. • - . . . • - ,
<br /> . . ` . . , � . • � - - .. ' .
<br />,. , . . . . . . . J. . , . ., , . - . - . _ . • .., .. . . � . _ • -,+ , ..
<br /> - . . , . . . . . • . . ' .. , .. . . .. .. • _ , . ' • _ . ..� . . ��
<br /> ,- _._._-.-.:--ti-.•--- • � �, �,-�--�r^--.-'.^.......__ .�... . .... - � , .. . -, - `• �� �. , ��- - .J� �•�•-:�'.�, , , T --.
<br /> . . _ ._ ' ' .. . . . _.. . r . �. . . . .. ..._ . �_ . _ .... . _ .. . ... . . , .. t ..
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