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<br />. j 4 . C 4 ',qQ . ,4 4.E�1� Cf" -y�'` < . , fA. ' � � ( . � G't`
<br /> - � � �¢_ _4 t' �. . j,�a . �5=4 _ `J � �, � ;a.� > .l..' �� .
<br /> k 7} x .. _�, e. _ :, • . . F . ` �.� " 'c - � rr �F��. � , �`-
<br />. � `,. .f�- 4 . S� •4 . �,,;� '�'1� 4' 1' ' •
<br /> . . ��� 4' " e�' - ` L.,
<br /> � E c.. . . . . _ �Qy . �y� • l :
<br /> _' t_ . . _.. _. _ . . -. � ' _ . ' �S� �i _"'�vi� � � �.
<br /> e� `•� � 'ff�ffiE�IBl�VJrfH all the imp;avemeats now ur bete�r erec�d on the proPertS+•and L easemeuts.aPP�utenanc�s,ea3 E��=;
<br /> ` r �� ° , fixtuies now ar herea$er s part of the pr4gerty. AIl.�laceme�s �d additiday.shaI' so 6e covered by this Sea�rIty ��o.,
<br /> " �.,. '`:.'.: Inswment,All of the foregaing i�referred to s�this��curIty Tnswmeni as the"Pmperty." :
<br /> ti►
<br /> ,'�: . BORRQW�R COVSNANT3 tl�at Sar{ocvei is lawfully seised of the esta�hereby comreyed and.has the right to gtam and• �-;
<br /> � ;` .` ` , soave�the groperry and ti�i tt�e Praperty is uae4cambered,�caept foF cacumh�nres af�onrd Hoaac�et w�rs�d w�1 � , . i��„
<br /> • •;,: : , .. .defend geaecafly tke title t6 the Pmpeny against aU clai�s ancl d�aads.sabject to any en c u m b r a nces o f rpco r d. . , I�"�"
<br /> ;. -
<br /> '.;�:,�.� 'i'f�I5 SECURITY II3S"FRUMBI�'T combiaes wtifomi oovenants for nation�!ase and con-uniform covenai�is with limited
<br />_ .`E'� varis�ions 6Y,jurisd�c6on to constiqite a u�form security iasErumeaE taveting�eal gmgesty. . �� ':-
<br /> ��` U1VIFaRN!COVE@IAAtfS.Boirawea aztd�:,ender covenant and agreeas foll,aws: ��f �'
<br /> , �_:s.;. , ,i. P�pta�eut a�Yrindpa!ead Int�st;PiePaymeat and L�te CEa►geso Boaower shall prnmpily.Pay when due the _
<br /> . principal of and i�terest on tIze debt evideuce�!by the Note aad anY grepaYment and tate cT�ges�due under the Nate. � `
<br /> 1���,;:..
<br /> � ' 2.F�ttcds for T�and Yasaranr.� Sub�ect to apglica6le law or to a written waivea by Ixuder,Borrower shall pap m t�:,�.
<br /> � . � , ` Leuder on the day moat6lY PaYme�►ts ar+e due mWer the Note,until the Note is paid in fiill.a sum E"Fauds")for.(a)y�rly taxes -�•�
<br /> _ �
<br /> '�k`. and asse�ne�s wh;�maY ausin Priority aver"this Securiry Instrument as a iien on the Property;ro)ye�ty t��a3�ayme�u.:.. .,
<br /> ` . � or gc�aund rents oir f�ie Propertjr:.if any,(c)Yearly 6azard ar.proPert�'ins�nce premiuu�;(dy YearIy flood idsurance prermmns,-` . ' 7� ?
<br /> ` '` r'` � isf. `�,e� earI� e insuignce premiums,if anY:andd�a�'.�s DaYab2e by Bortower to L�s¢er,in ac:�c�daace vs�ith � ,-°
<br /> . `,.. �': S� yr��p.
<br /> �� � ;r - .1�' ' Yi�i'�����1$Q1�d�pli�,�it.tsw c�€rl�payment of m�"�u�s'm�oe premiums..�cse items are calted°Escraw Ytems." . , ►� _.:
<br /> ':�'may�at any'time,-cxifle�ef a�d�3�a1d'�s in an amcnmt nat w exc�ed tfae max�nm�amount a tender for a�ederally ���-
<br /> 1��� t -.5 . . . . . .. .
<br /> � � <«,Er te�ated mortgage loan maq regu�.for Bornower`s escmw ac¢adnt lmder the faderal Real Estate Settlanent I�racednres Act of �,`7,'.
<br /> -��F: . 1914 as amended from time to"ti3t��12 U.S.C.Section 260!et seq.("RFSPA"),untess aaoiher taw that applies w the Fan�s, '�--
<br /> _ .�.%r . .. ,. ��-s�
<br /> . �_�- � � sets a tesser amaunt. ff so;�.eni3er ma�!. at apy time, collect and hold Funds ia an amount ant to exceed the ic�.ser�nount. • r
<br /> - Y ' Lender may estt'hiate the'amqunt of Frmds due on the basis af cursent data and rea�onable estimate�of expendimres of future �
<br /> _�a:�_ :�;� , � .T
<br /> 'Esrraw Items or otheiw'rse in accardan�ce witb applicable 1aw. . _
<br /> ; � ' � ,
<br />_ �;"..��; . ' . The'Funds shall be held in an institudun whose.degosits arc insured by a federal agenry, i�.Strumentelity. or endry � �, ,
<br /> ('uulading LQnder.if LeBdet is such an Instimtion)or ia eny Federal Hame I.aan Ban1c.Lender sball apply the Fuads ta pay the �._-.
<br /> Escmw Items.i�nder may not charge Bormwer for hflldIng and applying the Fands,azu►ualiy analyzing the es�crow acraunt.bs __ a
<br /> , � vulfying th�Escnow 3terits.uWesx�.end�r pays Sarrower iatetest oa the Ftutds�tut appl�c�bte!aw permits L.ender to matse such . ; � ,!
<br /> co
<br /> � a c h a r ge.�Iowever.3.ender may reijuire Borrower w pay a oae-time charge for an inQependent real estate tax reporting service
<br /> ;�:�� .... , �'�.";
<br /> ' us�d�bY-LendEr in connect�an with this loan: unless appilcable, law pmv i des a i he t w ise. U n less an ag n e m e n t i s m a d e o r �_:=-
<br /> ; . ' '';. �_,=T-
<br /> app]icabte law reqnires intarest co be Patd•Lender sl�l not be raquired to pay Bomnwer any inttrest ar eamings on the Funds. � �•-
<br /> :,..'.: � _
<br />_ � � .� BorCOVres'and I�ercder t�aY a$'ree in wrItmg.however.thst ic►terest sha11 be�pald on ihe Funds. I,�x►der shall give to Borrowcr. ..,.;-:
<br /> _.•` �t;: .,�' �. ,�,.� witAout charge, an annua!accoundng of ihe Funds,showing credits and d�bits to the'Funds and thQ pwpase for which eacb �::>,-_
<br /> , ea. ,z
<br /> . . . . debit•to the Fuads was made.'I7te Funds are pledged as addit�oaal security for all swns secuted by this SecariYy Iastnun�nt. $ ,
<br /> �� . �.',�;� If the Funds fteld by l.ender exceed the amottats percnitted to.be hetd by:applicable law,Iaader sh91t account w Bom�wer �
<br /> ` ;. ;{ . for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of flpplicalsle law. If the amount af the Funds He!$by.Leades at_any � � � _
<br /> . :,: Ume is not sufficic�nt w pay tke Escrow Itecn�when due,Leader may so aodfy Bormwu in writin$,and,in such case Horratver .;'
<br /> ' '� � shall pay to i.ender the amonnt necessary ta malce up We deflciency.Boaower si�all make up the deficiency in no mare than , . �:-;�'
<br /> �• �� ��; ' twe3ve monthly payme�us.at Lender's sole discraion. . " ��� � ,�.
<br /> ��� "R � Upon paymem in full of all sums secured by this Seatrity Instrument, Lender shall promptty'refund ta Borrower atry -_.
<br /> : � � ;�:f . Funds 6eld by�i.ender.If,under pardgraph 21,Lender shall aoquire or seU the Pruperty,Lender,prior to the acquisition or sale .
<br /> �' � of the Property,sl�al!apply acrp Fonds held by Lender az the time of acquisirian or sale as acredit against thc sums secured by , � °��
<br /> • � , I this Security Insmtmeat. ' u x�'�
<br /> � �� `` 3.ApplIcation of Payments.Uniess appllcable!aw provides athera�ise,all payments rec�ive�l by Lender under paragraphs . ��"�''
<br /> � •:, ,. °=
<br /> , , . 1 and 2 sha}1 be appiied:first.to any prepayment c h a rges dae u n der t he No te;secon d,to amourts pa yabTc under para g r a ph Z; �_:.
<br /> . „ ; tlurd,to interest due;faurth.to ptincipat due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note. �
<br /> � � ' �4.Charges;Licns.Bocr�wer shaU pay al!taxes.�sments,ehazges,fines and imgositions ataibutabte to the Properry
<br /> .•.,:;�. . �.� c�:y:rh may auain psiorIty over this Security Instrument,and teasehofd payments or ground rents, if any. Borcorrer shall pay �-'.'-
<br />-- . ' � . . dat�e obligations in the manner provtded in paragraph 2.or if aot pald in that mannsr.Borrdwer shail pay them on time directiy
<br /> '' _ � •r•; to the person ov�ed payment.Borrowet sha}I promptty fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid undea this paragrapA. _
<br /> - � � � . ` .�°; . 1�Borrower cnakes these payacenta directiy,Borrower shall protnpdy fumisB Eo Ixnder re�eipts�videncing the payments. •. .
<br /> �•o.._ . . ' �; Bonower shall promptly discharge any lien whicb has priority over ttus Security Instrumsnt entess Borrower:(a)t�grees in �
<br /> , � writing tq the payment of the obligation secured bq the}ien in a manner acceptabte to l.ender, (b)cuntests in g�cxl faith the lien
<br /> ;;._ ' .' . . ' �•� ` by.�or defends against enforcement of the 7ien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the •
<br />-° enforcement of the lten;or(c)secures from the�holder of tfie lien an ugreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien ta �
<br /> f � � , this Security Instrument.If Lender determines that any�art of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority over ` . �
<br /> �, � � '? this Security Instniment,I.ender may give Botrower a notice identifying the lien.Borrower shaU satisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> � • � '.. `.i�t more of the acfions set fotth a6ove within 10 days of the giving of notice. '
<br /> _�•� .
<br />::Y; � �t Form 3�28 9/90
<br /> - . ,; . .
<br />-... . .. . r. . . .v,�eso�s
<br /> .. ,. ji ,
<br /> ,�; • .
<br /> • . . ! . .
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<br />