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<br /> `"!�r- �_ �Uttless atttem►lse agaefld ia wtittng,elI inst�aaceproc�s s�aii be�ppii�d co�e teaca�raimn or repair of dte�r�pezry oi tn `.
<br /> `�.h `"' �' , the S �eba,whetber or nnt the�t .as SeneficiFUy's opdoa. Any appltcatian Qf p=ocecvis to paias.�pa]ahaU not �«�
<br />`�..t;,, :,,� exeen orlastg�ne the dne date of th��ed ga nflr chan�e the aa�nat of euy payaueat.Any excess wii�6e paid -
<br /> , '.F., ro ti�e Gran¢or.tf the Prop�y ia b B�.Trustor s d t wg�y msarampe olid�and Qro�cceds resuldng
<br /> . } � fE0II1 d2Ut2,ge[O t$e PiOpEAjI- 6ef0�t�U�B��u sI1&Ii p839 TO�C�SI'y�o t�e ex�I O�t$e SECUtCd�bt smmediataly �
<br /> . . �g �QPPt$B ECQR�OII. � , . .
<br /> . :��.� . ,.� ��,
<br /> ' . _:� �I:`,r; �.F�HOW�OR T��AND IIVS�JBANCE.Unless ottieiwlse provid�cl in a s�aiate a��Tn�swr vri11 not�e _;;."
<br /> , 'f: • �ired tfl pay to BeneScla�y fauds f6r taxes aiW insurat�oe in escmw.
<br /> nsura
<br /> `'-�� ¢�� Z�.�TAl�iC�AI.REPaB�A1�iII ADDTlgtDFtd�.�[Ii�i�.Tin�or vrill�mvisl�to�y�n x+�tes�,a� . ` ��
<br /> � �� .:°<� , � Saancial ssatement or infa�matimt BaneScfa�y may deem reasonably nece�sarq. rastor agrees w sigu,d�liver,aud ffieaay ,
<br /> _ �':�.
<br /> r�����., additionat daaimeats or oertifications that 8 � cansfdez aecessary to pecffect.continae.tmd preser+re G:ani�r's
<br /> PE
<br /> , �'��: obligatioms imder tbia Security Ins�t and�EteneQct�y s iien statns on the Pmpetty. •
<br /> � � �2.dOS1�PI'��PID It�IVIDUAL LgABII.TT9l•C�SiGN�R�;SUCCP�014�A1�1D�4GN8 BQiJ1eiD Ai[d�ies ander. '
<br /> �.�- -.. - this Sec.nritq�mt ate Joint�d iadividnal.If Ttnstor stgns this Se�urity Insaamaeat but do�not si an evfcleace clf �`,
<br /> � h . : Qea gn
<br />_;. �'�..� ,`, .� . � de�,�Yas�r d�ea so o to mnrtg� e T�as�r'e�n�e in thep� to_sec�e pay�t of the S�Debt and
<br /> " ; , T i v s wr d o s s not agree to��p e�s a n a l l q 1 i a b le oa t he S e c u r+e d n e b t.�f i b#s t n s t a t m�n t s e c u r e s a g u a t a w ry b e t a v e�a� � . >
<br /> , _ Se�L.Afi c i�r y anrl7Ynswr,T�ustoZ� agr�a to�vaive aa y��t may p r e q e u t�a'ary��S�Y�or cdaim
<br /> � � •ap,amst 1Yastor Ur ey1+ �Y �debted auder t�obTi��, These nghts ma�► include. b� are not Wnited w, aay ;�.:
<br /> `"-,� . aati-de8cieucy mr oacr�tawa.Ti�astor ag�es t�as g�eSclffiy and any pa�y to this SecurIry,�nstn�ment may ex��, _
<br /> � _ � mo�ify or make any ct�ge ir�the teIIns of tWa Securiry Insmmnent or aay evtdenre of debt wuAnut Tcustor's con,seat.
<br />- -� � Shrh a cl�aag�wHl smt re2ease�ustor fmm the te�s of tbis Sewritq 1ns�i.The duues ma�benefits of tbis Sewrlty
<br /> � ��.r < InsW�t sLal�biad and b�eSt the suooessors aad asslgas of 7Yostor aad Bet�e&clal.
<br />- z'-^� �, : 23.AP�I.IC�E LAiN•SL�ITERAB1L1CdYi�ATYON.ZbLs Secmiry Instrameat is goveme�by the L1ws of the
<br /> �<_ -�` . �sa�rion�a w�icn�enc�c�y�s ioc�,ex��w cue ear�om�wise reqn�a.b�r�the tarovs af the jurisdicHon where
<br /> .:_. ,:.;,u�� + thep�eaty is toc�ated.'4'h3s Secudty Instr�ent is�p l�ete z3d fnUy iategrated. 'i�us Se�ity Ias�ent ma9 noi be __ -
<br /> ,, -:;��� _'t'�� aur�le�or modifed by oral agreanent.Aa►y section ia tbis SeQUity auarhmettts,or�►agreet�ent r�taned to �.
<br /> aua m
<br />- ` ••� ��� �� the Serured Debt that ooaflicts with epplicable 1G-�cv will not be eff�cxlve,nniess law expr+e�y or�SieBly perialta the ,:
<br /> �`� :': va,;�+;m,aby wrIuen Ifa�s�cti��s this Seqsity tnstta.meut�caanot be enfotccd axording ta its terma,d�ai. ,;< .
<br /> ` . . secbton will"6e aad wIlt not a f�the�orr.eab�ity of tfle�i n d e t a f t b i a Secauity l n s t c a m e u t..W h e n e ver a s e d, � •�
<br /> � �, �;"��? • the smgalat shall iacIude the pluial and the ptm�l the smgqlat.�te caQttons mmd hea�ngs of the sectimis of ti�is���S�i .� ,_
<br /> , .� f�•r. Insu�unent aie for convenience ont�and are aot m 6e nsed w mterpret or deHue the tenms of this Secauity . R.
<br /> � T'mze is of the ess�in this Sa�rrtty Inauaome�i. .
<br /> k . ��
<br /> ,� � � ?.Q.SETCCESSOR TH�TEE. B�eficlary.at Baz 's aption,maY.fmm t�me to time remove Tn�stee and apgouu a —
<br /> . .� �.. auccRSSOr uastee�vtthmrt sny ather formality thaa th�esi�i oa in writing.�e surcessar uustee wIthant conveyauce af �-_=
<br /> � - � -��.� . the Pra�p�r. si�aU sacceed to alt the titie. powet and daties eonferred apan 7�s�by this S�ec�slry Insut�ment and • ___
<br /> � r - � applicabie Iaw. � . a
<br /> � `"� ?•S.N�'IC�.Unless otherwise required by law unflce sbaU 6e giv�6y dellverIng it or 6y mailing it by fiist class mnit ����
<br /> � '` n arty'�s address on a e �o�t tbis Seauity Tastrume�t,or to any other address desigRated in wridn t
<br /> w the aPP�P ��P P 8 $-.
<br /> � :'i Nottce w one trustor wlli ite deemea tD be sintice w sU trustoss: . � � . . .
<br /> �``^
<br />. . • �;- ..
<br /> . ''. .��+. 2fa.WAIVL�d3.Ex�:ept w the extent pmbibited by law. Tmstor aaives all appraisemEnt anli homestead exemption�Ights
<br /> . • relating w the ProP�Y• � . . .
<br /> ;: . � :�;f Z?;O�l'ffLR aEItIdZ4.If che�keG,the following are appltcable w this Secnrity I�s'�nuaeat: . -
<br /> � � : ' . �� �Llne af Cr�it.'l�e Secured Uebt iacludes a revoiving line of credit provision.Althoug6 the�Scruned Debt may be �_::_'
<br /> �'•� � . reduced w a zero balance.thls Se�a�rity Instiument wiU mnain ia effect uufll reIeased. �:.-
<br />- � � ❑Constcusttun�.oan.'ILis Securlry Insuument seaues aa obldgation incarred for the c�snstr�ct�on of an i�srovemeut
<br /> - � oa the erty. � . ::
<br /> '.:� i��e�3tin .Trastor ts to BeneSci a se�auI interest ia all aods Qtat GraaWr owna now or in'the.futare �s;�
<br /> . :� `:` aad that are or g►SIl be ome Sxtares reI�ased to the Pr This S Instnimant suffioes as a financln�
<br /> . . ; n"PertY• ecauitY .�'` -
<br /> _ � � .� statea�ant and any carbon,photog�aphic or other reprodnctioa may be filed of recflrd tbr pwpases of P�r�cle 9 of the
<br />�� � llniform Com�e�Ial Code. � .
<br />_�,�. •:,� D Rfdars.The eoveaants aad ageements of each of the riders checked beYow are i'iawrpo3ated inw and supplemeat a�d. �:'.
<br /> am�ad t8e temos af this SecurIty Iastcument,[Check all applicable 6oxes)
<br /> �� • ..: , D Conatom3nium Rider �Plaanad Unit Devetopment Rider 0 Other....................
<br />:-� .. �,. . . .. ..............................
<br /> � ❑Addtttanal�'earms. .
<br />- .
<br /> � ..�, �. .
<br /> . . � : .
<br />_- .f .
<br /> '� ., � . . .
<br /> � S�GNATUItES:Sy signing below,Trustor agreea to the terms aad covenants contalaed in this Security Iastrument and in any .
<br />-- , . attactunente.Trastor also aclmowtedges receIpt of a copy of this Security lnswment on fhe date stated on page 1. ,
<br /> � i
<br /> � � � � �� � ' .����:.�� ................ � a. .� .��.� .�i.�-��... � �
<br /> � ` . (S�auue)LII�IDA� R�EY ' . Naa�) ts e)D�D. &7�ifJY�IftiCfF� �' (Daae>
<br /> .. . . acxt+iow�nc��rr: � � .
<br /> '�� '' ' SI'ATE OF�T��................................. COUN7'Y OF T3�Ti............................. ........}ss.
<br /> , � a��wn Thia insuument was aclmowledged before me ahis� ....�, �}? .day ..........�?q!�4'��a.��97.............. .
<br /> ��� ' � ' by ],�,.�.�1�.a31�. . .R•..�Y9�...... ...
<br /> ,.
<br /> .. ' • '� 6EHER1111110TAR�•4�eoi(teDra�b
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<br /> . .�.<..
<br /> -. . . '- � .• ' mt 93a 8 my,ro .. . . 11 Form REDTdJE t 223.98 fpag9 4 oJ 41
<br /> •.. .
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