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<br /> C �__ :�.�#�1 i�mnrvp arty!+�i�►ietf�the�:s:d L�:f�SrS IIs�.t'C jr.�7,'c�:��ea�. . s
<br /> � � will be i� t�e ty tast�um�at or an other execut�d for the ` .
<br /> � o�e of tenas oY tbis 3ocuri y �� d : , ��.
<br /> ,, �: :.;� pnr�t „ ,se� d� g tbe 5ecured Debi.Ag�ad faith tsel£ef by Bea�ciarq tFat'BeaeSclazy at aay :.
<br /> �r�, : � . - ttme Is � _ .. or endty abligated on the�aued Debt or ihat the pmsgecat afaay'paymeat or � �'`"��.
<br /> , �'t� , the valae�rft�PmFertpt4Ymp. s�1'also oonstitttte�event af default =--. ... . � ;� , .
<br /> .:y � �
<br /> - u
<br /> �� , . `:�.. 15. RER/�EDIF.�ON IDEFAULT. In soase instaaces,fedetal aad stane ladr wIU ie�adne Benef•cciary ta pravide Tinstor witH ``'`�•-`_-
<br /> `' ;•, ��: � aotice of the ri�llt W cqre or ather natices aad may establisL time s�heduies for fo:eelasnre acaons. Snb'�t to these � "._°'_`� '
<br /> h 1
<br /> '° lim�ta�ons, if�y, E�eficia�y maY a�e�e il�e S� be6t an0 forec2ose this 3�i� Tn��t ia a manner � ,--_-<
<br /> •.�` p�vided by!aw if Tn�sior is in defauli. �
<br /> -�� � AL the opt�aa of Benefic'�ary.a11 or any�art of tfle a�d fees and c�arges,accrued interest andpr�n al shaIi becaffic ` ;
<br /> ., immedtatelp 8ue and payable, after gi�nng notfce i��uired by law, upaa the occQrrence o�a d�t or ..
<br /> cc rrence
<br /> : � •�� th�.In addit�on,B�efciatY shall be earitled w all the remedies pmvcdecl by law,the tenns of the S�red� • �
<br /> � �` . _
<br /> d�is Secu:ity Ins�ameai aad aay related documents.mciuding without limitation,the power w sell the Property. •
<br /> �;
<br /> .i; :� ` ff there is a default,Tiustee shaU� iD eddit[oa W�y o1fieT �emedy.3t the of ihe BQUe$s�a1y►adVCi{IS6 ' ?% f'':
<br /> �emi�d e
<br /> - aad sell[he Pmgerty as a t��hole or ta sep�ate p�aceis at pn 'b'hc aacttan to the IngBest�far cash amd coavey absoIute '- f, �, ,t•-
<br /> '-;:.: ,. '•: titte&ee a�ul dear af all rIgi�t,titIe and miec�st of Traswr as sncd�time aad ptace as Tn�desi$nates.Trostee shall give --��:._�:--
<br />_ ':::,t��:,.�'..` .-.;; noitc�of eale insIuding the tim�terms and place of�sate and a descrIption of the DmPertp to be sald as�by ti�e . '�:��`--� _
<br />- �,?;�:",- applicable law in effax at the time of the proposed saie. <`? -
<br />_ �� •
<br /> � � Upon sale of the P�P�Y and to the e�notpmhibited by laar.Tiustee svall make mtd deliver a dEed to the Prapeatq �: °�
<br /> sold wh�t canveys absoIute�itle to the putcuaser, and attet fust Paying all fees, charges and casts. shal! pay 1u .,'���-;;�':*
<br /> .' BeaeEciary all moneys advanred for zepaiis, tax�, �ce�llens. ass�and prior eflcambraaces and intet�st. `.4:�. �
<br /> � therean, and die p ai and intecest on the Secatted Debt,p g!he surPlus. if any, W TrusWr. Beuefiaiaty may >
<br /> s�p su
<br /> `w� ' pu�ase the Pmpest7.The recitals in�y de�d of co�eyaace�prmffi facie evidence of the faas sei forth therei�. ;�`{{':
<br /> ?F � �� � �� v
<br /> � �.:
<br /> ';'r`;i-�� .-..y :Aii�es are disdna.cumulative and not exctusive.and the BeneSc'�y is enttfled to aU r�ediw pra�vide�d;at law or. ,�. E , ,�n`"`
<br /> f. .` ` eqtdty,whafler or not expressiy set forth.l7�e acceptanoe by B�efrciary of aay sum in payment or partial payment oa the . � .
<br /> Secared Deht atier the balan�e is das or is accelerated or after forezlosare proceedings aie filed shall not consHtute a , �
<br /> ` ,' waiver of Hei►efi�iary's right w require comp2�e eure of any exis�ng def�lt.Bp not excc�cistng ang remedy aa Traswr's . -�, -
<br /> ' , default,Bene�ciary�dues not waive Benefcciary's right w later consider the event a dEfault if it co�inues oz ha�gens agaia. � .;x,.•
<br /> ' �'aa 16. �E�tSESt; ADYANCES ON COVENANTS: ATTtfRNEYB' FEF�; CUI�.�(,°I'ION 0�8. E�st when
<br />� ` pm3nbite�by law,Tmswr to pay ail�of Beae 's enses if 7Yuswr br�es an covenaat in tbis S
<br /> � Ia��'IYu�tor wUl alsoa pay on demaad any mno�i� Eeneflciar�far y iaSP�ting+preseiv�n�g ;�•� '
<br /> } � otherwise pmrecdng the Pfropeprty and Benefidaiy's securIty inte�t.�eseexpeoses w�I b�r from the date of the `. —
<br /> ; ` ��''��:;' Payn¢ent unW pa�d m full at the highest interest rate in effect as�pravided b the temqs af the Secured Debt.Trastor agrees � ''�`t;; :-
<br /> � ... '� �'` : . wpay atl costs aact expenses incutted 6y Beaefciary ia collaxFng, eqfon�ug ar pmtec�ng Benefzclaiyr's sigWs aatl ` �;t��
<br /> � remedies an�er tbis Securlty Insuument.This ataouai may inclnde,but Ls not limited to,attomeys'fces�wurt costs.and � �ZL;r: ;:
<br /> �... : '• . . � otlter legal expenses. This SecurIty Instrument sbaU mmain in effect uatil released. Tsustor agrees w pay for auy ; :�.��
<br /> reroruauon costs of such release. • ' ' � '
<br /> �:.. � 7:-Y.S..4`.,`.: �
<br /> � ". �� .��.�'= i�.�orr�rrra� a.aws arm eazn�nous su�raivc�s. �,�ea ��s�on, e�� ��o�n�i� �:..
<br /> ��`� . ;� .' ''':� means,without limitation,the Co m prehensive Eav i r o n m e utal R e s ponse.Co m p 2 a s a t i o n an d L i a b i t iry A c t(C E R C L A,4 2 ��•-��':
<br /> . U.S.C.9601 ei seq).vad all other federai,state and lacal laws,r�egularions,ordinances, court orders,aitomey g�neral . 4�.�,;� .�
<br /> ud
<br /> o�pinloa�s or interps�euve tettets conceming We publlc health,safety,welfare,environment or a harardous substante;and(2) � .
<br /> . Hazardous S�6stance aneaus any toxlc, radioacxive or hazardons material, waste, poUutant or cantaminant whicb 6as
<br /> .' - charactertstics whfcb render the substance daagemus or potentially dangernus w tIie public healtb. safety. welfare or . ,; .1�.,:'. �.
<br /> _ ' . � ;�� envirOUment.�C�t�n includes,wItkout limitation, aa�p substances defin�d as "h�rdous mate�al," "toxic subs�tan�s." w�y f
<br /> • , haTardous waste or"ha�rrdous substance uader any Environmentel Law. - _f
<br /> `� , a � .-�-'�'
<br /> ��� . Trustar representa.warrants and agrees thai: --- :
<br /> �; ��. A.ExcepE as previousIy disclos�and aclmawledged In a�ridng w Beneficiaiy.ao Aarardons Substance ia or will be ='q:
<br /> - �•� � lacated, stored o:released on or in the Property.This resuiction does not ap Iy to smalt quantit�es of Hazerdous "
<br /> � : . . . Substances that are generaUy recogaized w beappr e for the normal use�maintenanse of the -_—
<br /> .� .. . , � B.F.xceat as previausty disclos�and aclmow2edged'w�writing w Bene&ciarq,Tmsto:aad every tenant hav be�,are, � . -
<br /> :..'. " .` . �: �; �d ehell remain in fiill co m pliance with an yagpl�cable Enviro n m e n t a l L aw. .. _
<br /> , C.Tnutor shaU immediateJ y noti f y Benefc3ary if a release or threateaed release of a Hazardons Substance oc�cau�e on, _-
<br /> � ° un der or a bout t he P�o perty or t here Is a v�o lation of aay Envimnmental Law aoacerning ihe Property.In such an --_
<br /> .;.�,', ': e�+em,Tcustor sAall take a1I necessary remedial actIon in aocordannce wIth any Emrimmnental Law. . .
<br /> ° - D.Trustor shaU immediately notify$eneSciazy in wrIting a�s soon as Trustor bas reason to belteve there is any pend'u� •
<br /> _ . '; .; or threatened invesdgation, claim. or pmceeding relating to We release or threateaed release of any Ha�zardaus
<br /> , . . � Qubstaace or the violatioa of any Envitoamental I�v.
<br /> , . . � IS. CONDEMNATdON.'frustor will glve Heaeficiary prompt aotice ofany ending or threatened action,by prlvate or public � �
<br /> , � . : entities to�hase or take az►y or all of the�raperty Wrougb cond�on,eminent domaia,or any other means.Tmstor �
<br /> ``� authorizes eftciary w intervene in Trustor's name in aay of the above describeA acsions ot claiins.Trustor assigna to -
<br /> '���� . . . .' : i Beaeficiary We proceeds of any award or claim for datnages conne�xed witi�a condeama�on or other taTcing of all or any ' , � �
<br /> e
<br /> '�' part of the PropertX. Such proceeds shall be wnsidered payments aad wi11 be applied as pmvided in thts Security -
<br />'?:�: Ynsuument.This ass�gnment of procceds ls sub ject to the terms of any prior mortgage.deed of uust,security agreement or � ' �•
<br /> - . � . ot�er lien document. '.
<br /> :,:�' .
<br /> . . 19. INSIJRANCE.Tiuswr shaU keep Property lnsured agalnst loss by fire,flood,theft and other Uazards and ris2ss reasonably � ' �_
<br /> . , . _ assaciated with the Property due to its type and location. TWs lnsurance shall be maintaiaed ln the amounts and for the � �
<br /> . , pertuds that Benefciary requlres. The lnsurance casrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Trust4r subject to � ' =
<br /> Beneficlary's a proval, wh�cb ahall not be unreasonably withheld. If Truator faila to mainta9n the coverage descri6ed .
<br /> ab�ve.BeneS may,at Beneficiary'e uption.obtain caverage to pmtect BeaeSciary's righta in the Propeny according � .
<br /> ' � tc the terr�of Secutity Inswment. ._'
<br />�� '�' � All insurance pol�cies aad renewals shall be acceptable to Benefleiary and shall include a standard"mortgage clause"and, ��
<br /> where applicable. "toss payee clause."Trustor shall lmm,ediately nod�y Beneficiary of cancellatlon or terminatton of the � ' �
<br /> . ' � ins�rance. Beaeftciary shall have the right to hold the polic�es and renewals. If Bene&ciary requires, Tmstor shall �
<br /> ._ imnaediately give to Beneficiary all recelpts of paid premiums and renewal r.��ces. Upon toss, Trnscos shall give •�
<br /> i�ediate notice to the lnsurance carrler and,Beneftciary.Beneficiary may make grr,of of loss if noi made i�iateJy by �
<br /> � •. ' - � Trusior. ��
<br /> :��. � , •
<br /> lPage 3 of 41 .
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