<br /> . k c.-c, -, x s' .r. � . � .c �'�:."`
<br /> . �� . .,.. y
<br /> -a ---f`�o � � -_--�--- - ; - - -- - � -�;`�, - - - ` �,- - . .-
<br /> c � . - < � a_ � r '
<br /> a :S ,r ,c 4 ' t:r.: - � -.`
<br /> �-''� - - f - c^ �+ c S.-�..... '. t c�.
<br /> L . .,�'s t` �=. _t � _ . • . < t ce ,�'`�.
<br /> t c ,
<br /> F _ s ` �������� � �g�'� ti ���
<br /> 14-t�-19JF (Co►�96nus� �/° ���� ,
<br /> " _ _ ` l081t�do 694�9 .�z °�;x y
<br /> �,. . . EFOde.4h3�tatd°!t0l0°mECn9�i0lSAt�d¢�d tdOYCS�DGt 13r 14iflf.[11 fR��!IltCI�81 81i1011fl�04�s���m Tta�fOt en0 e�►Y :,;V;,u� �',� <.°.
<br /> . c�Tgnera to LanQer.teE�wM aQ�eneerats.e�r�a�.mod���.�eHn�ndn89.and sfc�s6'tu8an�ter�e t�tete.Tha mtdudty Qat�at U� .
<br /> QEed otTnst b HfaY�8.1998. . . c ` , - ,
<br /> •P�rsor►r:1 Pra�ertfl• Tha�or6s'4'e�sonat ProP��`�Ii eR�Amsrd,�aes.ertd a4�sr acH����d�mfs� � � � J. ,
<br /> ` Gwned bY Ttust�.8nd now�Rere3Y�r Etiffietted.Cr edIDa60 tO th9 R981 PrtD�1r.�8sth�r ' � ., '
<br />. . - rep�aoements.oR an�0 a s��t�'om aaI►�m��an adtths�HfEY• �Ot0�9QS(�td�llditlg WI�tOUt QrtU�1 QO ItiSt� c�:`;'; ; (�.V,G`<:: t}
<br /> Qf00�98itdfBfllit �it8 . `
<br /> ,:� piCpat4yb TF19Ytastl�[oa¢AlrF�►tgCOY�ftv�tYfh9R8�Rtc�tlfe�dfll�Ra�301f81Pro�tll• e •-
<br /> 4 • Rea1 FtpDer4Y.Tt�e�rords'4tea1 ProO�msan ths O�D�A►.t�ertd��Sd ebovo tn tHa�Ca�svsY��and Qrant�se�Han. �-�,� r[cT,,
<br /> ���..-J.'"`�`` R���� Th�wcr�s'R�at�d Doaunertt�mean end tr►du�witRa d�of trtd.and�aA o�itrer tr�strume�a�ee merd9�0 4`""� "°4 f
<br /> v`�-!'-°-"'t: �greama�AS,ertutram�r�rdal s�eamertts.B�►Sa9.SecurflY s�sartm�s. s�9aSe�.
<br /> �
<br /> :� . ,.+�. dbamte�.whsttier naw ar�`��.�tn eonr�UOn wwitAA the Irtdabtednc�s. 1 -.
<br /> �, th�word"Ren�means ea prssemt and f�duce rerds.�evenues.l�ome.tssuas.roYat6es.Drofits,and otAer ben�'ifs de�tved irom fAn , �
<br /> . r� ProD�ty ' -�
<br /> � T�Ttie ward'fn�Cee�mean9 UNiiF.D NIDRASKA 8A[�➢(and airy subsU'tute m s�oc�sor btistaes-, . „ ' � `
<br />- `, • . Trustot.'Ree worG'tns�'mea�eaY and nD persons aM e�es�a�tIIin9 tt�s Deed otTrosi.trwiud�+8 wflhott10rt11stton ab lfustms named `. ' � _-
<br /> � ,�t' • abava. � ` ':-
<br /> • • Tb{IS 0�OF'7RU9Ts��wttt0?iE ASSlGNl1�1T 4�RENTS Alfm� �����OF�AND ALL O�[QATIQAiS OF
<br /> ", @RtlFEAiYi IS QNE?170&ECIIRE (1)PAY�B'fi OF Tb�k.'R� -'.
<br /> � ' `'. TRUSTiOA IRmFR THH�ti0TE.7tIE RBATED QOald�idf8�At�ID T81lS 0�OF TRi1�'T THdB OFED Q+�TRUST i8 GNEN AlB�ACCEPT� ,�, =u.V
<br /> � : � . T .
<br /> � , aM�wuow�ua�s: > ,.,
<br /> '�" �;r,� PAY&�TiT AtlD QERF03tlAAM�E.6c�t as otherwtsa Oravtdsd in thts Deed of Trw^t,Tnstar shsll DaY to LenQ2t 6�amour�sec�ued bY�Deed � , t_
<br /> r,..-
<br /> � � - at Tn+st as tttisY 0ecoma dua.andshatl sUtctiN end in a tlmety rt�amra►Oertorm eD o�Ynuto�s a�Cgedo�under tha Note.this Ceed af Tna�an0 ths :,..
<br /> �:' F�ai�d0ocurt�. '
<br /> a
<br /> = '�'�.: ��SStO�t fkgtD MA1I�filANCE aF TKf:P3��ERTY. Tn�slar e6►'���nsia's O�on end use ot ltia Pr�erh s�Ee gavem9d b11 .
<br /> , . .. •: �� . ,
<br /> r � �I�IIowht9Rmvls(cn� • � . . . �. ,.. �
<br /> G'�',rr``,. �' � ';
<br /> _� � r.: .,,.; . Pu�sesS�ass mt01l3e. 1Dri9ina aarnranceat en Evant aY.'{�TatsR.Tnstor maY (a)��In passes�on and cantrcl ot thg�raperh►. N)�9. �l�` t;
<br /> a ,,,_ � pperafs or sa�aria8slAe PiuyeitY.Srtd(a}�anY Ret�fPOm @�P+ropesiY. �.�� ��, -; -
<br /> :;,.�'. � -
<br /> c;.'s. puty to(�i.�tnTn.Tmstar shalt matntaia£�s Properiy in tsnanisbis cond�Son and p�ompiSY i����Da�s.���s•an0 rt�ahAanars+� rr .. `� _---
<br /> . . .,..;r.: ne�et!''1a4�rveftsva�ua.
<br /> � etamndous Stmsteneal. 'me temis'narardaus waste."t�e m r Eous s�s t a n c e."d i s 0 o s e l.•1 e 4 e a s e.•an�'B'tveatene0 re;ease.'as used tn this �,���i�'� __
<br /> ,,.._..;.'_��:::.4,..' OeeA otTrusl.stfa0 have the same meaNrtgs es set tartA tn 8�e ComDret►ensive ErMronmantel Response.Campertsa9ort.end Uab�t!►Ad W . -- J'__
<br /> - 1980.as amended 42 ti.9.G.Se+eHon 96M.et seQ•�CLA'1�the d Amandmards and Reautnarf�tion Act ot 1988.PuD.L Na
<br /> :' , , � 99-489 P���•the Ha¢ardoas MaUerfats Trarsspor6�tion Acb 49 U.S.G cBon 1801.et seq.,tha Resotuce Conss�va9on end Recaire�l►Ar,� ' -_
<br /> 42 U.9.C.S�BOn 6901.et se4»ar other ePDttcabte stiate or Fedsrat lews.nd�.ot�e9�orts adoPta�pursuard to enlr at the faregotng. Th�
<br /> � . �4:'�� tenns"hamrdau.a vreste�'and 9fa�rdous subs�►cef shell eLSO Irtduds.wfthout Umita9on.Detrateum and Ootrosum by-prod�ts or enY dac�n .: =�.:�,
<br /> thereot and astiesMs. Trustor t�rese�s and wartants to f.enQer tt� (a�0{att�1he OaAOd ot Trusto�s ownetshi➢af tA0 PrapeAy.�t�a has * `=
<br /> � bean no use�.9�oR•manufacNro.Storaga.heatrttenb d�DOSS1.cefease a thraater�ed tefaase of anY Im�rdovs waste a s�s4tnce bY�Y _. =
<br />_ , • �� f . . ps(�on on.undar.eboul or hom th9 PmDer1Y: I�)Ynislor fi8a no knaxAedg9 Of.a�eason to betf�va ttiat th�9 has tre�n.�t as Or�vloustll ,, ^v
<br /> ' dtsdesed to and edcnawteC9a0 Oy LenEer In wrtUng, (h eaI►use.BenaratTan.manutacttue.staa�,treaimenL d�sDosat.�etaese,or ttaease�e0 ,�---•'_---
<br /> teteeS9 W attY haxar0ous wcsSU oc stfistance an.under.about or fram tho?r o P�M bY�Y DAOr owner8 or accu0�otiAO RtmD6nY or M�fl � .•..
<br /> � cu�tu3t a th�oatene0�Uon or daims ot erty Wnd by aay ps�son relatUsg to sucb matter�and (o)ExceD��O��N��0�d b en0 ��
<br /> ecknovAedgod by Lender in wAring. p)ne(t h e r T r u s t a e c�o r e r H�e n a e l�wntractor��em ar othei authart�0 ussr af the ProDenY shaU u5s� ,_f --
<br /> u r .
<br /> `�.: . : gert�rate.manut¢ctiue.stare,treal,d�Dcse at.Of�818359 EinY h@ffifQOUS W8ft3 OlBUbStBrtOB Cn.ltBCEf.aboul or trom t�e ProDeAY And M e�f► � �- =_.
<br /> . . sueA actMty►eh�it b9 wndpetod tn comAOa�e w1tA a0applleaDlo tedera�.stat�.an0 tocal laws.reBWattons and o�Qinanees.hictudlr�w(tAaut .._,�-,.•.J.:y..
<br /> . OmitaUen those[aw8.�egutaUons.end or�narta�9 Qas�sd above. Tnestar auihortres tender and ils ayems to e�rtar�on tl�P�opactY to. --,�„�.�., -
<br /> make suah tnspecliona rind tesb,ai Tnrstors e�c+�e.es Len6er may deem mDDroprlate to deMrtNna eomDftance ot thB PrapeAy wM 1hb '.�` , -
<br /> - ' ' - seeVon ot the Osea ot Trust.Any I�,qecltons or tests msds by lenQsr shaD be for Lendefs purpases oMl 8nd s1�a1�not b0 co�truod to aea!e ' ..,�� ,,�_�_=
<br /> . . a n y�e s p o n s i h�i t y a A a b�t t y en the paA of Lender to T�tar�to arry ottier Derson. The�r�rdadorts and warranitas eanfaine0 harcin ero ..:. ��-
<br /> � based art Trustots Qua dU�gence fn Im�llgabng the PraDerlY tor hazardous w a s t e an 0 h a�r d a u:s s u b s f a n c s s.T r u s t o r h a r e b y(s)r a s a r�e s a n d `:.
<br /> ��. ' yy�g�y{����againat Lertder tor indemnRyl or contrmuHon in ths everrt Tnutor becorrt�Qabie tar cteanup or other cosfs uneer any
<br /> ' such laws.an0 (b)egrees to indemnly and hotd�armtess Len der a g a[n s f anll and a�J dairt�s.te�ss.�ab'Q�,d�r�S�.D��and .'���,.��� ---
<br /> ' e�erts� wh!cb LenQer may dtre�fY ar inQlred$►suitain or suftar ws�At6►g from a breach af thts sscu0n af tfie�aed of Trust or ss a -
<br /> u ta
<br /> conse4usnce M enY u3e.8enera9on.manufadure,staeg�.dfsPosel.ratea:e ar threatene0 r�tease oe�unteD pda to Trustofs otmerst�er
<br /> ' hdere�t tn the Properry.H►f►elher or eotifle samo was or sho�Gd hav�been kaovm toTnistar.The provtsions ot this seetion af tha Oeed ofTn�st, _
<br /> indu�ng ttse 4bUgation to indemnHy.sheil suMu�a the Pa5►ment ot the inaebtedness and the astt�dion on0 recomreyance at the Qen ot tNa --
<br /> ' Oeed o1 Trust artd shall not be aHeCteC by Lendefs aCqu151Uon of any interesl In the PropertSt.vR�sUfOr by toced�ure or othetwiso. ,
<br /> Nutsanc0,Wasie.Tnrstor shall nat cause.conducl or permil anY nu�ce nor commt�Oermil.or sufter anY sblDDing ot ar west9 on or to tho :�,:•. � .��
<br /> � propeM or anY Pcrtlon af ihe PrcDeAY• Withoul qmitlng the generality of the fore8�9.Tnutor wiD not removB.or gra�to anY otAer pedY tha :.�.
<br /> � - � dght to removB.anY tlmber�minerais pndu�n9 oA and ga9).soA.�evet or rodc Pro�����e P���tten conserd of Lendet.� �� ;�.. _
<br />- . , itemovet o9 tmpravereaents. Tnutar sha0 rtot demogsh or romove anY ImProvemerds from the Rea1 P+rapmly uultnoul the D�ai w�en coRSO�A ..' ;.
<br /> ..` . ot tsnder. As a condiUOn to the remova!of anY Improveme�,LenQer may reqNre Tn�stor to maice artan9ements eattsfactory to LenQer to `;`,:,
<br /> � replaoe such Impravemer�b w(th Improvemenb of at teast equal vafue. . •
<br /> � LendMs iil�t to En4�r. I.ender and tts age�an0 re0��uves may enter uDon fh0 Real ROper�Y at en reasanabte ttm�to attond to . : . •
<br /> . .. � ' tandels irrteresb end to Iiupect ih0 PtopeAy tW OmP�01 Trustafs compilenoe M�ItA tfte terms and candlUons ot lhis Desd otTrusf. . .
<br /> ��
<br /> � � . � ComOtfanse vBth Qovemmental Requirementa Trastor st�aU DromDU1+�mPN wlin e11 t�ws,or�nences.end w9utaUoro�naw ar AereaYter In ,. ::�._ ..�..
<br /> . � eBect,of a0 aovemmentel authoAttes apDitccabt9 W tha usa o�accupancy ot the PropeM�Including wlthout Um(ta9on,fha AmeACans Wtlh , .
<br /> eb
<br /> � , . • p��tt�s qq, Tnistos rt�ay aoc�est In gaod fatth eny SeeA law.ordinence,or regutation and vBthhotd camp0ance durtng erry proca�ding, . .
<br /> ist
<br /> ` InduQl�aDproprfate apA6�.so tong as Trustot has noUflea Lender in wriUng pAor to Eoing so and s0 Iong es,in Lendets sote oplNon,
<br /> ' � � Lendefs interesb In ths P�opeRy are no1 jooparGized. Lender may requUe Tnutor to posl aQeQuata securfty ar a surety bon0,reasonabiy • . .
<br />- ' salLsfactary to LenOer,to D�aeet Lendefs ir�eresL � .
<br /> Outy to P�oteeL Tnutor egrees neither to ahandon nor leave unattenQed the Property. Trustor shall do all other act�,in addiflon fo thos9 acb .
<br /> - . . . set foM�bov0 in th19 secdon.whicA hom the character nnd use ot the P�rayerly sre rea5onabN�e��1►to Oroteel8nd preserve fho Fraperty , . . .
<br /> • OIJS CM 9Al.E-COYSEttT BY tENOFA. LenQer may,at ib op8on,dsclare Immediatefy due end peyebt9 all sums secured by thlD Oeed o?Tntst : :
<br />- upon the seie or transter,wHhout the Ler+Qer's pAor vmlten consenL of all or eny part ol the Real Proporty.or any lnterest in the Reel PropedY• A . .
<br />� ` �ato or transfeP moans the comeyance ot Real ProAeAy or any dght,HUe or tntarest fherelm whether tegel.boneflclal or oqultebie:whaher voluntary �
<br /> or invotunlery;vfiether by oublgM se�s,deed.InsTaltment sate contraef.tand Cor�trac�conbect tor dae0.teasohotd inUer�st with�tC►m�eater thmn
<br /> • three(3)years.�eas¢-cP9on ca�re�4 ar by sate,assignmenl.or Uansfer of any benefMdal interc�t in or to sny fand trusl holQing UVo to the Real ;
<br /> • PrapeAy,or by eny other method o!comreyandd�of Reai PropeRy interesL If ecry Trustor fs A cOrpotttUon,partneistdp ot Omitsd Iisbdty comptlny� . .
<br /> . . . transter also Inetudes eny ehanga in ownership of more than twenry-tive peroont(2b96)of the voNrsg stor.k.parina�SN0lnterests or Amitod O�b�7ty
<br /> � � � company Interests.as the ease maY Ee,of Trustor. However.thb opflon shatl not tia exer�lsed by Londar if sucA�e7carcdse is P►ohibited by faderef
<br /> Iaw or by Nebraska tav�. • • . ,• •
<br /> . ' TpXE$AI'lD LIENS.Tha toltowing provLslons relaUng to the taxes and liens on iha Property ere A psrl ot this Oeed ot 7rus1. �
<br />-• � pr�en4 Trustor sha11 pay when Q¢e(end in all events prict to QeAnquenCy)etl teues,SpeCi�l lmces�assessments.charges pnctuding water � :
<br />�_ .... . ,. • .
<br />= • ana s��uer),fln�and tmpos(Uons ts�d a9a�nst or on aacount of trie PropeAY.end sha11 pay wf.�n due aU cisims far wark dane on or br
<br /> �int mst oi Lendetlu 6er tN Dead o1 Tntst,except fo�e Ilan o)texes dn�assessme�not d e flnA exc Ft es ot�.en"ls 0 ovlQed en this Deed
<br /> � 01 TrusL ' . .
<br /> � ' Rig111 To Contest. T�ustor may withhotd payment c7 a�y tax.essessment,or CI21m in ConnOCUon with e good f2i:h C'�pule avA�th9 obligSUon . , .
<br /> . - - '--- - -- . -
<br /> .. _ _. . .
<br /> ; ��
<br /> � � . _____-_.-�--.-- ...� .--_ .-�-. . •
<br /> . . _.._. _____.._. ,,...._„_.._,�,_,,_,.---,�-------- .
<br /> -- -. _._.__�.. .
<br /> _ � � � ,n� ' ���u...r . .� t �L . ";��l1 ".
<br /> �.w ..���"'���
<br />- . ..a-�.-..�.. �a.m .. _. . .. .. . . . . _ -'1 . _ . a it[1` . • .'1..... . . �_ _ .. �__ ..__ _ _ _ l5 .. . - .. 'ii"d '___ .._ ,�.-311.-/-n^f1l - ..14:::
<br />