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<br /> ' . . ,:.. � DEED O� '�tJ�T � . -
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<br /> ��. �:., Z1�tl� DEED O� YAUST (S OA?EO NOVEM�� 13� 1997. amanp OAK�R�EK DEVEL�PNt�Nf. INC.; A � �,�;=:`-:;
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<br /> . [d�Bf9ASKA CQRPOAATION. whos0 e8dcess te 4A76 GiiEENW00� D�i!lf�c,. Of�AADD ISL�lQ. NE fr9�3 �'��"�",
<br /> . 4& �� —
<br /> � � .. (refe�red 40 6eiow ea 'Trustor"D; t1t�1iPED l'�B�lSK� eA�t�c, �v�oee aB�ress tsi 70� N �'�� �B, �0.��{ :. � ��:==
<br /> . . , 6U98,GAeWD lSUWD,tdE 688aa(�eterred 4o betaw+a�mE7Uae9 e�°Lendar"end Somelimes e�"�ene�Ic�a�i"?; �:;'�'"":%:
<br /> _, , , .' . end Ul�tYED NEBRASKA BA@1K,whose gdd�sa is T04[�i WE�� RD., Q7�iD ISIAND,IdE fs8E43(rt3fmrred t� ____ -
<br /> _ � � , ' � ' � beto�v es'Tra�a4ee°� �=�=r=,�
<br /> „�.,,: � � �Olt1tEYAttt�ANa QRANi For vsi�ie eoraiQerattan.4rustor eameqe to Tnmfee tn hu�t,WiM�F�t'dER OB SAI,E,tar t�o bs�aAt at �ti
<br /> LeatQtt e�.Btnetlet�y.aSl ot Ttusfors dgnt,UUa.end Intarast!n end to the fOAowtnfl desc�ed�est prop3tty►.t�ihe�wltA a0 Cn�9n�or '•` -
<br />- . . subsoGuanQf►erccteD a ef�e0 OWdtngs.fmprovemenb a��s:aU easemerds►dghts o!way.end Cpp�Menances;ell watar.watca at�qhts end �
<br /> - : . , d�tcfi dghb OnctuQing stocic tn WTNes+�Qth Qitcb m trrtgaUcn dghtsj;an0�ather Agh1s,�ra�ya�en0 Profits i�etaU�to th0 real Or�aD .tna m ���'_ _'
<br /> :, `. �� � v,n�o u�a m�r a�o n e n m i n e r a�.o n.e�.s a o t h e r n r r�rs�a s�mnar ma�a,s.tocate0.tn fiALL courtry. State o4[�e�raskai(�e °�tea� �-=��-:,
<br /> : � PsroO . . � ,;�.""°-
<br /> _ . Per�l1°). . . . . ,. �� .
<br />- � LOT S!X(6)WES4�P1A00 PA6iK TtIIRD�U�OIVISlON IN 7HE CiYY OF GRAi9D lSI�WD,FIALL CQUL�iY, �'� . :
<br /> _ .. . . ':• [dEBRlLSKA . . , . .. _- .
<br /> , • << . .
<br /> . . . � TI�s 6�af Rroperty or its eddress ts commoniy imown aa�%�t�tf�700D OAN�,C�R�lND ISUWD.NE 68603.
<br /> • ' Tnistm p.�asonIIy asstgr�to lender(aLso known es Bonofleimy in thls Oeed at Trust)aU ai Tiustors ADhb titt9,ee4lnt�st in and 4o e8 Ptesent end .
<br /> .. . /uture tease9 ot tha ProDeAy tmd aA Renb iram thB PropeRy. In aC�xon.T�ustor granb I.ender a UNfarm Commerctel CoQe scc�ufty lnterost U tlfo �
<br /> �� . • Renb and tha Personal P�operty deftn�4 below. L
<br />.:,�
<br /> `�•• OEFINRIOH9. 7he toSc++i�►g vrards sha11 haw the tnIIOwing meaNngs wt►en usa0 tn tht9 Qeed of Trwt Terms nof olhen�rise daflned!n th19 Qeed af .
<br />.�,� . . Tnrsl shafl hava ihe mesNr.ps at�ibuted to such terms In the UNiortn Comcrterda1 Code. AD raferenoes t�QoQer amourrts ShaU mean amounb M .
<br /> �. . .� ... tawfu]money of the UNted Stat6s ot Art:eAca .
<br /> - . B��elmy. Yha word�aneRdary'means UNfTED NEBRASKA BANit tts suoosssors artd e,s►gns. UNtT�CD NEBRASiUi BANK&tso t9 • •. ..
<br /> � ��~., ref�red to es 1.endaP in this Desd of Tnrsl. �
<br /> ` � Cet4 of Tn�s1. ?he worQs�eed at TnisP'mean thls OEad of T�t among Trustar.Lsnder.end Tn�stee,enG tnc9ud�wlinout Qmitatton aU ..f. .
<br /> � . . asslgnmont an0 securit�l irtteres!provLsiare rala4ing to ttta Per9onal Praporty on0 R9r�. • . ,
<br />. � � � Quatantar. Ths vim0'GutuantoP mear�s end inchrdes without�miffi4on erry end oA guarantms�siuedas.and aocommadatinn ptWes in � �
<br /> _ .. connrction wflh tA9lndtibtadness. . �
<br /> .. tmprovemerita. The word 9mprovement�mzaas and trtetuAes vAlhout WNtat�an aD e�dsttng an0 Mure Impmvamonb.6uitatn�,strucbne3. . •
<br /> r ta.
<br /> � mob:te�ames eNDced on th0 R0a1 ProAeRy.faciGNss.addiUor�9,roptatomenb and otASr eonsEructlon an tt�e Real Pr'apeRy. ..
<br /> '. fndebtedness. The word 9ndabtadnes9 means aA pdndpal and intares!payabte unQer tAO Nots and any emounb e�endad or advanoe0 Oy '
<br /> ' � ' leadm to dtscha�obtrgaUoas of Tnstor or oxpensos tncurred by Trustee ar Len�r to sNarce ohVgatia�s at Trustor undBr tNS Oe�sd af trust, �
<br /> _ ' � togethar vriU�irtterest on sncA nmounts as proNded in tNS Oead at Tn�sf. fn aEdiSan to the Nota,�e ward 9adebteQnsss"inctuErss c0
<br /> � � ohGgations,debta end IiaDlGUa9.ptus inisresi thereon,of T�ustor fo t�n6at,or sny anfl or more oi iham,as weD as aD c�atm4 by WnCer egelast
<br /> • .:.,,: . Tn�stor.ar any arsa ar maro a!them,vfiethsr now e�dSUrtg or herfla4erarisir�,vfiethar[eiated or unr�.r8t9d to th9 putpos�of tR9 Nottf.YRtefT.er
<br /> votuntary ar othmwise,whether due or rtot duo,flbsotute or coMtngsnf.Itptdda�d or uniiqtdda�d and whethe�Ttustot may 6o Q2bt3 tndhMually
<br /> •<' ' � or jolmly with othass,vmethe►ebitga!ed as quaranta►or othmvAse,end vmett�a�recovery uQan such tnQebtedness may be er hefeaRer rt�ay
<br /> • becams t�,veA by eny st8tu�af GmitaumiS.end whethar such Indebtedr.sss mey be at hereafter may become athervrISe unantot�abf�. •.
<br /> • � . � • (trtftlal fiar3 ) .
<br /> � ' Lende►.The word 1enQsf ineans UNI1'ED IY�RASKA 9ANK.ib sucCessors end es5igns. • . '
<br /> _�__• _ � ' • ` '
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