• �:.d.� _.,..ea... �'�C. . .L" ��t._..��_,y� _-a,y�^:'.•_'^'.ya.i_� .L� �R�.__ �.. .j —,
<br /> . � a
<br /> � .�.. ` . - __
<br /> :..:...., r- ,_ . '._.- . .� �-. ._— __ , _..- __ __ .."_. _. t,__— _ ._ . _ .—_. .F. _
<br /> i' , t .� , � _ < <- �_ _' _ < �; 5�., ,. 4 .
<br /> � �'�:"r ,(.k .'i "'" _T''`J_"`"..�=r-T �i . z-__"^ ' _-...5 ,-.-�_"� ' �{ ,--_-�� '�_ �s=____s_ ��+"'.� c , 4. �'_� _ a � ..,,c.�
<br />- � ,,./ �a. ° ::.' . Yty. ,. !; t�. k . .
<br />. "�'"_`r':�a.r,f_�.:. —�• -iFC4. S r....l al: ._i�1 C..�..} L _ ..S` f �j; .:L. - _
<br /> 4. ,l _
<br /> F , � F.. 'yf . —
<br /> J ' . '�� �i �J�
<br /> i% � . .�
<br /> �I�l .
<br /> .r. • Bortower may aae sucb a d�dt and rein�Se, as prov(ded in para�ap h 18,b1►�9 the actlon or proceedmg fo'be s`�,t�;` +
<br /> , s^.
<br /> ; � �. �" . 6ismissed wi�a taltnng thai.in Lenda's good taitl�detemdnatlon.Prm�udes tbdefWce ot the 8orrow�s tnterest tn the Pmperiy or , rt-•,�•.�_..;.,:-,..?.:::,,��
<br /> t �
<br /> . s; c..::=-
<br /> - ,i ather matefisi tmPaimtertt of the Qen rreaied tiy Ws 3ecurf4yt tmsWmwrt ar Lender's secuiity tt►terest- Borrower sRaU alsa be tn ` �-., �:4.�.t� .t.
<br /> ��',:� ` •, defautt H 9orrower,dwtng 9ie toan aPp4ca�aA Process.9�►e materfa7Y f�1se ar tnaeceuato(ntem�atton or etatemm�sis to lender(or� „< <
<br /> � � � ... ti.
<br /> -_ ,�: ��;� . ta'IIed to provtde Lend�r rvRh any rnaR�la!�onl fn cormecSfon wY�the loan ev[denced by the Nate. tr�dnding.6ut aot ,`.a4..,<-•�-,` ,'..-T.,<
<br /> ` ' ° Ur�fted w. cepressntatlons eaneemtAg Borrc�Ner's occupan�Y gf the Propeny as a ptu►aipal iars[Qence. (i this 8ealritY �. ,t
<br /> .�::�<,�� '.t`` `� :_
<br />- . .•. � Instromeni t s on e teas e ha T d. B o rt o w e r e h a U co m p f y wilh�sD the provisIans af the tease. H Bcrrower acCufres fee tf�pa the� ; ,.
<br /> . n'�;-._..
<br /> E�operty,the teasehotd artd the tea U11a ahalt rtot merge untess Len�er a�ees to the merger In wAting. ;u ;, !:
<br /> �7.PtaEectiot�of tsndePs�tlgh49 tn th�P[operly.It Borrower taiis to pertomn the covenants end a�eem�fs� • � , < _
<br /> :� � ccMsined in this Security (n s tr a m e� or t here b a l e g a l proeeedin g d�at may si�i�BeanO!!atfect Lender's ctghts tn the PrapeRy . . +s�,�'
<br /> :� (such as e pm�9�b��ptcy.pcobate,tar cond�nnaUon os fAAehtae or t0 entoh�e taws or regida8ons}. ����y� �"
<br />_- p �•� ' . d o e n d p a y t o r whatev�t is ne e e a s a ry to proteot the va�a ot the F�apeRy er�Lende�a dgtris in Uta ProPerif►• ,: :..,.; :� .°��-..°:?',�::
<br /> _ . `, �°�:. • may IncNde pay(ng �ny sums s�ured by a Den whFch has pdority over th(s Security lnstrument. eAP�9 I n ca u A, P e Y�9� ,' ' '
<br /> . .,•CE,�.i.�'`5''-
<br /> rnasonstita attemBys'Tees end eMering on the Ptope►tY to m�ce rePaLs-ARhaugh Lender may take adion under this paragraph ; . ��,. ;
<br /> .�� �
<br /> _ ��� , 7.Lender daES not have to do so. . .. � .,,_, ._.. ,,.,�,.�..e� .w.+..�a�,p.a.��r�,t ew this Seeur�ly � ;s .
<br /> -- Fviy mrwnms mscu�seo b�►zeRaes ui�iz. }rtu�¢�n� • a•,� ••�"«:••�•r•••••-- ----- - tr..
<br /> tnstromert. UNess Batrower and Lend�a�ee to othet tecma of payment tRese amourrta shari b.ear tnterest trnm tAe date oi .f,:����rr_.__'�._-_
<br /> � disbars�nent at tha lVota rate and stsaD.be payaCle.with interes�upon naUce from Lender to Borrower requesdng Daymer�t. ..-,.� =,-..:.
<br /> ' '� � , 8. Mo�tgBgA Insttt2nCe If E,atd� re�h'ed mortgage insurance as a cond�Ion of mak(ng the toan sewred by thts ° a<,�-_" _�
<br /> � . . ": , 3ecurity inslrument. 8arrower sha0 pay�ffie premiums requUed to�the moRgaga i�ur�cs fn efted 8�tor any reason.the -- _ _� .
<br />. -.: - - moRgage irfsurence coverage requtred by l�rder iapses or ceases to be in efted, Bortowa shaU pay!he premiums re�pu(ced tn �.: _ _
<br /> • _�� ,; obla(n coveiage subsmnNalhl e�N��to the mortgage tnsutance prevfnusly In eRect.ai a cost substanUaBy equhralertt ta the '��; `-
<br />.��� ;�,..�.`� cost,to Borrower a!the maRgage tnsurance previousty in effad. irom an ait�nate mortgage tnsurer approved �►Y Is�QQr. if ;t, _-- __
<br /> .F substantiab'}�e4�hraie�m°Rgage insurance cav�age ts not ava�7a6le.8ortower shall pay to Lend�each morrth a sum eq¢al W _-_—
<br /> ' ..�. �.��. one;wefftb o!the yeariY mottga9e insurance PremGtm be(ng paid by Borrower when ihe tnsurance coveage tapsed or ceased to
<br /> '-.�.,': be in efteet. lend�xrm accep�use and retaIn these payments as a tosa reserve tn Geu of mortgage insucance. Loss reserve _
<br /> � , . . ��; Paymerts may no longer be requlred.st the oA����der ii mortgage insurance cove�qe(in the amount and fo�tfie pertod }F ---
<br /> ,.:�.; that Lender te4�ir�)Prov�??ed bY en tnsure► $ADroved by Lender sgain 6ecomes svadebia and b o6tetned Borrower shaA Pa7/ _ __
<br /> rova � .
<br /> ,;.�`. the premiwrrs req�ired to ma!►�ffi6�moRgage(nsurence in eftec�ot tv.provide a Iass rese�ve u�l the raqu�t�t for mortgage � :
<br /> . ,. �t . - .� _
<br /> : , insurance ends in saardanca wRh any wrftien acyeemait beiwe�n Bwcaw�and Lenda or app6ceble law. Lender shall glva . , c=-'`,�.
<br /> : ti . .-=.�� 9.t7fspeCtloil.keider or fts agent may make reasonahle entrt�s upon end inspedtons af the T�operty. -,��_'
<br />_ :. n� r• ;r 3' Borrower notice at the time ot or prtor to an irtspectton s�rec3tY(n8�sanabie cause tor the inspeeSon. . .-;,4,� ,..
<br /> . 10. Cond0t91n�4iote.The proeeeda of any�ard or daim tor damages�diract or conseqaenUat. in�wnnecB�n with any •�.:,•_:.>, --
<br /> condaruiatton or othe►taidng of anfl Pert of the Pra��ty.ar for comeyance in Qa�ot condemnadon,ara heteby assi�ed and ' ;-_--—•-
<br /> '.�, sha0 hepatd W Lender. ._,'-�="
<br /> F : �''' , .'`r"'�t pi the eveat of a total tatdng of the Property. the proceeds sha0 be apPlied to the sums secured by thts Securiry . jx =--
<br /> .�,�y. of the FropeAy tn whtch -..�;
<br /> {,l:._,,_` . .. �. ., ..-z.-r...
<br /> -r.. ins�trument, whet�r or�ot then Que,wiU►arry excess pafd to Bormwer. fn the avent of a partfal raWng i .._
<br /> • the fair market velue o1 the Property i�runediatery trefore the tak(►[g is equal to or greater than the amount ot ttte sums sea�red C Yrl t.�---
<br /> '�".,. - � ���,t�.; hy thfs 8ecu�h► insUUmEnt immecdatery be[ore the ffiIdn9. uniess Sorrower and Lender otherv+[se a�ee(n wittlng,the sums __--,
<br /> r . seared by thls 3eartty tnsbutttent shs0 6e ceduced by the amourrt ot the ptoceeds mufltpped bY tho toAowing tracUon: (a}the � �: ,
<br /> � _. •��i
<br /> ,� . 1'.; total amaunt ot the sums secured tmme¢tateh+trefora the ffitdng. dMded by (b}ffie taU madcet vaJae a1 the Propelly Mme�ateiy . _
<br /> '�' �`� ' �'� betore the taking.Arry balance shaD bs pafd m Boimwer.in the event oi a parUai taid�►9 et the Praperty fi whtch the fafr market ,y� .-�_ _
<br /> :: � 1 _
<br /> 1. . � - •• �L�# `
<br /> , , � ; , vatue of the Property trnmediately befo�e the tatdng is tesa then tia�amount ot•the sums secvred'unme�atety befora the•t�tdng,
<br /> . f unless Bortower end I.ender otherwlub agee in wr�tfig or untess applicabte law othervvlse pmviudes, the proceeds aha11 be .-� :-�-�,
<br /> ^,.�' �'� apQ{ted to the sums secured 6y this Searity IosGwa�t whether or not tAe sums are then due• r�v--. �„�_
<br /> `"�'s B the Rroperly Ts�doned by BoROwer,or a,after noUce by Lender to Bo�rovrer that tfis condertmor.afl¢rs to make en ""'!�.�� �--_
<br /> _3 ��.'" � •:,l.�
<br /> .° .. , award or settla a etsim tor damages..Borrower faQs to respond to Lender wfthin 30 days after the date tt�e noUce ts atven, ;..'y�:�l.-::'• �A--
<br /> :,;:. «f=•..,•�.
<br /> Lender is authorizod to coRect and aypy the proceeds. ffi ita opUon, eRher to restoraUon or repa3r o1 the Properly or to tha �-:�.�y,::_,_r,.,--
<br /> . �• �'� sums secured by thia Seariry Instrument,wfiether or not then due. ��on of roceeds to prindpal shall not ext�nd or • '`�'"'•".`,����-
<br /> � "� '' �,4� Untess lender and Borrowar othervvise a�ee in writing, any aDD P
<br /> wr ., - .
<br /> ..' ... ���_-
<br /> postpone the due date at�.he monthly payments reterred to in para�aphs 1 and 2 or change the amouM of such paymeMS. �: � .___
<br /> ,, ' ����� 11. Borrawer No3 Refeased; Forbearance�y lende�Not a Watver.Fxtension ot the time tor payment or � :� �
<br /> � � • � �i ' modiflcettun ot amorthaUon of the sums secured by.this S e c u r i t y In s tr ument g r a nted b y Lender ta any successor in ird�est of . �_ ���
<br /> � •� . . -`�a Borrowe►sha0 not operate to re!ease tha Oability ot the odginaf Borrower or Borrowers suceessots 1n tnteresL Lender shall not L _____
<br /> �-° � • be required to commence pracee��gs against eny 8uccessor in inierest or �efuse to extend thae tor payment or atherwise r"
<br /> �� ' �• moc�ry amortfmtlon of the surtr9 secured by this Securiry fnstrume►rt by reason af any demand�made by the original Borrower or � .� -_
<br /> L�.� ° d t or�emedy shef(not ba a wahrer ol or• � '�.
<br /> , , BoROwer's successors Tn itrterest. My torbearat:cs by Lender in.exerc(sing em/ 9h ne �
<br /> '�E`„ •: � � preclude the axercise of any d9M or�emedy. . �=:.`=���_ -____
<br /> • � ° 12. Successors and Asnfgns Bound;� Jotert ahd Several Uablli . Co�sd nerfl..The co�enants and —�zy�
<br /> ty' 9 , ;•_j'.;'.�.r',�
<br /> � agreements ot thfs Secudty Instru�rr�.S sha0 bind end b�enetit the successars and a^.signs of Lend�r and Borrower,subJect to the _ _�
<br /> ,,�:.� ' provisions ot paragr�ph 17. Borrcysr�s covenants and agreements aha0 be jo1M and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this . .� .-: ;
<br />: 4 � ' = .� Security Instrumern but does nat execute the Note: (a)ts co-sfgntng this Seourfly Instrument only to mortgage.grant and corney ,�` '
<br /> t hat Borrowe r a i n t e t e s t i n t h a P ro p e r ry u n d e r t h e t e r m s o t t h i s S e c u r i t y I n s tr u m e n x (b) is not person a l t y obii g a ted to pay the ,.,. .,
<br /> ° . sum9 secured by this Securiry InsWment; and (c)agrees that lender and any ather Borrower may agree to extend,modity. _-,`�•--
<br /> . .., • � torbear or make airy accommodations with regard to the tertns ot thts Secudty tnstrument or the Note without that BorrowePs . ,.�_�_,
<br /> �'• �� consent.
<br /> :��° ���' • '. 13. LABn ClIUg99. N the loen secured by this Se�.�y Instrumenl is subJect to a law which sets mazimum loan •
<br /> ""�' � charges, and that law is finairy interpreted so that the(nterest or other loan'charges oolteded of to 6e coRected in connection . -
<br /> � with the toan exceed the pertnitted�mits,then: (�1 2ny such loan efiarge shall be reduced by the amount rteaESSary to reduce , , -
<br /> � ' � the cherge to the permitted limtt: end (b) ersy sr.s aiready co0ected from Borrower whlch exceeded per.ti.".ad tlmita wlfll be . . .
<br /> `. � • retunded to Horrower. lender may ehoose to me,ce this refund by redudng the pdncipal owed under the No2a or by making a . • .
<br /> �_" �'' direct payment to Borrowe�. H a rc`.�md reduces pdneipal,the reduotion will tre treated as a parUal prepayment wftfiout eny r .: .
<br /> • � prepaymeM charge under the Nc:e. �: '��� .
<br /> • . 14. NOt1Ce9.Any noUce to 8ortower provided for in ihis Security Instrument shall be given by Qefhredng it or by maiiing ie : • •
<br /> � ; .� � .�•�', by first ctass ma3f unless app�cabte law requUes use ol another method. The r.oUce shall be directed to the Prope¢y Address . ,
<br /> or an y other address Boaower C.:�i�nates by noUce to Lender. My noUce to Lender shatl be given by ftrst dass m3U to .
<br /> . : ��• Lenders address sffited herein or�y other address Lender designates by noUce to Bortower. A ny no Uce prov l de d for i n t h i s
<br /> S¢ewity tr►strument shafl be deeme8 to have been given to Borrcr�et or lender when given as provided in this pata�aph.
<br /> � . � � � 15. �ovorning Law; Soverabiiliy. Thls Securiry fnsUument shall be govemed by tederal law and the law o1 the • •
<br /> .. ju�lsdictlon In which the Propertyr Is located. In tfie event that any provlslon or clause ot this Security instrument or the Note .
<br /> • can�lcts wfth applicable law, such conNct sfiall nat eNect other provlsions of this 3ecudty InsWment or the Ptota which can be . . .
<br /> '. • glven ettect without the confllcting provision. 7o this end the provlslons o1 this Security Instrumenl and tha Note are dectared to
<br /> . . - be sev¢rable. ' •
<br /> � � � �, 16. 8ottowePB Copy.Bortower sfiall be given one contortned copy ot the Note and of this Sacuriry Instrument. � .
<br />. .. . � .� Ft716.LfA0(1A� Paqe 3 ot 5 �""°'— �.�- . ..- ..� �. _ �.
<br /> . ---- ----------�� _:_.. -_-_ -
<br /> • •'. . � 97199 .. ' .. _. , .
<br />� . � —••�••t+c — , -�^—�=c�-' .r.'- t-�,�.,. . -Y.^ — — ' .. : _ ___ .
<br />. ......, . . � , .. .. , . , , • . • . .
<br /> .. _.... _..r:. _ . __ . . .... ... . . . .. . • � . � ...1 �. .. �� �. . _. •• ., ._ . . .. . .. . .. .. �� _ _ . . _ . .. - .� .
<br />