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<br /> �'��'�". w .. "= - -
<br /> . . ��._ ..��s � � ti .��9��� -. .....�. � �..�s,..s o^`--�.. z-1."z.. _. _ -.-�
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<br /> t t --�� � C ���� R t---- --r�•, t r t n. U _t.� s�_�,
<br /> , ',�.._,.fo ° . _ - }� ; � �'.z : .�. ----�'--r--:�� -�z�-.`_ .� ��;�_� E;� r`
<br /> �f i o • c- t e �' •s• t..
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<br />`�.�' - . . r' �4;-
<br /> ` .�* .<`�', TOt3�THHi WiTH aU the tmpravemerds aow cr hereafter ereeted on the prop�ty.and ab easEm�ts. ePPurtenancas.and �E��y':°�€.``°�`�.,
<br /> r , . .
<br /> � _ .``- ° - • BxAues naw or hereafter a part of tho prop�ty.AD repiacemens and�d�ions stiaD e[so be covered by this 3ecurny Inshumenf. ' '= '
<br /> _` :�.��� ,cs�. AD of the taregotng(s cet�emd to in thts Seaaftyt lnstrument as the'Prope�ty.' . . ,�Z v <
<br /> .r� e Ec , :. < . BORROWEH C01I�NMITS thnL Betrower Is (avfiNy seaed of the estate herehy corneyed end has the dght to �ant end f�� �''`� �,,:4��
<br /> , �..,= `. ..<. t�mrey ffi�Ptoperty end tha!tha Fmpedy is unettcaun6ered. �t tor ene�mbtaneea of record. Bos�wer wa�ts�d wID �.r:`-�'_:,_ '�.
<br /> ° ':��"'�- • .:•:'� ' '� defend$aneraQy tne titte to the Propetty agatnst aB dafms end demsnds,s�jeet to azry enam�rarices ot reeard. - ' � a
<br /> • m �.�. --
<br /> :�:� . ' - 7}119 SEGt1RilY ti�ESIRUNIENT combines enifertn cove�ants tor naitnnai use and notfuniform eevenanLs wBh Qm$ed� � `� •-
<br /> vartaL'ons by jwissdicdon to const�rte a unHortn ssaufty tnstru�nent coveiing real property. � �, �``'' ��
<br /> ., � ..} � , ,..,`
<br /> '. � . ,':� LlNfFORM COVENAf1ITS. Bomovrer end LenQer oovenant and agree as faQows: •r ';: _� :
<br /> . . �. .`: 1.Pmyment of Principa9 eted tr�ter� Prepayment ahd Lete Chargea Barrower ahaD PromP�Y Pa1►wR� .��� �,
<br /> :. w:.��`..«�`�,f due the PrlrteiPal af end tr�triest on the deb!eviden�ed by the Note end anY PrePaymeM end late charges due under the Not� � . .�,... `�::
<br /> . "�� 2. Fun d a 4or Taace�aed tnsairance.Subjeat to spp9cabte law or to a written wahrer by les�der,@oaowes shall pay� �' a , ., •?
<br /> , � . to Lender on the day morrthh/P�errts sre due ander the Note.u�the Note ts paid in fu0.a sum('Funds')tor. (a)YeaAY� ;:,_-`?,,c;---�.--�.:
<br /> �` .,.. . , t�ces end assessments wAtch may attaln priocttyr over thls Securiry InstreimeM es a �� on the Prapertyr, @I yeariy teasehotd� ' `-
<br /> t �,, payments ar graund�on the ProPeriY•tt e►►Y• (�)Y�Y harerd or property insurance premium� (d1 YeartY Raod insursnce� �
<br /> ' 3 i prsr�fnms,fi anY:fQ3 Y�Y��s$tnsvfaace FrenE�ans.d acsyr.and(fl ars}+s�s paya6ta by eosrower to tender t�ac�ee t
<br /> ..°.-- r �'_�.'1 `��„^*^Yt�.�^^° f..a.n.aa�l. g fn Rw n1 1An�avnrv��nt mnA3stn0 Ins��dnCe Dramh�mc Ti+e�ew kamo wro�attari •Fa�w� t -- -..
<br /> - �r- .� =. w-o--�-.. . ...�.! �. ..._ �-r-•--,_ _. [
<br /> items.' Lender may, at any Ume, eoQect end hotd Fimrt. in an amowrt aot to exeeed the maximum amou�a Iender tor a !, - *� �
<br /> ` .��� federafty retated mo►tgage loa�� may require tor Borrower's escraw eccoimt nnder the.tedeat Real Estafe 8ettlement Proce�res ° '�� ._
<br /> ...;.`'. - ACt of 1874 as mnatded hom Umg to time.12 US.C.�26�t et Seq. ('flESPA'j, unless anot6et Iaw that applIes to the Eunds ---__ �
<br /> �.„ ;; .� ' sets a lesser amount !t so. Lender may.at any tim�coDect artd hold Wnds in an$mount rtot to exceed the t¢ssv amourtt r„ =---_
<br /> ,� . ` . � Lend�maY�tlmate the ecrsowd a!Funds�e an.ths 6as(s of ca�rrerit data end rieasonable esttrtiates ot mcpendh�ret ot future `�`' -
<br /> ' ���; �< :� •�` Esaaw ftems ar othenvfse tn eccord�ce wnh eppGcabfe taw. °.;�,�t�
<br /> �` The Funds sha0 be he(d(n en instihrtTon wf�ase d�osfts are insured by a federai agency,instrumernaGly,or�tr'ty Qndu�r►g `
<br /> �.''I - Lend�if Lertd�ts sucfr en institrrHonj ar in eny Federal Hort�a Loan Bank Lersder shal ePPN the Wnds to,pay the Escrow y r'� '" `
<br /> �-., j�:, �`�4.` �'..:_.'-: -. ;:-:-'_-".
<br /> , <. Rems. Lendv may aot chxrge Bortower tor holding end ePPN�9 Ute Funds.eenualtY analy�rt9 the escrow accourtt� or verifying �.,::�_�.:�„:- -.._.
<br /> � � ti , the Esaow Kems. �fess Lender p�ys Borrower brtelest an the Funds and appGcable taw pertn� Lend�.to make such a -
<br /> ' .t'.,:;-;.,� .. charga Ftowever, Lender may reqnlre Bartower w pay a on�tlma chatge tor an Independent real esm19 tsx reportlng servlce _ _
<br /> . y �• used by Lender tn canneodon xrfth this Inan, untess appQcabte law pruvides othe�wisa Untess en agreemerrt ts made or ___
<br /> _ ay�pAcabte Iaw requtres tntefest to ba paid,LenQer shaB not be requited to pay Borrower eny trterest or eamtngs on the Funds. °-�_-
<br /> � • � Bormwer and Lender may agree in wfitng, hawever,tha!interest shaC be paid an the FunQs. Lender shaD ghre to Botrower. � ' - -
<br /> ; • . . . � withaut charge,an annual accounting of the Funds, showing aed�ts and debfta to the Funds and tAe purpose tor whlch each � t� ' '��
<br /> . . � - � d�ii ta the Fun�was made. The fnnds ere piedged a,add�tionai secwiiy tor aD sucrs seeured by the 3eauity InstrumenL F':_�'.�-~�.°�
<br />.� �.. ;. . - � if the Funds heM 6y LendPr exeeed tha amourfts pertnitted to be hetd bY BPPfi�bte Iaw,Ler�der shall atxo�mt to Bnrtawer � -.
<br /> ` " �`= tor the excess Fands in accarQance wRh the requtrements at app�cabte(aw.it the amo�int of the Funds he(d!sy Lender at arty -,. -
<br /> �_ � ;`�.;. ttme ts not sufflc[ent to pay the Escrow Ttems when due,lender may so notity Borrower tn w�iNng.anA,in suqA case Borrower � � °:, _
<br /> , shaU pay to lender the amouM necessary to make up the deficteney. eorrower sheD make up the deftcienoy fn no mnre than� .,.-r_�'��,:,_°::�.
<br /> �� • ���. tweNe monthly paymems,at Lendeits sola dis�eHon. �
<br /> ��� � ` Upon�paytnent in fu4 oi e4 suma secured by this Securfty JnstrumeM. L�der shaA pmmptty refund to Borrower arry Funds ' r;, �'
<br /> ` : , hetd by Lender. It,under paragraph 21,lender shaD acquhe or seil the PropeRy.Lender,prior to the acquisit2on or sale of the
<br /> f � ' �- � Propetiy,shail aPDty any Funds heid by lender at tha time of acqutsi�oe or sate as a credd agatnst the sums secured by ffiis ��+�'----
<br /> . • ',-.�; Secudty tnsUument - �..--�`��-
<br />_ . 3. AQpitoaiton bf PSy�TIOilts BGYess appAceble taw provides otherwlse, all payments recehred by lender under r.;----�
<br /> � ��` paisgraphs 1 and 2 shall be appBed: f,•rsx`to any ptepaymertt charges due under the Mote;secand,to emounts payablo under '`�°�.�'""."'=
<br /> ' ° para�b 2;third,to.iMerest due;fourth,to pdncd el due;and fast,to eny tate ch � -
<br /> p arges due unQer the Note, ��� °
<br /> ' '�" 4. Ch e� Ltens. Borrower shaD a all taxes, assessmerrts. �
<br /> •t etg p y charges, fines artd fmposiUons attributabfe to the. ���' F�—
<br /> . "'• • Praperly whtch may at�fn prtorily over this 9ecurfty Instrumert, and feaseAotd paymerrts ar�ound rents,if aTry. Borrower shail '�"'�""
<br /> . ' paY these c:�G3aUoas in tha manner provided In patagraph 2. or if�nct�atd in that manner.Borrower shall pay them an Ume
<br /> � . • direeUy to t�a person owed payment. Borrower shaD promptiy fumTsh t� Lender a0 noUces ot amounts to be pald unde►this �.::'�-�;
<br /> ` pazagraph. tf Borrowec mekes these payments dUecRty, Bomawer sha0 promptty fumtst► to Lender receipts evldenGng the . ;� �,��'_r,�`�+ -
<br /> S t.;.f,
<br /> • �` pa�Bnrtower shatl promptly dtscharge any Ren whfcb has prtortty over this Security tnstrumeM uni�a Bortower: (a�agrees in j�����,`,� ._-=_
<br /> ••T �� • , " ,r,�: writirtg to the payment of tne obQgaUon seeured by the Qen in a mannc�acceptabte to lenQer, (b)contests in good faith the -�-::,.��_
<br /> � ' �': ile►►by, or defends against enforcement o�t�e Iten in, legal proceed&�� which in the Lender's opinion operate tp prevent the� ��
<br /> - � . � entorcement of the Iien; or(c) sacures irom t�a hoider of the Qen an agreement satistactory to Lender subordinating the 11en to _ _
<br /> _ ,' thts Sec�rity tnswmerrt.If Lender detertnines tha!arry part ot the Property is subject to a Ilen which may atta6�pdoriry over thts . •��^��' •:�
<br />= 3ecurity tnstrument.Lender may ghre BoROwer a noUce identitying the Uen. Borrower shaD sattsty the fian or take one or more of • �•'�"
<br /> � - the acUOns set tortfi ebove wfthin 10 dayo at the�gNing of noUce. ��'
<br />_ �' `t:�f� r ��, '� �� 5. liszafd �P PtO��tty InSUr2�C9.Borrower sha(1 keep the improvement9 now exist(ng or hereafter erected on the • � ' .:: •
<br /> ; • • . ::;f:;� Prope ri y insured a g a lnst Ioss by fire, ha�fnduded wfthin the ter�e°extended coverege' and any other hazards, inctuding ���w==�
<br /> ' � floods or floodtng,for whtch Lender requ?r��nsurance..This tnsuranva �*.ail be mel�ined(n thQ emounts end tor the polods .• '� �
<br /> ': , . '� •, � that lender req�iirss. The insurance carrier� prorimng the InsuranCe shaU be chosen by Bortower subject to Lender's approval. ' ' �,
<br /> :. `�� which ahatl not be unreasonebly wfthhetd fl BorrowEr tails to malMain coverage described above. Lender may, at Lendet's �`-�=
<br /> " opUon,obtein coverage to protect LendePs�ights In tRe Pt„peRy In aecordance wltb paragrapfi 7. .
<br /> • - � '�' M Insutance policles end reoewals shail be accep�bte to Lender end shall Inetude e standard moRgage ctause. Lender - �
<br /> . ' '�• shaU have the d A1 to hold the olicfes and renewals. H Lender re uires. Boaower shail rom . ' •
<br /> . :,r ., 9 p q p p U y g h re to Lender aU receipts of
<br /> � . . . :�:.; paid premlums and renewal noflces. In the ev�.mt o!foss,Boaower ahz3f gtve prompt noUce to the insurence cenler and Lender. , • �
<br /> Lender may make proo!of loss il not made prompUy by Barrower. . ~. .`
<br /> ,,,.�,• �' ��,�.��; Untess Lender and 8orrower oiherwise agree in w�'es:g,insurance proceeds shaU be appiied to restoration m�epair ot the � � ��;'y,�.. •..`,.,,�°
<br /> ^ • Pro pe rt y dama ged,if the restoration or re palr Is eeonoml c a i t y teasible and Lender's ser�s r i t y is not fessened. If the restoratlon or �,.���;`' ''• - �"
<br />'�., �•'., � � '. {: repair is no1 esonomtcalty feasibie or Lender's secudty woutd bo lesserted,the Insu►ance proceeds sha(I be apptied to the sums • �
<br /> '� .. . secured by this Security (nstrument, whether or not then due, wlth arry excesa patd to 9ortower. 8 8orrower ebanQons the . �
<br /> � '•������ Property, or does not.answer witfiin 30 days e notice irom Lender that L^o insurance carrier has oNered to settle a ctaim,then
<br /> � • ', �
<br />,i;, • . . Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the prcoEeds to �epair or restore the Property or to pay sums � ,; ��.•
<br /> _ ._ • secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30Eay pedad will begin when the noUce is ghren.
<br /> � • Untess Lende� and Borrower otherwlse ag►ee in writing, any appUcatlon o! proceads to prUtcipai shall not extend or ' ' •
<br /> ' _ pos�one the due date of the monthty payments referred to in paraqraphs t and 2 or change the amount ot the payments. I1 . •.
<br /> . • ' . � ' , under paragraph 21 the Property is arquhed by lender, Borrowar's d�:t to any insurance policies end proceeds resuWng trom .. �
<br /> . . � • " damage to the Property pdor to the,acquisitlon sha0 pass to LenC�r to the extent of the sums by this Securily Inshument • •
<br />"' . ' � �'� immemately pdor to the acqulsition. � � �
<br /> �•�• 6. Occupanay. Presenratlon, Maintenance and Protection M 4he Property; Borrower's Loa� '
<br /> • AppI1C8t1oA; LBaseh01d9.Bortower shall occupy,estabilsh,and use the Property as 8orrower's princfpal residence wfthtn .� � .�
<br /> " , sixly days after the execuUon of this Securily tnstrument and shatl conUnue to occupy the P►operiy as 8ortower's pdncipal •
<br /> � tesidence tot at least one year after the date o1 occupancy,unfess Lender atherwise a�ees In wrtting,which consent shatl not . •
<br />- • be unreasonebly withheld,or uniess extenuaUng cUcumstances exlst whlch are beyond Bortower's control. 8orrower shall not . � .
<br /> � • desVoy,damage nr impalr the Property, allow the Froperty to detedorate.or commit waste on the Property. Bonower shall be in �� � �
<br /> _ - � detautt 8 any foAeiture acUon or proceeding, whether civil or crfminai. is begun that in Lender's good faith judgmetrt could resutt - �!• � .
<br />: . , in toAefture ot the PropeRy ot othetwise materiaity Impair the lien created by this Security InsUumetn or lender's security interest �
<br /> . . . �
<br /> � ' . ." F7316.U416(119� Ca90 Y o1 S /"�"� 111� _ . , .
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