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<br /> a w�it of elcect�inn or attachmertt af airy sim�ar pta�s sttaU be eniered H�BItISL TiUS[Of Y111ICQi Sh811 '�`k
<br /> • c c srt
<br /> ` . � ` �^ becomg a[tan o�the Tnrst Est�e or arry pa�tlor thareot or[nterest theretn ertd such exer�tdo�,ffitact�mera or simQar �
<br /> �,�''� � : process of jctdgrttertt is noT�eleased.bnnded��Sfied.vaaated or stayed wEthtn sbciy(60)days after tts eMry or tevy. .... ,-r_:�:<.�
<br /> zu�' M ^ �F•,,t.
<br /> V�
<br /> �` ��w (e} �ara has ecctt�e bre�acta at ar d�au#t e�l�erry t�rm.�ag�eemem.conditton,pravisIon, ._�
<br /> ` �•-- -�--...._....:..........s...,............a..��.�ih^Fit�' '° �'-` ` —
<br /> ,;--� � (8�5$R�f os CTd�ffilip cottit3itirv a�ar�i f�Rn vHCV v.a.aw w ..w.�abv o. ... � - -
<br /> � o'
<br /> .'_. . . ' ..y.-i,
<br /> '`��,'� ` 10. ACCELERATiONS UPOAI OEFAULY:ADDRIO(VAI.REMEDIES. If an event at deisult a�urs,Beneflcta�yl may . �:� � :-,�:'
<br /> .. -' dedaze the IcuiehLednesa sec�med he�+aby to hs due and payabte and th�same sttati thereupon 6ecome dtte and paya6�e 'i=- .
<br /> � , ` w�hout ar►y presenime�demand Protest or notice o'f ar�►[dnd. Zhereafter.Beneftcta�y may: S - _.
<br /> . . _ �� --
<br /> ; �..,, ,_
<br /> , (� efther in person or by ageN.w@h or wRhout bri�9ln9 anY acdon ar proceeding,or by a reoeNer Q ;� _
<br /> ' • aApotrted by a cauet a wJthhout regard to the ad tlty eiRer upon and take possessfan of theTrust • .= -
<br /> rtd equacyl crf fts secu . 5•�
<br /> < v ,rar�gr,;:;
<br /> � ��� • Es�or arry part thereaf.in�s oHm name or in the name ot Tn�tee.end do any acts whtch ft deema rtecessary or ' ' _-
<br />_ . _ . _.. deslrabte to pnasenre the vatue. martcetabDRy or retRabD�y ot the Tnist Estate, or p�rt therea�or hRerest therein, _--
<br /> Incxease tha(ncame tharefrom or proteot the sec�m'ty hereaf and.w&h or wfthavt taidng possession of ths T[ust . i
<br /> ' ' � Estai�sue fot or otfrenHtse coitect 4ha rents.tssuss ant!pro�ts theteaf.tndud(ng tRose past due and unpatd�and ,` .�
<br />_.,�,.��� ;�.,° ���;,n�-' appfy the sam� Iess cas� and expenses of opetatIan and vroRectlon Inctudin� attam0y's fees. upon arry .
<br /> _ �; � � Urdebtednass seamed hereby, aD tn sach order as Berteflciary may detemiine Tha e�rtetfng upon and te�dng . . _
<br /> `}' <.� �`: poss�slon of the Tntst Estata. the coflectlon of such oents„ lssues and profrts and the appftcffiton thereof as ...
<br />-. '�•;.4�_ .. .._� afore�aid shall Rot cu�or watve arry defauit or nottce of defanft hersurtder or imiatidaie arry ect done tn resp�nse t+o -
<br /> � such delaWt or pursuant to such nottce of deta�dt and Roiu�t�r�,nding the caMtnuance in passesston ot ti�Trust
<br />-- . .. � �<�:;-. Estffie or the collec�[on,reatpt and appllc�atton of reMs.issu�c�n protfts,Trustee or Beneftdary shatl be er�ted to ,�
<br /> ; � � , exerctse every right provMed far In arry of the Loan trzstrumer�ta�or by taw upon oawr�ence of any 8vent at detaul� .--
<br /> .� - ,` [nduding the dght to exerclso the pawer of sale: . � .• < r„�:
<br /> �...: .y. . � �-•-����
<br /> commenas an actlon to fo�edose t��Q2ed cf Trust a's a ma�age.appofrtt a receiver or spBCUtcatty
<br /> . . � . ertbrce�any W the corn�ar�nts hereol; � �-_ � —
<br /> " defNer tn Trustee a written dedaiadion of de�Fa�and demand for sale aa�d a written.no�ce of detatdi � �`
<br /> ' and ele�on to cause Teu�ofe tnterest(n theTnrst Eatate to ba'sotd.whleh no�ce Trustee shall cause to be duryf�ed � '�"�°
<br />- . . � for reco�d ire the appropfiate of�ces af the Courrty in whtch tha Tnrst Estate ts 4ecaied:or ���-r:�_:-- -
<br /> - � (i� �cercise such other�ights or remedtes at tauv or dr,equity. � . ."�.
<br /> .:�,
<br /> ' . . � 11. �RECLCSURE BY POWER OF SALE. tf Beneftdary dects to ioreduse by exercise of the Power ot Sate ° �`:�`�'• _
<br /> ����_.� � � herein cantained, 8eneflciary shall ncsiity Tntstee and shall deposlt with Trustee the Secortd Deed of Trust and any nais _—
<br /> �� ...•.� evuieneing the Indebtedness and auch recefpts and evidertce af expendiwres made and secured heceby as Trustea may ;
<br /> � � � �� requlre. �-�'l`�
<br />. . ' .. • ' � ..�I�.• ..' j`.�'�1�:
<br /> , - � � , . � (a) . Upon recelpt�such notice from Beneftciary.Tntstee shall cause to be�ecorded. published and � .
<br />- � delbrered to Trustor such Notica of Detault and Notice of Sa1e as then requtred by law and by thls 32cond Deed of ; �'��
<br />- _ , ��; Tn�st Trust�a sha11 wnhout demand on Tntstor.after sach tlme as may then be required by lavu and efteT recordatton . �.;:�,��_.,. .,���
<br /> � ' °' '` of such Notice of Delauit and aifter Notice ai Sale having been gtvan as requfred 6y taw,sell the Trust Eatate at the- � = r
<br /> _ � '; tlme and ptace of safe fbced by ft tn such{Votice af Sate.eit�er as a whote,or In separate tots or parcets or Rems as ��-'� �
<br /> :. .. � Trusiee s�all deem expedteM,and tn such order as it may determtne,at pu blic su c t lon to t he h t g h e s t b l d der for cas h ,':
<br /> ��i in Ia�Mut monay at the Un(ted States payabte at tha tlme o! sale. Trustee shall dd:ver to such putchaser or __
<br /> � � '•` � p u r c h a s e c�rt h e r e o f�s g o o d a n d s u f fl c i e n t d e e d o r d e e d s c�m r�g�g t h e p r o p e rt y s o s a E c��u t�M t h a u t a n y c a v e rt a m ;
<br /> �, ��••� � � ��, or war�p expressed or lmptted.The recftais in such deed of arry matters or tacts si��!tr r�e conduslve proaf o1 th9. f r �=
<br /> . � fi�iM�ness thereof. My person,tnGuding without limftatton Trustor,Tnistee or Beneflciary,may purchase�at sucb ��s�
<br /> ' � � �8. . . . �714r7� ry.`d::
<br /> '�,��51?l�)'�.sr.:�,�;
<br /> �. ' � (b) Aa may be permitted hy taw,after deductlng all co�ts,fees and expenses oT Trustee and oT thls TrusL .
<br />� . .�� �. Mcluding cnsta of evl dence a f t t t fe trr connect lan w f t h s a te.Tru s tee s h a l l app ly t h e p ro�Z s o f s a t e t o p a y m e rn o 4 m
<br /> �` . ���� .� ;,: the Indebtedness(i�a11 oiher sums then secured he�eby. and(im the rematnder,H ae;,y,�o the person or pe�sons : .:��.. ' .
<br /> • . �,.. ' � = legally eMitted thereto. �° , .
<br /> � , ..�;
<br />',: � _ . �;�:s�;
<br /> �. �. � - (c) Ttustee may In the manner pravlded by law postpone sate of all or any porticn af the Tc►�Estate. :��"�� . .
<br /> .-< .
<br />`�,'�r� � .�; 12 G��MEOIES NOT EXCLUSNE. Trustee and BeneflGary, and each of them, �Y�II be eMitled to eMorcc� � � .
<br /> . � payrne�end per�am�ance of any Indebtedrtess or oWlgatians secured hereby and to exerclse�.i7 dghts and power�und� � . - .
<br /> � � - this Secend Oeed af Trust or under any Laan Instrument or other agreemeM ar any laws now or hereafter tn force; .� . .
<br />.. na�t�nr:2hstanding,some or aU ot the such Indebtedness and obltgatlons secured hereby may now or hereaft�r be othenais� ' ';�'��� �
<br /> . secured.whether by mortgage.deed of trust,pledge,tlen,asslgnmerrt or otherwlse. Neither the acceptanc�af thts Second . �:<<.�`��
<br /> � Doed of Trust not its enforcemer�t, whether by court actlon or pursuant to the power o!�z'e or other pawers hereln �°''`
<br /> . . "� conteined,shall prejudlce or in arry manner eftect Trustee's or Beneflclary�a dght to reafize u,pon or entorce any oiher � :
<br /> : . � .�;. : � securrty now or hereafter held by Trustee ar Beneflctary.It being agreed that Trustee and Besaflciary�and e�ch o1 them, �
<br /> sha11 be emitted to er�force this Secored Deed of TNSt and arry ather securiq►now or hereafter hefd by 8eneflciary
<br /> • 3 �
<br /> �` . . . ------ �------ -_. - •—,-.-.. .. -. -•-------, . . ..�_.__:�_.. _.�. . •
<br /> � . �� . • . .. . . ' .,.,��-�-�-.�. . . .. `�_� ' . ._ �
<br /> .._ . .. . .. _ . . , .. . . . .. . .... :' • .. .. . . '_ • • _ , . . � . .'� � -. _ . .
<br />