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<br /> . 2. Y�ItES. Ttustat shal! pay�ach Insiallment of el!t�tes ernd spec�tl a��r�ens a�i eve�ry��d�. nav�br < -: �;'
<br /> . . itereaft�t G�visd ag�!nst thaTnist Est�te ar arry part thereat.6etore delirtquency�uv�ho�nattca cr dsmand. �,;,�,,�. ,..;:_:;
<br /> ` - � '.< , g. INSURAt�SCE AND t�AiRS. Tn�st� s4�I! maTr�tatn ftre and extended coverage tnsurart�[nsuring ttie � : �`:-��.:�;`'
<br /> tat ' ���`�- _
<br /> - impravemerRs canstftuitng �t a#ti�Tn�t Estate 4ar such �mourge and on such tarm9 eeasorsa6fy �ttsqacRay to , r % "�_�
<br /> . � BeReTtciary. So tong as the P�6perty ts s�curea! by a�r�t de�d af wst or n�oRgage. campitance wfth the insurance � �` '�=-
<br /> r .� r temerrts a'�the firrst daed af trust or mortgage shatl ba stditciertt ta�tsfy the requirements af U�Is paragraph 3 rei�ng _
<br /> st
<br /> - to��nce. � -
<br /> ` � .._ _ ....� ..a �+tr+ai axe�rrt fos orcitnarv wear and . �
<br /> _��� T►Id3IQf Sil�p[OJitptiy[egair annv r8frt�o 2t'tv T:..a...oS3to���r..lR 2�°�-----. -�--. ;
<br /> r J _c' teat.tha Tntst Estste shaii not detedarata In no ever►t shafl the Trostor commR waste on or w ths'Trust Es�te.or com�r+R, � �
<br /> ,,.� s�tet br pennft any a�to be done(n or u�n the Tntst Eslate tn vIolation ot a�ry tavr.ardtnartce ar regutation. Ttustor Shai! �;��.::-
<br /> �` .�` �` :�� pay anc9 promPttY dischaBs at Tntstot's cost and e�anse aU Ilens. entwm�ranc�s and d�argas levt�d. (mpased or �"` ._
<br /> .. ,` :r assessed a g a i n s t 4he Trust Estffie or arry part thereof. � . � --_
<br /> `;. :��, �4. ACTlON3 AF�ECfING TRLiST ES7ATE. Tn�stor ehaJi sppear tn and contest arty actlan or prooeedtng - _
<br /> ;, ,;5 p u r po r tl n g to ffi�the s e t�l hereot or the dgMs or�weis af Beneftciary ar Tnrstea.artd shait p a y afi costs and. - -
<br /> J e�enses►indudtng�ast of ence at t�te and ateor�tey's iees.tn arry such action or p r a c e e d i ng In w h i c h B e n e f i c t a r y o r- -
<br /> . : :� Ynlstse rnay appear. t#Tn�r�Dsto make any paymertt or to do a!ry sct as artd ta the manner provtded in arry af the i�oan
<br /> .. � ` tnstrum e n t s,Ben e B c l a r Y a nd j o r T n�s t e e.e a c h t n L h e i r o v m d i s c r e N o n,w J t h o u t o t�l t�t i o n s o w d o a n d w P t h a u i na�ce m or . - - -
<br />_'�• `''� • , � 4`; demand upon 7lrustcr and uv�hout reteast�g Trustor from any ob11�uon,maY majce or do the same in such manner arid ta .� _
<br /> `, , �. ' e r e o f. T c E t s t o r s t t a!!.I m i m e d i a t e f yup o n�e m a r t d th e r etor -
<br /> � � _� .„�;,t � such�cceM as e�ner may desm necessary 4o p r o te a t h e s$c�u a y h `. - ��
<br /> � Y
<br /> �;�x,. � ��, :�: by Bsne�tdary.PaY e!1 ccsts ant!exPer�ses incurred by Beiteft�i in cannecNon with the sxe�by Bene9i�taN af th� ;.,,;r 4•..
<br /> - iosego�ng dgttts.tnduding wPthout flmitatIon casts ot evldence of title.cour�costs,aAP�aIsals.stn+reYs and adGOma�s fees. ,
<br /> �...�jj ���c ��_. . _ .
<br /> � .:i< � a. EMINENT DOMAIE�1. !f the Tntst E�or any part thereof or t�ter�st thepin.6e taken ord�g2d by�son . � - -
<br /> _-�" cf arty puhlia t�provemer�t or cortdemnation proce�ing, ar in any oYher manner induding deed tn Itev thereaf .� --
<br /> .•�: '.� —
<br /> . .":� CCondemnaUan�. or if Tncstor receives arry rtoUce or ather Enfo�aUon regarding suci� prcceedfng,Tn�siar shall glve � : _-
<br /> d paymerds or -��..... .�,.
<br /> _ ... •,�, p r�o m p t w r ft t en nattce therQa'f Lo Beneftct�ry. Trustor shall be er�et!to all compsnstlo�.awards an other . .,:-:-. Y.-
<br /> � � �:.{ reltsf tlterof and shall be er�ftfed at Rs cpUon to commenca. aAPear t n a n dpros @ C I l t 9 i t t Q S O W n 1 ffi m 0 a n y S C t t O n O t :_: s�:;,_
<br /> :.`�`.4 y.����.�° proceedings. Trustor shall atso be eMid�i to make any compromisa or set�ement in consectiort+n►(th such talctng ar - -
<br /> 4 � �Q�'�� .' v2
<br /> �: a1��q
<br /> j - `� . 6� APP0INTMEM Of SUCCFSSOH TRUSTEE Beneftciary may�from time to tUne►bY a wrftten insVUment _ ,
<br /> '�•=,� :.�.� .
<br /> - . •�. exectRed and acknowTedged by Benefletasy.mailed to?nistor aed recorded in ths Couniy tn which the Tn�st Estate is �.�•-, -
<br />;:, � m -
<br /> �`_;;;`., +' lacated artd by othaYwise comptying vrith the provislons af t?�e appllcahte law ot the State of Nebraska setbstitute a -- -�.�_--
<br />-�:'".'. � , -. suas�oror successetstothe7eustee named herain oracting here�mder. .�`�r` `-
<br /> . ,�. ..._
<br /> " � � � 7. SUCCE380AS AND ASSltiNS. This Second Deed oY Trust appites to,inures to the benefit ot au�d binds ail • •}�� �` —
<br /> .. . �.
<br /> � ' .•:`. parUes her�o;thetr hsir�,fegi4ees► devts�es�Personal represeMattves�sua�ssors and asst�na The term°BeneR � _-
<br /> a sso
<br /> � •�����`'�,: shal!maan the oumec and holder of airy pramtssory note gtven to benefldary.(wl�ether or noi rtamed as BeneEtdary heretn. --- s
<br /> .�«.: .
<br /> � .:':�.� ;,�
<br /> 8. MERGER,CONS�DLIDATiON,SALES OA l.FASES. Trustos com�enants that tnistor wID�nut seil,tease or �.� ' ._
<br /> . otherwise dtsAose of any of the Trust Es�tat� tn the eveM that Tntsior selis.leases or othsnNise disposes o!enp pari of the �"'��." +,,�-
<br /> � Trust Es2�as geneflctary may at fts opiion dectare the Indebted�ess secured her�by immediaiety due artd payabte.wh�ther _. . .,-.,;�
<br /> � �' or nat arry d�Tault extsts. BeneRctary sha11 conserrt to a transfer of the Tntst Fstaie to a third party to the exterR such third � '' ���
<br /> , �-
<br /> ' �'� paRy meets the requiremerits corttatned in,and assumes the obligatians set torih fn the Flrst Deed of Tn�st. The cavena�s ` "_�,. , °
<br /> .�.•`: conTatrtet!hereln shaft ra:n wlth tAe PropeRy and sP►ali�ematn in full force and effect urtt�the Indebtedness LS patd in full. �.:, __
<br /> : �:.
<br /> . g EVEtNTS OF DEFAULT. My of the folfowing eveMS ahall be de�med an event of defautt hereunder. ���'
<br /> - �� � ��` � (a) dsiauli shall be made in the paymeM of the Indehtedness or any other sum secured hereby wt�en due; '�"'"�� ���: -
<br /> ;- ... . _
<br /> i Oi -�
<br /> � . � � (b) Trustor shatl perform arry a�x t��bankruptcy;or � � �_
<br /> , ��::�•.
<br /> • � (c) a couA og com�etent jurisdlction sha11 erner an order,judgme�or decrea appraving a petitfon flled . `"- .
<br /> - � .. �gainst Tnlstor seekUg amy rearganization,dissolutEan or simftar reflef under any present or future tederal,state _ .•
<br />;,,,; � � � " or other statute.law or re�Wation retaiing to bankruptcy.insotv,.�ay or other retief for de6tors.and such order. . - •- -
<br />-��° •. � . ,, judgmeiri or decree shall remain urtvacated and unatayed far a►t aggregate at sbdy(60)da�s(whether or rtai
<br /> consecutive)irom tha flrst daie oi ertu�y therof;or any tnistee,s�cetver or ltqutdator or�n�^tor or ot aii er any .
<br /> _. -�- U�... paa a!the T►ust Estate. or of any or ali of the royalties, revenues. rer�ts, issuas or prufits thereof. shall be .. ,.�`��
<br /> � appointed�v�ithout the cae�se�or acqulescence of Trustor and suCh appa�ntment shali remain umfacated and . .
<br /> � ��� unstayed tQran aggrEgat�of sixty(60)days(whetheror not consecutive);or . � ��;:,:,
<br /> , . •��,.:
<br /> .`.� .. � . .. .
<br /> ;:r; . . � . . f .
<br /> . . � � � . 2 � .. .
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