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<br /> — � ..A __ .O _. ,__ _- S . at✓ � . i t����.�` - � � :r �t ..� . t_.._
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<br /> , ; �( y�� F (1' -.}� Y'`. .u. <<Y - f�' �.
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<br /> . F.p. ` . . . . .. . . '"^� �t (� E N •� •,Y
<br />..�� F.- 'F..' .i � . . . � t. a t' . 4 -•Q } ,,�_ t S, y !` -2 ' . V € �. '`( 'i'_
<br /> `-`F�' ' f� - `�� . . ,F: ' ' •' ; �. C .',4� �`Y � ', '' 'j 't . � 4 �1 •t{r •.
<br /> .� '/}'`, .� f ` •,(F.�
<br /> [`' �� �<�S`, ' � ' • ' r
<br /> .,a: ; ,ti�.;4., . . .:f.`.,r��( :r���:t,.�--
<br /> . . � (t•c�` Q`-,
<br /> , . . ' ' . �,�:�.�``r4'. . r�,;;.
<br />.. `�` ._`. � � . ��.�,.,,� _ r.�.
<br /> h 4 � . . ��� ����� f Y�� �-•,z
<br /> :.';.;.• .;�i' ��.e.<< ..�.',;-__".
<br /> --,- `=--= If ihe�saunts hetd by I�sder for Fsc7aw Iteims exceod the amoimts gecmitted ta hs hetd 6y RESPA.Irender � �., ,
<br /> �_�� s23a11 accoum to Bomnwer foi the exsess funds as zeqntned 8Y RESPA. If dte amouats of fiutds hetd hp Lender az a�r � s� i �-�`-"""�
<br /> -_ -= time are not safficieai to pay me Fscraw ttems waen aae,i.euu�c'�uii�:i'�.,""-�--•••=°'P•°='�TA�";�,it�►�awer w _---
<br /> re w'en
<br /> y.- �., L, 4.,.�
<br /> , �� . • make up the s�ortage as�ermiued by RFSPA. �r�c T��._.
<br /> � The Fssaaw Funds are pledge8 as additioaal se�uigt foi ali simns s� by this Se�auiry Iasuuffient- If , � ----
<br />-. . �'�'�' �,, `� Botrawer tendets m I,ender the fall payment of all sacb�sums.Borrower's a�ou�s�a11 be�ited with the balance �•`. �,---.--
<br /> < • � d � _
<br /> < '' 4, ' cemainiag for all.ins �ta!m_�t itenms(a),(b),and(c1��9��8e��Pseminm installment that L.euder l�as --
<br /> •�;� aot becomc obiigated m�ay ta the S�r,and Lender sbaU pmmgtiy�aay euess funds to BaRtower. `
<br /> • �:�i Immediatetp prIor w a forectosuie s a te o i s he P r a p e rt y ar i t s a c q u i s i t i o a b y L e n d e r,B o r c o w e r's a c o m m t s h a l t b e - __-
<br /> r:k c�xdited wiih auy bal�ee uemainmg fo�all installments for items(a).N),arzd(c). '� -
<br /> ��,-;; 3.Appllca4taa af Paymeu4s.All payrmenta�sler Parag�aPhs 1 and 2 shari be applied by T�nder as foltows: �..
<br /> '' ,_"�' �,to tlie mortgage�ce psem�nm w be paid by I�ader to the Se�etaaY or to the maat�ty charge bY the , ,; :�- �
<br /> ,::)< Se�t instead of the manthiy mortgage insannce p�m; E �f '' =.
<br />_ . � `'�` S�ond''to any taxes,sPecial as�smeats,teaseho2d paymaus oz gmun�reats.and 5re,fl�d and ather Bar.ard =-; ,
<br /> �: .,s=
<br />:. °. .. ' i�,p to iateres� due under the Note; _ __ -
<br /> �t� �, �w a�artizadoa o f t he p r i n c i p a l o f t h e No t e;a n d �. - -
<br /> f.',` �-
<br /> :'`� �t�,to late cha�ges due uuder the Note.
<br /> � � : � --
<br />_ . ,".:,: :�' ' 4.FYre,Floal an�Othcr Aazara Yns�'eace.Bormwer sba12 instue all improvements an the Pcoperty.wbether ;'.. �„�.,�,�r.
<br /> :-.....,.:..:_ l,:..'��; naw in eaistense or sabsequently erected,��Y�s,casnaltles,and contmgencIes,Insluding Sira.fas,cvh�Ch ��� 4� _
<br /> ,.�.. ; ��-- ...-��
<br />- Lender requires iasarance. Thia insuraace shall i�e maintaiaeQ in the a�uwunts aud for the perIods t�at Leader � ,;': ����
<br /> _ � � requires. Soaower shall alsa jnsare aU iasprovements on the Pcoperty,crh�ther now in e�dsteuce or sobseqnentlY
<br /> �; _
<br /> �.;��;�E� ::, ere�d.against toss hy floods t�the eatent�equ�red by the SecretaiY.Ail iativrance sbaU 6e cffiried wiih co�paai�a ; ,�'.
<br /> f;,: , appmyed 1sy Lender.The insorance policies and aay tenewats sl�alt be�etd by t.ender�d shaU iaeJude loss paya6le ,'r_ `-=�
<br /> ' %.:� � cta�se�in favor of,�d'm a fatn acceptabie to,Lender. ��
<br /> � In the eveni of loss,Boimwer sha11 give Leader immediate notice.by miaU.l.ender may make proof of Ioss if not� -
<br /> �_��..,�.-` •_.
<br />- � ` �PTOmP�Y by.Borrowe:.Each ins�rance w�apany ooncesned is hetebp authorized aud dlrected to make payment ;-
<br /> , • ,. . - ,y�
<br /> } .� for sush Ioss directly to L�nder, iastead of to Borrower and to Lender jnintly. A11 or a�l pazt of the inssurance - �
<br /> _ pracceds may be appHed by l��ier,at its option,either(a)m the reductioa of tne indebtedaess uades the Note and _ ...` �; ;.=-
<br /> ` this Secarity Tn�mm,ent,fitst to an}►deliaquent amounts applted in the order ia par�apb 3,and then w prepayme� � �,
<br /> , of prIneipal.or(b)to the restoration or repair of the damaged PmpertY.AnY$PP���on of the proceeds to the �=
<br /> ' � Pt�cipal sbaU nos easend or postpone the due date of the monthlY Paytnents which are tefetred w in paragraph 2,or :, '��
<br /> .;-i p�nents.pay �'`"
<br /> � ;';,�. ', change the amoimt of such excess iasurance proceeds over an amonat required to pay a]1 outstanding ;,���
<br /> .�:j'° indebtedness under the Nose aa.d this Securiry InstsumQnt sball be paid to the entiry legally entid�thereto. :�_ i, ,,--`-
<br /> .., . . : .�.------�
<br /> � {' !�the evem of foreclosute aS this Security Insuume��'other transfer of tide to the Property that extingnishes . � .�,# ;--
<br /> ' � ' � the i�btedaess, all rip,bs, dtte aad intes�a.af Borrower in and to lasumnce policIes in force sbaU p�s to the -
<br /> • �• .�,� Purchaser. ' � -�..�, -
<br /> '` ' �' �.. S.Oe�uP�x9.P�er��BQaiatenaace aad Ptote�lon aS ttse}P mP�9i Bosr+uwer's L a a n A pp l i c a t t o a: ---
<br />-- ,� I.easeho2d4. Borrower shaU accupy.e�tablisU.and use the Property as 8omuwer's ptlnctpal iesidence within sixty � �� �; '-__ --
<br /> . Y �;: days aRer the executiaA of tLis Security Insuument(or within sixty days of a later sale os uansfer of the Property) � � � ; ,�,n�-
<br /> •. " ��' and shall continue to occupy the Property as Boaow�ePs principal residence for at least one year aRer the date uf . ��'s ��i_'-
<br /> p : . a c c u pan c y,ualess Leader determines that requtrement wSU ca�se undcs ha�dship for Bo:rower,or ualess extenuating . � :---,_,,,.�.�
<br /> ' �� • cilrp�mstaaces e�ist wlrich are beyond �orrower's cantrol. Borro� s h a U ao t i f y L e n der o f a n}r e x t e n u a t i n g
<br /> . . � . �: � '': .
<br />':' ' � � cl�staaces.Borrower sbzF@ cot wmmit waste or destroy,damage or substentialty cbange the Property or allow the , ;...: .
<br /> :. ,. . �menyr to deterlorate,reasonsble wear and tear excepted.�tnder may lnspect the Property if the Property is vat�nt ; ;.��,';.�.:.' '
<br /> . :�,>,: .:, .
<br /> .. ur abandoned or the loan is 9n default. Lender mayr tak,e r�easonable acdon to pmtect and preserve sucL vacant'or ,
<br /> . .. • �,, . . .
<br /> � � v�G, • .
<br /> . R(NB1�ssoa�.o� PaOo a o�e wuaa:� .
<br /> . � .
<br /> � . . �i.' �•�. � .
<br /> � � ------•-----, . ----'^ "^ .. . . ......�.-._—•.----^—�:;-----� ; • �..
<br /> � , � . � � . '" •� � . . , • • . " : ..
<br /> �. � . � . . ' . . � : � � . � . .
<br /> .. . , _ . . .. . .. � . � . • �� { � � . . ,. . .
<br /> :•,, . . � � ' � , �•, - �. - - ' . � . . ' . � . ' „-. ,r�-�^�,-.....�.� ._r.�R�.W..,_._..._.',..__�_,,.:.._�t,..
<br /> . . . .. . �. _ . 7•- . � - ' ' , - .,I�' . .J ' � 't . .. �
<br /> .. _ . . ... . . . . . _ _ . ._ . . . . . . _ . . . .. .. . .. . .. . _ ... . . . ... �: _. .. . _ . -
<br />