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<br /> under tbis Security Ias3niment and the Note. For this pnrpase. Boirower ,�, � �`�� :-
<br /> pf Bo�o�rer's covenants aad agieem�nts IAS3 men
<br /> ��� .isaevocabty Btmnts and conveys to the Trusta,in unst,arith Powee of sat�,the following descdbed PmpertY tacazed � 1 _}t�
<br /> -- .- � �. � , HS71 . • �YrI��1�8: � EA� .� J..
<br /> � � �� Lot ?en 41��, 1n Block 'fhirteen (l�j, in Bannie �srae Raoiiion io bttC LiLy v. � _
<br /> • �rand Island, Hall Cou�ty, Nebraska. � �--�=`
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<br />-� �� '� w,1�,baa the address of 1304 W. North Front,6rand I sl and , ��'�"S'�' _;�,. �---
<br /> - _ . ,. . -� ' Nebsaslca 68801 [ztp coael ('Fc�m�estY Address"), ---..:.,-:.4
<br /> � . ..,�!j TOGETHER WPl'H all the impmvements natv or henaRer erected on the pmpexcy, aad a11 ea�emeats. 4,<�::.
<br /> . a . �`!'� . appuctenances and fixnues now or bcreafter a part of We PmP�Y- ��Placements and addiuons shalt ats4 he . .' -;=-
<br /> '�� . :=:;; rovered by this SecurIry lnstcumen�All of the foregoiag is referred to in this SecurIry t"�'"�t��"p1f0�Y•• :-=�;",
<br /> :f � .r.
<br /> BORROWER COVENANTS[bad Baimwer is laa�ily ss�of the estate herebY conveyed aa,sB�as tl�e�tght to � .-.{y ��:,_
<br /> . , grant aud cuavey the Property and that ti�Pmpert�►'i�naenca�bered,euePt for encumbrances of�ecord.Bomawer ,,�. .
<br />. . , ` .� • �ccanaars and w�71 defead generally the title w the ProPert3► aSainst a11 claims and damands. sal�ject w. anY ��.,....
<br /> -�:�.:
<br /> �� t ' �•,� eacumbrauca of cecard. .r.^'F
<br /> �� THIS SECURTTY INSTRUMENT combines unifoim covenants for natlonal use aaA non-uniform wvenaats "��
<br /> . t coverin rea} m ' --�, ,Y-_---
<br /> � with limited vasiations try Jurisdiction to wnscit�ce a uniform s�r inswmen S P F�Y• :�.-:''w..:.:'____--_-
<br /> . - Barmwer aad Lender wvenaat aad agre�as follows: •"':`, -_�"
<br /> ,. —�J..
<br /> �• � . , ;;. iJN1FORMCOVENANTS. � . ��P��' � •�f;:�,.. , _
<br /> � 1. Ybymeat of Pslnstpal, In4es�t an�Late C4arge. Borrower sbail pay when due the ,. , :�.•,;�:���..
<br /> � ,.�� ,� 's interest on,che debt evidenced by the No�e and late charges due imder the Note. . ; �� =
<br /> ' � a. Mon4Wy Puyment of Taaes, Ia�m�ate aad �Yher Ch�rges. Bomnwer s1�aU inslude ia each mantLly ,;;�- �=-`—
<br /> . , . �: � paymeat,together with the pzincipal and intenest as set forth in the Note and auy late c�arges,a sum for(a)tmces and . .: _._
<br /> � ��� � speciat a9se.ssmenu levIec3 or to be levied a�?in��z Properry. N) leasehold�ayments or gnound reafs on the �•��M �
<br /> �' ,. �� "� � . 'r":,: Propertyr,aas�.(c)Dremiu�ns fot insurapce mquired under paragraFh 4. In any year In abich t'�e Lendcr must paY a "`{�` x
<br /> �';;. .. ' .. � - mprtgage insurap�ce Premium to�he Sa�iarY of Housing aad Ur��Developmeat("Secmta�'9,or in aay year in -- _ --
<br /> '�. ..� �. ahich such premium would have been re�NireG if LRnder still II�'�ahe Security lnstrument.ez�monthly paymeat �:�`.�-__
<br /> �'. .��� , s h a U also iaclude either.f)a sum for the annual mortgage insurance premiva►to be paid by Lender to the�cretary, . ,` ',`e.`-_.—�_
<br /> ��:,. . • ' � . or tii)a monWSy chuge instea�of a mongage insnrance p'remiwn i f t h i s Securi t y I n s t r u m e n t i s h e l d b y t L�e S�c s e t a ry. ...: ._`=':,��-
<br /> � �"., ,�:� :� in a reasona3�2e amount w be determ�ed bl►the Secretary. Except for the mantWy chazge by the Secr�ary. these , ;=
<br /> � , . . items are ca]Ied"Fscrow Items'and tPte sums paid to LRnder are called"Escmw Fands." e a m o u n t n o t t o e x c e e d t h e -:.°'z'-'�":;;�;
<br /> . . I.ender may,ai any time,collect and ho l d atnouats for E scr�s:. I t e m s i n a n a g g r e g a t .. ti , � :. �, ,_.
<br /> � � : � mvcimum amoaut t�at maY be re�Nued for Borrower's escraw acaom►t uader tfle Real Estate Settlement A�ceduces . . . .
<br /> � Act of iSYl4, 12 U.5.C. Seaion 2601 et seq. and implementing re$ulaaons, 24 CFR Part 3 5 0 0, as t�ey may be . •'� �;r.��-�•T'"'�'"`.
<br /> � �� , ' . ameuded from time to time('R�SPA'),except that the wshioa o:resen+e permitted by RBSPA for nnaadcipated .
<br /> .. � disb�usements or diabursements Dsfore the Borrower's payments are availab2e in the acoount may not be based on �
<br /> . : ; amoimts due for the mortgage insurance premium. � .. ' �
<br /> _•- ' .. . . � ' Capo7o,9 uuuen:��L� . . .. , .
<br /> ��4RlNE1�ssoa�.o . ' .
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