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<br /> • t . , � Bo:rawer shall ke�P the imPmvemenis�ow existing ar herea8er erected on the � ..µ
<br /> � , :�4` � Ha�rd ae Prog�S► e sn other dazazds.inclading.
<br /> '� �` ��:.t '�,� p�ope�ty insured.sgainst losa 9sy.fue.i�a�ds inclucled within th�te�m e�eaded oovetage`�zd Y '�- �_°
<br /> �' �"�....`�._.�,,.�, . �ttoods Pr tt�nding;for wlucA Lender�requir�s[asnrance.'Igiis ins�uance shall be maintaineQ ia the amounts and for tlie peeiflds ;;:�-
<br /> . ° that Lendet rpquires.'Che iusurance carrler pmv�ding the ins+uance sha11 be chosen iry Bnrmwer subject ta Leader's ffp�roval. �.4-::
<br /> ����F� ,
<br /> _ w h i c i s�s h a l l a o t�u n r e a s fl n a b l y a i t h h e l Q. If�irower�fails to mminiain coverage descdbed.above,I.ender may,at Lender's a�, ;.
<br /> �naccordaace wit�pata�P�'�• -r .=-
<br /> ` �` � e clause. Lznder �
<br /> . .<L,� . option,obtaisi wverage� �°and reaewals sbail i�e acceD�����r and shall include a staadard mustgd8 ��x-"
<br /> -' --- s�t �'.' —�QttOW�sh3� , ...,. ��'�,}�. �'tcnf -°°-- = -
<br /> � � shall have the right w hotd the poticies apd renewals.If Len e�r reqinies, i__
<br /> �,•�,�: �•` � �raid premiEirns ead reaewai nati�.Ia tfie ev�nt af loss,Bo:rowes shalt give pmmpi notice to iJ�e insurance cairier and I.eader. � __
<br /> ` Let�der may m a k e proo fo f[o s s i f a o t made pro m p t l y b y Borrawer. �'y'���°
<br /> "� rnceeds shaU�Be applied tQ resWr�dan or�epair o f t h e �,
<br /> ° ` UWess L`e�de�and Bartower othe:wlss agree in writin�,insaiance p �� _
<br /> :;°•� �.';":,�` �s economically feasb�e and Lender's security isnat iessened,If the restarrsion or .
<br /> a . .. PmpertY damaged,if the�estoration or repair' rooeeds shall be appl�ed to the sums --
<br /> 'k:�
<br /> <�� �� z���'f ie�ais is not ewnomically feas}"62e or I.euder's secvritY would be lessened,the tnsutanioe P E___-:�
<br /> � aic�to Bocrower: If Bomower abandons ihe --
<br /> � r r�4:• • SeAliCd by tL'1S S'CI�Ty It1st[11IDeIIi� v�+ItCihet oY IIOt i11C111 due.vVlth atty eXSess P :�.
<br /> �. k _ ��
<br /> property,ar does not answu witlria 3O days a natice from Lender tiiat t6e insmaace carriei has offera!to sEtt1=�cTaim.u�ms � '
<br /> � ` Leader may colY�ct the insuraase proceeds.Lender may nse the praceeds to repair or reswie the Pioperty � --
<br /> ;� Y� r secared 6y thisSewrity Ias�aaaen�whether or not tben due.The 30-day period will be�a wheu the aotice�e�extend or �-..__,',_::
<br /> ` f .U�less Lsnder and Borcowea otherwise ag�ee in wridng. anY $PP��ttsoa of'praceeda to pri�acipal .
<br /> .:�_��..,:._ �°'• one t�ee dne dat�of the mo�thlY Palm�nts refemd w m parag=aFbs Y and 2 or cfi�nge t�e amannt of the payments. If �
<br /> . .�.�:` . Po�P b Lender,Bnrrower's rigtrt ta an7►instuanc�l��cies�and praceeda rest�Iting fmm � r-
<br /> • �onder paragraPh 21 the ProPertY is acq�ired Y �
<br /> ��: damage m the PropertY Prior to the acquisition s6a11 pass w Leader to L6e esne�of the sams secured by ihis S�aurlty inst�meut �t__:.
<br /> � ' `, �;,'��' immediatelx pdor to the acquisition. � LeasehoIds. _
<br /> Feeservatloa,M�intenaaae and Protec�on of tfce Propeity,��orFOwer's Loan AppIIcatian;
<br /> _ ""''":. .,;:`.,.�` . ' .Bbrrowcr shal!o�r�aPY•estahfish,.and use t0e P�erty as Borrawer's prIacipal resldedce arithin sixty da3►s after the executiote of . �-�,,; -
<br /> � this Security losuument and shall conaiaue to accupY the PrQPertY as Bomower's.princ'spal residence foi at teast one year aftet � �..
<br /> ' �,� �'�. , the date of oaupac�Y,ualess I.ender otherwise a�rees in v�riting,which consent shatl ttot be anreasonably arithhe2d,ar unles's . _J.
<br />_ ,'` � dsmage or impair the' =_
<br />_ :. ., . extenuating circumstauces exist which are 6eyoad Borrower's c�nuoi. Borcowgr shall not destray. . __�..
<br /> �'' ;.,." . , pmperty, allaw the PraFecty ta deteriorate.ur commit waste on the Property. Barcower shall•be ia default if any farfeitiue � _-
<br />- . action or pruoeeding.whether civil or criminal.is 6egur�tha�t in Lender's good faith judgment cou2d tesult ui forfeinue of the , _
<br /> I` , � � PropertY or otherwise materially imPair the lien createA by this Sewsity instncmem 4r I.ender's security utteresc.Borrower may ` �
<br /> . :��:;�=3;.: •• '�''I,. , ' ,cure snch a default and reinstate,as provided in paragraph�8.by causu►&tPie aaron or procxediag to be dis�is�ed with a riilin$ ���
<br /> : ,..�. . . ��.•. or other material
<br /> . .`�.F��",. that, in I.ender's good faith determiaation, precludes forfeiture of the Eorrower's interest ia the PropertY '�-..=
<br /> � � impaim►er�i of tke lien created by this Security rnsuument or Lender s s�curity interzst- Horrower shall alsa be in defautt if ; �r��.
<br /> itcadon rocess.&1ve materially false c�r inaoc�ate inform�tion or stateme�s to Leadar(or Paited� . `�:
<br /> ' Borrower. during the loan app' p = -
<br /> ' w provide I,cnder with anY material informatit�nD����on with the loatt eviden�ed by the�tote,incIuding,but not limited _ .�s_
<br /> ' ,.„, � to,represent86ons conceming Borrowee's occagancy of the Property as a principal residence.If tisis Security Insnutnent is oa a � :
<br /> ` - teasehold. Bosrowet shal!comply with all�the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Pco�erty, the � �Es --._
<br /> � � . � leasehotd and the fee tide sl�all aot merge unless,i.end�r a�ees to the merger in wridng. ' , --
<br /> . � 9,pa�tedfon of Lende�s Rights in the 1Propertq.If Borcower fails to perform the cavenants and agreements contained in .
<br /> this Security Instrument,or there is a legal prooeeding that may sigNfrca�ttS+a�ffed I.ender's ri g�hts in the ProP e s t y (such as a __
<br /> , .. • � proceeding in banlwptcy.probate,for condemnation or farfeiture or to enforce taws or regulations),the�t Lerider may do and _
<br /> ;.,.�:��.� � . ��. .'�� pay for whatever is necessary to�rotect ti�e value of the Pu�opertY and Leuder's riP,hts in the Property. i.eader's actions may _- .
<br />- inclade paying any•sums secared by a lien which has prioriry over diis Securiry Instntment,appearin$ in co�'�•.P�g . __r,
<br /> " � reasonable attorneys'fees and entering on the.Property w make rePai�s•Alc�ough Lender may take actton undet this paragraph . .
<br /> � 7,Lender dces not have to do so. � _�=
<br /> ' ' pny amounts disbursed by Ixnder under.this paragraph 7 shall became addiuonal debt of Borrower sec�red by this�
<br /> - Security Insaument.Unlcss Borrower and Lsnder agree ta other tern�s af�ayment,these amounts shall bear h�terese from the ::
<br /> ��-`'
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate and shatl be payable,with interest, upon notice from I.ender to Horrower requesting ���
<br /> ;.... : . pe��t: ,� -,-_
<br /> i . S.ArYortgage Ins�'ance•If 1.er►der reguared mortgage insurance as a candition of makin�the loan secured by this Security ,
<br /> ��� �� lnstrument.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance 'sn effect. �f, for any.reason, the ; . :
<br />->•. � . __ mortgage insurance coverage s�ired by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect.Bonower sha11 pay the prcmiuras required to �..,:� ,_
<br /> " � obtain caverege substantially equivalent to the martgage i�rance pnNiously in effect.at a cost suisstantially equivalent to the
<br /> �• ` cost to Borrower ef the mortgage insuranoe pre�+iously in effect, from an sltemaze mort�age insurer approved by Lender. If ;.
<br /> � � '" . substantially equi�.:-.'ent mortgage insurance ooverage is not availabte:BoFrawer e1�a11 pay to Lender each month a sum equal ta ��• .'
<br /> ' one-nvelfth of the yearly martgage insarance�zemlum being pa�d by Bonower when the'insurance wverage lapsed or ceased to ;
<br /> � be in effect.Lender will accept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. i..oss resen'e � --:
<br /> �:a,2a s�90
<br /> . �. . ; .
<br /> ., • � ` Cago3at6 ' ���
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