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<br /> � Ta4��W1TH sii the improvemems nuw ur h�esfter erecte�on ttte gmperty.and all easemeuta,aPPurt�naaces.und
<br /> . < ,f' . smd add.idons shall,also be covered by tfus SewrltY. -.
<br /> . �� . fnuunes aow or hgre�fter a part of rhe pruperty. All repladea�epts . ,
<br /> '_i .`�r:•f y �,,,,„.�.,Tj1$�T11CI1Q 8S�IE���'p � -
<br /> ` �- TII.$$111IICtlt.�1 Of i�1C�Oft'gO�il��5�fOltGl LO 1Il t111S�cnu++•a ��,Y_A:
<br /> � . . ,. �o. ! .
<br /> `;�,,�°�� ` �, :��-�•• BOIiK�VUER C4VEriiANTS tt�at Bor�wer i�tawfally seised of�the estate BerelsY ooaveyed and.has the nght to graat aiid
<br /> V
<br /> ' �� ` _ oam,ey the Froperc}�and that ths Froperty is unenaunbered,e�ccePt for encumbrartaes of recard. Borrawer warrsats and will . ,i� L�_
<br /> ' Y`�.� defead g,enerally the dtte to the F�opertY agains�a11 claimg and drmands.sub}ert to airy enwic►braaces of recard. r;.
<br /> a for aationa!use aad noa-uniform coven�mts wit6limite,d
<br /> _ '� ,THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uaiform sovenants � .
<br /> � ,i �'� �ll3tilriLS Ef}/JB¢�S�CEi831 tt!CO3��311II1fOiID SCCIITtty iActmmeat C01leTID$IE�Q��►'�Y• i� "'
<br /> _:� , UNl�ORM CAVENANT'S.BomnQ+rer and I.ender covenai►F aud sgre�as follows: whei►dne the .� :
<br /> ��° _— - -__�.�p.__m►s .�a wnd inte_r� Preoavmeat_and•�.At� Chaeg�• Barrower aY ---�---
<br /> 1� T�
<br /> s1�all PromP p F� r
<br /> . ��t pMCipal of and Inte�est on[he de,bc evcdenved by the Note ard enY PT�PaY�and late char�es�a���= . . . �
<br /> arg
<br /> �• � `�`��` ' ' �Z.Fbnds for Ts�es and Insatsnt�Subject to applicable taw os w�written aaiver by Len�ec,Borruwer sh�ll pay�w � �_1_-�'
<br /> ts are due under the Note.nnti�the Note is paid in fuU,a sum( Funds)for 4a}YQat1Y � i�-'"'`'
<br />.; "`,. � - � Le�ider on th�day nwatWy.gaymeu
<br /> ' and assessments whici�may atfain priariry aver titis S�arity Instccment as a 14en on the Property;�b)Ye�fY IeasehoId•paymeuts . }�:Y;.=:
<br /> �- ,; �-�..�,; `; ' fiood inswastce ptemiams, ` �„-:
<br /> Y ` at gro�uar!rents on the PropertY.if anY:(�)Y�Y�d or pmpetty msurance pse�u�ms;(d)Ye�riY ��+�_,
<br /> . if any:.(e)Y�r1Y murt�ge ws�rance Rrem�um�� if any:and(f?�anY Sums Payable iry Borrower to Leasier.ia ar.cordancs wiils ,� •=__
<br /> �'` ' `;. ` ,ttti,e� pmvisians of pata�rapb S,in tieu af the pgyment of mortgag�insurnnce Pr�i�s.T6ese items are calted"Esccow Items.° �' _il
<br />.4. �E-� � ..- .��•.�4 ', y��E�iL I�Sy.aY any time. c�ullect aad��old Fands in an aa�wunt not to exoeed the maxirnw�amoant a leader for a fedeialtY - t�.,-�~_.
<br />". R:°,: ��,:'�.^.'�,., related mortgage tc,an may�ecluire.for Barrawer's escrow acco�}nt under the fed�eral Real Fstate SeEtlemeat Proced�Act of" ._ _ _ .
<br /> .' 3974 as ameaded from dme to tuue. 12 i3.S.C.Section 2601 et seq.t'RESPa").uniess anosher laW�that�aPPlies tn the Fnnds ,�_--,:
<br /> �4� :' .. •se�a lesser amoua� If so,I.gnder maY,at at+Y�,caltect and hotd Fands in an araouut not to exceed the tesser amaunt. ���� _,�:�:.
<br /> L. 4�.�::...�._._..::� � 'Leader may�timate the amoimt of Fands due on the�basis of carrent data aud reasonable�stimates of expeadituses of fnmre' � _
<br /> � ' � Escrow uems ar otherwise in a o c c�i d a n s e with applirabte law. ��'
<br /> o :
<br /> � ' ' '�tie Fnnds sball be held in an iastitutioa wh�se depasits are iasured by a federal agency. instnimentatity,or eut[ty . .
<br /> �`r � . , fG
<br />�;.. a`;.,�: , • , rardading 1:endes.if Leader is suci�an i}�stitution)or in any Federal Home Loaa Bank.Leuder shaU apply the Fuads w pay:the ,�
<br /> � , . .� .:�:�:�.� Pscrow Items.Lender�naY'uoi charge Borruwer fos halding and applying tke Funds,annuallY a�alY�S the,eszrow account.or �iR:��
<br /> f ;, licable law ermits Leuder t4 make sach I�' _
<br /> ,,. •.�;`, verifyinS t}ie Escrow Items.tmYess Lender pays Borcower�tecest oa ttae Funds and aPP p ,�
<br /> mY �
<br />� .. . a charge.However.l.ender may require Barrower eo pay a one-time ctiarge for an independent real estate ta�c rep°r�°8 service• . . -
<br />-� .,.:� .<.��.:• • useQ hy Lender in coanection with this 2�a, aatess applicabte law pmvPdes othervvise. Unless an agreement is made or ie��.=..�
<br /> ra.. .'. . aPPlicabte law mquices inu�rest to be paid,Lender shall not be reqtiired ta pay Bormwer mfy interest or eaml.ngs ori the Fnnds.. -
<br />� �. .,'';� ��. Borrawer and l.end�er may agree in writing,however.that interest sltaaU be paid on th:Fands.I,eader st�all give to Borr4wer;. :�s_�
<br />�.� ;;,.� : witliout cbarge, an aanual asconntiag of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Fnnds and the purpose for which each ie
<br /> �. . debit m the Funds ws�made.The Funds ate pledged as additional�ecurity�for all 'snmsteeaar ��t�e h��BonowEr i.�,�...
<br /> � �•:; ' if We Fwsds held by Lender exceed the amounts permiued to be held by app' . � �.
<br /> � ' ' for ttie excess Flunds in accordaacc with the requiremeats af applicable law.If the amount of the�nads held by i�der a�any , ��-..
<br /> �, •.`.�:�, . `�.�<'.�.. , du�e is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notity Bor�nwer in wcitiag.aad.in such case Bonower
<br /> � shatl pay to L�nder the amount netessary to make W the defcciency. Bonower shall�ma�e up.tha deficiency �no mare than �,��
<br /> - • � � twelve raontLly payarents,at Lender',s sole discretion• i�=�� �_
<br /> ' ' ' �• Upon payment in full of a!1 surns secured bY this Security Instrument. Lender shall promptly refvad to Borrower any ��--
<br /> �'.•._ ' • � Fands held by Lender.If,ynder paragaph 21,Lender shaU acquire or sell the Properiy,i.ender,prlor to the acquisitiqn or sale .�:=�-.
<br /> r.;• � of the Property,shall apply aay Funds held by Lender at the ttme of acquisition or sale as a credit against the su�Gs secund bY ___ _
<br /> � . ., . this SecuritY Insunmen� � .
<br /> . � . 3.Applic�tion of Psymeats.UNess applicable latv pravides otherwise,all payments raxived b�y�l,ender under paraga�p�. a�;,�_-
<br /> � I���':::', • .. l and 2 shall be apPtied:fi�st,w any Prepayment charges due under the Note;•second,to amounts yable under paragrap . �_�,_:
<br /> '�, '_ t,'�isd,to interest due:�fourth.to principal due;and tast,to a�►late charges dae under the Note. �.,
<br /> 4: es;Liens.BorroWet sha11 pay a11 taxes.assessments+charges,fines and Impositions attri6utabte to t7�e.Property �,
<br /> ���. . �',��'� '" �.' ���• over this Securi Inmament, and leasehold payments or groand rents,if auy.Boaower sha11 pay . �;.-•_
<br /> • which ma y atta�n priority tY ��.
<br /> ,r,�-.
<br /> '���: � � .� •� these obligauons in the mannet provided in paragrnph 2,or if not pal d i n t h a t m a n n e r,B o a o w e r s h a l l p a y t h e m o n t i m e d l r e c t l y �
<br /> �;. . . to the pe�son owed payment.Borrower shall promptiy fiimish to Lender all nodces of amonnts to be paid under this paragrapb.. �j,';G
<br /> �.''<<`-.%� '���� If Borrower makes these payments directjy.Eanrower sha11 promptly fi�mish ta Le n der receipts evidencing ths payments. . �,
<br /> s�; � . Borrower shaU promptly discharge any lien which has prtority over tSiis Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a)agree.s in
<br /> :_,
<br /> =• � writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner accepta6le to Lencler.(b)eentests in good faith the lier� •
<br /> �y, • ' ' � ' by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in. legal pmceedings zs:�3c1� in the Lender's ppinlon operate to prevent tha :
<br /> t=, � , enfarcement of the lien;or(c)secure�from the holder of the lien an agreement sadsfactory to l.ender snbotdinating the lien to _
<br /> ;�., :.,:,.°��, � ttis Securiry]nstrument. If I.eader determines that any part af the Froperty is subJect to a lien which may attain priority over.
<br /> r ' � � this Securiry Instniment.I.ender may give gorrower a notiae identifying the lien.�orrower shall satisfy the lien az take onc or
<br /> �� ��; � ' : more of the aciions set forth above within 10 days of the givin$of notice.
<br /> . Ftum 3028 9J50
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