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<br /> •?..e�"'� ��8tAO11IIL4 Q��}i�CIIt�t;t f0f�W TICIDS @7[�CCQ 1�Bm0�IDL9�1D�liC��}/�$pAs�Pd SbS� ' •c ,
<br /> -�; ffC0011n[LD BUAOW(?fQf t�CxC�S4 flt�Q.R 89 E?Qli�bj/R�A. If t$C 8lIIO�L4�fRII$3 h?dd ify I.CII�'8t S�j►[mtB ,�'
<br />_ `. �na nat suffideat oa i�y the Fsao�w Ttans arh�dne.t,euder may notify the Bcusowa aad reqnire Bmmwe�r tn ma�se ap
<br /> •.u. . t�shanag�as�d6yRBS1'p- � . � -
<br /> _-__ __-°-- - �w�io�w»'Rn °�a.�Wl..at oa aa.F►rm�ol w.n,�t..r�un a.v.w�i�v.w:.ew,..:1.,r..a/..,n,ra�. T��,:! _,-_ ` u
<br /> r.r.,4,...... m� �«.�......� �......�..�.q
<br /> � T � tend�as oo Le�d�the fiilipayme�ntof a]!s¢ch s�-s.Baaawea's aacaoua2shaII ba�c�whh the batance�ng far `.'.,. =
<br /> � -.�,.r , a11 postaitme�t ifem.s(a),(b).aa�(c}�at1�enY ma�ge ins�aace p�eani��SlaIIme�at tLat L�d�Gas nat becaome. :�..�
<br /> •'-" �•:` ' ob3igat�d to pay to dt�Se�ry.aad I�ahalt pmmpIIy�+efimd any exress faa�s to Haaower. Immedi�ty psinrtn - '�- -��
<br /> - . � a fqtecIasuce saIe oE�e rt�opem►or i�acqms�on by I.eaae��mma�►a's a000uu3 shaD 6e�en wrt�,aay 6aI�ce ';`��
<br /> _ `� •' ` . -�� • reanaming faraD�for i�ps(ay.@).and(c). '-
<br /> ,�•',ti`f:�_�;. ..4 3 AppHcatinn a4Fayet�ts.AII paymeuts andeap�a,giaphs 1 aad 2 s�taU be applied by Ixr�d�ra4 folInw� - -
<br /> : � . � � �m Sie m�ga,g��ce prramnum m.be pa�d by Lea�der to tQe Sectetary or to tAe auontAty cttarge by the ' -_
<br /> SC�C�TjtY0StC8dOft$ClAOIIthIy�lOT�Bgeinciv_anc��; , , .
<br /> � :, - �`� �io aniy taxes.special a�ts.ieasehold paymeants as gcoamd�.�d f�fload�ci�tttea 4a�d -
<br /> , . ms�uaace premiums,asrequu�ed; � , . :``. -
<br /> - .. °,� ; r�,�in�aest ckte uu�Cathe Nu� - . .
<br /> _ ' ;<< , �,ts�art�arianof�egriacigalof theNot�and -
<br /> . : •.���`, , �,tola�chargesdne�fheNote. � , , �;Y�
<br /> � . . � 4.P�ire,�land aad Other HazaM�s�ac�Barmv�er s+haII mstue aTl impmveme�ts an the Pmp�tyr,whethea : '<�•�
<br /> �V• ��- E naw m w�,¢t�ce ar subseqae�tiY�ag�st m►Y ba�rasosuie9,ead cantinge�des,includ'mg.f�e,fos whicd -'� ..
<br /> ,� ., . �: I.�d�a tequhea�smm�c�'t]us Ins�ancC sbali be Eaa�taiaeQ m tLe arnounts and for�e�3nds�ai I.endrr r�qnues. - ":
<br /> . �� B�nowea sbait also u�s�ue all IIapraveme�ts on the P�+npeaty,wtiethea now in emstc�oe ar subseqa�tty e�A,a�amst � '��;:
<br /> : ��"; .: : �� .loss by finods to the exteut�eqaired by the Seaetazyr.AII insmauce shall be c,aasi�ed witL cm�a�es��zB by I;�asder . .;•'�:'�=j
<br /> � .�, �e�s�nce potlae.s and mty reaewals a�aII be tield by Latder and s4�ali iuctmde ioss pay2b!e clansgs Qs�avor of�aad • .
<br /> . .
<br /> ��:� , , , ::; tn a€oara�xxpraDl�w.i.eaidea. ' � , �.
<br /> ��a�.he evvent of 2oss,B�sUal! e Lender�mrnediate aoti,ce ma�1.Lender make of loss if not , .y
<br /> ,, •�� :�,��. , e all gtv bq maY Pmof. _{=
<br /> �.
<br />,L%'• .� - �ade DmmDttY by B�uwea.Bac3�ce campany conaxned is kra'ehq=�,'��rt��+and daecxed w make payment fm ` „
<br /> .,5:':.� ```,�:� • sach Wss dire�tly w�ea,inst�ad of to Bmcower mid to I.endea jou�y.AIt�r say pait of the insivance pioc�ds may _. -�
<br /> :�•,-i'��;:�� :- be app�ie�6y I�eadea.a't its optirn�,�r(a)tu the reduc6an of the�Iadebtedness uades t�e Note snd d�is Sec�iry . -:-
<br /> ,1.,,�:°: --� L�rumeut.�st to�ry dei�aqnen[amomits apptie��n the ord�in p�rag,�ap�3,�then w�paymenc of pr�pal,or , .'�-=.:-.-
<br /> .. •. ... � � ' .• (6)w d�e resto�atioa�s repah of the damageA Propeaty.Any.applic�iion of dce pmrxeds to the pmiciyal shaU nat e,x�td ,
<br />-_ . . . . `� or pasq�one the dus daie of the monthl9 Payments wbich are refe�:ed to in pa�agraph 2.or c�ange tbe amount of sacfi .. . -
<br /> • � : •' . paymenta Any excess i�sazance IImseeQs over�amount reqnired to Day aIl ou�stand�g indebtcdnes9 uadra the Note . .
<br /> � , anA this Se+auity Irtstirrmm�t sLall be gaid to tha e�tiiy 1egaIly eauitted thQaeto. -
<br /> ;• � .. In�the evea►t of forectosure of 8ds Sec�ity Ins�umeait or oL*.ar trausfer of 6t1e to the Frapeaty tha�extmg�shes the . -`
<br /> a ,.�.;:�
<br /> � � ; Indebredn�ss.e11 ag,6t,6tle and tn�st af Bmrowea in an0 w ins�mae polic,ies m fozoe shall pass tv ihe p�c6aser . � -
<br />�_._ :� �� : 't; . S.Qccu0aa�9.�nese�vatim�;Matntenaace aad Prot�on of the�ert9;Barrawer's Lnan AppReatton; - _-
<br />_t.� . 1.eassP�oi�s. �orrou,�sLaU occupy,establish.�ase the Pn�paty as Ba�s�ai iesidence��ty Qays . � -,-. �:
<br /> � � �..� aft�x We e�recution�C'h9s�Security Insuameut(csr wilh�sixty dsys vf a latt�sale or aensfea of tha Prapa�)and shalt .��:;,�..'
<br /> I
<br /> �� : , ` cantinae to accupy the Prapeny a9 Borrower's yruiapal resldeACe for at teast one year af�t�e�date nf oocuAa�►cY, -
<br /> �;., . , , . . u n l e s sbeadea deteamines that�eclutremeac witl ca�se uad�ae h�s�ip for Bosravuea,or nnIess extennatmg circunastances . � -_� _.
<br /> ; : • � . ; . exist��eh are beymcd Ho�rowea's control.Barrawer ahall no�yr I.cnder of ay extenuadng elramnstar�..�Borcvwer � '�� �' �
<br /> _ . . , sha]I not commir wasr�ur deso�oy,d�e or�stannally ehaage the Frog�ty os atlnw the Pcnpe,aty a��eai�ate, f� ;
<br /> . .:,f ., `• seaspnable aear and cear excepted.Lender may inspect the Aopeaty if rhe Prvperty is vasa�,t�r abaIIdaned cu Qie loai►3s .
<br /> • . . . in defauI� Leadea may tatce �abte acti�on to pmtecc anA greseave sach va�at or abandoned Arope�ty. . . ,
<br /> �;�; a . .
<br /> r'' �' � ,. , ' � �
<br />. y° . �;� .. ..
<br /> . . � � .�:.
<br /> � • •� �4R(NE)losa�.o� aaQoao�e '
<br /> .?' ., IMttay: '
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