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<br /> . - y - � . � '� .. �` �'. y( r� h }-0�' •�v c �i£"
<br /> 1 4.1� k�� ,•h.` .�� 7. i �c _ ' � 'C'. t' ' '. ,
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<br /> ` i4'�,�� : , f _
<br /> - -- $�rrar sh�ti!a�o t�:a defmilt if Boanwe�.dmmg dce toau applicatign�.�►e maisdaIIy falsa Qr iass�auaoe
<br /> � • � Inffosraation ai statements tn I�d�r(ur fat�ed to pravide Lendea cu�th eny mate,tial infa�rai�an)in cannec�na witH the ., �
<br /> . . �
<br /> , - �' [oaa evidgttoe�hy the P�te.mcl�tdiag,but aot limited w,r��ns conoeming Bormwer's aoca�r af�e "`�:.=-`_
<br /> ' `,-t _ Rpget[� es a pmctapal tesndEaoe. If this Se�rity Fa�mnent is m1 a Ieasedw2d.Ho�wet st�all Cumply with the
<br /> `T-= _ -- - - piovisinns af tI�e teas�ff Bmrowa ecquaes iee tive m iae nopaiy,iao�a;��.:��^��:�°� — _+
<br /> `.. ; .Y unlessL�dea agcees tn the��in wtitmg. . � .-5:�
<br /> gre s
<br /> r t -..� iS.Cand�mnatlon.Tt�pmc�ds of any awatd ar c1a�fos damages,di�ect ar eanseqaffitial,m ruamecaon wuh �';
<br /> � - any condemasuon or other ta2�mg of aoy pa�of the P�operty.ur for aunvey�ce in plaoe o f o o n d�ri o n,�ffie h e a�i s y ��'
<br /> .-'� ` •. `�'• , a�oied end shaIl be pa�d w Leatdea w the ement of the fujl azno�t of the iadebtc,duess�at�rains unpaiQ uadca the ` ';=
<br /> -..t ;�,° •..:;`. �;,:�; Nate an8 this Ser�it3►�I�adca sirall app.ty sncb psocaaeds m die redncxton of the�nndea the Note • �:�'-��'
<br /> `� �" mm�d�is S�►Ins�t,f�st to�y dctinqueart amo�ts applied in the o�der prov'cded m p�rapB 3,ana��,ra ,
<br />__�.:�,�.�F�.. _ .
<br /> . p�epaymentaf�1.Aay applic�rianaf thep�aoeedsoo thepr�Cipal shari notetmendorpostppne theduedateof�e . �'�
<br /> ;. . • montlily paymen�s,wbtch ace i+efedced to in paragc�ph Z.Qr change the a�rof s¢sat paytneatv. Any extessptoc�eds
<br /> , �;';. °:f , aver an asuomii reqtm�ed to pay all autstand'mg Indebtedness�We Nu�e anQ this Seauity Ins�moneat shaII be paid to ..
<br /> � �.;� the enti�tY IegaltY eattt�ed theaeto. ' }`
<br /> 7. C�s to �armsver au� Prol�oa ot I.�der'� Rights in the Pruperiy. Brnrower sball pay aIl �
<br /> ". � _ ' go"�ta1 pr mumisipal charSes.fines aad ir�pasmwms that are not inctaded ia p�h 2.Boaowza s1�aIl pay these �=:: �:•.:
<br /> _ . � ohliga�ons on t�de di�►tn tt�ea�titY which is d�red the payment 1f fai�ue m pay aroutd advejseiy affect Leuder's "'"�-
<br /> .. � ; ':,.� � inrra+esc in the Yropetty,ap�I.�d�'s mq�esc Bonower sbau�somrtYy fumisl,to r.eaaer iec�s eVid�cIn�thess �:F,��
<br />.,�f_ ..' ,r•- pw fa BOIIOw�f81�3 LD IABkC ihCSC pdyy[n�1L4 0!lhe FaYm�Rts I�bY P�Z►2+Ol�.4 Ld pP�fO4m Any adl?l � --`-"-
<br /> !
<br /> . cavea�ts mtd agr�e,nts cantained"m this Se�auinr 1as�mieatt,at theae is a iegal DsoceeQ�nB d�ai ma,Y���5+ � ` r -
<br />= ' i� ��' affe�t Laad�'s rigbb fn��eiey(sucb as a pmcced'mg in banlnapnyl,for�ar ro eafatce laws or '��=°
<br /> . � +� `.-� zeB�tari4as).thea Leaderu�F��lt�.Y wbatevet isnecessazy ta protect the va1nS of the F�e�iy and Lenda'S r�g6ts
<br /> . . • • "' .`i ` �iu dte Prapeaty.�nclndiag PaYutem��.6�d insu�ance and ather items m�ttaned in p�b 2. � . . •
<br /> �
<br /> �� � Any amoun�v disbaised 6y Len�a P�P� :,}�i;
<br /> ;', ' � } undea tlris shatl Uecoine au additinna!�t of Baaawer and be r� � ,
<br /> < ' �, ':� � se�caced by t�is Seauity:Iesuament'I4�ese amome��SaII bear mt�est from tke dafe of disbffisemeait,at the Nute rate; •
<br /> :`` - • �` and etthe opii4n of I�endea,shall be immet4�arety dne and payabls. ' � � ����t,,�_;.
<br />_ _ �� . +.J:='_-
<br />_ �t Bonower siiaU D��P�Y�Se any ltea which has priariry over this Sec�ity►lnstrum�t untes3 BonzrAea:(a) _._
<br /> ; �s in�wtitmg w the payme,nt of t3�e obligffiion s�by the 1Ien in a manner xcce�table w I�s�;(b)caniests ia , � ;�.r.
<br /> . � `�`r ; good faitL t�e lien by,or defends aga�.�i enfurcemeat of the li�ea�n in,legat pmeee�dings afiic0 in @�e LerideR's ap�nion �:;,_r�.
<br /> , '�..'� apaat�m prevent t�e e�nforcement of t��lie,a;or(a)secares from�e holdea of the�ien aa a�e,nt satisFaco�y w �
<br /> .. . ` } Lendea sabordina�ag tha tIea m dds SecArity Ingtmment If Lender dete�mines that any p�t of the Praperty is subj�cct ta �;''1 t�
<br /> � ti�cr��:
<br /> .. � '��: .`? a lia►which may amm priariry over ttaa Security Insnumr�t.I.enda m$y give Borrower a nodce idr�tiffymg the 1ien. . �����_
<br /> .��.;•;f . Bomnw�sball satisfy We lien ortake one or more of the acbians set fonh abave within 10 days of the givtng of notice: �,.:.- --
<br /> �.� ,;r . �8.Fea.Y�ader may ca�Ct fee.c and ci�arges authoi'ried by the Secc�etary. � . � , T
<br /> ccie
<br /> � ` ' 9.Gm�ds tosAocet�atton ntDeb� �,�;, �-
<br /> _ ,� .,. , �-;:�' (a)De?anit.La►der may,except as limited by regaiadons issaeA tr��ins Secraary,i n[h e c a s e of Qayment ' i.<.�:,,- '
<br /> . defanUs�reqnire�ttrneQiate paymeat in fuU of a11 sum.c sewre8 by this�ecunty Inso�maent if: �
<br /> ,..�: . . � . (ij Bmrawer defaults by fm'�mg m pay in faU any monthly�ayment reqoired by this Security Instr[rme,nt .
<br /> " � psiar to or on the due datc of the aezt monthty paymeat,or • ".
<br /> ,i� '�: � �.:'; (i�Bormwea defanits by fa�tng.for a peliad of thirty Qays,to p�Form�y other obligations contained in
<br /> - � : t1i9s Secariry tnstrument • .
<br />- . ,' @)Sa�e Wittcout Credit Appmval.I.endea sAal1.if peamiue0 by�pplir�b2e law(i�clud�g Secaon 341{�of .
<br /> � � � � ;'� . the G�ara�L�eamain DeDosimry.Insdtu8ons Act of 1982,12 US C.1701J-3(�)aus8.tivilh the�iar appnaval of
<br /> . .. .�j, the Secretary.reclune immetia�e Payme,at in full of all snms secured by this Sec�uity[n..�nment if:
<br />.ii� � � ' , ,. 't` ..�.
<br /> _ ; . k: . .
<br /> - . .. � r: - .
<br /> — ,. .
<br /> r'- : �• •�,'��'`1� �4R(NE)(ee04).0� PapoAOt9 (nitletf:
<br /> � •- . .:i. . � ' •
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