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<br /> s,`,z.`^.!:/' '_.`��r ,. -...�' `�` ... �.._y _ ..: ...,a� _ �.�r _ �,, . �._-�r � .u.-_ _ .�_-,} ...— '— ty. f�. �1 � x�_.``P
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<br /> � .�' � k 4 ` ,ty ' , ' . � �'
<br /> Y_` 4..t � , ,.�s ,� ioe . � � y i � . . . � .. _' � . , t; -.
<br /> 4 � [ ' ' 4 * '• � p <.� `� � .r. c � .Y� . ' e
<br /> _ '( '` `n� �� t' _ ' a . .�[:a f � 4 C < r v.! `C -` - .
<br /> � . c- 4 �� r �c U �. . . , k �. . ,t-
<br /> . i .S .-< �1 .Y ( - - �C i
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<br />�. �� . � 2' � � ��� �v���0/ � F,� ...Q..�;
<br /> ti
<br /> r .� r • �ayments may na Ianger be�equ�e4.at the opii�on oi Leasi�er,if uwitgage insm��cove�ege(in ttce amount aaa fox the per�a�: ` . ':.��
<br /> o ej . h; ,
<br /> _ . - �Leu�r e q a�rzs)Drovi�8y aa t�sucer approvecf by Lender agatn�e�ames ava�abis aaA is obtataed.Bmmvver sball pay t�e .`;:���•. -
<br /> . ,, px�inms neguited to m�afinmfa a►ortga8e insuraace in effect.or to pmvide a toss�ve.unSl the reqai�ement far martgige , ..,
<br /> ��---�-'� ins�uaas�eads in s�d�oe ait6 aay wririen agteemeau�ve�Baaowea aad Lat�t ar apptlCaDIe t�w. , :z.."
<br /> � =--� � r -_ -
<br /> ��.. • <:- $.insgei�Qa. I�det or if3�t�y make��hle�ug�n�d in�ons of the Fmperty.I�tdea sht�ll gi�+e �'�
<br /> <. Bmmweraatice attae ti�ae of or piior to an iaspes�on s�ify�ng masomable cause fo�tha�sp�tton . ; t=. `.� '.
<br /> . • '10 Condemnattoa. �he gmce�s af any awerd or clai�far damages.direcs o:cons$queutial.Ia canuoctiun�riih any �� �
<br /> 'condec�rion aa other taking aaf any part o�d�e Pcapeaty.ar far conveyance in lieu of c�nde�ana�o0.are tee�ebY ascig�ed a�3 -.
<br /> -- ��tn� ' -- � - ` � _
<br /> 4 �� •
<br /> • < -,� In the event af a total t�iag of tha Prag�ty,the�a+aceeds shall De apptied to the sams s�hy tbis SeauitY�� ._.�_.-,s u;�
<br /> ;{:.` ,� ,� _ �.;
<br /> - whether ar not tLe�doe.witb�nY exc.�a pai�L�BoAawei In the eve�t of apaatial tal�ng of the Prapeaty iu whicA ti�e fa�r market _..R:;..;_,.....
<br /> � !��` � valne af the Pmp�ty iminedi�elq befare the talring.is e�aal w or greaier than the amaunt of tLe s�s secur�d by thls S�ity `;�`-� -
<br /> � �. Instnmue�t immediar,ely 6efore the taIang.�Bosmwer and I,endea otheswise agree m writing,the sums sec�ed by this - -
<br /> =� :. Seeasiry Instcamea�i ahaII 6e ceduced bq the amrnmt of the p�mnItiptied by the foIl�wing frac6on:(a)the totsl amuvnt of - - -
<br /> , } '�< ` tas sums sec�ed imffiectia�iy t�are the tsktng,divl�ded bY t6)rhe fair m�t valua of th,e Pmperly immedia�y before the , _
<br /> . � taking.Any balanoe sLa]!be pald to Boaower in the evee�tt of e p�tial ta�ng af 6ie Pcopeaty in whish th�fair market vaI¢e of the .
<br />=- ``_= pmpe�ty imm�a�dy 6efose the Iai�g is�Iess thaa tSie amomnt of the s�ns s�ucd imm��ielY befo:e tke takiug, iml� .. `��_
<br /> ` 1 �Bmtawex�d Le,nder oihe�uise a�ea in�g a�r anless ayplicaUle law athernrise pmvldes.the ymceeds shall 6e apglied tn the -r`� U�
<br /> snms sec�ed by this Secadry��t whether ur not the susns arath�dae. . .�.�'s'�
<br /> ' ,�� `� "� - � _
<br /> • . " � �°`:" If the prupeaty is abandoaed by Hoaawea.os if,afoer aotiee by Lreniiea to Boicawer t�ai 8ie candemaar offcas ro make an . .
<br /> `���• '��� ,�. ,:,...' � aQVa�d ar settle a claan for dama$es,Barmarec fa�s ar respand w Ie�dea wIt6in 30 days a8ea the date the notice is gtvea�.Latder .,,--: ;
<br />= t. ._.� -
<br /> .. is aut�omed m col2ect and app�y the pmceeds,at its opti�n,either to resms�ion ar s�air of the Ropeaey as w the sums seaued ��,,:- '-
<br /> ,.� ',�'; � . �r �:�
<br /> � . by this SerAriry lnsoiu�rt6 wh�hea os not the,n dae. ��,y' r
<br /> � � UnTess Lendea and�mmwer o�eraise a��a wr�►S,�Y aPD�A�4��4 D�aPa]shall not exteud or postpane --.. -
<br />_�'.. `^, w � die d¢e date of the atoathty payments refe�ed w in para�eaphs 1 and 2 or c0ange ths amouni of snt�paymeat� . � `�°
<br />, '' . ' �W , ia:Bureuamr Not Released:Fortiearaac�By Y.�sder No4 a Waiver. �xteasioa of the time fnr payment or modi&c�on -
<br />". � � �:` of of the sums se�ed by tfis S�rity Ins4rament gsattted by I,�ndea m eay snac�in m�est of Ba�ower shaII '�'`-'��:"
<br /> � t amz^^�atinn
<br /> �`, i Boanwa os�armwe�'a sacce�s in iatae.st.Lendea sLall not f�r�qaued ta __ �"�"�`-
<br />_ ' � " t IIot�m release the llah�ity�r tLe origiaal ;� _
<br /> � , '�"j. '�� , cammeace ��''^ agains�anY s��sor in iaozaesc or refiase to�d Wae fus payment ar o9►erwisa madify am�riaa of + _
<br /> an
<br /> ,���:�.�_�,
<br /> . the soms sECUCed�}c'�is Secmriry lnswmearc by re�son of aay demand made by the ariginal Houower or BoAdvrer's saccessurs �...-�
<br /> . � ia mtesest.Any fotb�rance 6y 1.ender in ex�ng aay right ar re�edy shall nat bs a waivCs of or pYec!��the eaea�ase of airy :_�,���,
<br /> - ". �,,� righterr�ktedy. . • � � , • ���•�
<br /> .:,.:�,i.; 1�5necessora�ad Arstg�s Bouetd,dointaad Seve�al l.€�3Hty,Co-stgpt�s. 'ilte covenanta and a�reemenb of tlus �'
<br /> a
<br /> ^.'',�,•;
<br /> ' Secmriqr Instnunent shaII biad and be�eSt the saocessars and assigns af I,ea�dea aad$utmwear.subject w the pmvisinns of : �:
<br /> • ..� . . �,.. � �� PaiagtaPb 17. Horrowes's cove�nants and a�e�aents shari be joint�d seveaal. Any Haaowa who co-si$ns this Seaaity :y r�,<
<br /> gta �"
<br /> lnsun�t but dfles not execute the Note: (a)n��o-signing this Se�r,ity Insaumeat anty m mortp�ge.�ant and cunvey tbai �_ �
<br /> ± .� . : •��{ Bosr�¢�s int�aest in tb�e Pmperly nndea the te�ms of tHis Seauiry Insaumw�(b)is not potsopaliy abligatE+f tu pay the shuns . -
<br /> � � ` seaaed by ttds Seaaity Instrum�.t�d(c)a�rrees that L,e n��c)any a t h e a Boaower�..^�agiee to exte,nd,m o d i f Y,ffaibea�r or
<br /> ' z. � make any ecsomanadatinns witb r�tri3 0o the terms of tlus Secc�::y Instrum�t or the Note'withont tbai Bom�wea's cansent —
<br /> �; . ' IasWme�t i��"�t to a 1aw whicb sets ara�cimtun I o a u c L a rges, �=° . ' -
<br /> , �. 13.H.aan Cbac�es. If the Ioan secured by tfus Secanty 1 -- -
<br /> - . � � � ..`•.;..? and thai law is fmaIIy inteapret�ed so tbat the itto:aw!or oiher loan cl��csrl�ected or t�be collec�4 ia clonnectton�vith t�e Ioan � _,.
<br /> exceed the peamitcecY limits,then:(a)any sacfi loan charge si�aU be redncetI by the emount aecessary t�.m.dace the charge w the �- _
<br /> � pe�r:�d li�ix asid(b)m�y.sa�ns ahrady collected from Bonawer whicb exceede�ged[niued limits an'D be refimded.to Barmwer. " _ -
<br /> ,. � .�.�
<br /> � � .� i Ler.d�may choose ta make this refund by redncing the principai owed uadea the Noic�r by ma?cing�a d�rect payment w . �`p-
<br /> r'� ,' � � � � ' Bouv��ha.If a refimd rednces princlPal.tlie reducdon an71 be ueated as a paitial ytepaymeat with�s anY preDaYmeut cha�rge � . -
<br /> S :. . . �, � - -
<br /> .. . underth�Natc.
<br /> - �. � . Er�,Natica,a. Any noticce to Bomower provlded far in this Secarity Instrum�t shall be givea by delivesimg it or by mailtag is
<br />- � .. � by fcst class mait aNess ayplir.�te law mquires uss of ano�method.'Ihe natice st�E�d'ueaed to the Yroperty Addre,ss or 1".
<br />-.: �,. , ' any other address Borraw�desi�ates by nodce to I.ender.My noti�e to I.e�der sba11 be g�v�by fast clas9 mail w Latdes's .� ."�.;
<br /> . � address sqied heazin or any other adt�ss Lender designates by aotice ro Batmwer. AIIy no�ce pmvided for in this Sea�riry. ,
<br /> . m
<br /> °'�- . ' InsUumeat sh2ll be deans�to tiave hea�given to Bafmwer or Lendea when given as provtded in thi9 paragraph.
<br /> .� • 15.Goveming Law;SeveraD�tty. 't'h9s Security L�strument shaU be gove.med by fedeial taw and Qie law of the ..
<br /> : : jurisdicdnn in afiich We Piuperty is located.In the evcat thu any provisIon or clsuse of this Secority Inswment or the Nate
<br /> '�;'. � .� conflicts witb applicab2e 1aw.such canflic►shall nos affect oth�pmvisions of this Security Insuument or the Note whlch can be , ..
<br /> '. . ' g"rven effect without the contlicting�rovision.To Wis end tho yrovisions of thls Scwrity Instrument and the Note are declared tn .
<br /> � be severabl�. .
<br /> . . _ . � . Form 8028 9190 . '
<br />_ .. ��8R(HE�tot�21-o� Pape�at8 Initiab: . _ _._ •. �
<br /> . ' ,4 a. � •
<br />_ . . . :.� .
<br /> . . . . . � .. . . . . �._ ' . . , . : .. . - _�... • -. : . . , . ._ . .
<br /> ,' � • , . • . .. ' . . ' '_ . . • , � ..' . ' . , ., .
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