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<br /> _`.. . .' j. . . . .. . ar
<br /> . .< .j' S.�damrd or Frog�rty tasetet�nc� Banowea shatl kecp ths im�pravemea�tv aaw ea�isung or��.�`�trar e��}on the(Pc��.�p.�rty � , .
<br /> `� � � ia�ueA agt�iust 2oss by fira�6�zsrd9 inrf�Qed with�n tha tetaa"extsaded cxivaagen��y OYIV ,f�iW'��W�NYYW V` Y ' h f•' •
<br /> �iu
<br /> ��_� Q4adiqg,fur afild�La1de�:eqaise,a insu�anse.T�is ias�aranoe s�all be m�intemed ia the amounts ead for the periads thai I.cndra � .�� ,`
<br /> ._�_a1_ �-� _
<br /> teqair��'tlte insmancc c�ica�mvi�iag the iastuance stuill be diosen by Bmzowei subjea m Lender's appmvaI arhicb s6aIl�ot �„
<br /> , _ ;_ _� w
<br /> 't be n�easonflbly witiaiield. If Bmiowcz ta�s tQ maintain ooveiagE d�abov�I+�der may, at I.eader's aption,mbmm `� � t
<br /> ,� ` `"' ' cove�ge W pmLecii�ead�'stigY�in thePtoperiy in gccordance with pazagtapA7. .: ,c,,, ''. �•_� t .,_.
<br /> :.,
<br /> �— � AU la�aace 0oliCies aasl[ea�ewets shall'be Scc�ta6le ro I.c�ded aad s1�ell iactude�stand�d u�astgage clmis�.Leadea shaU ,Y__.' �-c4.:.•
<br /> - ;.-� hsvo tAe tlgttt tn hoW the poW�es and cenevrals.If Len�es tequires.Bc�r+�wer shall PmmpttY give m I.e�dea eII re�eipts ot patd �4°'- : _..
<br /> , premIums aad reaewal notices.In tlte ev�of ioss.Bomnwer shaIl glve gmmpt aotice to the m.s�nce caaier and L�ender.Lender u'� °
<br /> � � ::�:� mayr makepraof of LOSS if not made P�mPUY�Y Boimwes. -.__
<br /> U n l e s s L e n d a a n d B a n o w e r o t h e c w i s e A�e e i a a►r i ti r�,i n s�c e p r o ce e d s s 6 a D b e a p p l i�t o r e s w i a�o n o r�e p n u o f t h e �".�a--
<br /> ` �. �lOjl�(dB�S$e d.�t h C ICSIDI8114A Of t'Ep�f L 4 COOA O I D I i�8 1 Iy f C 2 r S l�b l C B I t d L e d l�'8 S O C I R i t S/3 3 II M I�C a.I�i h C I�II Q t ��-.`s�
<br /> � �`�� r�ir is not ecoaamically f�2e ar Leader's seauity wouW be I�ed,the iasruance psoceeds s�aD�6e applied tv the s¢ms --
<br /> S...1 .
<br /> .---."---��: �ed 6y ttis Sec�ity InstramenA wh�ar not the�dn�wi9i auy excess pai�to Boaawer. �f Boaower abandans the . -- • + _
<br /> � � ` Frageaty.ar does no��swa�vith�n 30 days a notioe from I.eudea that the ins�uanca cmtiea has offeaed tn aettte a c,laun,the� •
<br /> =��.- -- . Leudea tbay coltect tIIe ias�mce��ds.I.ender may ase the ymseeds to rep2ff or�estnre the Propeaty or to�ay sums secaued .4.�;T ._
<br /> • Eq thiis Seiutiry Insuameat,whethrl or not then due.'[he 30-dap peaiod we�l begm when the noace is�tve�. �'- —._
<br /> s e
<br /> -_ _ ... _. ' Un1e�Leadea and Bormwear othe�wise agree ia a�iag.anY ePP���P�m P��shaII naieutend ur pastp�e ? '�' ,x-''`` —
<br /> . . `'.�,��, �e due dase of the manthlY DaYme�ts referred w m pffiagraphs 1�d 2 ar change the amo�mi af the paym�ts.If�p�agraph `• _ --
<br /> a �:s'.....
<br /> ' � ;- Y, 2I the A'nP�tY is acqn�d bY I:endea,B�rower's rig6t to aqy i�s�ance�oficies aad pioceeds r�gnitmg fmm damage to ttte �w = _
<br /> � PraFcny►DrIor to tbe acquisitinn s6aU pass tn Iander tu the extent of the sams s�by tt�iis Sec�ity�nstrmaeat bmmediatety = � �,�
<br /> ' ;�.( g =
<br /> . ...,;._�..�,,:.° . QliO?t0 tI1C 8C�j1�On. . A� ,,;'."` � .--f..
<br /> . � � 6.Occapattcy,PpesasvatIon.Mainteaance aad Fi�leetion oY the�ty; BorrawmPa I.asa ApD�icat�n;I.easehol�s. -_�.-
<br /> ., �, Barmwea shaII occapy,estabBs6.and ase the Pmpeny as Boaowea's�I residence withtn stxty days afler the exeecuar�on of ��°..` _ �-
<br /> ex
<br /> g� this Secauityr Iuist�ument and s1�aD1 cwns�nae to aocupy the Propr�ty as Bosrow�'s pri�ciFal residexece far at tea�toae year aftei tt�e ,�,, �
<br /> ' .� ' date of accapancy,m�less Leadea otharwise ag�aes in writmg,wtrich con�seat s5a�i not be�easunabiy withheld, ur aNess � •�� _
<br />'�: ' . ' exteunaring circumsmnces�ist whicb are beyoad Boaower's conuoL Boaow�st�il nat desaoy,dama�e ar impa�r the Pmperty. ;.,�.y�-,=�';—
<br /> �, �
<br /> �. �. . • atlaw the propesty tn decer�o�ate,or oomarrit waste on the Propeaty. Bmrower stall be in.defamYt if as�y forfeitare acdon ar . " __
<br /> �` .� ;,' gmceeding.wheth�civ�ar criminal,is l�egaa tLat in Le�der's good faitb jadgaaatt could r�stt in fmfeiwre of the Pmpeaty or �.�'. �_�'�`
<br /> �- . , . ptheawise mai�ially impair the liea�6y th�s Se�aairy Insunm�t or Lendet's s�ty mt�st.Bo:rov�e�ma,y care sacb a '::-� '�
<br />�`.%:`� ` defau�t and reinst�as pmvided'm paragzapb 18.by cansing the actian or praceediag w be dismissed wit6 a mt'ing that,in .;,�,',L�,�::.,��..�
<br />-�•.�._ . ra --
<br />-'x;"��,: - l.ea�dc�'s good faith deie�nnma�on,D�eclndes forfeimre of the Bomawer's interest in the Fropeaty or othear matetlal.impatrment af t'„�� ��.,_
<br /> i : . • t'd ��. ,_. __
<br /> .:.,,;;;..
<br /> dte lien ca�afed by this Secarity InsOrument or Lender's secauit�►urteresc.Bonower shall elso be m default if Barmw�.d►uing the _�.:_-`� . '�,;�-
<br /> � � loan appliatinn pmces9.gave material2y false or inacca�ate mfam�atioa ar stareme�ts to Lendea(or fa�eA W provide Le�dea wia� :f:�Y:, �=�._
<br /> �� . . �� ` aay matealal u+farruatIon) in connecaion arith the toan evidenced by the Note. incIuding,bat not lirnited Eo,re�sentaiions • ,�:..� . a�-
<br /> : " . .�_; -
<br /> :'.:;, : �. r `. ' ' cauceaning Boimwea's occapancy of the Pmperty as a principal resideace.If tJils S�ry Inst�ment is on a Iea�old.Borrowet �-.,: , _-_--_
<br /> shall comply w31b all the gmvisiana of the Iease.lf Bore�wer acquires fee titte W the�pe�rrty.the lease]�old and s.'�e fes atte shaU '.''.,..:.,. . .
<br /> ��� �Y ' ' .' ~�:�-- ---
<br />� , � � not mergennie,ss LenderagrECS to themagerin wridng. . . . .. ��`�'�T
<br /> :,�. �����. ..�: �, 7.Protc�tan of Lender's Rtg�te in ti�Properly. If Boicaw�farZs to�afa�m the om --aid agceeme�ts conmined i� .. --_ _
<br /> � �• . this Serauiry Imswm�t,or d�ere is a 1e8a1 Proceediag t�at may ffi�'.�tly affea I.eadea's r�^s 3n the Pmpaty(such as a � _- -
<br />�' . � � P�8�►��D�S►.Fmirate,for cand�nadan or forfeia�re or m enfom.e lawe or regulaSons).th�Le,ader may do and DaY . �,:•� :� : __ �_-
<br /> fi`� � . far whateva is nec�ssa�y to protect the value of Wn Pnapeaty end I�d�'s rlg6ts in the Propepty.Lender's actions may inclada ° -_ �,�-
<br /> ..� . �, .: .y' PaYi�g sny snms seased by a lien which hag priority over this Seauity 1`i�stmme,nt,ap�earm8 in court,PaYing reasonab's ...- ,.... -' --
<br /> �..,� . � . . ri.' ;.., -
<br /> .:� � �., attomeys'fees and ent�$on the Ymperty w make repairs.Althav�I.enda taay taIce acdan�Qer this yazagr�ph 7.I.en� .
<br /> daes noi have Co do�. � � �'�°' �
<br />. ,_ � . . My amo�nta dtsbursed by Lender under thi9 paia�aph 7 s1�all become additiana]debi of Barmwet secure4 hy this 5�rity • ' : ':Y':-_.....
<br /> ' � Insuument lJnless�Bmmwer�d I,endea ag�ee w othea tesms of Paymcau,fhese�unnts sh2�bear interest from the dase of '� • . �
<br /> 'f '. • y
<br /> . �. • disbursemeat at the Note iate and shall be pz�yable.arith intesest.nPon notice fram Lacdea w Barr¢u�r recN�6 Paymea�� ,. . .�.. •
<br /> .�' ,�. . 0.Mortgege Insorence. If Lender reqnired mortgage insurence as a cos�didon of making c��oen secured by this S� , : �� , ,:
<br /> ''-` � . Inswment Boirowrd ahall pay the preaniums requlreA t� maintafa the mo�age insurance in effect If, for any reason.ti�e ; °„:...,:'.;�,;t,��-.
<br />, �� .. � martga�e h�snrance coverage required by Lender tayses or ceases w be in effect,Hoaower shall yay the premiums required w , • .' �
<br /> obtaln coverage substan�aliy eqnlvaIent w the mortgage insurancc previoasly in effest,�at a cost substantiaUy equivalent w the � � .
<br /> "��.� ,, . cast w Borrower of the mortgage insmance previously in effe�t,from an alt�nate mortgaga insurer approved by l.euder. If . : � ..
<br /> ' � substanti�aUy equivalent mortga,�e insurance wverage is not avaifable,Bomower shall pay to l�ender eacb moeth a sum equal w '.�r.;, -
<br /> � ane-tweIRh of the ya�ty mmtgage insivance premium beiag paid by Bozrowa wh�the insurauce coverage lapsed or ceased W
<br /> :' ,��` . � be in effec�l.ender wlll aocep� use and mtain these payments as a loss reseave in iteu of mongage insucance.Loss resenre . � �
<br /> � � 4 Foim 3028 9/90
<br /> :�•. . ,
<br /> • �•8R(NE�(9212).Ot Pape8o16 Innlata: . ,
<br /> .+ . t .
<br /> Z _, . . � �
<br />_-}r , �_ � , � . . .~.�'" . , , .' ..._.. . , — : , _ .. . . , . _ .
<br /> _ � � - - . - .. . . � .- .. . .ri . , ' . ' .. . .. ' • ,. _ ' . ' . ,' . . . .
<br />- �- � . . � � � - . . . . - • • • � ' _ " ... . . � . _ " .. � � •
<br /> � _�.. . , . . . . . .. . �_ . . - . . ..
<br /> . . . . � ' • � . � �n ....� - � . ��. .� _ ' _
<br /> ,
<br /> � � ,.�.---- .
<br /> ...-�•-•----'�^ '^ . ...
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