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<br /> - �a�.
<br /> . t' -- .�r t. ti;t.` ,
<br /> k t `� �L �� �RECURD �,��°�� " .° �nil, =�f`" .
<br /> :.:s���: , . .3 � �'�. � � . . . ;�.:'-
<br /> . .. . . . (d) (irantm hes tha�l�K and is duly autRathed to m�ewte end perfortn Ita Obitgations ur�Jer thts�ed of T msd ess ections do r.t end,• • . ��. . •
<br /> h �y�t t�
<br /> - <<```'" ' '.' •`r sttall not oorrfiiot vriti�the provislorea ot arry sta�te.regulaUoA�4r0i�arica.rute of tav�,ec�ac!or other agre�rrt911ta�@t�ff n��Y be bfndtng Cn.;� � �,r �
<br /> - .'',:.� : . ; Grantoratanytime; ,
<br /> .. . .. •°` k�°.�`:. � (oI No actlon or procseding t�or shall0e ponding ar Uueffiened which mi8ht mat�rial[Y eftect the Froperty:and � :
<br /> � - . (fI tirantor t�as natviot�and sifall not vialffie an7/sffit�te.�eg�datlan.ordinartee�nd�ot taw.caMract or mher agreerr�ent Qnatuding�but not ..`°4,,: "
<br /> �;'. .,�� . . Itmited to.those goveming Hazardoua Mffiedais)�vhicA might me�arialy aReet the PropeRy ot Lender'e ri�Ms or interest in tRe Prope�ty pureuFUit , .
<br /> 4::, ' "�, , tO th(a QeBdOf TtYSR .. zf
<br /> • .�PAIOR f3EED8 OF TI�UST.t3ra�or represe�end warranm that there ere rro pdoz deeds of trust ffiieMing erg►Part ot the Property exeept a9 set `
<br /> =�n ,� �� ' tor6►vn S�itedufv 8 af�vf+ed fo�iris i7aeri oF;naf.avhkit a3�ar��3graErs ib�3+�a►t�i pbrtsma;rti e Sfr�ety me�h-�st. ii L13ta ars stsy�CSS C�at t�t 4,
<br />�,� _ �• "..�•.- en ta�rantor e�grees flo pay aIi emaunm oxrsd.and peAartn atl obRgeHor�a requtnQ unQar such Qeeds ot trust and the indebtaetness secured thereby
<br /> �:_� : . -and turther egrees ttrat a dafautt urtdere�ty prtor deed of ttvst sAelt Ge a Qefauk rmder ffiis Oeed of Trust and shall entWa Lendec te atl�ights and :
<br /> �,• .,�' ;`���, Cc�madtescarttalnedhereinor(nt!►eODiigaBonstowhiehLendarwau(dbaernWedinthaeyentofanyotherdefault
<br /> � - " " :�--- „ TRANSFERS CF TH�PROPEAiIf OR BENEF[CIAL iNiE'EiE87s tt�GAANYOAS Oii BOAROWEAS In the everrt ai a eate.carneyance.teasa. : "`
<br /> : .✓'rt...r-;-'.- corttract tor deed or Vanster to any person af ail or anyr part at tha real properry descfibed in Schedute A,ar arty inletest th�rein.or af ail ot arty► :,
<br /> ` ; '"��.�� -�. �eneftWai trterest in Sorrorrer or f�ar�.'cr ltt Borra►var ar C�a rt t a r i s rwt a�r a!parson ar psrso�but fs a�.limited I l a E i I U Y c a m D e n U, _ .r ._ �.
<br /> f �erfiarshtp,tust,at other legal erstlty�.Lender may.at tts opSon,decfare the outstanding pAndpal batance ot the Obligattona ptus seaued Irrterest
<br /> �° ;4 thereon Immedtatety due and payable. At LeRdet'e request,fitantot at Hartower,es the case may be,shall tumish a comptete smtemert sotdng lonh , , ,
<br /> , , � aUofitsstockhofders.membe�s.arpartriers.aseppropdai�.andttrasxterdoftt�eirrespecriveawnershlAirtterests.
<br /> 1� � :�: �S�ASSltiPiLl4F�1T CF RIIAiS. fn consideration pf the ObIIgaSons Wt�tct�are secured b1►lhis Oeed of Ynrst,'6rantar a6sohrtety essigna to Lender atl
<br /> �i, � ' . . �Qrartmr'a es�.tighL fi�e.(rrtetesy ctaim an�demand naw avmed or hecea�fLer acquhed in ali e�dsdng and tutv�a leases o}tAe P�operty(fnduding �. �:�; ` ". •. •.
<br /> t . � extenstons,renewa[s and subteasea),aU agceemeMs for use and occupancy of tAe Fhoperty(ail sueA leases end agreamerrta whethar wrftlsn or oral, � . . =
<br /> :. . • -` • are herea4ter referred ta as the'lesses�,and all guereMles ot tessees'pertarmance under the Leasas.tagether wRh t�e immediste and corninuing . . ..� ,.�
<br /> � ;.�� •. ` ' . ;= right m caQect ertd receive a0 at the rertts,inoome.rece(pta,cavenues.tssuea.Profits and other income ot a�ry nffiure navr or hereafter due Qnclading __ _
<br /> , .,,,.,- % ,�:4�.��' any inoome of arry riawre mmtng due diuing eny�edemptlon pedod)under tne Leasea or from or arfstng out of the Pcoperty,tnotudtng minimum . __---
<br /> , 4 rerna.aQd'dIonal reMS,percer�ge rems,Parktng or commo�area malMenanw canuibuQOns,tax and insrnat►ce conVibutions,deflcletn.y teMs, .
<br /> �liquldaLed damzges toi towTng defauft in arry Leasa,ali proceads payabi8 undar arry policy of insurance eovadng toss ot reMs resutting from *:• - -
<br /> ` . , t ` � umm�arrtaEttity caused hy destrudlan ot damaqe to tde PropeRy.alf p[aoeeds payab(e ss a resut!of a fessee's e�aerdss ot en aptiot�fD purohese the a .
<br /> � � ProRetty,a19 proeaada derived irom U►e tertninatlon ar�ejectlon at arry lease tn e 6ar�irtup�,y or other tnsotvency proeeeding,and all proceeds trom =- -
<br /> F� � � arry d Ma�d ctaims of airy Idnd wtilch tirsrztarmay hau�a against azry tessea under the Lsases or arryoxupanffi of the PrRpeA�.(all W thn ebova are
<br /> ,.•. .� 8 tr ta . ,
<br />�!�. , � • , �eraafmr ooftectivety referred to es the°RsMS�.This asstgnment I9 subject to Uie HghL ower and autharity gtven to tha Lende.to coltec.�nd apph i � --
<br /> c va p
<br /> � Q"the I�r�. Th;s asstgnment ia reeorded in acoordanca wfth applicabte amtB taw;the lien aeated by thls assignmerrt Is irtfended to be spaciffo,
<br /> �,� �:` _ : QpeAected.as�d choate upon tha recording ot this Qeed ot TrusL att aa pravfet�d by appdcable atffie law as amended irom time ta time. As tong as - -
<br /> •• - �here is no def�:ti undes tha Obligations or this�ed of Trust,Lendet g►a�rts tirantor a[evocabte Qcertse to coRect eU Renb from the Leases vfien �-:- - ___
<br /> � � � � duB and to usa such proceeda In Iirantor's b�sinese aperatle�s. However. Lander may at any time mquire Gcaemr ta deposit a11 Rerrta trno an ��
<br /> r ;'- � aoconM mai�irred by Qrantor or Lender at tendeta instltudon. t)pon dsfauh tn the payment of,ar In the perfom►art�of,a�y af fhe Obtigatios�s, -- s
<br /> -, -� - [b lender tnay at its aptlon take posseasion of tite Properly and have,hoid,manage,(ease and operata the Property on tem►s and 9or a peAod ot Brtea . '�
<br /> �j that Lender deems proper. Lender may pcocee0 to ooftact and receive ail RerKe trom the property,and Lender shail have tuU povrar to make • �,�=—
<br />�::f::;:� '. , atterattans,renovattons,repairs ar�eptacemertbto the Property a9 Lender may Eeem proper. Lender may app[y all Rer+is in Lendere sote discretton - __.
<br /> �'•
<br />