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<br /> � :�r � a�ia r.amar ` "
<br /> � , . 257a L3m8r Grand IslnB$r 1`JS 68803 . '''<: - —�
<br /> :� � l3ram$ Ee�aad, NS 68803 m�a�lto '� ���
<br /> 4.. ,'� : . • �tm�. mftis+�armtoa�ao. set�cosaetso: . ".',, :..,
<br /> ��
<br /> • (308) 382-5503 508-54-3187 (308) 382-5503 508-54-3187 � __�,
<br /> . ._ ��t�nioa Haak �n8 �ru�t Co�paap ��m ;"N-:
<br /> � � ' 2008 Rorth Webb Road, arand xaland, fl8 68803 •.
<br /> tn cansida[atton of the toan ar other credit accommadation haretn8fter spe�fied and�ny firture advances or tuture Obligstlona es deftned herein. ''"�
<br /> =�'��� . �er Oe advancad or incurted and ffie trust hereinafter meMloned end other gaod and valuabie consideraNOn.fAe recoipt anU
<br /> � �.� -_--.
<br /> . uuhich may hete ��{�rs.� mreys�r�. �T ..:
<br />.�.•, •, � , . r,: sufftctency of vMcfi are hereby acknow(edged tiranbr h reb irtevocab��� Islasad�Ssa�asA: 80�8�Webb�de:his ,, ,;. �-----
<br /> - r.i., . 8Utx8S40B 81Id 8SS(Qi1S�(n ttYBR f0i{T�10D� $aaEc Aa� Tyrnati v ,,�1-..-_-----
<br /> �� , c3rarsq ie aad 1Q8 68803 • ('Lenda�� 1he ,.�. .� �'.=
<br /> '• ` • � bens°r.�y urtdar�ia Daed ot 7rust,wtih power ot ssle and rigM of entry and possession all of Qrantor's present and tutura estata.dgM.tiUe art0 ,t��� ,`!'.�_
<br /> °• .interesi sn and to the real property described tn Schedule A whtch Is attachsd to thta Qeed of Trust and incarporated iterein by this reterence,tagethat ;..r.-
<br /> wffh afl preseM end tutuce tmpravemems snd fix[ure�el�tanBlble Personal property,inc{uding,without limitatton,alt machinery,equlpment,building 1... � �'..�
<br /> • matsrfafs,and goods ot every nat�ua(exctudtng houss'tota goods)now ar heceaftet toeated on or used in connecdan with the reaf propeRy.whatrier ;:,,, ,� -
<br /> � or no!affixsd to tho tsnd:afl pfivilagca,hacad(ta.;.��xs and aPpurtananaes.iaatudtnp cn d6vatopmant�ighb as�r,:�ted witA tha raal propeRy. ;� -�-
<br /> � � ' uvheil�er prevlousty ar subsequeMty transferred to tha�ea1 property irom olAer real pmperty or now or hereaRer suscep'6Dte o1 Vanster irom�ta teal _ -
<br /> ' ' � � Property to o4her real PropeRy;a11 teasas,Iicensee and other agreemeMe;alt reMe.issues end profita;all watei,weil,diteh.reservotr and minera} + `.. : .��
<br />' �!� ' • �ights end stocice pettatntng to the ceal propaRy(cumuiattvely'RropeRy�•to hav9 and W h91d tho PropeRy and Ute ri$hta heteby gtarr09d toi th9 use
<br /> �/ r,.'
<br /> ' ' ' antf benefltaf Tiustee,hia successors and assigns,umil paymeTrt In tull ot'aIl ObligaUons sacured dereby. �. .: ��`�`='=.
<br /> � � Moreover,in furtBe►consideraUan,Grantor does,tor Qrsntot end t3rar►tor's haira,represen�tives,suxessors,and esslgns,heroby expressy/ ��.� . , :;•�`-
<br /> �� • �� yvanant,cavenant,and agree wHh Lender and Truetee and their euxessore and ssstgns as tottows: �. ;;�'--
<br /> �`"� � . ' f. O81[flATlON3 Thta�eed of Trust shall secure Ufe payment and peAormanc�of afl presertt and tuture indabte�ness,tiabil�les,obligaUons and �.�t^°',._�m_
<br /> �� � . " � • covartantsolBorrawerorOratrtor(eumulativaly'ObBga�ons�toLenderpursuartlto: —
<br /> �; ; . . .. �is Deed of Tnist an�d the f�o,ita��Htn romiss n��d othet a reements: �_-____
<br /> •R :r,. .;. � -, Q�p� if t.lSiiT' Efi�3ElS�aAT8 OA'i� NU?ABER 6,�ER `"� ` ---
<br /> �� ' . p=gg� $35,381.00 10/31/9? 11/10�02 26366 84J 195110 -----
<br /> �• . ' . � . "`.`';, ti,�'_.
<br /> �, . • �._
<br /> .. • . ' 1;.. _
<br />. . , - '.c' '_ ' • _ -
<br /> . : � �. (D)al er presartt or tuwre vnitten agreemertte Lender t�at r er epec ca��y to m n Deea ot Truae v�noihor oxocutea or o same or :
<br /> �. . � � � � difioromputpae�9�miShetoregoingr
<br /> (o)any guaranty ot obligaUons of oUrer parUes gtven to Lender now or hereatter axecuted that refors to ffifa Oaed of Trust;
<br /> �• (d}tuture advances,whether oD;igatory or optlonal,to the same extont as If made contempore;wously with tfie executton W tTfis Oeed of Ttust, � � "
<br /> - - � m1�a or extended to o►on beAalf ot Cirarttot or Borrawei. �rantor�qreea tftat if one of the Obligath�ns ia a line of credit,the lien Ot thi9 Oaed of •: ..�.� ���
<br /> � � � Trwt shail conitnue unU1 payment In full of ali�ebt due under the Iine notwlthstanding the tact that irom Ume to tlme(Dut be'c:o terminaUon at
<br /> � � tho tine)no batanse may bo a��ding. At no Ume shall the flen o1 thls Dead of T�ust,no!including suma advanoed to pratect tho securky ot
<br /> � � • this 0eed of Tmss.exceod 8 70�762.D0 ;and ' �'':.' - -
<br /> � • ": � (e)all amendmertte,extensior�s,renewats,mod(ticaUona,rapiacnmenta or&ubstiluUons w ahy uf theto�egoing. , . �
<br /> , . As used in ttil9 Paragraph t,the terms t;rantor and Borrower ahall(ncludo and atso mean any Qrantor or Banower i f rt::r.a t h a n one. . .
<br /> • " y pEppEg�Tpn0I�19,yyppppHTlEg/Wp CpVEtrA[�fT$. Orantor represante,warrants and cavenants to Lender that .
<br /> . (a) Grantor has iee simpie maficoteble tiUe to the Property and shatl mahMaln tho Property Nee o!all Uen9,socurfty irKerests,encumbrances and •
<br /> • � ctalma except tor this Oeed ot Tast and thosA described in Schedute B,which Is attachod to this Doed of Trust and incorpoteted heretn by
<br /> � � reterence,which Orantor egrees to pay and pedarm in atlmaty manner; . � .
<br /> � " � (b) Orantor is ln compliance in all respects witfi e11 appilcable tedatal,state and looal laws and regulatlons,ir,a'uGirtg,wNhout tlmifaUon,those . , •
<br /> � � � � retaUng to'�rdous Materiata;as dstined herein,and other emflronmontal mattars (the'Enuironmentai Laws'), and neither the toderal .
<br /> � gwemment nor tho atate vrhere the Properiy Is tocated nor any other gwarnmental ar quas3 govammer►tel entity has}ited a lien on the PropeRy, ��.
<br /> r.or are there any govemmer►tal,Judiciai or edminlshative actions v�ltfi respecf to emironmemal mariars Rending,or to th0 best af the Qrantor's
<br /> . ' ' ic:rovrtodge,threatened,which Invotva ths Ptapenyr. Nleither 6re�tar nor,totha beat W l3rantor'a knowtedge,any othor pariy has used.generated, : �
<br /> � ' � reieased,discharged,stored,or dis,posed of any Hazardoua MaterlNs as dofinad herein. in connecHOn wlth the PropeAy ot Vansportod arty .
<br /> ' � . Hszerdous MateAats to a ttom the Praperty tireMar shall not commle or permit such acUons to be taken ln 1fio luture. The term'Hazardous �
<br /> Materlata'ahall mean any substance,matorlal,or waste which Is or becomes regutated by arry govemmental authority inciuding,but not Itmltad ,
<br /> ' ' � ta p)poVOteum; pi)iriabio or nontrlabte esbestos: pii)polychlorinated bSphenyIs;pv)those subsfances,matertats or vrastes designated as a • �'.
<br /> � � 'hazardous substance' pursuent to Sectton 311 ot the Gean Water Act or itsted pursuarri to Section 307 of the Gean Water Aet or any •
<br /> • "� emendments or reptacsmerrts to these statutos(v)t�ose substences,matedais or wastsa dofinod as a'hazardous waste'pursuent to Soction _
<br />_'� � . 1004 of tha Resaurce ConservaUon and Reoovery Act ar any amendmen�or repiacementa tothat statute:and(vi)those substance9,materiais or •
<br /> � wastes da8ned as a'hazardous substence'pursuam to Sectlon 101 0!tho Comprehenslve Emlronmenfsl Rosponse.Compensatlon an9 Uabitlty . �
<br /> � • • Act,or any amondmaMS or reptacemonts to that statute or any otAer similar state or lederal statute,rute,reguta8on or ordinance now or hereaftar •
<br /> ' In eHece. Grantor shall not Iease or permit the sublease of the Property to a tenaM or subtonant whase operaUona may resuit in contaminaUon o! .
<br /> � the RropBrty witb Hazatdous Matodats or toxio substanoes: '
<br /> � (o) N!applicabt�lativs and regutations.inciuding,without Ilm'daUOn,the Americans with Oisabilities Act,42 U.S.C.Sectlon 12t01 ot seq.(and all
<br /> ..,,�_.
<br /> ' . regulaUons p[omu;gated ffiereunder)and all zoning and building Iaws and regutations relaUng to the Properry by vlrtue o}any tederN.state or : • ,
<br /> `'--` • =------.-_ ;susn3eipa!ss�ocfi�rr!!!t jutisdiction ever tho Property.presentty aie and shall be observad and oomplied wiYt�in atl materlat respects.and all
<br /> . - _ .._. ..•.
<br /> '... � • rights.Ueonsns,permits.and certificates of occupancy(inctuding but not tlmited to zoning variencee.apecial exceptions tor noneontormmg usos. - - .
<br /> eFld firtai inspOCtlon apptwats).v+hether tempotary ot permanen�which are material to the use arsd occupancy of the Property,prosentiy ate and
<br /> • . shall be obtalnod.preserved end.wt+ere necessary.renewed: �
<br /> �'� �' • , �PNt5tl�FOrmAtwnittnno�oryes.ir.e.(i1l9/96115001931J789 Pagetol9 -.--- ' • .
<br /> � � - — ^�^-. - -•--•—«—��T �-�..a�.::y._.—�-...:,-_='";'�"'=�-�-.�-��! . ._...-, . - . '' . . .' • ---- �� -
<br /> • . .. _... . �� _�, , . . . .
<br /> .� .«:.:' ..�._ �.....--• , .. . . , _ , ,. .
<br /> .. .,_ . .. . . ..w__n. . . . - .
<br />.. . ... .. ..,.�_. -�_._ --`z:Y'-:��z----.......��a.`�.-�.-a�anry-i.:��-.. .....___�._.:....s.a.a:.a-�.:.i:•.s::�.fitY.:i�'.Ya.�L`�'�Y�.�.��.:'...�{ :A'4.._... ' ..:�' _.�"S2':"t,."��..�'S�..7.,.'l7..�z.�..'..�"�--
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