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<br /> ���' ��'- ���7��. ��
<br /> �� _-sy-�� of an awar+d or claim for damages,.dir�ct ar consequeu�aI.3a con�cuon w�th - --`
<br /> ` � ` ` 9.Cond�nation.The groceeds Y `� i
<br /> � U: : � aay oo a d e m n a t i o n o r o t h e t t a t d n g o f t h e P t o Perty,or part theroof,os for wmreyance ia Ueu of wn�emnation,ate < _
<br /> F .. �` hemby a�igned and shall 6e paid to Lender,s u bjea w�e terms of any mortgage,dad of orusc or other seauity , _
<br /> ..��• '��r ag�eement with a lien wiuch has priority over tLis Deed o f Tnist. _ -
<br /> '``_ •^ E...^'�'�!►�st s►ot�t;Fi►.t�eaoQr,ce Bv Z.enndes Nai a Waiver. Exte�ston of the dme for payment or .`_, � ;��
<br /> F_ ______T � .e ���
<br /> . '.'�. � modificadan of amortization of the s�s s�u�ed by this Deed of Tmst graated by Lender to aay sua�sor m . ,.`�. --
<br /> �; mterest of Bormwer shall aot operare to zelease. in an�t manner, the liability of the orIginal Borcower aad -„__
<br /> 4 : � ' ,:��.= Boaower's�sois in�� Lendec si�all aot be mq�ured to eoauaence pmceedinga agaiast sur�successor or �
<br /> �, : iefuse w extend time far payment or otherwise modify amort3�ration of tae sums se�ured by this Deed of Tnut by ; -Y, - _ _
<br /> �:"� �'' �azon of aay demand nm^de by the ortgtnal Bonowes and Borrower's suscesso:a ia in3etest. �y fosbearance by � '-
<br /> ' .�.r. I.ender in exercLsing anY right or�medY Dezeumder, or otherarise affosded by app1icable law,shall nat be a waiver -
<br />.� ;: ', . . of or greclude the exeicise of any such dgbt or re�aedy. -
<br />�>:.:" : ' lI.Sacc�ssois and Asslgnv Bo�md:Jaiut ead SevFral L�abili4Y:Co-stgners.The wvenants and agreements '; . . •
<br /> � L�eunder s1�aaU inure w the axive snccessors aad assigns of Mender •,.,`� ',
<br /> •`�' hetein .oontaiued shari bind.aad the rigbts x , �esp nde
<br /> �'�.„,.���� b 16 heieof.All covenants and agreemenr.s of Boimwer shall be ,°.:°` ,.
<br /> � aa8 Bauuwer, subject to the gmvisions of paragap _
<br /> �� joint and several.Auy Bormwer who co-sigas tbis Deed of Tmst,bat dfles not execate the Note.(a)is co-signin8 ' � --
<br /> ., �.y� 1::.._:� . co Tmstee nader cht cerms of this
<br /> 5 • �� . thts De�d of Tsost on1Y oo grant and cam►e5►that Borrower's mtemst ia the proP�Y -
<br /> � �,� . Deed af T�nst, N)is not personally liabte on the Note or under this Deed of Tross,aad(a)agrees that Leader and --
<br /> �: ."f any otbtr Bomnwer herwnder may age�to e�(end.madify,fort�ar.or make aal►othes accommodauons arith r�gaM , ,' _
<br /> . �s to the terms of this Deed of Tn�st or the Note,without that Borrower's ooasent aad withort releasing t�at Boitower . . "T-.,s_
<br /> � ..3•'��'. � ' 'or modifyiuS this Deed of Tnist as to ihat Somuwer's interest in the Prugerty. , 4„�,"
<br /> L _._ : x� Y2.Notic�Except far u►y norice rPq�under applfcable law to be give,a ia another manaer,(a)anY notice to .
<br /> , . . Boaower pmvided for ia this Ueed of Tsu4t shall be given b}+delivedng it or iry maling sucb nottce by cettnHed mail ;�,._ ..
<br /> - � � � addressed w�csfrower at the Property Address or at such otber address as Barrower may desl�ate by aotice w �,..__,;,,-�
<br /> .4". l�ader as pm�?�d.hecein,and(b)aaY noace to Le�sder sball be given by ce�&ed mail to Leader's address stated ��,.
<br /> -' ; he e notice w Sormwer as mvidesl herein. A�r�atice �'�
<br /> '•� - ° heiein or to s�uther address as Lender may designate by P � _ -
<br /> r 3. :. , �. .� pmvi�ed for in shis D�d of Tn�st sbail be deemed to Lave been givea to Eormwer ar Leader wDen given in the ., �--
<br /> .. , mauner designaied hereia. � G=-
<br /> ' • ''' 13.Govemfag Ii.sw;Seveiabifity.The stare and locai laws applicable to this Dced of Tmst shall be the laws of ___
<br /> ..� . the jndsdict�on in whic�the Property is io�.The foregoing sentence shaU not lin►it the applieabiliry of federal , `µ-;. - �
<br /> � � law to this Beed of Ttust.In the event that any provisloA or clanse of this Deed of Ttusc or the Nate conflicts wlth . �::;;4�•-- _�.
<br /> �. � applicable law,aucb coatiict shaU not affect ocher provfaions of ttus Deed of Trast or the Note which caa be glven =:=::....°.----
<br /> }:�'.� . " � ef5ect without the canflictiag pmvIsion,and to tl�is ead the pmvisions of this Deed of Trust and the Note are dectared '�'"�i��.-;`--
<br /> w be severable. As used berein, "costs,' ••expenses„ and ••attomeys' fees" incIude a11 sums to the exteat n�t `.;:°--
<br /> .`:: . . protn'bited bY aPPlicable law or limited berein. .� ��.�`
<br />��.��. : 14.Borrowee's Copp.Borrower shall be fumished a wnformed eopy of the Note and of this Deed of Tmst at ~ �
<br /> � =t;.�� _
<br /> . . the tuue of exea.�tion or after recordation hereof. _ �'�"'--
<br /> • � ;;° 15.Re�L2ation Iaan Agti'eemeug. Boscower shall fulfill all of Borrower's obligatians under sury+home . ..�:,. _�-�
<br /> A e
<br /> .�;,.'. •� ' . rehabilitatiosl, imPmvement, rePair, or otiier loan agrcement whicl�Bomower entets into wIth Lender. Lender,at � ,:�:��-`�----
<br /> � : Lender's opt�on, may require Bortower to execute and deliver to Lender, ia a fozm acccptable to Lender, an � _
<br /> � .. �:w -- assigamem of any righta,claias or defenses whicb Boirower may have aSainst Fa�es�o supply labor.materlals or �'- �
<br /> �;: `';- '� services 9n ca�on arith imp�ovements asade to the Ptoperry. ._
<br /> 16.Ti�at�fer of the Pmpertj►or a Heaet3dal Intere�t ia Borrowe�.If sU or aay part of�the Properry or any - �
<br /> ':= � �, � ��� inter�st in it is sold or traasferred(or if a beneficial inter+est in�orrower ia sotd or uansferred and�rrower�s not a :..�,-_
<br /> . � � natural peison)adthout Lendes's prior wrltten conseat,l�ender may,at iu optian,require immediate payment ia fuil ���_
<br /> � t� � ' of all sums secured by this Deed of Tn�st. However,this option shall not be exercised by I.ender if e�e�s . `�'_
<br /> . . . ... _ '�� . pmhibited by federal law as of the date of this Deed oYTrust.� .::;;..;;.�� ,
<br /> . � If Leuder exercises this aptioa, Leader shall give Bonawer notice of acceteration.The aatice shall pmvide a
<br /> - : �.{ period of not tess than 30 daya from the date We notice is delivered or mailed within which Burmwer must pay all
<br /> . sums secured i�r this Deed of Tmst.If Borrower fails to pay tbese aums p otice or d exem nd go�w�eriod,l.ender
<br /> ��� �� may invoke any remedies pem�ittecl by tlris Deed of Trust without furthe
<br /> .;-�.:
<br /> � NON-UN1FOIdM COVF�IANTS.Bonower aad Lender futther wvenant and agree as follaws: . . .
<br /> . � � l7.Acceleiatton;Remedles.Except a9 pmvided in paregrapb 16 heeeoY,npon Bosrower's breacb of any �
<br /> � . : . °�� covenant or agreement of Horrocser in thts Deeta of Trust,iacluding Borrower's fallurc to pay,by t6e end o! : .
<br /> 1 0 c a l e n d a r�D a y s u fter th e y are dae,an y sums seciued by thLv Deed of Trast,l.4nder prior to acceleratlon shaU
<br /> . ..� g(ve nottce to$orrowes as provtded in paragraDh 12 herea f sp e c t f y tag:p)t he bre�ac b;(2)t�:a d i o n r�q W r e d W � . .
<br /> .r`� � � cure suc6 breach;(3)a date,not less than ZO days from the date the nottce is mailed to Borrower,by whicb
<br /> '� � s¢ch breac6 must be cur�d;and(4)Wat fallure to cm�e suc6 breasb on or before the date sp�tfled in ce � . ' _
<br /> 0 28
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