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<br />'-� ��� #f t�te a�nnt of t�Fmsds Le�by 1.aader,wSether with tIIe fimue moatbly�tallmca�of Funds payable prior _ �' ;'
<br /> _ - - i e! =
<br /> � w the aue aates of taues.asse.ssvn�rs,iasarance premiu�and��•�eAC�ed u�e amouat�qnirea w pay _
<br /> � " ` said taa�s.a��ssments.Insuiance Pt�miums aud 8��rents as they fall due.sud�exo�s sbatl be,at Borrower's , �
<br /> � ��,.� ; '',:`.'� option, either PmmPtIY�Paid w Bormwer or crediteQ ao Barnnwer on montbiy msallmen�s of Fnnds.If the amn�t _.s� _ ,-
<br />- �F. - of the FuuAs hetd 6y I�eQder sh311 t�oE be suffit�eIIt W gay taxes.�+eceQesnenis,�nsurEnCe premiUms and gt+owtd renis _ °i��
<br /> c • � +...nf,.� �w w a�a m v t f 1 t n 8 1 C e i 1 D t h B d£�I C I e II C Y I II Q➢E 0 2 II10I2 _
<br /> ' � c�4 i�Ey Tdti CQC� nDI1mYC'i nnntT�7oy iv I+••-. • . � _
<br /> ` ,� y ;'L paymenis as Lender maY requfire• __
<br /> , � ;�_."� Upon paYment in fiill of aU sams seau+�d bY this IIced of Tn�st.Lender shall pmmptty refimd m Boaower auy - - �-.__--
<br /> - Funds itetd by L�d�. If uader parapr�h 17 heieof the Propecry is sol0 or the PrapertY is otherwise acqni�d by - ---
<br /> ` `� Leader,le�der s f o a ll 2pp Iy,no l a ter t h�i m m e d i a t e i Y P ri o r t+o t h e s a l e o f t h e P r a p e n Y o r i t s a c q u i s i t i o n b y I�nder, F .-r
<br /> . ` ' , � �` . a�r Fuads held by Lender at the dme of appHc�tion as a cre�it against the sums secured bY�v e�i b y�L e a d e r u n d e r __` _
<br />-� °4�` , �''�� 3,pppllc�tton of PaYme�.Unless appHrable law provides otherwise, Le der :��;,�"`::._�_r
<br /> < � able w Lender b -.�,'.t.�.:_
<br /> �P�
<br />_ . ' the Note and paragaphs 1�12 hec�eof shall6e applied by L�nder fust ia paymeuc of amm�rs�of thc Note. y ;'':r��
<br /> � Eoaower uAder paragtaDb 2 hereo�then to interest payable on the Note.and then w the princip :�:,f::•-._
<br /> ' 4. Prior RZortgages and DxEds of Tnrs�; CII�ar�e�: Li�as. Borrower shall pecform all of Borrower's ':�:..
<br /> .. _ .__.. ob�gatIons unQer any martgage*dced of uast or ather sewrity a8ceement with a 1[en which has prFo:ity o�er this _.,;
<br /> ' ts whe�dne.8orrower shall pay or cause w 6e p a i d �:` ='.
<br /> ' �� t?eed of Tn�st,iaclndmg Bo:rawe�s covenants to make paymeu �� �y attain a �;-:�.
<br /> " ,«�: � �, ass¢ssments and oiher charges. fines aad impositiobs atuIbatable to the Praperty
<br /> � . . �� ..,: prio�try over this DeeA of Trast.and�easehold paymenta or gruund r�ts,if ar►Y• <<� -.--
<br /> 4 �`.�. , � '�i . S.Ha7ard Iascasace.Bmrower shall keep the impmvements now existing or hereafter e�ected an the Progeny ..--
<br /> • �.:� �: ins�ued agaiast Loss 1ry fae,hazards inciuded avitBin the term°�cteat�d covetage.°an8 suc�ather�zatds as l:ender . . -
<br />- iu
<br /> '- - --' -� -�,i maY Teclu�e and in such amounts and for such periods as Leader may iequue•
<br /> 3'he insntamce c�rrter pmviding the insurance ahaU be chasen by Baicawer subject to agpmval by Lendes; � ._
<br /> • � .. '.' pmvlded. that such appmval afiall not be un�easonabIy arithhetd.AIl lnsurance poli�Ies aud renevvals the�eof ahall�be �.,-_"_:. _
<br /> �4: � in a forrn ecc�table w Leader and shaU inciade a stazcdatA mortgage ctause in favor of and ia a fosm acceptable to �s.w-`=-
<br /> "; ���' ':,f Leader.Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals thereof.subject to the tBrIDS of aay mortgage. ,°-• -
<br /> • � deed of unst or other securlty agrecment with a iien wlucb has priorIty over tbis D�ed of Trast. r�'� '
<br /> . . .• Y '~�� ,TT`.
<br />�_,�� .� .-,: . . ' • in the eveat of loss,�orcower shaU give pmmpt nodce to the insurance cazrier and L�der. l.eader may mase � -
<br /> �, proof of toss if aot made prompdy by Borrawer. `r� f;.:�
<br /> .. If the Pmpesty is abaadoned by 8orm�rer,or if Bortower fails to resp�nd to I.eader within 30 tiays from.the :�.�„� .
<br /> � date notice is mailed by Lender to Boirowes that the insurat�ce canier offets to settTe a claim for insarance beneYits; ,y.�T =� ..
<br /> . � Lender is authorized to wllect•and apply the insuraace pmeeeds at I.ender's optEon either to restoratioa or repair of . ;!-
<br /> . ' tiie property or to the sums secored bY this Dee+d of Tnut. -, -
<br /> � . .',.; 6.Ft�sera►atton nnd 119aiateaance aY Pr+opesty: l.easehoids:Cond�mtnitmns:Flan�e�1 Unit Bevetoyments. .-� � �:-
<br /> $orrower shaU keep ttte PraPerty in goad repair and shall not oommit waste or permit impair�ent or 8ete�torauan of ,,�� "-_
<br /> • �e propercy aad shall complyr with th�pmvisfaas of moy lease if this Deed of Trast is an a leasehold.If this Deed of �
<br /> Borrower shall perFann all of BorroWer's ;;+�,�-._-
<br /> _ -- Tmst is on a unit in a caadominium or a planned urut de.welopment, .�..
<br /> ,,` � ` obligatians uader the declaradon or ca�►enanta cr�g a;gavesuing she eondnminium or pl2nned�t developiaent, ;-,
<br /> the by-taws and i�gulations of the condominiam or planued umt develoDmeat,and caastiment dacameats. --
<br /> 'r. ` � iu a . • __.
<br /> . . , •i .?.F�atertton aY Leede�r's Secority.If Boaower faila to perform the covenaats and�ements contained in this � ' _
<br /> � . . Deed of Tnut�or if any action or proceeding is cotcmenced which materIaUy affects Lender's,iuterest in �he . . . , : =.�;,.�
<br /> • properry. then Lender, at Lender's op�on,upon notice to Boaower. may make sach aPPeazances,d�sb�e sucb �
<br /> � z �.�
<br /> sums, ancIuding reasonable attomeys' fces, aad [ake such actian as ia necessary to protect LendePs �ncerest. If , ,
<br /> .A� . � � � • ,°' Lender reguired mortgage �usurance as a condition of mak�nS�he loan secu�red by this Deed of Tn�st,Borrower shall � . �.r :,f. �`:.
<br />-- . ' ., pay�he premwms require0 to maintain such insurance in effect vntil such time as the requirement for such insurance � ... . .
<br /> ` � � �ermu�zes in accordance with Borrower's aad Lender's written agreement or appiicabte taw. �'
<br /> . �� ' , �� ppy amounts pisbuised by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, witb interest thereon, at the Nate rate,shall . � , �
<br /> � . � 6ecome additional iadebtedness of Bonower secured by this Deed of Trust.Unless�orrower aad l.ender agree cn • •
<br /> ��...{ . • . .« other te:ms of Day�.,°nt, such amounts shall be payable upon notice fros��.ender to Boaower reqnes�ing PaYment .. :' "
<br /> . - thereof. Nothing oantained ia this pazagraph 7 shall tequ�re Lender to incur an)+ expense or take an}r acxion
<br /> . , ,` here�.'r. � .
<br /> 8.Iasperdton.Lender may matce or canse to be made s�sonable enuies upon and inspe�xions of the Ptoperty. - �
<br /> . m .
<br /> � � pmvided thaz Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonab2e caus�thexefar . �
<br /> '�: . � . .� related to Lender's incerest in the Property. m.���.��� .
<br /> .. . , . ��78�NE1196041 P�ge 9 ot 8 , ` ,
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