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<br /> �qf^ ,t. . ., . . . f�y',. . . ' " •, _ • . . . • . . - .._ . • . ' ^ .
<br />. .. . - •: „ - , . ` � . t . .. t: , - , s :r.� ,� •��:
<br />', . 't� . � . . . � , .. ' ' • ... • . • ' ' . ... ' . . . , .. . • • ,�Ec:o '� '
<br />. .�� . , ' .. • . . .. • � . . . .-I .'. • , . . � . .. ��..��Rf/t.�Y' , . .. .S...c £t- . '
<br /> • , ��£ , - � • . � ' - c' ,
<br /> '�• � <F`` �( `' �AUY.T:Ttust�r<cv�l�be I�i�tefa+�ffc�if a4y atty ob��an t�c Seci�d FJebt fails tamaice.Pa3►ment when dne:� �.`�::u.;�c ;
<br />: �.-. ., .', `:° �4.DFF � P ot aay other.dacament e$ecatecl
<br /> -�- ,., cc�l be in defantC if�breach aocucs uttdeL term.�of tWs•Sea�siip 1�sd�nteut ° �s:�_r.�>
<br /> . ,° . purgase of creating�s�g or��S��ce�1'Deb�Ag�ofl f�iith:tsetief by�Beneficiarp that Beneficiary at auy
<br /> q��ias�ure wit�respett to'auy pe�san ar eaaty.o9li�ecl on tfie Secated Debt oi that thc pY+nspect of any payment or �.,
<br /> �°..F �
<br /> .. the valne of the Ptopecty is imgaiied sball�lso censntute an event af d:EeutG . �.� r �° ' 4
<br /> �Y .� 15. R�MEDIFS ON D�FAULT.In some ia�nces.fedecai asd�te tatv wiii�eqnice�eueficia�► to txc�vi�3�°:�s � ;�
<br /> . ��, n�ace of�he righc tQ cnre or other no�Ces aad may�eabTish mne schedutes far fo�es2osure �en�i ia a mann.r �
<br /> , • •��� limiCations. if any. Benefieiarq may acceterase.tlie Sectued Debt and foredose this Secoriry < , � �
<br /> .�__,
<br /> provided bq Iaw if'Trastnr is ia defant� �
<br /> ' � �` . At tl�opdoa of Beri��f'iciaary, �ail or anp�art of t�e�iees and sharses,aocraed interest and�?micipal_=sball besome ' - :
<br /> taw, n the occuaence o a defani os anytime ;
<br /> �neiliately dae aad paY �le after g IIotice i�tequi�ed bll . � t�e t e=m s of tt�Seco�t Debt, �v�� .
<br /> . �r.I n a d d i�a.E e n e fi c i a r g s b a ll b e e n i i d e d t a a ll t h e r e m e d i e s p r a�z d e d b y l a w, �f,. '}, ^
<br /> f ' ` this:Se�arity.Ias�gni antl avy ielated docmnents,i n c lu d i ug v►i t h Q n t l i m I�a t i o a,d�e P o c v e r.t o s e i i t h e P t o p e rt y. . , _
<br /> f xs .x :
<br /> s r � � '�=� . . . • ' X
<br /> }.. • � If tt�e is a d e f a n l t,T�a s t�e.s 6 a 1 1;i a a d c�t i a il t o�oy a t h e r e a n�i t t e�f�y..�ai the esc oF'the$eaeficiary.8dvgrtise �:� �
<br /> ��,'• • �d�11.Q�groperty as a w�nle ar ia sepniate pazceis ac ga�li�ancdon to t6ehighest b�$er fc�r c�s aud.cbmey abso t a t e u S
<br /> "�� atts£�ee and clear of a11 ri�t,dde�inc�mtecpst of Tnuwr at sach dme and P1ace as Tmstee�Tesignates.Tnutee st�atl give F �-
<br /> n�Soe of sats inetuding the ume.teans assd plare of sate and a description of the properts ro be sold ac reqaired i�Y the �
<br /> ... applica6le�law.in�ai tbe time of ihe p�poset�sale. . - . _ _ . '"�� ,_-•_-
<br /> , Y � - end w t6e eatent aot prnhihited hy Ja,w 'f�stee s6a11�nake and deliver a deed w the PcopenY � _
<br /> �. � �pan sale of t1�FmPerty► aad �� Dai►�8�11 fees.-c6arges and.eosta.�sballpay ta '%
<br /> `.'�.. .. ' suTd wi�icb cameys.a6solnte dtte Yo.t�e�pnncbaser. � rior en�bra�ces and�ateresc . - : .
<br /> ' � 8enefuiatq all monelts advansed�fox�epair�� �ces� insaraace. Geas��assessnents P . 6 4a`..,�-
<br /> � , . � ' tt�teosr. uud tua jni�ct at�iaterest on thc 5ecureA Defit�.FaYInB !h�susp lt�s►.#ax►Y.W Ttustor. �eneficiary,msy h .r,....
<br /> � �: ° -
<br /> � � � pn[chase ttie Property.��Ita9s.in a�1 deed of canveyaa:e st�all be pnma fac�e�videncc of tl�e facts set forth tt�ereu�. .-,---- _ _
<br /> ' .._ ...���',` All remedIes are distinet, cumuiattve sud ttot exctustve.sud tlis Bene f eti�aty is e n ti t i e d t o�1 1.r e c u e�e s pr u�v�d e�a t t a w o r � � _ .,.�
<br /> nNai paymesran�he
<br /> � . e q u i ty.whetlter or riot expressly set fortb.Tue acceps�wce hy Beneficiary of a�r sum in paymeas or p �
<br /> ' � �;` ��� S�aied Debt aRer the baLroacs is due ar is acceletated or aftec forec t m�n c e p ro c e e d ings a r e�t e d s h a l l a o tau�tac�s T ,
<br /> � . � K�aiver of 8�e ficiary's d�e ta re�n're complete cure oF aay exisdng default.8y not exercisin,�auy�emealY ' ����:�:.;..-�--�
<br /> ��:.� Y�'� dsfault,Beneficiary does nat waive73eueficiary s right w tater cnnsider the evynt a default if it cos�imtes or bappeas agatn., � ;-r �.t
<br /> �+�'� .'r� . 16. FXPI;NSES, AD�ArICFS ON COVENAN�'S;.A'I°rORNEYS' FEES; CQLid:CT10N C�STB. Except �rhea __-
<br /> prolu'bited by law,Tmstor agcees to pay.ari of Beneficiary's exgenses if'i'�ror b�eacte'es flnY cm'enant in t1��s S�auitS► `� ���:
<br /> `� V. . 4 Iu,°ut�ment. Trustar wIl!aLso paY an dentaml any amonuE uicurned by Bea�eficiaty foi insnnng, iusFecxinS.PTese�or _ " --
<br /> . � cstheiwise pm4ecdn�the Pra�erty and Beueficiary's�ty in��Ti�ese eal enses�v�l bear inie D�di��date af eite . --
<br /> 1p �'`
<br /> : ` p3pment imril paid�n fall at the 1ilgtcest�interest rufb-in effect as pmvi�d in the�tem�.s of the Secaued a�es .';:,�.-
<br /> n
<br /> to•pa all costs and�expeuses ineuued'tiy�I3enefciary' in�coltec6ag; evfoic3ng or'protectin� Benefciary's rip,hts aud ';,f.:
<br /> � � � �es nnder this Securits IasadnnEns.Ttiis amoaut map incluite,but is nni limi��;sttome9s����•� .
<br /> � o9ier-2� eapevs�s:'EY�is SecaritY Instrument sba11 remain ia•efFecr unt� rel Tmstor a to pay .°.,: � _
<br />_ � nxordadon casts of sach xel�se. . , • • . . . . . � . `..._.
<br /> ._4 ._`:!.'•• (
<br /> 19.E1�iVIItONt4�i'�AL LAWS AND HAZAR130tT5 S[313ST�NCE�. As�nsed in tUis sectiou, 1) Emr�onmental Lacv �.�T --_-
<br /> � � means,witliouc llmitadon,the Comqsnhen�ive Bnvuonmeutal Response,CamPe�iost and Liabillty'Act(CBRCI.A,42 � �.
<br /> , C.S.C. 9601 et seq.).and ali ather federal,state and lo�l laws,reguladoas,ora]inances,court ordera.atwmeY S� _i;��
<br /> � . upinia��s or inte�pretive 2ettc�s concerniaS�he pnhlic Ieealth,safety,�velfare,em�immnent or a ha�ardous substance�and(2) �-�� ;���
<br /> th � -
<br /> � Haiardods Subs�'�n:e meads stny to�kc, r�tdio�:dve or 1ta�irdous�material; waste. poltutanY ar contaminanf w�iel�hes � �.P:;�.�-:-..
<br /> � cl�ara¢te�isdcs t�*�render the�subs�nce:dangerous ot pote�nti7alI}�da�erons to the public heaIW, safety. welfate ar � , . �_-.
<br /> ' B11VIr011111CIIt:�II..°CE:tIII IIIChSQES�W1f�l0II���lmi�d't1011�NUy'6(1bS�DC�S�L'�lEd 8S �11378It�OUS 1n'dLe��s stOAIC Sl1�Sf�i'�C.4�� �i i.�.y:.t.�-• �-3L
<br /> ' j
<br /> � -` ,� ' °1�azacQo�waste"�oi°hazaidons sn6��taace°uuder uuq Snviromner'ta�Lz�`v: , . . . . . . . r�:,'-y,',`';,- -
<br /> , � . . . .�
<br /> TtastotteQresents;warravtsatitia�that:' � � .. .- , � .� ,� . . . ..: •. ��.. � �. . , _--
<br /> � � A:Lxeept�as prevlonsJq c]isclose��a�td acImawIedge<1 ia wrsting io'Ben�ficlaty.na HamrdousSubstan�e`is or wlll be � . _
<br /> + : � • • locas�i,std��or released�on of in t3�e Propectp. ?tiis restrlctio�rdbes nQt.a�plq to s�ha]1 cpiandtiss of Hazardous ,,,� •--.
<br /> � � • • ' Sabstances ct`r�t ute geuerdlly re¢o ' dto l�e ap sopiiate�'or the'u�Dtmal use aad mui�ntenance e�t�e Propertyt. � ',°
<br /> . B.Except a��s previously cllsclosed actmowiedg�in waEt�ing cQ BeneBciary.Ttuswr and every tzaaiu have beei�,are, u�T
<br /> . , , and sbaU rrmain in fall compl�ance with any ap�liaa�,".=�v�onmental Law. ' _-
<br /> r�ai
<br /> ' - C:Trastor sl�all irnn�ediately aobEyBeneftciary a release or thre�tencd release of a Ha�do�,s Sabstance occuss on, � �
<br /> � uuder or about Ne Praper�ty�or there is a violation of any Bnvisannie�ral�Lacv coaceming the Property.In surfi an ;,
<br /> A
<br /> � � � - event,Ttus:,ct sl�all take:tU necxssary remedial acaion in accordance with any Emrironmentai).aw. � .
<br /> ,..: ; � � D.Tnutor sl�immediately notify Benefic'iary in writin �s sooa as Trustor has reasun to believe there is any pending ,._ �.
<br /> a ' � i to the retese or thcrateae3 reIease of auy Hazard�us .�----�-
<br /> � • or shreatened.iAVestigaaan. claiu�, or pra:.eil�ng rc at u$ r, .' . ,.
<br /> - : .. •, ' ���.<: Substance or tlie violaaa:r of an}r F.nvironnrentai Law. . ,_ , • .
<br /> � � 18. CONDEN�NATION.Trnstor will give Beneticiary pr�mpc noac�of avy.pznilln�or threatened aCdon;by prtvate or��ptthliC . , . _
<br /> �..: � _ endties topnnchas�or take aay or all of the Ptopetty 4�rougl�cunclemnatton.�nunent domain;or anX other means.Trustos _
<br /> ' � authoi�zesBea�f ciacy to intervene in Tnistcr's nan�e in any ot We abave descrlbed ncti�ur�ta•�s.T�roswr assig�s to �
<br /> Behe�iclary the irtdceetis of ar.y award'or elaim for damases cormected witb�'condemnadon or ot�er taking of all or any . �� �
<br /> � � �ut of the Propeny. Sucv psoceec)s slzall be cons�dcnsd p�Y�ents and alll be applieG as riovi�ed in this S°..wrlty � .
<br /> .. . � � It�st:oment.Thi's assig�uneut of pmc�is sublect co the terms of any Inior mortgage:deed of tmst.�curity agce�ent os . . ...cr �
<br /> .� rnh�r9ien docwlent. � � • � . . � � � ..
<br /> � . - . 19. IIdSIJRANCE.Truscc�r shall�p Property iasured agei�ut loss by fue:fload,theR anii other hvards avJ rlslrx reaso�bly .: . .
<br /> �. .n ..�d � :..
<br /> a�sociatect wiAi t�e Properry due to its tpp:aaut iocati.�n. ','�i.7u��:rr.a:r.�...bc a�i.....�=� .�.�he aalount.d and for the .
<br /> pv�riods that Beneficiary reguires. 'Phe insur.mrx autter�mvidiag' tt�e insurance s1sa11�be chosen�by Tmstor bvbject to •;
<br /> � � Beuefeclary's apploi+al, whrch s1�a11 uot be uvre�asonably �vitl�eld.']F Tnutbr fails ta maiutaia the cuverage described , �
<br /> � � � ahove,Beaefi�yary muy,at Beneficiary's optiou.obtain cuverage to protect IIenefcciary's dghts in the Property acco=ding � �
<br /> .. . � to the tetms of tta�s Security Instrument. ' . . .
<br /> All insurinre policies and renewals�lwll L•e acceptahle to�Ben:Sciaty an�sball include�staiuL•ud'suort�e clause"und, .
<br /> . where applicable. 'loss payee claase."'Trustor shaU ivvnediately un:ify IIeneficiary of cancellation or temiivadon of the
<br /> � � is,�uance. Ben�ciary sha!l 1•ave'tl�e rigint to hold the polic�es siud renet+rals.�If Beneficiary reyuires. 'frustor shall
<br /> ' ' imme�liately �lve to Benefici�ry all tecclpts uf peid pr:miums end reuevral•notices. ilpon loss, Trustor shall give . _
<br /> � � �r�wediate noace ta ttie insrorau^.e carti=r and T3cn:f:c'iary.•Beneficixry m:�%make proof of iuss if�iot maste immediately by _ .
<br />• � ' Trastor: • . . . , . ., ..
<br /> _ , . . , . � (pa�Je o 4J _ ' .
<br /> :� . . • � .
<br /> _ . . - � ,- ' i R'S34 8antero Sy�tama.1ne..St.C�ouO.tdtl It-800�397-23411 Fam RE•DT•UE 9//].98 . ,
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