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<br /> . i__ _, r. r _, _ __ __ £� c•._ _ - ,4 __ . . _, - ` � .. .v.
<br /> , L ,'- r, o , '_ r : , c .�.. F.i..t h .o'.' . ::,�- �t p F ��11� �O°4 . r .
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<br /> ,-��, f ;`� . `� 'Y � .
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<br />. ^`..4~ �.�. r • • . . . . �_.: �4.�c�i��".. ..a,
<br /> ' e'� • . • n �.�c�.. '?�'' -
<br /> ry
<br /> N ' � 9�� �V��� ' ��R a .
<br /> , F�. . ,
<br /> � . � . � t�f�s� .
<br /> . . �`�.R:`, �"S. 'ii 'lL�ti� .. _
<br /> - • $.AU fttiuta adwances from Be�daty!o Tmsinr ar ather futrme ub' ns af Tinstur[o Bene�sCfary undet at� ` .° :
<br />. . �r._ rvi' ^�:,`;
<br /> not�,�,gaatanry.ot ot6er evtdeace of deb.eg 6q'IY�star in�ror af Beme�ciary e�ecnted 4 �:�,
<br /> � ,`,'°_ aft��ecaritp Ynsun�uient wItether os�t this Seaiuty im�r.nt is apecificaIIp iefecenced. lfmore than one ` •: �
<br /> Y.� p e i s s o n�g m s t b�i s S e s�I t y I n s t m m e n t. e a c t► T m z t o s a g m e s t D a t t b i s S e a u c i ry I a s u o m e n t wlll secare all fnNre : �.� �'�
<br /> �,: �4 " '' .� advauces aud fitUtte obli ns that are�firen to or in+eumed by auy ons Qr more Ttustor,or aay o�or moie Trastor ti� °x
<br /> r � . azW otheis.Ail future�raaces and other fut�e obli�ationY are secnre�by this Seruaty�tmnent even thougA all
<br /> E — - -- � n�a�i� fi��+.s�3.R1t fa�ui��'�s�s��f�ur��sdo�.;sra sec�,�i as i�`���dat� —
<br /> � r �rt ' . -
<br /> ` �- _ , ;� of c-bis-Seauity��Noth'sng in dus Secority Insumueat sStail oonstttnre a oamrpitmeut to make additional or .�.. -�t+
<br /> . , n� ` ':4. fiwure laaas or advaaces in any amou�u.Any such a�mmidnent mnst be to in a sepa�ate writing. . .
<br /> ,_ ��; C.Atl abligations TmsDor ov�es ta Beneficiary.vvhich may Iater arise.ro�extent noi pmlu'bited by faw.inchcding. ' '.< : ,
<br /> ,�f . but ztot limited w, liab�ities for overdrnfts ntatiing to az�}t deposet a�onnt ag�eement between Tiastor and �° _.
<br /> - � -- He�ficiaiy. - - -
<br /> � � D.All a3�huonal svms advauced aBde�e nses iacutsed by Be��ciaiy€or insvring,p� mng or otheiwise protecsin,g r � � r -
<br /> r the Pmgerty and its vaIue and aay otver sums advancecl anfl expeases i�•urred by Be.��•'aty tmder the tams of th�s �. .
<br /> � r Se�ity InsO�qnlent. ' --
<br /> .. � - -
<br /> , '[his Secwritp Insuument w�l noi seca�e•a�r otbei debi if Benefiaary fa�7s to gtve any nqaired noticce of tlie rig�t of �'� _ -
<br /> _ resciss�on `� ___ -
<br /> �= ;;�+��.' �' S. PAYMENTS.Tiusmr a��i t a�H���under II�e SECnrecl Debz wiit b��ss�+d��I iag accaidauce with the ? —
<br /> " ' terms of die S�Debi a�3ti�#s Seam.�g f�saument.
<br /> ,� f >u � :� . . . --
<br /> '`> ��,.r;',•" .:` . , -..; -:..
<br /> �{ :'-.,`.t ' -
<br /> :. � 6. WARRAIVTY OF 1TT�ds'.Truswr warra�s tbat Tiustor is or will be.lawfnity se9ze8 0�the estate r�nveyed by ttus r��`�`- __ --
<br /> . ' Sxuritq lnsuument and has tbe right w iaevarably gant�com�y.and setl the Prog�rty w Tms:ee.in t�ust�wtd�poR�r af ' -"�:;,�"�
<br /> � � sn�e.Ttastor atso warcants Wat the Property is naen�cambeted,r.xe�At fos enctmobsam�s of iecord. •,,�,, '
<br /> _ ` ' � = 7. PRIOR SECi1RiTY B�T['ERESTS.Wltia�egard ta any nther moit�age,deed of urast,seauity agree�nent or other lien ' ;�:4_ ---
<br /> . docament t6at create�l o prPor seauity interest or enaunbrance oa tUe Propeay.lYustar egrees: . ,;;: _
<br /> .� . ' A.To maice a1!papments when due and to perfartn or couiply with:tl!cover�ts. .
<br /> � 4� .; B.To a�q d�iver tu Bene6ciary auy uodxs ti�as Tiuctor meSves fram tt�e DoMer. :
<br /> �� ;;. : .: C.Nof to silow any modiScadou or extension of, nor w request�y future advances uncier uny ante or agreement - ---
<br /> - secured by�he liert doeumr.nt wIthont 8erceRctary's prior wnaen�anseut. 1-.
<br /> � ---
<br /> r . ' 8. CLAIlVIS AGNN�T TiTi�.Tmstor wIUyay ail tsu�es.assess�uents liens,rncumbrances.lease�paymeais.gmund reius, ' t.= �'_�'�
<br /> ... < at�ides.s�d aiher ctarges raladug ou'the Fcape�y vVhen due. Bene�c�ary m&y�e9aue Tiostor to pmvlde to Bcueficlaty , �-.:�.�..-�=-__.
<br /> . � - caples of sU antices that s¢ch amamnv are dae atnd the recdnts evideuriag Tramrs paymeat.'I'iustor wltl defeud titte tv
<br /> � . � " trie Pin erty against any clsims d�at wautd irupair the lIen of�is Secaiity Iummnent. 'IY�stor a�sees to w -44�
<br /> �� '�±+,� Beaefi .as esl b•Beae6ciaty any rjghss.claims or�efeuses Ttustor may_liav�again�Y Pat�es who snppl�6or �. `�„- �--
<br /> .a: � . ,�.,r
<br />- . oc ma , ta a�i�or�rove tUe I�ropecty. . .� . �.':..�.-- --
<br /> �
<br /> 9. �I3E ONSA�0I�FSICi1MBRANCE.Bee�Hclary maq,ai its opnon,cteclaze t�¢entire balance of the Savred Debt to �`� -
<br /> � �� be iwmediately dne and�payab2e upan the c�eation of,or cantract for tlie creation of.anp lieri,enaunbrance.uansfer ar . ".?' �`
<br /> . ,,�. sute of the Fropertp.;Ilii"s n u subjecc w�he resaicaons impose+i by fe� law�12 C.B.R 591).a9 a plicabte.'fhis .d�Y: �
<br /> th e�1 p
<br /> . •*-- .. , n:f..r,
<br /> � cuvenant s t i a l l iun w�t h t He�operty a n d s U a l t i e m a i n i u e ffa:t w u i l [he S e�u re d D e bt is pai d�itt�f a i l a n d t�is Secariry � .� -
<br /> ..� L�stmmenE is reteased. � . . . . • , , . � • . :r�..• -
<br /> ,-w-,-
<br /> i '�. . � ' � . . . . . . . , : . , ......� _—
<br /> t, : 1Q. PROPERTY�4NDiTION,ALTERATIONS AND INSl'ECTION. Tnisti►s wiU keep the��roperty ia�aod coud[don �-?'r__, ---
<br /> and mat�e all aus that are rpso�b�Iyne�ry�'Tmstor sbalt�not eman.dt'or auow airy cvaste, umpaument, o� _ =; �
<br /> �. ±` cteteiioradon of�e Froperty Tiustcn will keen the�miserty freE�of aflsioa�s�veeds and g�asses.Trastor a�ree�s that the ��;• , ��=-
<br /> � ' avtare of the occimaacy au�use�h'll nut subQtanrially cvange withuat BeneBc 's puor wntten conseut-Tiustor�I nnt � � �'"„--_
<br /> ,., . ,` �ennic any c&-�ae ia any license►resaictive coveaant or�ssmenf wit�aut Bene�c�ary's prio.r avriaea wnsent.�Ttastmr will r."� � �,��:—
<br /> ��.. " � nndfy Beneficiary af ail demands,pmc�eding,claims. aud acduns agaiast•Tmstnr; aad of Aay toss or,damage to the �`^ --—
<br /> � . ProPertY• ' . -".r ,
<br /> •. : : BeneSciary or Beneticiary's�ents uiaq,�t BeneScia:y's optioA.enter die Fmpecty at any reasoua6le time for tlte � ose �� - __
<br /> �_ . � � of inspecang the Prapertp. , eneficiary sLail give ZYastor nodce at the tuue of or befoie sin�' spertionsp ec� ng a �` .
<br /> � " �� � ';` rc�sonabl. pt�ose,for We. ecdoa Anq, inspeenon of the Property shall be entireiy,for Bene�ciary's beae t and �f
<br /> . Trostos wt�T ia-no ivay tely on�.enefie3aiy's idspectiau.' � ' • � • � _ _- -_.
<br /> f r . . .. �� . � �
<br /> ' , ��� ;" il. �UT$ORI9'Y TO�ERF'01�4I•If Tmst�r Eails to perfonn an duty ot aay.of�he covemuts contalaed in this Secvriry ` �� '� -� �-
<br /> y th
<br /> � � . b�saument,.$eneficl.�yr may. witttout no�ica, pzr!'orm nr caus�than tb beperfomced Tivstor a�poinrs Beneficiary as � �`�.�.r,�. - p--
<br /> � aumen
<br /> : . .�',�:f• altomey irl fact to sign liasiar's name ar pay Euy.amovnt necessai}r foi�p�rt4nh�ce.Benefccl�try s dght to'pecfoi�h for .•;?=°"":_.-:
<br /> ;�_ � . ', ;;,� � TrnsWr shaU�t cceate an obliga�on to erfomi.and Beneficiazy's failni�fd perform wiU not pxectude BeneSclary from � "�. � , � '
<br /> •��`� � exeteisln�ar�y of peneficiury's other ri�ts under the la�v or�lus.S�curity Insttament. 1f an}t cc�nst�ttedQn on t1�2 P[o e 1 t� '
<br /> �' �. �• :' i i�d isconnnue d o t not carri e c!on in:►reasona b lr inanner,�ett e fi c lary inay takEr a1 1 steps necessary to protect Benefic��ry s � ` . � �..
<br /> -;: � �: '. �•:$ s��urity int�res�ia:thC Propertq.incIuding co�pteaon of the.co�utniction. � , ' � . .
<br /> _ � � ,��; 1Z. ASSIGNIVIENT OF LEASFS ATVD'REN1'S. Trustor inevoca6ly�ants,cUrrveys and sells to Trpstee,.iu trust for the .
<br /> � ; -� 1 beuefit'of Beneficiary,as add'idonxl secar;rf all�e right,title aa3 interest In aiul to aay a�id ari eaisdng oi fut�e�leases, � ...
<br /> _ _ 1 s��bleases.:►nci any other writteri oi�•erbal sgrrements far the use an�t occapancy of any por�on of tlie Prnperry,including ��� -::
<br /> . • . auy extensiPns.tene�vaLy.moJ�fi�tio»s ur snbstituKans oF s�uh agn�m�uts(all nferre�l to as "Lxases')wd reut�, isspes . "�"�,;";`��:"_
<br /> , ' . . ' a�ui profits (aU referreil to as °Reuts"): ?rustui will proncptly provide.Beneficia�ry witb trne and correct co ies of all . .
<br /> . � e:.lsung aacl future Lea'ses.Tivstot may�cullect,re.r.eiv�,enjby:u�d we tt�e Rents so luug as 7Yusror is uut ia de�eult under : •
<br /> t�e tem�s of tlus Se�:urity Inst:ument. • � • - �
<br /> _ . . . ' • . " -14•
<br /> . � Tcastor uclm�svledges tvat this sissipmient is perfecteel upon the�ewrdl�ig uf this Deed uf Ttwt smd that Beneficiary is �
<br /> ,� � ensedec�ic n'o•.iP;"aa�� ef?r,t�c!ar'� re��.nt�ta make pavaient uf Reuts iEur ur to bacame due to$enefici8ry. However . � .
<br /> • B.neefi�iaty a ees tdat,only on¢eFwlt�•rill Beuefccrary notify 'frustor a�td �?iustor's i�udu�uad::.a�:;c1:.�.:r_�t.�!rJ�
<br /> �n �gr
<br /> i , future Renfs be'p ud ditectly to Benefici�ry.On rta,�iying natirx of c1eL+ult.T�vsKor.wiil cnstorse uud.deliver w Benefi� '
<br /> � �u�y payment of Rents in'I�rustor's possessu�n and cvit!mc�ive auy Rents in trust for Bevefletary 9nct nrill not cbmniin e
<br /> _ , . � . . the Rents'with smy nther,funcis. �ny vnonnts wllc�cred yviU'be aptol'crd.�s}+tavided.in this Secudty IUstrcunent.Tsustor ` ' .
<br /> ._ . warrants tha't ua�defanit exists w�der Qie l.c�asc.�s or any applira�b2�iandli�riUtecant law. Tmstor�lso agret;s to n�aii�tain apd . � . �
<br /> " reqUire aay tenant to cumply witb�w t:rms of tl�e Le;�ses and applicable law. . �..
<br /> �. - . l3. LEAS�tiOLDS; COI�1I)0,1�NIU1IIIS; PLANNED 11N1T'DEI�ELUPMENTS. Tiustor agrees to comply.with the . � ' �
<br /> provisions of wy lease lf t�is Securbry lusutwient is on x lrasehold:if d�e Prc�perty includes a iinit in a condommim�t or a
<br />_ � � � planned uuit development.Ti rusror�rill petform all of Trustot's�ludcs midet ibe coven�nts,by-laws,or regulatio��s of the . � �
<br /> . � atedominium or plxtuied uirit development. � ' - � � . �
<br /> � � ' .. .
<br /> /pnge 2 41
<br /> � • - 01980BUdemSyttems,Ina,SLGOUC,61tJ It•80039743411 iormtiE•D7��Nft3/98 - �
<br />� ��`__-==-`_-=-=� ' ' . . - . _ � - ,----;—:��----
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<br /> . � .
<br /> . _..e ����l.:r�+e_.�+� .t..•���sr�-•w-:v..:.,h,_ �. --••i . . , . ' , _ qi . ..., a�-.- . .. ti .'§. '�: �. �.-..... .„.�;\¢ . . . . . . .. . . _�^.i -++r. n�;�." . "t -- .., .,. .._ �. .-. .. -
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