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<br /> The faIIavRng are addenda tu.the Moltgag� Ptea��check the spy9r�ls ad8endum. TRe addEndum chedced shaU be lnearporated ,� �
<br /> ` �' hrto.and�ecorded wRh,;ffie Mortgage. The't�rh►°M4�tgaSe'shall�be de�►ed to indude,'Oeed of Trust' H apPBc�bta. . _
<br /> ,.� . . . • • . ,
<br /> - D FHA�EtECD end HUD AOD�lOUM CNLY �� . . . _ ��:
<br /> � .�v -'� - - -- - .. .THtS TAX-EkEnAFi FIN{WOtNd HI[�R is made this 1�4 daY of tl�ovember .'199T . and is meorpo�ated LL
<br /> . , fnto and shaA be deamedto amend enA suPPleme.nt tAe Mcrt�a9e.Deed ot;tust or Sea�tltY Oeed 1'8ewrity Insbument')ot th8 seme date '",,
<br /> ;. :�_�� gi�r�by the unde�ged-('Rorrower'}to secure Brnrower's No4e{•Note•)to Tho Oir�riaznd Natios�s!�antt of�rettd Islant9 .
<br /> n•�
<br /> ------` . ._-.'�%`_ - '' ' r ._°
<br /> f'• ` �.5; �('L�d�ot the�me date end coverG►9 ffie propeRy desqciked in tl►e Secur�y tnstrument end Torate0 at 209 EaS4 74►"�34�eet
<br /> r"�i. F , �'i�R1ItT: YI @�TFiS�(E1888d1 . (A'oF�Y' � � :.
<br /> d ,. :. ., . . , ` --
<br /> � :; •`'; tn sdditlon��a.1U�.�cav�ants and agreemettfs mada fn the Seauity tnstru,ment� Botrower and Lender fiather�e�venant�nd agfea to amend ,
<br /> ` °°� t :' ,... pacagraph e oi�t?i�:�tEode!Mortgags Fonn.ent�ted�Graunds for Aae�atlqn of DebY as bl►�9�erlddLnnal grounds to►ac�ceteraiton as -
<br /> . ,, : -':'��:��� foQow�: : . ., ,- : .
<br /> _ , �• ' ,� Lender. or such ot its suecesscas�ar asslgns as maY bY separate insk�rt�ent a�sume responam�'ily tor assurfng compBance by the _--__-
<br /> `. e _� •,,_
<br /> ° ��" .. Borrower wfth L'�.a provtstans of this 7ax-Exempi �inan�ng Flider. may requi�,immediata paymm4 in fu0 oi a8 sums seared b1►lhts �:�..---
<br /> <,e ` � SBQ!l�1S!�RSDUI�2►it H: . � . �t r}-
<br /> , <?. :. (aj Aq or�part of the i'roperty 4s soEd or othawlse trensfeRed!ry Qcnuwer Lo a purchaser or oYher transtelee: =H
<br /> -. ' �.' '� • �V'!!w rannot ceasonably be�eded to acrupy the pmp�Ry as a pdndpal cesiden�v�fithTn a reasonabte tlme aRer the sala ar G_:_---,
<br /> �,r-,._�,.
<br /> . . " , r ' trsnsfec:a 0 as P r q v i d e d.i n S e c tl o�1 4 3(c j and(�(2 1 of the fnternal�ev�e Code;or . =-
<br /> . •': �,: �` � �• (i� Wha has Aad a presertt uwnsrshlp fiterest m a p?ir�cipal residence Qudng �►!I D�of the threejtear pedod en�ng on the �',Y:;,,
<br />- ,� ` date a!flte sale br Vat►ster,aif as provided in Secflon i43lcn�it!�?l2) ot the ttrtema)Revenue Code(except tT�at'100 pen�ent'shaU be i��=-
<br /> �. " �'�� . subst�uted tar`85 Pe�!t or more'where the latter aPPe�s.in S�cUon t43(fihU o� . . �:=�:'W=:
<br />-�::`o.�...�:__;: :_.:':.� .
<br /> than 11Q ercent tar ���:•--
<br /> • (Qfj At en HaNlsflIan c�t vfifch is greatet tt:an 9f1 p�cent of�e average area.pum.hese P� �9�� �
<br /> i
<br /> � ' � • ' .targeted are��esidences).eU ss ProviQed in Sedion 143(e)end(j[2j ot the Intemal Rev�ue�odK nr . �';;=
<br /> . � c�
<br /> • `�'t-. . (iv) Who�s.a 9ross fami�►Inccme tn e�u�ess ot the eppt'icabte pereentage ot eppAcahte rnedisn t�nEty tncome as ptavided in F _
<br /> Sectlan 143(fl end{i?(�at the Iptemaf Revenue Code;ot •
<br /> : :.� , (b) 8orrower�its to occupy the propeity des�ed b�tt►e 3ecurity Irtstrumsn wilhout pdor wdtten eonsent of Lender or tb =_�A-
<br /> '"```�``��`�`.'..-.:: suecessais•ar assigss d�s��d at tne beginntrtg ot thls Tax-Fxempt R�ndstg Rider,os • . _ '` . `�;'-��
<br /> • �� � (o) Botrower a�ii.g+or misrepresettts a tact that(s mate�te!with respect to the provtsians ot Sectton t43 of ttte tntemei Ravenua --
<br /> ' �. a �� Code tn an gpp'Jcatlorf iaP the toan secuced by this Security Instrumerrt. ' '-�'°'�-_
<br /> -`. ,' ` .;:;,f � Ref2rences are to the Intemel Reirenae CoQe as emeeded and in effeci oa the d3te o!lssuance ot�Bonds.�the proceeEs ai whicfi _-_
<br />