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<br /> "= ,``- iifiS iLS�SlliVffffP'ti0f�i PpLtCY�ElD�i�s�a�e thfs��Y� Idsve[�69Y . 9� 97.and is tncorperated Urto -
<br /> �. .. 4 4� •
<br /> -• � and,sheif be deerrted to mnend'snd supplFSneat the Mortgags.Dee�i ot 7tus�t.ot Oeed to Secure De6t('tnsuument')at ths same d�e ,
<br /> ' � ' � . of to secure the Mottgagot's Note('Note'j at the same date to Yh9 Qvert�,d . �- ,^.
<br /> � � het+ewith.given Qy the und�ig[t2d(`M�t9a� i
<br /> ,'_� � � Na4i nai B Y�` � d fsland � �' `�.
<br /> ' tts sucr�scrs attd assigns('McRgagea•)end cavedrtg the properiy deserIDed In the InstrnmenE&nd located at � ' ,.
<br /> j�,: � _ , -
<br /> - .;. 208 East 7th Stree� t�rand tsiattd.Nebrastca Be8a1 r. _ �r.._
<br /> ' Property AGdress '-� -
<br /> '�y , i.'. , . ' - ' . . a- ---
<br /> ,s` µ No�hs�nBuig arrytlsing to U�e co�rtracy set forth in the fnstrume�.Mortgagee�and Martgagor here$Y gclasmrAedge end�ql�e ta;he �k � _
<br /> , �,
<br /> . �=
<br /> -_ _ �.�—.� toQmvhs� , . _- =
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<br /> r .Q ", i ` ' ' . . . . � . �. .} " � � -.
<br /> • r GI�ARAI�4TY: Sl�o�ld the Oepaslme,nt of Veierans Affair�t faU ar refuse ta issae its gusrantY ib futl amoimt+Vithit�80 days'hom.th8 data. . ,� -
<br /> � - ` that ttits [aan wauld normatiy become eag�le feE':� Suara�Y committed upan by t8e De�artment of.�lteterans Aftaks unde,r the' . . �f -
<br />` �':.,'., •. - _ _ .
<br /> �",.%,.�r:: � provtsfa{s al Tftia 38 at the US. Code Netelar►s�ertsfrb'. ti�e Mortgageo maY dedare the indehiedness hereby secured at ance�due ,
<br /> . . . � ffi►d p�paDis an4 may bredos� immBd��ill or msq exercfse any otAer dghts�eueunder or tske eiry other proper acEcn as by taw ..�
<br /> ��- pro�rided � ,.� , .. �
<br /> t Y ,' . �;..' • . . . • -. , . - . � ^r.
<br /> . ` TEtANSFER OF THE PROPER7Y2 �f eil or atry part of the Propetty or anyl Uiterest irt ft fs sotd or�an�terted.thls foan ma5►be � _
<br /> � • ' � :<< dedsced tmmedtatety due artd�ayabte upon tran�ter(°assumpUon') of the pmpe►ty secudng such loan to sm�transteree ('assumei'), _-
<br /> -.ry::-,.. �:`--.:�.' antess th�s�P'��Y of thd assirmpUon 6nd Uanster at tFils laen is�stab4shed by the Oeparbnlent of Veterans Atfshs ar fts authorized L�-�aa'':
<br /> ' • '• ageirt pursu9rtt to sectlon 9714 af ChapUer 37,Tide 38,iJnRed States Code. ' • t�^�-.
<br /> .
<br /> `•'r-':r` An suthor€zed transt�rassumptfan')ot the propeAy sfiaU also he subject to addRional covenartb snd agreemertts as set foRh belo�M1r: ' __
<br />_� � _ ,. � --
<br /> -- .
<br /> -. -��:_�.—_,....:. .
<br /> .. ��r....:::: � � ' � (s) AS,SI1NiPYtON FlJMDING FEE: A tee ecp�t to onefiaH ot.t percent f.soas) ot the unpatd.prinptpal baiance ot thts'lusrt =__
<br /> ,�, .. . . °�'.
<br /> ' � ' as ot the�date o4 transter ot the proDerty shaD be payable st the•�tt+e ot transler to the martc,,agee or its an�todzed agsrt.es tcustee fov.
<br /> , th�Q�Unent at Yeterans`Aflaus, �f the assumer faUs to pap ihis fea at the ttme ot Uanster,ihe fee shaD cans6dite an adQifiona!debt � �-•�'�'`=
<br /> .;•,.:... t. �� to that atready secured by this 6isuument, shall bear tnterest at the rate herein proviQed,mid. at the option a1 the mortgagee o9 ttre r=-'—
<br />- ' • indebtednesa hereby secu[ed or any transferee theceof,ahetl be immediatety due and payable. This tee is automaUcefly�4aived ii the o�.-
<br /> .��'� . assumer ts exempl unde►tha prov(sions of SS US.C.9TZ8(o). � �. ` `-'���"��
<br /> � R.... ---
<br />_, _ .. . . , ,-„,y
<br /> . . ' •• (m} 61SS1�61fIP710117 P�CFSSI�4� CD�ARC'aE: Upon appucaUon tar approval to affow assumpUoq artd usnster of tht�ioan,a . �:_;�;'°`
<br />- � processing fee may be cNarged by the mortgagee or its authorfzed egent for detetmining Me creditworthiness of the assumer and . ��--=-
<br /> .� ..,,. ...�or
<br />- � . subsequec�try revising the hotd�'s ownersfi(p�ecorda when an approved transfer Is wmpteted. 'fhe amoune ot this ofiarge stiaA nof _ _-
<br />- � axcee0 ths fesse�at the ma�dmum estabftshed by the Department of Veterans Aftairs tor e toap to which 3ection 9714 ot Chapter 37.IIUe �•.�'�,�•'
<br /> :.,.•,•, 98.llnited States�Code aPPaes or any ma�dmum presufbed bY ODPltcabie Siate taw. �, , � -
<br /> .. •., �o) ASSUl1lIpTION (N��MN1N LJABILJTY: �f this obugauon Is assumed,then the assumer�e�eby e�ees to essume all ot . �
<br /> � the obiigaRtons of tha veteran unde�the terms ot the instruments creattng and securfng the toan.TAe assumer tuAher agreas to indemnHy
<br /> r •
<br />- • , the OeparOnem ot Veterans Aftatrs to the extent ot any c(alm paymertl arTsing irom the guarenty or insurance ot the indebtedness created �_'"�::�:
<br /> : �y�
<br /> • • by thfs(nsVument, �
<br /> � +� '
<br />_ � IN WITNESS WHPAEOF,the�aMor hes hereunto set his hand end seal ort the day and year Hrst hereinbefore written. °' ��
<br /> -,�
<br /> , ,- ��'-:.5.,-
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<br /> ' • 9�90� uall DiBE - . .
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<br /> � . � Mortgago►
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<br /> ' , Mongagor. ,
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<br /> - . Mongagor �.
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