. c._,..:.�.-.:. . � . . . .. .
<br /> - . . ��, �/����� . . < <. t .. :• F �Q' - - t Q
<br /> ' __',t_".:�'�34f�CE�.'= . ��.—__ �;rF_. �_..—..._.:......=._.. ��_._.�. ...-_.�-_ �—�._ _._-•:. 11'�:.-.--._. ...�-.J.. 'G=.._._4 —
<br /> . . . . �: . .Y=..'.
<br /> .-�-_ _� ...._S. .... � -_.__.c. .....�.._. __ ___
<br /> . . � ��� __ r_� .. . ~ tE3 _ -_ _ _ _. _ . _ _ . 4 _�' _ .
<br /> �� �� ! � na,. . .r� r F { y , .Y�, h.�- --i_-.
<br /> `�� .. �� - . ' � - - � . .
<br /> '-'- ui: a ``" �d c � c F� t �i t� 2i� .`a:' �E
<br /> �5 R u ' A� t, c Ct F a w- ` .
<br /> �- £:;c.. . 'r' _y °:_(�
<br /> �i.C �.� � 'SS �' ��. ��� _.
<br /> . . . _ .Y',; .,' . �`.i�'.. .
<br /> � . ..•''�..., i.-,.< t_ �
<br /> `'` �:� �"�r4: 18.BO�oestrer`3 flIgltt to RetnstffiB. H e"ortower meets cermin condalons. 8ortawer sha0 have tAe rtght to have ertforc2ment at ,:�''' .,,`.`•;•.«'�;.
<br /> ��'��e'. ''.. ;,.� ,�,� - this 8ec�ufty inshume��car�tfiued at arry tbrte pdor to tha earUer a�(aj 5 days(ar such ott►er pertod as appRcabts!aw may spedy for • : .
<br /> ea `;K-`; '�```
<br /> _ ••:•� � ; ' Lo an ower of sate�co�in� in ffits Sedr►$y instrumer� or en oT a judginent `.�`� ',` � ..
<br /> < reU�statementy beYore sate ot tfie ProP�ll P�� Y P (d) fi► . �,:.<;; �
<br /> : � ` �s-.�`�'i �" ento�§►g thts Secw&y tnatrumeM.Those eondrtians are that Barrower: (�Pays Lender atl srms wNch then woutd be due wder th(s Secu�fiy `y •u .�.. , � :
<br /> µ'.=:��� �. • ` , t�strument and tke Nc+te 11ad no accei�tton aeaurect �) � enit d���►Y otAer covwiertt w agseem�rts: (�1 DaYg�►��� � .:'� ` '::
<br /> ���'<:: . �.�. . r ..
<br />- inwmed in enfordng tl�Ts Seeurity tnstrsnnent,inciuding..but not fimlted tc. reasona6te ffitomeys'9es.s: and(dy�kes such acHon as tendr•x .. �, .,. �, .•; �-��.
<br /> "� �i-� may reasonaD�y requica to assura ihat the Qen o1 this 3eariiy instrum�t. Ler[der's,dghts{n the Pmpertyr and Bortoweo's abG�ti�on to pay : ,.:;:�`�,i:` :
<br /> . the sums secured by thts Seeutity fistrument shaII cortinue unchanged Upon �dnstate�neM by Bartawer.this S�urity tnstrumeri and the �`•,.•.; ,�
<br /> '�.�,`,�v� ` obUgaUons secured hereby sheD rematn Mty effacNve ss if no accet�ration had oaurred. However.thls dght to reu�state shaU not appry in , •
<br /> - . tha C3:s a!a '^�z=taz�`p�¢jt 4T. � , �.
<br /> ° �:.� � 19. SalB ot H8otc3; P.ltango of Loan SeNtC�s The Note or a patffal fnteresi tn the I�tate (together wlth thts 3eariry � ;�
<br /> � ��:. Instrumerd�may be sotd one or more t�mes without pdor nottce to Bortow� A sale may resuft trt e change In the entity Qmown as the ,°-;��.�` ..`; •::
<br /> ' `"� '•� "��.�. ..
<br /> 'Loan Servicer')t4iat coUe.cis monthty paymeMs due under the Note and ffiis Seau�ty[nstrumenl There eiso may be one or mare changes� �
<br /> `- �`-�; af tha t�se S$vtaer usu�ated to e sr3le of ths Note. tt tt�erc;Is a change af the Loan Senricer.Bartower wDI be given vmtten noUce of the� �_ -
<br /> s er
<br /> .`'.�...�. . change tn atxordance witb paragraph 14 above and appacabte law. The notlee wQl sTate the name end ad�ress ot the naw ioen 3erviser b ' 4.;t`` _
<br /> �`� - � end the addresa to which payments should 6e made. The notice wID atso co►rtatn arry oiher intortnatian cequired bY ePP6cable[aw. • ' ' ;=.
<br /> ,.N r , 20. HeZardo3l8 Substanee9. Sorrower shaD nat cause or permit the presence. use. �sposal. storag� or mlease of ari�A `� �` --=
<br /> : f ' - Hazardous Subs[ances on or in the PropeRy. Bortower sheg not do, nor aIIow arryone else to do,enything aRectlng the Prape�ty that ia it�'1 t � ;
<br /> '.`� , violafton of etty ErnUonmenta! Lew. The precedu�g two sentences sha�not aPP�I to the presence,use,or storage on the Properiy of sma�Q .�`:,�:;�;'�:�',,_�_-
<br /> � �. quantiUes of Herardous Subsmncea that ara genaally reco�hed to be appropriate to nartnal restd�tlaf uses and to maintenanee ot tt�� • .� _
<br /> 4` :- , - ';,cr PtpP�ll• ; ,t. -_ _
<br /> • � ` f Bortower sha0 P�mP�31 9�e Lender� notice oi sny imestigetton.cfalm, d�nmiaJawsuit or oNer actlon bY �Y 9ovemmenffii e� ': __
<br /> � �'` '.� regutatory agency or p�Nate parSy Imrotvhig the P[operty end arry Hazardous 3ubsmnce or Envlronmertml Law ot whtch Borrower has acheai ���'�' ::V a�;.
<br /> . �F fmowtedga B Bartower teams, or is natiAed bY anf► 9aYammeettal or authodty. mat ern► remcval or oth�remedia8on of an . `y'�ti.:;-----
<br /> �ory ed y , _
<br /> `t.� Hazardaus Substan� ettacdng tRe Froperiy ts necass�yt, Bartawer sNall promptty faice aU necessary remedml actions in accardan�e with t �
<br /> :-. � � ��' � .' Eny(rprnneattai lsw. � ' � � -
<br /> . � ;4,�`.,�� .
<br /> .;�:. . .. -` -.....,. {la_used irt Ws para�aph 2D, `Hazardaus Subsmrtees.:ere those substertces deftned aa toxic ar ha�rdaus substancas by `.-r`, :_Y?_+
<br /> ,�� ��� Environmer�al Law er�d the tadowing substence� �sofine. tc�o"sene,oiher 8ammabte or Wxfc petraleum prodw�s. to�dc pesUcEdes and '
<br /> ,� F ..,;,�f� hetbiddes, voiat�e soHeMS. meterfats wrrtahting asbestos or formaldehyd� and radioacttve materfats. As used tn thGs Raragraph 20.
<br /> .. , , . 'Envlronmer�l taw' meana federal taws end laws of the ju�ctIon where the Rroperly ts toesteA that �tata to health, safetY er
<br /> . -.��:- em�ronmeittel proteGton. •"".��_
<br /> � �' NON-UNIFOAM COVENAS�TS. Barrawer and lender further covenent�nd agree as fo9ows: _---
<br /> . � : �i,�' 27. Accelera�ion; Remedi�a 4ende: ah�ll gtve notice to Borrawer pNor to acceleration fo4lawing --
<br />�_ ..;. e�o�rer'8 b�aach of any co�en�t or agree�nsnt [n thls Se�u�ity It�str�mer�t (but not prior to � �`-�-,�--
<br /> d:.. `r n.. . P Y_..
<br /> - ` ���: �y . � ' accote►atton under paragraph 17 untess appiicable taw provtdea otherwtse). The notice shadl speciiy:.(aD _.--_.
<br /> � :,�'�'.-.�, ':._�, ,� tho defaul� (b}4@�e actlon requTred ta cu��tho d�aut� (c}a data, nat tess t[oan�� days 4rom the date the �;_..___
<br /> . ' notice ts giwen bo Borrawer, by whici�t�►e defauit must be ca+�ed; and(d)that failare!o enre the def�tE�n ----
<br /> -. '� '� ,or 6sfare tfse 0ata specffied in the notice may result In acceteratEon ag th�suma secured 6y tbts Securit�r
<br />;.�': .:�._' ::. ,.. . ;;
<br /> .,. �, ., .. Instrument and sato oQ the Prop�rty. 'i[ie notice shall turther tntorm Borrowee of th�right to ro[nslate aRer .
<br /> �� .---
<br /> � � acceteratiom an� the rtgh4 to brtng a coa�rt actfon to assest the non-e�dsterece �f a defauti or arry other �-���..—�-�-..
<br /> °- � defense of 9arrower to acceteration an�sale. l4 the deYault ts noY cured on a�be�ore the date speciHed ta� �;;�,�,. '.�a_�_s
<br /> `-�''`. - 4fie natiae� Lender at its optton may require immediate payment tn 4u11 ot all sums sacured by thi�Sect�riiy F -•
<br /> S` ��....', .�� '.�._.;e Instrume�rt withaut fuether demand and may invoke the pawer of sata and arry other remed[ea permttted • • t-�.���.:�_
<br />�'•' '• 6y appitcabie taw. l.ender shall be entitted to cotiect a1t e�enses incurPed in pursutng td�e remedtea �,°:;";�;_'�- T -
<br /> �� . _ ` pravided tn this paragraph 21, (ncludirtg, bui not Itmtted to, reasona�le attotneyg' fees and costs at tWe °��-��
<br /> . .. . ,. �, evidence. . . '� --.:..:
<br /> •,. ':;..��,
<br /> H the povrar of sate ia tneroked, Trustee sl�atl r��ord a notice of 6ofaui� in eaci� county in whtc�t any : , _
<br /> � '; ,�, . paR of the Prop�Ry Is loca4ed and shall matl capies a!such naiice in the manner prescrl6ed by apg�licabte� ;=�h�
<br /> �. tsw to BorrmivoQ and to tins other po7sons prescribed lay appl1cable taw. Af�er the time required by , _- ----
<br /> , applicabfe latv, 4custee siiaf! gtve public not�ce o7 sat0 ta the persons and in t�� manner prescrlbed by `
<br /> � . .. . '�
<br /> '� ' �. ��� applicabte la�x. Truste�, withotet demand on 8onawea, shafi sell 4he P[operty at public eactian to the _____
<br /> �� �� '� ' highcast bid�or at the 4ima and place and under 4Ae terms destgnated tn the nottce o!eate in one or more � --� _
<br /> � �,� .�.Y...: . �. ��e._.._
<br /> ^���� • ,. parcele end In any order 'Mistee detemninea Trustes may postpoa�e sale af all�or a�ry parcel of the � ����._
<br /> ;�-� � Pro�arty by public announcement at the time and ptaco at any previotisiy sche�u2ed sate. I.ertdor or its '"
<br /> ��.� -• . � � designee may pa�rchase the Property�at any sate. . .�•:`,��r�' ;
<br /> �'• � Upon receipt of paymeM o4 the price bid. Trustea shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deod ` `� "'��`�:°`i�
<br /> '�":��. • .�. comreying tQio ProperRy. The recitais In the Trustee's deed sha11 be prima iacte evtdence M the truth of . ---°�-°-.
<br /> ' � '�� the statert�o�ts matlle therefn. Trust�e shall apply tho proce�ds af the �Ss in the ioflowing order. (a)to ali .:
<br /> ,� . . . .
<br /> '��,�� � -� cos4s and oscper�sas of exer�isi�g tEzo pawer ot sate,and thv sate,Inetading the paymept M the Trustoe's .
<br /> • , ' 4ees acivaliy In¢urred, not to excee�E tt�ree % a�F � principal amount a� 4he nata at tho 4tme•ot �����
<br /> t'° • � : the deala►a'dion o!dQfautt, and rea�a�a6fe ettomey's tees as permflted by taw; (b) to all suma secured by - '' "���-`�
<br /> � � � . , this Security Ins�rument; and (c)any excess to the person or persons 18galiy entitted to it. • , .
<br /> � ' 22. RBCOnvByHnCO. Upon paymerd of ell sums se.a.:ed by this Securriy Instrument. Lender shati re�est Trustee to reconvey the .
<br /> . � Property and sha�surtender this Securriy instrument and ell notes evlQenGr.g debt secured by this Security (nshument to Trustee. Trustee , , , .
<br /> °��« � ' shaU reconvey the Properly without wartanry 2nd wfthout charge to tha persan or persons tegaily entitled to N.Such pe�son or persons shall �
<br /> ' . pay any recardaUon eosts. , .
<br /> � .. � . .�� .
<br /> � � 23. SubsUtu4s Trustoe. Lender, at ita opUon, may irom time to Um0 remove Trust¢e and eppoint a successor bustee to any
<br /> - Trustee appointed hereunder by en InsUument recorded in the county In which this Securtty Instrument is recorded.Without conveyanee of ' . .
<br /> . tho PropeAy,successor trustee shall succeed to aU the tiUe. power and dutles conterted upo�Trustee herein and by appllca6le taw. • .
<br /> }:.; ; � •
<br /> • • : 24. R8[D�8S4 t0I (�tOtices. Bortower requests that copies ol the noUces o1 detauit and sate be sent to Borrower's address which . •
<br /> ' } ' , is the Praperty Addrese. �
<br />:;,y�, � . 25. R18ors 4o this Security Instrumen� n one or more dders are execufed by 8orrovier and recorded together wRh thls � • �
<br /> �c,,,� Security Mstrument the covenents and agreements of each such dder sha11 be ineoryorated Into and shall emend and supptemeM the '
<br /> ' covenants end agreements of this Security Instrument as H the dder(s)were e paA ot this Security Instrument. ..
<br /> Form 3028 9/90
<br /> . . � - F4003.UA3(B/9n Pnge 0 of 5 . � - .
<br /> ' •- . ' 97193 -..
<br /> .�/ . '
<br /> ` _ � . . ---,� —
<br />. �.._ _�.a.a�Yrawrr.w �:.. . . ... Y'��. .... ....�i��l_�1a.�.�...._..����1..�_J11.. .tt.�.. �a....i.iwr.t�w.��...:.li..��.� ..�_.1........u�. .a.t.�.vS...t:1.Lau a�.a'l..��.a.�.:.1����.....a���.�' � _..���_.__`_ ..•..a .A..._ . ..a .r..
<br />