. �F�� . � . �.� . . G � .�c� t ^a- . _.f _h .:
<br /> � ..�_. ..•. ,1. n�. . ._1_;.4 F .:.Y..._.___ ..
<br /> . -': . � , _
<br /> r..._ :a:---.._._.c.�. ac:. - -
<br /> .. __.,_.-.�.":
<br /> ,_ —--. x_., .._--_.._ _ ._,_.—s- _ ..�-__�'.._-�..d' ' ' - •�.
<br /> _ � _ a`, _;S � z � r � . ' � - ,— ' _ _
<br /> t . � .� -S 3 � � F h S � � x i
<br /> L� 4 �u�4��2� ' r tiL�� ^i 4 � C � � �:4 f �S' " ._�it _ _C -4_ Q x� t .C: _
<br /> ,a � l:- `` . . -� (�.�.
<br /> 'k..�., �."4�•�4. .. ' . � <
<br /> `� � � Z. PsolbcQia�r ot l.ert�te�'s 6iights ir�ti��Pro�o�4y. It Horrower{aIIs to Patwm Ne covenants end sqreanet�canffi6ted fn „`"4
<br />- - `��� ;,;�>. '-,.`-'-
<br /> � ' thts Sera�rUy trr§h�wnent.or there to a Iega1 pracee�ng that m�y st�iflcarrtty ffifec4 Leider's�4gMs t� the ProAertY(sueh as a proceed'ing fn
<br /> r� �w _,,
<br /> : `.' y'� ��,<'�.' �; �nlauPtey►•Prabate�tor eondemn@Non or fo�zttura or to enforce(aws or regutatlons).t�en tettd2r may do and pay tor wAalever ts neeessary :t; ',.�..:
<br /> .. ' to p�oteet ffie vabae of tAe Propercy a�sd Lertdds dghts tn the Pmperty. Lendar's sdtons may indude pa�ytng eny swes seaued Dy a Itert ' �°
<br /> °�'�:'.,..�r;: '.�'v, yvhtch has pdorPty aver thls See�u�Y instrumeni.ePAeadng i� couR Daying reasonabta'attch�ey's fees and enierfng an tha Praperty to make •':`. ':
<br /> �' `�`� '°• `f repaGe. Nthaugh Lender may tske acHon�under t�ts Fata�aPh R lender does no!have to do so. • • �
<br /> " �•� •' �. 4 amowtts ads6urseQ b Lender urtder thta Qaragraph 7 shatt trecome add�i�tton9t debt of Borrower seaued by this Securi�r tnstrumeid �.��F.
<br /> t•� . � �f► Y, �`�,
<br />:`-f .; • '.-"� Untess Bortow�and l.�der agrea�to other te�ms of pay�nt,these amaunts shaD bear Uitenest irom tl�e date a1 dtsbursement ai the[�tote `��.;,��
<br /> �: ,`;��y;�,.,_.; ` rate end shafl be pa}tah(e.witttr trterest.upon natlee frnm Lender to Botrower�questin9 Payment .' �' ``<
<br /> _.-��-°-:;---�- . a. �ie:z`'�S .m . t�.t� � �� �� .� a � at�u� !a� �caree £�� �+c�jr . `�` -
<br /> -�.x°•� i ''`: °"���d Iastnane�A.9o�rawer shatl pay the pnemiums required to malrttaUr t!►e maKgage tnsuranoe Fn effecl If.for arry reason.the moKgage tns�uanee �r��`:~�`";�
<br /> .; -- .
<br /> � .:�. �� ebverege requtred 6y Lender tapses ar ceases to be tn eft�ct,Bormw¢r shaQ pay the prenkims reautred to obteb� coverage subsiantiai�f �.,�•`,
<br /> 3 equivateat to the moRgage i�sivan�e prevfousty in eNecR at a eost substanttaRy equhraJertt to the cost to Borrower ot the martgage insurance
<br /> � - f` prev;ously fn et(ect,.bom an eRemate mortgag6 insurer approved by tender. If substarttiaL'y e�aivetent mortgage_insurance covera8e is not � � .
<br /> U., �'` f '" � avaIlab[e. Bortower sh�ll pay to Lertd�r each morKfi a sum equel to on�vefRh af the yeaify mortgage fnsuranee premium bdng paid by � •,'�.:� :'
<br /> ' :.', •.; `..f� ` Borrower vrhen the tnsnrance caverage tapsec� or ceassd to be fn ePfect LertCer vrIIi seeept, use and reteln these paymeMs as a toss � ��'
<br /> z° � ���� mserva tn Qeu at m¢rtgage tnsuranc� Loss resenre payments may na longer be required,at tha apUon of Lender. ff mortgage tnsutartce � �..�. �r`�
<br /> ,.�'.' .:_..�:.� .- E :--
<br /> 4�:.� , cove�age(m the amount end tor the per[od that Lender requires)provided by en insurer approved by iender agaln beeomes ara�abte and ts �
<br />`��� � � obtahied. Borrawv shail pay the premtums requTred to matnffi6� maRgage tnsurance in eftec4 or to provide a fass resenre. ur�til tAe � .•'
<br />�x,�.,�', ;.` , ��,�` r�u�(reemerrt tor moRgage fnsuranee enda tn aceor�nce wrih any written agreemen2 beGNeen Botrower and Lenda or appGce6te lavi. " `;.;s�
<br /> "`� � �` 9. IttBpedion. lender'or fts agsnt may make reasorta6le enutes upon end inspectlons af the Property. Lend�sheU I�re BoROwBr � ��
<br /> �.` ;:.:`;.�.��„� _ `,�,' notice at tns time ot ar ptior W an Inspection sPecftyfr►9 reasonahte cause for the h�spec�oa, �`__''-�
<br /> � _. 10. Cortdelflnffi1011. The proceeds o! asry award or daim tor damages. duect ar conseque►n�l, in connectlon with a�ry • ;s� �
<br /> �,� . �< < ,. , ! condemnatlon,er other taidng of arry parE af the Praperry.or tor comeyance ln Geu o}condemnati�n. ere hereEy assi�ted artd shali be paid ;°•4°f+�
<br /> X;�, �`� , .`�."' ••:: to LendEr� . , ,r.,
<br /> .. .ti..t..,a. � :�
<br /> ��.;.: :,�°:: ,,_•..:
<br /> €s�.- . . . - In the eveM of e total mtct�ng at tfie Properiy.tAe proceeds shaD be appIIed to the s�uns�eaued by thts 3ecuriry lnstrumen�whether ot
<br /> , :t,: .not then due.w&h aay�cc�ss pafd ta Barrower.In the eYent of a partial tafdng af the Froperty in vrhtch the fetr m.vtcet+ratue at the Froperty � '.
<br /> ' � fmme�ety►hefora the taidng�ts equai W or�eater than the amount of the s�uns secured by this 3ecurilyy tnstrumeM tmmedately before the ' :` :":�
<br /> �,:_ ;.L;-i,� -
<br /> . ,i ta;dng.uniess Bocrow�and Lender ofherwJse acgee in wridrtg,the sums secure3 by this 3ea�rEry Instrument sha0 he reQucerJ by the amouM • -
<br /> of tAe proceeds m�dtippeB by the toQowing iradlon: (a�the tatal�naurrt the af sums secured tmmedtatety before the tatdng,dh(ded by(ba the � _
<br /> Gj = °--; � �'�,� fair mazke!vatua oi ti�e Pro htimetllatery befoee the teldng.My balance shall be d to Borrower:in the event of a ar6ai tafdn ot the � .-=
<br /> ��.� : � :;�•" A�lI P� P 9 r•-_��
<br /> , ,.,;.� Prop e rt y In wh[eh the faU market vatue of the Pro pe R y imme Q i a t e y before!he naldng is less than the amamt of the sums secured tmmed(ately -_
<br /> - ; : 6efore the taWng,unless_Bonower end Lehder otherwise a�ee in wrNing or uNesa eppHcabte faw ofherwise providAs.the praceeds shs0 be :��.;
<br /> ' •�..: _••_•.' 8ypiied to the sums seaned by this Sec�triy►Irtstrumem whether or not the aums are then due • ` _ -•
<br /> � • � N the Properry ts abandoned by Borrower,or H,efter notfce by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor oBets to make an award or setUe �� �
<br /> a� 4;. . •. . �
<br /> ` �i. � a c t�tr n tar d a m ages.Borrawer t e U s to respond to lender wRhin SO da y s af[er the date the notl�e Is g t ven,Lend�is authoc(zed Ro coQect end � _�
<br /> �,::,�.°:`�',.•� : - .
<br /> �•_: t� c apAly the praceeda,at fts opUon.either to restoraUon or repair af the Property ar to the sums secured 6y ttiis 8ecurity fnstiumetst.whether ,__��_^_
<br /> �:�; . . . . . e or not then due. � -:.-, :
<br /> r Uniess Lender artd Borrower otAe.�rtse a�ee fn wiiting, �y appQcation of proceeds to pr(ndpal sha0 not extend ar postpone the due � _
<br /> � � ` ° ,�f . date of the monthty Payments refemed to tn paragraph�t and.2 or change the amoum ot such payments. . • . . �; ,
<br /> �:' �' : � � 11.�orrativer Nat Retease�: For6earar�ce By Lender lltot e Waiv�r.6ctenston of the tfine tor payrperrt m modficaUon . .•,,,r,,v
<br />_ ,. . • � ,:
<br /> � � � " � ° of emorttr,atlon oT the sums searred by thls Seair�yr Instrumertt cpanted by Lender to arry successar in interest of BoROwer shail not operafe �:;�;�.�_:
<br /> �� "��' ' `'. to�elea�e tha Uability of the ortginaf Borrawer or Borrowe�s successors tn interesf. Lend�sl�.t+ not be requlred to commenca proceedings ..�._;:..
<br /> ,�� ,.• ; `
<br /> � � ' . agalnst any successor in interest or re(use to extend tfine tor paymertt ar otheiwise madfry emortizaUon of the sums 5ecured by thfa BeaRiry .���'
<br /> ��; ; � s ._.,_.�
<br /> � ( : Irrstrument by reason oi any demartd made by the adginat Borrower or Borrowe►'s saccessors in fnterest. {Iny forbear�nce by Lender fi .. ;
<br /> �cerd&ing azry dgM or r¢medy sha0 not•be a wahrer of or preclude the exerctse o9 eny rf�t or remedy. .��h:;,��
<br /> .�' '� >� ' .�.` '�` 12. Saeeesso�e and Ass1 ns Bound; Joint and Saverai Ua6i11 , Co-s! ep8. 7'ha eovenarrts and a�e�nerrt.a of , ��'�
<br /> 9 t!!' 8n _
<br /> rt��• ` this fiecurity Instrument shall bfnd and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrawer, subject to the prov)sfons of para�apfi ,: ;�;;
<br /> "•' 17. Bor►owee's covenants and agreements shap he {oint end severat. My Borrower who co-si�s_thia 5ecudty (nstrumer�t but does not • "'`
<br /> r;.. � , . . - 'r_3ei-
<br /> �'�..• � � ��� exearte the Nofa(a)is co-si�ing th�s Security Instntment only to mortgage,grant,and convey that Borrower's lnter�st in the Property under � .--=_
<br /> ,y... .. . f
<br /> �''" ' the terms of thfs 3ecu;fiy Insbument;(b)is not personely obligated to pay the surrs secured�y this Security lnstrumen�and(c)agrees thai -�-
<br /> w_... .�.. � �
<br /> �� . ' Lender and an��other�arrower a e to extend, mo egar4 to terms ot this 3ecu � ��' � -
<br /> '�':�' ; y may gre dHy,torbear or make any accommodaUons wftb r r�y
<br /> �� �� � �,,,�� Instrument or the Note wtthout that BonowePa cansenL • 1
<br /> ��.� ° � � 13. LOaD Ch8ig8f1. 8 the iaan secured by this 3ecurlry instrument is subject to e faw which sets maxlmum foan efiarges.end thdt � -.
<br /> ,.�;;; __
<br /> �:�;,. ..:" law is ftna(ly interyreted.so that the interest or otAer toan �Aargss collected or to be coUected in connection with the Ioan exeeed the — ��
<br /> �3 r� � , '' i pemOtted IimRs.then; (a)any each laan aharges s�haSl 6e reQuced by the amouri necessary to reduce the charge to tha permitted lim�; and
<br /> °��.� �•� � (b)any sums atready witected irom Borrov�er which exceeded permitted limits wi�be reNnded to Bartower. �ender may choose to make� . .
<br /> •�� � � this refund by reduc(ng the pAncipai owed under the Note or by maktng a �rect payment to Borrower. (i a refund reduces pflndpal, the . .r,
<br /> �, redu�:�n wID be treated as a partt�t prepayment withoul arry prepa}^nent oharge under the No2e.
<br /> '*�, ' � 4�. NotiCee. Any notice to BoROwer provided tor in thls 9ecurtty Instrument sha0 be ghren by defivedng ft or by mai0ng N by tfrst ' -
<br />-� • . • � dass mait untess eppUce6te taw requlres use o1 enother methad. The noUce sha.4 ba dtrected to the Property Address or eny oiher address , �� :.
<br /> ��_'�' . . Borrower designates by noUce to Lender. Any noUce to.Len�ler shail be glven by tirst Gass mail to Lend�Pe address steted herefi or arry
<br /> � � . " , other address LenEer designates by naUce to Borrower. My noUca provided tor in this Ser��rity Instrument shall be deemed to have been •
<br /> ` �'_ � ' � , given to Bonower or Lender when gfven as provided in this para�h. � .
<br /> � � � 15. �OVBlt�ing I.Sw; Seveflbility. This Security fnstrument shell ba govemed(sy federal taw and the law of the Judsdictlon in ' .
<br /> '-'J . whicA the Property is located. In the event ffiat arry provision or clause of this Security Inatrument o�the Ro:e confllcts wfth appiicabie law,
<br /> ' � , such corqlict ahail�nc! aNeet other provistons o1 this Securiry Instrument or U:a Note whlch can be given eitect without the conlltcUng .�• •
<br /> - � . , � provision. To this erd the provisiona o1 tfiis Security Instrument and the Note are deciared to be severable. • .
<br /> � 18. BOtfOWB�'S COpy. BoROwer shall be gNen one con:ormed cepy of the Note and o1 thls Security(nsUument. .
<br /> ^'`� � 17.Transter of 4he Pro e �
<br /> . . p rty or a Beneflctat fnteres! in Borrowe�. It aD or any part of the Propertyr or eny interest In
<br /> � � it is sotd or transierred (or N a beneflGal interest in Bortower is so10 or transferted and Borrower is not a natural person) withou! Lertder's '
<br /> - � ' pdor written eonsent, Lender may. at tts option, require Immediate payment In full ot all sums socured by this Securiry InstrumeM. However, : �
<br /> � .. . this option shall not be exercised by Lender H exercise is prah�ited by federai law as o!the date of ihis Secudty InsUument. •
<br /> �;=, •� • � H LenQer exercises this opUon, Lender shall give 8ortower notice of acceteraUon. The noUce shall provide a pedod oi not less than 30 � '
<br /> • �• � days hom the date the noUce is delivered or maiied within which the Bortower must pay all sums secured�y this Sew�ity Instrument. It �
<br />.�,,; � � . Bortower faUs to pay these sums pdor to the expiraUon o1 this period.Lender may Invoke eny remedies permmed by this S¢curity InsUument �
<br /> , w!thout fuqher notice or demand on Bortower. •
<br /> �: � •
<br /> . • � Form 3029 9190 • r.�
<br />. '��� • Fd009.lM6(9/9�7) Fago 3 ot 5 � � .
<br /> -...__;..- .-_:.
<br /> ---"--.:- -
<br /> . � � 97194 '
<br /> !
<br /> �-._.-�^�'�^-7=--�-_---- .-'-x----: --- _:�.. �. ` ..,.�..__,_.. ---zyz+ L . . _� `�.
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<br />