., _ ;_ .L-'t S ' l 4 . .tS�z-F'^�^K^�.. `ti ty� � _ i-+a++- .,`- ,:f.' i � .r .
<br />. �: .=..x..__ . __ ..,..r.___.i:__.: .__............... _ . ._ __..,_�__. ._�.._....c �.:^�. _ '-'}_.._,_.�.-5x.��.".^.".il°3`T.�.v�.����Q�_.�J-......s. � ...G:Ye_s2::��_ ...
<br /> . : �� - -- – .C. . _ . {a ti- -- - -. � � _ �'- —T --- � F -- �-:`-
<br /> - � -- .� . . t_ _ . . _ _ s _ _k .
<br /> `V r`. . `4y.t ` ( ` �` v. fG
<br /> .C•:� t ����''6 c � r i . f.- :� .. �a_.. •c'� y c: �;h : _��`. ,a � ,`µ. .
<br /> �. �Y. .;:��..� 4. _ _ F' � �ti5 _ _ .Y..� .0 f�. Q`- _ Yt� � _
<br /> ` t�_ . P
<br /> , .a`! :`�.; ,k, .j..
<br /> ,`��C "9' . '
<br /> : . �'''°'a� �roceed�[n caamedDOn wilh wrMSmnatioa or otttsr takU�g ot tha Pr�aeRY ar part Meteof.or for comreyancs in 6eu oi wnde�n�tton. .
<br />. ,,: f`;;.. Lsn4er st�ag Qa e�tted et Ns opL+an ro con�msnce.eDAeas tn and pr�s�in tts a�sm �rarrte any actton ar pra�edtngs.�n6 sttall s1� :;-<;
<br /> .- �. ;,� ba eri�ttad to ma.�Ce airy oor�rgramisa or settlamerd in ranne�inn wtth sut�taktng or damage.tn the evant eny parHon ot tAe Pno�erty is • `'<<<
<br /> ;'�.'.-�:::� ; �.._-:: sQ taken ot atamaged,t$nder ehan have tna a�ton tn it�so;a ertd absatute dts�xeUan�ta aAPN all sucA.praceeds.��foar dedu�ti,s� ::
<br /> ,��:�.���
<br /> ` �� ` tl m r e f ro m e11 oosSs and exyenses inwr�ed barlt tn aonr�ecttars auit�su�t1 Proceeds.upon any tnaeDtedness sscured hereby and ta s u d i°� '.h:�,.
<br /> `a;� �'..:<``s aNer as Lender may detemitne.or ta�FAN all euch Proceeds.after such ded�u�to�.to tlua iestoratton of the�reperiy�n sudt ect�� °� ��
<br /> � . `� .<'. ��.• �itIans es t,etiQar may ds�armina.61ny eypUsatton of P�omeds So tndebtedness shall not e�dsnd or postpane ths d►�e d�oi sery pay- '. .
<br /> t9
<br />.� `'' `'` -�`` , •'< rr[erns urtQ$r theSYots.or c�ue eny defaWtfhere�mder ar he�eun�r.MY�AAfied funds shai!be Daid to TrusDor. . � �`�'s
<br />: :��4�,.'�::�,"•F'. . ; 8:Qeatomiar►ce Oy Lerider.lJ�an the cccumanos ai an Evant ot Refauit her�under.or ii any act is►alcen or iegal pr�ng � °-�
<br /> � �mrcten�whtzh materlattjt affects t.ertdets�ter�tn the Proparty.Lendar may In tLs ouun msaetlnr;6ut w�hout abCgation ta Qo s!�. t�r�,,
<br /> . . .;�,`�� and wfthaut nc9w to or demand upan Tnufar artd v�out refaasUrg TrusDorfiam any obSigaUon,d�arry acl whldi Trustar Aas agreed
<br /> _ .�.� ' .�
<br /> � �,'�� bu4 fatted ta do and may also do any other aet it deems necessaryt So pr�ctect tl►e security Aereo�Tn�or snaU, imm�dfatefy upan
<br /> :, _L_ ¢emar�d tAersiar by Lender,pay to terrderall ccsis and expen�es fru�urred and sums expended by l.ender In cannedon�rrith tiys exer- � � -,
<br /> + °�- Ciso by t@rt6erof�he.fqregoing rlghte,togather with tnter�t thereon at the defaczR rate pravls�Qd in fhe N�ts.whtclt shaQ be sQded to -
<br /> , �. `�. 9?a
<br /> , . ' = ttt�indeiueQness seruted heceby.lender sha11 not Usau any tiaDMy bacaus9 of anytldng it mey do ar ortu't ta do hereunder.
<br /> �>`" 4•, `�:.� S.Fi�d�us�ate�iats.Tn�stor shall keap tAe Proparty in cantptfartw vuftli a0 appftcebt�lavrs.ardiaar,�and�gufatlon� -
<br />� , .��;.�; :°;.•' ;` cet�tln8 tm in�usMat hygtens or envUonineMai pro�ectfon(c�IIeaSvety reteme�to here9n as'Env(ronmer�l Lavre�.Trt�.siar sha11 keep � .
<br /> � the i�mperty fre�tFom all�s�eemed to ba haaardous or tuwc under�nY�i►vtronmenmt t.aws(oollecbvety refersed to hesein �(;�`=:�
<br /> ___ �.. •w�.wwlw.�w��+�w�R. t1W[Vf�6�.._.!y j��
<br /> ! _..._`:Y� , � "_'__J tiit3TT�iII[3 CIN ip�(�..�(R�I m�R�R1QI�Oi@I8�6 IIO�QU9�2�9�G�d�Ull�f��� �- _�.
<br /> Propetly.Tns[or hereby agrees W indemnify an�hotd harmisss!erMer.its dlrec0ors.afficars,emptoyees and agaMs.artd a�ry succes- � �.
<br /> . . sois to l.ertd$rs inte�trom and ag�i�t ar►y end a11 daimS.damagss.tasses end tfabilitie�aristng In cannecUon vritl�the presence. �.':��.,�=.
<br /> � use.dtspoaaf ar transpaR of aary tta�ardous Materta�s on,under.irom or about the Progerry.THE FOREGOING WARRAMtES/WD
<br /> . �' , 10.Assl � �- =
<br /> ; 8� af Rerns.Tnistor hewby essl�s�o Lender.and grants Ler�Qer a s�curi�Y lnterest tn.aA P��,fuhua end � _; :
<br /> . • . • aftet arising rents.lssues 2nd profits of tha P►aDerty:9rovlded tltai l'rttstor shall,until the accurrence of an Event af f]�faau�,per+etmder.
<br /> � ` ' have the dght to coltect anA retain su�cents.issues and profits as fhsy beootne due and payabte.ttpon the ooasrrer���an Event of �r<>`
<br /> _ �.';�`�S. ..:., , Qsfau{�tertder ma}►.�etther in person or by agen�vYith or withaut bdngtng etry adion ar proceed�ng.or by a�e�iver appdnted by e �'�;:�
<br /> '�'." .-^�- .court ar�d wMout regart!Lo ttfs adequa.r.y af it�securtty.enter upon and take possession ot the Property.ar any paRlha�+ea�in its�+rn
<br /> . �. `=-'
<br /> . name vr in tha risms o1 the?rustee.and do arry acts wt�ch it deems necessary or destrab[e to presen�a the vatue,marketa4i�ly or_ `=
<br /> . � �} �biliSy of the Pmperty.ar airy paR thsreoi or interest tP►ereta.or to irt�xease ttis inoom9 therefrnm or proted the secur[ty hereof�,�9, �'-='
<br /> '' "'�,'`=� v,rith or tivftt�ut ta".cing possesston ot the Pro .sus fir a�othervvlse colJec�the renis issues artd rofib there in
<br /> " ' . �` �; due and unpatd,6y notifydrtg tenants to�er►ffi to Lender.Lender maY aPDN rents.issues and ptiofi�,(ess�cr�ts a d expsn� � �.
<br /> ` � es af operatfon and coitedton inctuding attomeys faes,ta any tndebtedness secured l�ereby.ail in such ar+der as Len�isr.may Qe��,
<br /> •"`'`'- ' `-r"''.e rt�ine.The ente' n and hakin ossesston oi the � � -=
<br /> - �� 9 P �P�ll.tlte coltecxian af sucb renfs.issues.an�pro�ts.a,S tizs eppL�ar► . _�_
<br /> -- . ,. '' � thereqf as aforasald sha11 not a�or walve any�Qefault or noUce oi Qefauit hereunder or Imraiida�any act done in cespanse tp suah `'--�`"
<br /> � "' defauft or pursuant to such noUce ot defaNt and.notwithstartding the conUnuance in possesston of the propedyr or tlts.00l��an. • �•�
<br /> _ ' .' .;�; �Ipt and appUcaBon of rents,issues or prafits,7rustee and LenQer ahafl ba ent�led to exerctse every dght provld�f iar in any o9 tt��s . t;�-`
<br /> . - :' � Lcan tnstrumetds cr Dy Iav�upon occurrence of any[verri oi Defauit,inctudfig without lim(�tiort the dght to exerGsa�7a povrer of� =
<br /> - • � Fqrther,Lender's rights and remedtes undet thfis paragraph shall be cumulative with.and in no way a IimttaUan on.Le�de�s dghb�!
<br />_ : � �� remedtas urtder airy essignrtr�lt of ieases and rents siecorded agalnst the Property.Lender.Trustee and the rece[veF shaii be I�C;a fhs !` n`,
<br /> . • acceunt only far�ose rents ac*�.:�ity teceived. [��';-�?
<br />- • �.` �' 11.Evoc�o!�etauit Tha�followirtg shail constltr�a an EveM of Oefault undeithis Qeed oi TrusT •`=�'°
<br /> .? � � {�� (a)FaIIure to pay as�fista0rrtent of principal ar interest cr any otl�e�sum secwt�Q Aereby when due; � �
<br /> (b)A Dr�ach of or�`auit a►der arry provtsfon cornaineA in the Note.thb Deed of Trust any ot the Loan tnstru�ents.ar an y
<br /> . ::r.� 8 t i ter t ten o;encw�b r a nce upon t 0�e P roQerty; • -
<br /> - ' .. : }� (c)A wrtt of executton or attachment ot any simtlar pmcess shaii be entered against Tnutor whicb ahaU become a iten on °
<br /> � ���� tha PropeRy.or asry portton fhereof or intstest fheretn; ,��'
<br /> � � � ' �•!.� _ . (d)There shail be fited by ar sgainst Trustar ot Borrower an action unQer any presant or fuWre iederal,state or other sqtute. ''"'`�
<br /> - .;.:irf;< .
<br /> �, • �, :s lav�or regulatlon reiating L�6ankruptcy.insoManry or other reitef tor debtors;or there aha0 be appetnted arry trustea.teceiver or ' -
<br /> '.�;` y part ot the PtoDe'rlY.or the rerroa, � �
<br /> • i liquidator of Trustor or Borrower or of all or en Issues or pra�ts thareaf or Tnrstar ar Borrovier •
<br /> �'•x 1 shall make any generat assignment for the benefit of creditot�: �, _ "
<br /> ,. ,j ; {e)T he s e t e,t r a n s f e r,t e a s s.a s s i g n m e n t,c a m r e y a n c e or f u r t her encum brance o f a 0 ar a-�pa R o f or erry Interast in the � i
<br /> ° � � Property,e�har voluntarlty or h►valuntarily,wJthou!the exDresa vvrit0�consent of Lender,prav�!that Trustorshall be�rmit
<br />-�:. ` � . ..;.,.,;�:: ted to exc�a tease of the Property that does not contatn an option to purchase and the term 4f which does not exceed one
<br /> ± �' �� year, . � � -
<br /> • ; .�. (f�abandonmentottha Pmperty;or � -
<br /> , � , (g)1f Trugtor is not an Indtvidu�l,the issuance,sale.tranafer.asslgnmen�conveyance or encumbr�nce of mare than(if a �
<br /> _
<br />