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<br /> � � _ n{�sn�oF�usT.�a maaeas ar�e '��aa�r� NOVEMBER .�s 9� .cv an�emong . ;
<br /> `<� - �� �. �-''--_
<br /> w �' ; .f. MeT�or. ROBERT KAPIiSTKA A SINGlE PERSON
<br /> . � ��`:
<br /> : � 405 N GREENWICN 6RAND ISLANO NE 68801 (herein'Trustor',whetheroneormore�, �
<br /> : ° whose ma�ing address is ���°-
<br />. . i . . 4;`A,.j
<br /> � `�'` � theTn�e FIVE POINTS BANK, A NEBRASKA CORPOAtATION ��:s
<br /> .,' ,, vuhase maiAng eddress ts P 0 BQIt 1507 GRAND ISLAND N�fi 602 (�eteln'Tn�stes�,and - -`-
<br /> << �.�,
<br /> - � . f` " - ;��; tl�e8eneflr�ary....FiVE POINS�ANK — ���:
<br /> .:.�.::.' �.;:::�_�:.:.�_ ---
<br /> ..'� Y whosa mail�ng add�ess is 2815 N BltOAD�tEII. AVE GRAND ISLAND N£ 68803 �(hacefi`t:e�dec"1. --
<br /> �. :.,�� � �`.�
<br /> r'..• :;':��°�:�;''-•�����' FORVA�EIABLEC0�431DERATtON.tncktdingLender'sexOensianottxeditiQentiftedharelnW =u�
<br /> � � � � ROBE T KAPL►STKA -- � -- � �
<br /> . . , ., (herein'Bartower:whether one or mare)�td the trust hetein cxeatad.the[�tpt �1
<br /> .c, ;.s., �,Fr;;.,. otwhtch(s Rereby ac�awtedSed.Trtistor hereby irrewwbhlB�ffi.trans�ers.oonveyy and assigns ta Trustea.IlV 1RUST WtTi�l �:_.
<br /> � :,�;�. _.• �,.• �� POWER OF SALE.fot the beneRt and seciu3g+oi Lender.under aad subject to the barma 8nd cor►diUOns heceir�Rer sat forth.the real _
<br /> , , , ProP�Ydesctibsd asfoltAws: • • �=
<br /> , .�.�v_
<br />.�'`_:` . , rarr�rr.--
<br /> �, .. ' _ - . - • . ���,�-rc_-_-
<br /> .. ., , -
<br /> -i:` lEYi!`—
<br /> �� �. , �" •' .� Yogefher with a1t bultdings.,improvements.fixhu�es.street�,allsys,pascagevuays.easements.dghb.Dri+►�te9es and apDurtenances � : -
<br /> ,:�:��..:• .,:�. l a c eted thereon or_tn an y w ise p�t q i nt�g thecetc.and tho rems.i�sues and pta8ts.rsva�sions and remafiders tl�ereaf,and su�fi Per �=:,,y`:;:•
<br /> ���. ..;,; ..�,. • sonal pmperty that is aNached to U�e improverrtents so as to oons6Wte a fGctiue.InduQtng,but not l i m i t e d t o,h e a�ng a r rt caa i i n g e q u l a ;
<br /> � '_ � •-`� �� ." � mer�end toge9►er with tha homestead or madtal fiterests.ff arry.whfch Inte�asts are hereby reteased and watve�all ot wAtch,in�ud- �
<br /> ' - -� . . tng reptacemgnts and add'+tions thereto.is nerebiy dedafe�i to be a pari at 6ia real esisie secu�ad Cy tlssa l;ass�lh�Lt�oi Trus!end �L_f_°:�.�
<br /> . ' • °"f, •. =� afl of the foregoing deing refer�d to heretn as the'Property'. "
<br /> '� �., .�;;::;; ,,,': ' This Daed ot Tn�st shall sacure(a)the payment of the principat sum ertd inter�t avtdenced by a romisso note or c[eedit agree� '�
<br /> � MA�I 15, �003 �f� = =
<br /> �.;` . .. . '. meMdated un�cMSCa �Z,. 3497 .�avingamatudtyQataot �
<br /> • fn the ortgtrra�principal amaunt af� 26.19G.6! .and eny and all modiflcaitons,extensions and renevr8ls ' ,"
<br /> � � ,� �.� thereoi or thereto and any and ali fudue advancea and�eadvances to Bortower(or any ot them ti more tAan ane)hereurrder putsuant � ��-
<br /> �!' �� �� � �� to one or mot�D�m�ssflry notos or credit agcaeements(herein caifed'[�tote'�;(b)Ure pal�ment of ather sums advanced by l.ender_to '== -
<br /> �'• ° � protect f��secudty of the tVote:(c)the�perfomrtance ot all covenants and agreements of Tcustor set forth hrrein;end(�ati present and �: .i�b
<br /> ��:; ° �,.�. :
<br /> � ..: '�:. „)� future indebtedness and obligations oi Borrower(or any ot them ff more Nan one)to Lender vuhettter Eirect,indirec�.a�salute or conttn- ��;���
<br />� gent and whether artsing by note.guaranty,aveNraft or othenrtlse.The tYote.this Des�!oi Trust and arry and atl other documerRa that �� -
<br /> � sawre the Note or othsnMsa executea in connectlon therewlth.inciuding wtthout IimitaUon guarantees,secu�ity agreements anQ _-
<br /> : � ' . assignmenb ot Ieases and rents,shall be referred ta herein as fhe'Loan ins�uments. � ��:�:'., '
<br /> �� • � Tnistor ocvenants and agrees with Lender as Toflows: �:,�� .
<br /> :°�' � ' . 1. P$yment of Indcbtodness.Ali indebteQness secure�hereby shall be patd when due. �,
<br /> ''`�.,. . 2, titis.trustor is the ovmer of th�PropeRy.has fhe right and authority to oonvey c2�r�Property,and wamants that tha lien�aea� ;_ -.,•`
<br /> �_�.—.�' '� ' .. ;�:• ed hereby is a flrst and prior lien on the Pmperty,except for liens and encumbrances sei toRh by Trustor in NrfNng anA d$livereA to ;,
<br /> � ' , Len der be fore exe c u UOn o f t h ts Oee d o t T r u s t,a n d t h e e x e c u U o n a n d d e l l v e ry o f f�i s O e e d o i T r u s t d c e s not vtotate an y contract or - ?� "�
<br /> r� � '. � other obligaUon to which Trustor Is subjec4 ��'����� I
<br /> :+;y � . � 3.Taxos.Assessmonta.To Qay before delinquency a0 taxes,speclal assessmen�and a(t other charges agalnst tha PropeRy .
<br /> '`. ' � . nav�or hereafter tevle0. • '
<br /> • � . � •�•� 4.tn�urance.To keep the PropeRy insured against damagA by flre.hazards inctuQed withtn the term'extended cove►age',and •
<br />, Y.i .,.�.. .. . _ •� � ..
<br /> ;,� . � suct�other ha7ards as Lender may require,in amounta and witA companies acceptable to Lender,naming l.ender as an aQdiUaaz3
<br /> �.��.� '" named insured,witA loss payab►e tn tfie lender.In qss ot tosa under s�polictes.the Lend�r is author3zed to adJust,ooltect u�d
<br /> comprom7se,a11 cfaims thereunder and shall have the opUon ot aDPhdng ai{or part oi the Insurance proceaQs(I)to any indebtednsss +• �•
<br /> -. " sec�uea hereby and 1n such orr�r as Lender may determine,(i�to the Trustor to be use0 i�r the�epair or restoratlon of tt�e Properiy or ,.ti`s;�.,
<br /> _ (lii)far eny other purposo or objecl saUsfactory to Lender without afiecdrtg the ilen of r7^:a Qeed oi Trust for Ne fuU amount secured ,..
<br /> ' � hereby before such payment ever took ptace.My appliraUons o!procee0s to indedtedness shall not extend ar postpone the dua date
<br /> � . , af any payments under the t�ote.or cure any d�ault thereunder or hereunder. •
<br /> • •� . � . fi.Eaera��.tJpon written Qemand by Lendec,Taustor sha11 pay to Lender.in surd�manner as tenAer may designate.suflident
<br /> . ' sums to enable Lender to pay as they become due one or more of t�e toltowing:(i)all taxes,assessment�and other charges against ,, •
<br /> ' �• the Proyerty.(ii)the premiums on the property insuranr.s requlred hereander,and(iii)the premiums on any moRgag�e insutance
<br /> • . . . required by Lender. • � �
<br /> • � 6.P�alotenaneo,Repatra and Complianco with Lavrs. Trustor shatl keep the Property in good condiUon end�epair,shat) ,
<br /> � � ' promptty repalr,or repiace any improvament wAlch may be damaged or destroyea;shalt not commit or permit erry vraste or deferiora- •. . . .
<br /> �y�:.•� � • Uon of the Praperty;shaU not remcve.demalish or substanUally after any of the improvementa on the Property;shali not oommit,sufter , _
<br /> . . or permit any act to be done 1n or upon the Property in v1olaUOn oi any Isq�,ordinance,or reguJaUon;and shall pay and pramptty d'�s-
<br /> . charge at T�ustor's cost and expense all Nens,encumDrances and charges levied.lmposad or sccessed against the Property ar any
<br /> , part the�eo}. •
<br /> . 7.Eminont Oomain.Lender is hereby assigne0 all ccmpensaUon,awards,damages and other payments or reliel(hereUrafter � ��
<br /> . '— —��j racses,�r�na+»mmro.s� _---
<br /> � mt9CDttt7ryGvudf.armacelntlsM° O�ASIO[ttan.lroeCeNfErasts
<br /> . I .
<br /> . � ..
<br /> : . . . ' .
<br /> - - . . �� ���-+..�.—• . .. ._ .
<br /> . '_ ' . .-.......r� .... ' _�..-•.«....a-�r.�.._'�.-���•.. .�.....�,._-.• -..�., .. - �-• .
<br />. .. ��y=a- . ,�.��a-dr-.�!�n�•L*Y+iwN.r#.�1.-+'ac�en.w'�M+M�'Mt+�w�t'�ir...�.a..�+7 -n_�...^!�..a=-----. . ,_ . . .. - . .. -. . .."L-. •-�.�*_
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