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<br /> ``�..,'� �c,'�..`:=.�,_ 5.�Us PrapeYly Insm�aa� Baaower sSaU�ep the impravc,meum now eaisting or hpaeaftea�on ihe Pcaperty , • _ ° . ��1 ...'�•.:
<br /> . `. ins�ued against Inss Dy fue,6a7ards im�tudetl within the mm °extended oave�age"and any ather hamrds.incWding tmods ar - -
<br /> ,�;.`. �'' _ .: '���: ��;':
<br /> ,<. IIoading,far urhit�Le�der roquims�ce.Ziiis msmance shaII be maiatainrd ia the amnuats anfl fos the periods tha3 L�dea .
<br /> , requires.lhe msurance�iar pmvlding tha�svsII be chaiea by BaQmwet sublecx ta I�ender'S ePP�oval wfiich si�all aot � *r°�` r�: �
<br /> � �'� ' be unseasanabIy wishhetd. If Boaower fafls to mamra�ooveaage descn'bed al�ove, Le�dea may,at Izader's aption.ot�am � r � �,. '
<br /> '", ' ` COYp8$6I0 plO1�C[L?IIt�'&11�1L4 IIl f��pPitS►ID 2�G:Wlth�'d�$$18p�!�. r `� ��. ,
<br /> �.__�..."�'�� A11 insnraace golic�s and m,nearals sGaII 6e�mbia to Len�er and saaD iac2nde a standani mottgage cJause.Lcad�st�aIl �� < ,t -_
<br /> Y -°. :;",� have the right Oo bold the pQticies and xemewals.If L�d�r tequire,v.Barmwer shaIl PmmP85►give to Ir�da aU�ts of gaid ' . `
<br /> pr�mms and re�ewal aotices.U►thz eve�nt of loss.Baaawer stiall give pmmpt u�ce m t�e�ce cauiPa aad Le�der Ieader _
<br /> , ,�, m a y m a k e p n w f o f l o s s i f n o t m a d e F ro m P U Y b y B a a a w e a. � ` :s.,_,
<br /> ':�� Untess I�wder and Barroarer atheawise ag�m wiitimg,�pmce�ds s�atl be applied to re,stnra�n or:ep�a of the � � :�,_�`
<br /> --=° pe�maty damaged,i£the rest�ation os repair is cxxm�micaliy feaafile�d Lender's seauit�►is not tessened.If tha restnsaban or � ` ` -
<br /> "� '' F cepair is noi ecoaotaicaIIy fea�2e ar Lenda's sec.misy wontd be lcsseaed.the insuiance pmceeds stiaII ba sppTied ro t$e sums � �°--
<br /> ' , ' sec�ued by mis Security tnst�umeni,whether aor nnt the�dae,wk�any esc�s p�d sn Baaower 1f Bmzawer abancYons the � �
<br /> `� ���� �napeaty,rnr tioes uot answea with6�30 days a notice fmm I.e�der that tha msnr�ce c�uier ims off�ed to senle a clann,th�m ;�.� ° __ .
<br /> �•4�� . �',- �may conecY the�gioceed�a.�aer may ose the pmc�eeds m�or re�re the Propetty or m yay sums se�red •-�'�'-
<br /> � �. ��' ea� T�
<br /> �o.;: 6Y this Sxa�►Tnst�um�n4 wheaher or n¢2�due.The 30�day peaiad w�i be�iu wheA We notice is givea�. .
<br /> • 5,���. . . Un2esv Le�d�and Hoaowea o�e�wis��rea in wri6ng,anY aPPli�of pmceeds w priat�pal shall uot e�end ar pos�paae � . —
<br /> v.�f� :. the due dafe of Bie monthly payrrtent�ref�to in paiagcaphs i aad 2 ar�ge tbeamamnt of Qte paym�.If�uts2eaP�b
<br /> . ,- - � 21 the Pmptrty is acqtmed by Lender,Boaawei's righa m 8np iusivance policies 8nd pmCeeds tesattlmg fivm d,amag+e to the . ';;'°' :
<br /> ' ��` �P?�Y'P�to the acqaLgitian shaIt pass m Leadea ro tHe e�t of We sams s�by tlus�S�►Inst�me�t immediately ` � --
<br /> ` , : �'�'�` grinr to tbe a+eqt�sitifln. ,- _
<br /> � "7�.' 6.Orwpancq,Pre§ervsHoa,Maintenanae and Profecdon of the i�rroperiyi Borrower's Loaa Applisatie�;Leas�. ''
<br /> �° �; ' �< Borrowea sha�l occnpy,es�bbsb,and nse the Prapeaty as Bmmarer's grmcipal�ce within.sAtY days after�exeCatia�of . .t„--1 _ _-
<br /> `f,' ,` ��. s�i< tiiis Se�rity Insuument and abaU cantinne to occupy the Propeaty as Boauw�'s pzincipal resldence for at le�oae�e�r aftes the �"�. : - --- --
<br />`�'s,�, �:. , da�of occap�tcy.mdess Lender othe�wise agces ia wri�ng,w1ricb conseAt s4�a�i aot be unreasu�bIy wa��or�lesa t�t'' �x - �
<br />�,'s';i��� � . .:.};r;y eenteunatmg cacamstances exi�t whfch are begon�Botmwe,a's control.Borrowa s6atl not desmay�da�ge ar imP���D�Y. `�"y""+"�� -
<br /> • �'r{:,� : aliaw the Pcapeay tn det�iorate.or ca�mit waste on the Proye�ty. Borrower shal3 be ia def�if mry fatfei�ue 8r,noa a� J r
<br /> ��l'.ij .' �OCCE�Igs W21C�IQ GIVIl OT�LS�'i'•1D�IIl I.Pd1d�Pl�$g00d�1 J['ad�ZCOOTd I�Slli«L'1�4�$��FII�.'���j1��i . � -' .—_--
<br /> . ,: , otheawise matealalty impair the lie�c�By this Sec�;ry Instrameat or Le�d�s s�nriry inte�st Borrower rr��-y a�sac4�a '�`'�`°'�=----
<br /> ,;.,';,� ; .„ defaalt and�einstat�as pmvlde�in p�agraph 18.by qnsing the action or p�ceediag w be disnis9ed wiW a ruHng tLas, ia �.�T.-�--
<br /> '�''� �� icc�er's good fsi�deteammanon,Pre�ludes forfeitnre ac ahe Baaower's mte,nst m the Propeaty arr othea materiai impairme�nt of �``-.`:; --
<br /> � � , ttte lie�aea�3 by this Secuciry Inst�nm�t�z i�der's s�r�teaes�:Boaoxer shali also ba in defanit if Barmwea�daaring�a� "''_..-.� __..
<br /> :-�,�r�
<br /> . .` ��, �an�Pmc�s.Ba�+e ma4erialty fa'1�ar inascauate infom�a��r statarceatv to I,euder(or fa�ed to provlde Leadear a� � :;`.-�.�.,�,�:'.',,_
<br /> �yr u�atetial�iAfar�n)in cannectinn with the toate�videnced hy the Nate. including, but not limited to,representati�ons ,'-`'�, -
<br /> - - - � .i cflnceming Baaowea's occapancs+of the Propea�y as a yrimcipal mside�ce.If this Seauity Insnvme.nt is an a YeasehoId,Smmwa `�r._. ._
<br /> � -. shaIl comply with al1 the pmvisIons of the Iease.If Eotrower acquires fee tit2e w Ehe prapcsty,the�easehoid and the fe�title shaD . ;;.: -�`��
<br /> � '. not merge untes9 Lender a$rees w.tha meag,�m writing. • ±t:.•':�'�n:�'
<br /> ' 7.Pratectlom of Lend�r's Rigbts ia ti�Properiy. If Bosrowea fa�7s�o pafosm the covenantg and a�eemenL4 wntained'm . ~''"'r%.� ���°
<br /> - ' ° '�: this Se�urity �nstrument,or thae is a teF,al Pmoeeding tt�at may sig 'm£icantty affect I.eatdea's rlghra in the PraPeatY(such as a ° _
<br /> - �� � • ' Pmceeding iu banFwptcy,ProDate.for condemnation or fo�feiwre or oo e�force 1�ws ar regolations�,thea Lendea may do and pay � ..;;:�;,,�;-w.---::
<br /> � � . far whateva is aecessaiy ta proiect the vaiue of the Pmpeltsr ar�d Lende�s rigbts m the pioperry.Lender's acdons may i�clade
<br /> . . . D�g �3+sams sec�ed by a lien which has prforiry ove�r this Se�riry Inst�umer�t,aPPearing in court. PaYmB reasonable � �"�' -
<br /> . >j attomgys'fees and entering an the Prapeaey w raake repai�s. Althaa�s Lenda may take aaron ander d�iv pazagtaph 7.I.�acdea � :'��-.._�
<br /> . � . i.,,� doesno�davewdoso. . �� --
<br />- . My amaunt�disbursed by Lendea uadea this p�b 7 shaU 6ecome additional debt of Bomawea secare�by tbis Secarity �-:�-
<br />_ .. Insuumea►�UNess Bomow�and Lc.nder agree w other terms of�aymen�these amountv shall bear interest from the date of • . ": .
<br /> � �� ` disbntsemeat at the Note rate and shall be payable,with int,�est,upon nodce from La►der w Barrow,�a requestin�paymenL � .. '. �.-',
<br /> ., . 8.Mortg,age Lisarance. If I.ea�der m.�vired murtgage lnsarar►ce as a condition of makin�tt:�Ta�an secare�6y 4ils Sec�urity � ,.;,,s.�
<br /> � .. . � Insm�menb Horrower shaU pay the pr�,=;-37�,o requked to m�ain�the�nortgaga uis�uaace in effea. If, for aAy reason, tAe �::::.
<br /> - -_- --__- = tnon�tge uuurauce wveaage ra�uired by Lendea lapses or ceases w 1�in cffect,Boaa�rer shal!pay the premtums recwired w -- ---
<br />- :.� obta9n coverage snbstantially equivalent w the mortgage nuurance previonsly in effect.at a cust substantiaUy eqaivalent W the ,. :.. .
<br /> � � � cost co Borrowea of the moltgage insu�ance aeviously in effea,from an alteanate mortgage insnrer approved by Lender. If . �
<br /> ' , svbstantiaUy equivaleat mortgage ins�rance caverage is not availabl��mrower shall yay to I.endea e�montb a sam equai ra �����
<br /> r � � ' oa�twelhh of the yearly mortgage insur�ce premium beimg paid by Somnwa when the ins�ranre ooveaage lapsed or aease�cu' � • �;��"
<br /> .'�:;•... ' � � he in effect. Leader will acce,pt,nse and retain thesa paym�ts as a loss msr,a�►e in lic,�of mortgage insurance. Loss msecve
<br /> ���. . . .
<br /> +'. � ... . „
<br /> FoemSOZB 9/90
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