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<br /> '.� , � ,
<br /> ' ', `�� '" � 'PQ61TEffiR W1Tl�a11 ihe impmv�nts aow or hereaft.er e�ected on the proFeriy.se►d all eas�aeats,spPu�teaances.and ��':`� _ ,
<br /> ` . `� ,.� '' '
<br /> '.,�' _ .. �paes Qaw or he�aftes a of tbe A11 and addirians sisall alsa 6e covered by t6is S�;suity Insuument . .
<br /> a�. , . � � * All of the faregoing is�f�to in tLis Sea�rlty r���me°pmgecty," f� .
<br /> ..:.,,;:`�. ;;'� BORRQW6R COV6NMiT5 tLat Boaower is DawfWty seised of the estate tieaeby caaveyed and has the right m grent and , .
<br /> .. ,,��_��,,; convey the Propesty and Wat the Praperty ss uaeacambeae�l,exoept for encambraaoes of record.Bwmwer warra�ts and w�71 r �> . `�'
<br /> �''—'"'�` � defend geuetatIy tlte Gtle to the P�apeaty ag�in�t all clainos�td Qemands.�ubject tn any encmnbt�ces of teaard. . <s:��� .
<br /> "� `:} TEIIS SSCURTIY IN5'IRiJMENT combineg anifaam caveaanta fur national use aud na��dorrm omrenaats wit�� ', �_�..
<br /> ,. '`' vaiiati�ns by jurisdicxton w oonstimte a�iforni seaarity insuument moveimg real pmpestS►. `.,,`. . '' _-
<br /> UN�URM C�OVENANTS.B�oarer aad l�ender covea�s and agree as follows: .,
<br /> .. . ., l.Payeaent off.Princtpal a�d Inte�re�PreDaYm�t and Lgte C6acge�. Baaower sDall prompsly FaY whe� dne the � - __
<br /> � � priaciPal of and int�est on the debievideaced by the Nate and�uuY P�Ymentan d T a r e c h s u ges d u e�t h e No t e. 0 `�
<br /> .--� .2.Fbads for Tasea and Ln�urano� Sabject to app�cable iaw ar tn a vvriuea waivea by Lend�,Brnmw�snatt pay ro z _ --
<br /> su
<br /> 'Leader un the day monthly Qaymeats a�dae uadez th�Not�,anu'I the l�tote is paid in fu4.a sam("Fi�ntL��for.(a)Y�Y r�es� ,. -
<br /> `Y���•, , and asse�neats w�ich may�priarity over this Secar�y Iasorumea►t ag a Neu on the Pnope�ty;(b)Yeazl'Y ieasehold pay�euts � `.°'` ----
<br /> ���� �`...
<br /> � . or gmuud rents on the 1'ropeary.if.any:(c)Y�tIY har�d ur pr8periy�ce pzemiums:(dj YearlY � _
<br /> < i; `�:,e:. s `_': � �°Y:�e)Y�Y�S���P�if any;aad(�as►Y sams PaYable by Bosmwa to Lead�.m a�ea�artcc with the ` .. ,.
<br /> . provisIans of pacagtapb 8,in lien of the payme,nt of mart�age insurance pre�aiutns.'Ihese iteans ate c�aited"Escrow Ioems." i� . `,i`�:
<br /> ...' � `` ���Y.��7►�.co�ect�d 6n1fl Faads in au amoani not tn cacr.eed th�maximnm amoum a te�der for a fedriaIIy related
<br /> "�" m�ntgage loaa may requse fur Baaaw�'s es�aw account�mdea the fedaal Real Estate�eutaaent Pmcedi�es Act of 1974 as -
<br />�_`.-�_ �r � aa�ded from time w i�e.12 U.S.G Sec�n 2601 er seq. ("IiFSPA'�.m�less miothar taw that applies w tSe F�ds sets a�ea . _ _.
<br /> ` amount,If so,I�ndea may,at any mne,caIIect and hold Fimds in an amoant not to e�cceed•t�e fesser amount Lender may -
<br /> , ''�` --
<br /> ;;�;:". estimate t�e amam�t of Funds due an the basi�of cuaent data and�asonable estismates af�o f fatmre F s c r ow U e m s o r :,;_r.__
<br /> , a
<br /> �-�in . otfteTWise iII eccordaaCe with agplit�bie 13w. • _
<br /> ° �,� �. 7he Finads shall De held in an institution whose deposus are insmred by a fedelsl ag�cy,in.strume,ntality.�!C�I1L}I(I[tCIII�IIi$ �F ? .�s-;
<br />�_ <.':.t Leu�if Le�tder is sacdz an insdtuf�on)or m aay Fedeaal Anme I.oan Bm�k.Leatder sball appll►the Fands tn pap the Psc�aw • _ _- -_— _
<br /> • �� � Ite.ms.laatdea may not c6arge BoaowEr fmr Aolding aad sPPlying tbe Fuads,aunually analyzmg the asccow aaount,or verifytng �".�--
<br /> . � the Bscaow Ite�s,�tess Lender pays Bouower iaterest on the Fands and applicable Is►w p�rmits�.eader to make snch a ct�arge. . `
<br /> ' . , .' � I3awever,Leatd�may require Boaawet w pay a on�trme charge for aa independent reai e.4tate mx reportmg sesvice used 6y .' �;--
<br /> : "� ' I.endea in cannectiaa arith this loan,aLless applic�ble law pmvldes otheaaris�.ihiless au aaceemeai is made or appllcable 1a�+ '';;�:�;--
<br /> . � reqnires iate�.st to l'+a�d Lend�shall noi be to pay Borroarer an �nteaest ar ea�uia�gs on the Fands.Barrowe�r and � '>".. _
<br /> . 'f zequired Y - .� -
<br /> .,�. ', Lender may agree in writing,�owever,that mt�est s&aD be gaid on t�e Fands.Lendea shall give ta Boirower,witho�cbarge.an -_
<br /> �,,+��. annaal acco�fmg of the Fuads,showing cc�dits and debits to the Fands atW the piupos�for which e�ch debit m tha Fuads was • _�:z�_
<br /> •".�,,;: ' `: � mad��e Fands ate ptedged as�onal securlty for aIl sums seanred by this Secmrity Iasbc�ment �� -
<br />- `:;r�.;., I�'Sie Fuads hetd by I.e�der exceed the amwmfs peamiued to be he2d by applicable law,Lender s6a11 accouat[a Houowea far �� '--r� - _-
<br /> , _ .;.�.._:..'�.,� �r' tUe eacess Fnnds in acca�sdance wub the reqaaements of apphcable law.If�e amount of the Fands 6eid hy L�dea at�y t�e iv .'�_` �y;;° -�
<br /> . not suf�cient to pay the Essaow Items when due,I.t�Qea may so norifiy Borrawer m writimg,and.in such case Bormwa shall pay — �`
<br /> .. w I,e��er the amount necessary w mase�ry the defccieaay_B�rmw�shall make�p the deficlency ia no�aore than twelve � --.
<br /> , mun�p PaYments.ai Lendea's so�e discretion. .. ;�..�
<br /> •� � � �. ` Upon payment in full of all sums secured by tbis Secunity Insdrumeal,Lender shall prumptty refond to Bomnwer any Funds . :
<br /> . .� . �.�.� . : held by Leadea.If,under pa:agraph 21.Lendc��aU acquhce or sell the Pmgeaty.Lendea,Driar W the acquisidon or sale af the . ::.;,''�..'_�
<br /> ., . : `:
<br /> , ' . .: Prope�ty,shall apply�any�unds detd by 1.�ds�at the dme of acqnisiaon or sale as a credic against the sums seaacd bY this •
<br /> - Sec�uity InsanmcuL .
<br /> :; �;.;;.�. � '�•� 3.Applicatton of Paymeats. Unless apptu�ble law provi8es atheawlse.all payments receiwed hy l.�dea uuder paragaphs _ � ._;,.�.;.,:��__
<br />-��`. 1 and 2 shall he applied: first,to�Y�P�ea�t charges d;c under the Note:second.to amomus payabte nnder paiagraph 2; . . � -- ---
<br /> r..' ...
<br /> � tt�d�w u�terest dae;fourt4 w P��PaI due:and last�to aay late cbarges due aader the Note. . ��
<br /> � . � � 4.Chasges;�.iens. Borrowea sha11 pay alt taxes,assessments,cbarges,Tmes and impositions�•utabia w tha Prapaty . . •� -
<br /> . � • whic6 may att�n prioriry ovc�s this Se�uIty Instrumen�and Ieasehold payments or groun�rentv,if any.Bormwer s�aU pay these ` •�f�'
<br /> . . . obli�ui�s m the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if aot�d'a►t h a t manner,Hmrower s b a ll pay t�em an t i me d i r e c t l y t o t h e ...' • .
<br /> ,, � . . ,+ �ersu�owed paymeast Borcowcr shall prampdy fumish tn F,,�der aIl nodces of amounfa to be pand under this para�aph.If . .-.
<br /> :-.<:;: -`-'.- - Bauower�nakes€�:.paymenES directiy,Bosa�ver sb�ll pramptly fumish to Lender receipLS evidencfaG�payments. _ , _- -
<br /> uo
<br /> . ' : Boaower s6a11 promptly discharge aay lien w�hich has priority oves this Seciuity Instrument un�s L�rnmwer.(a)a�ees in . °_ -.
<br /> . , . � writing w the paymtnt of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Leuder;(b)coacests in good f a i t h t he Hen . .
<br /> � � by,or defends sgainst cnfarcement of the llen in, legal proceedi�s which in the I.�cu+ca's apinion op�ate m Drevent the �, �
<br /> •� enforcement of the llen;or(c)cer�ues from tho holder of the�ien an agreement satisfaacay to I.e,nder snbordinai�g the lien to '�"';.� . .
<br /> .. , this Secwiiy Instiumeat If Lenctear deteamines fh.:t any part of the Pmpeaty is subject tn a lieo which may suain priarity over this .
<br /> • �l• � Security Instrument,Leader may give Borrower a notice identifyrmg the lica�.Boimw�shall satisfy the lien or take one or more •
<br /> : • of the acflans set forth abave aritLin 10 days of the givusg of nodoe. , �, � . .
<br /> . . � Form SQ29 9190 .
<br /> ��8R(NE)t�t2).Ot Papo 2 of e Initiats:. .
<br /> ' . . � , . _ . . . � . • • �
<br /> 'i..' .. . . � . . . � - . ' . . ' _ ' _ . . . ' . ., , . . ' -
<br /> . •. . _ . � , . . . , . . . . . .
<br /> , . .
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<br /> '�^'�'�raT'...^."�`-.+'�..-� -..1 ,. ..•1 . .
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