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<br />� � . I �< - � ` . �' . i �• � . • U` a , .. � ` `. ` t .! _t , ,Y' .
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<br /> ��..<,z,'. . ... . . V��g . ' '. _ .
<br /> • � , 16.Bor�a�ver's Ca�y. Baaower at�aaII 6s g'n ea one aonfoimed oopy of t6e Plote ana of d�is Seanity Ins�umeut
<br /> II r
<br /> 17.7'�ander aYthe �p�r o�a Bea�stai Inierest ia Bmr�wer. tf atl ot eay pa�t of the Pmye�Rq ar auy iuoeresi in it is
<br /> . . _ � �,�`:.; sold ar�e�ed(or if�a�ue�ci�l�rest In Bana�ves is sold ar�erre�aad Baaower is not a namial )without "
<br /> � ., . Lead�'s psiar writt�coa�nt.I.eada mas'.ai its�don,require ivune�iate payment 6s faII of eII sams sec�ed�Se�vrity " " �-.
<br /> .. tastt�uc�t Hawever�tLis optian s�afl nat be exe�sed by Leude�if exe�ise is pmh��by f�deial taw as af dare af dfis } �,- s -
<br /> . � ..��', Sec�uy Insteument ' �.
<br /> ` ����-=.
<br /> If Len�exea�ises tBrisopdon,Lendea sha11 give Bo:aovra narfce of s�cel�atton�e notice s�aII p�vide a ' of not less ` � `�'`
<br /> +4._-;=z. �30 days from 8ie dste the no6te is deliveted ar m�aTed within whicti Barmwer mnst pay ail sums by this Sec�ty =
<br /> f � Iasan�e�t If Bormwca€m1s tn pay diese sums p�nr ou�e expi�asion of this peaiad.Lead�r may invoke any remedies peamimed
<br /> r � �'F by this Sec�iry Ia��eat without finrther norioe er d�and on Bamnwea. -�°- ,—
<br /> . ` . !8.Bormw�'s t to If Ba�aw� mee�s c� c�itians� Hoaovver shaU 1�ve the right to tiaave `Y. _ '
<br /> � �faQCement of this S� prior oo the�rliea,o�(a)S days(or sush othcdr pexiu8 as � :
<br /> . � �. . :�°.. appti�ble taw enay�y ' Prupeaty pursamnt ro�y powedr of sale raQma�ed m mis s�y <:,, . __��,``:
<br /> .. � lastiumen�or(b)c�1ry o�a 'Itiose�tions sre that Baaowe�(a) I�all • '.�`.
<br /> : .' sams whis�t�ea wonid 6e + ' t a�d�e Nc�as iE nn axeler�inn 6ad •lf►1 aaec arrv -
<br /> . . �nF�aq o�ea cavenantg a�agrcemeat�C�1 paYs a]I e�enses incuned in anforc�g this Secuiit�r Instrame�f.iucladiag,but � --�J
<br /> - . : '' .nos l�ited tn,�sflnab�at�ncys'fee�aad(d?iskrs sncb actFoa as I.ea�ms�►m�nablY reqnire to assiue tbai tDe tien of this ' '�
<br /> ���.
<br /> Se�ity ins�L 1.�udea's rights in the Piapeaty and Barmwer's obligatiaa to payr the surms sec�uea by tbis S�cittity ""' ' -
<br /> - . �• -
<br />� , _ ..
<br /> . - _ Ins�mnegt sbaII cant�tt�anc6anged.Upan r�tateffimt try Bamnwea,tbis S Insermneat and d�e obligarinns seaue� • ° .. -----
<br /> trm
<br /> . • hereby s6aU rema�n fnity�ve as if ao axel�on Uad axiaRd.Howe�+er,dds n�' t W teinstffie shaU not apply m thecase of '' .
<br /> P F�!�•� �°
<br /> 1.` accei�adoa tmder pa�agJr$ph 17. '
<br /> . � l9 Saie otNate;Ct�apge of Lnaa Sesvfsxr: 1t�e Note or a partial intesest m the Note (togethe,r wirb tLis Secu�ity �: . --
<br /> '?, ° � Ias�anentj waY be�Id one or mare tir�s aritbout p�IOr�ce to Bonower.A sale mayr sesutt tn a change in the ea�tiry(�uwn �
<br /> ` . a4 t�e"Loau Senricer")t�at coltects mondity ayraeats dae undza the Note aad Wis Secarity►lnsawnew.There aLm may be one or � :
<br /> _ ... _ . mnre cbaage�of.W�I.Qaa Seivic��a�a sale af the Not�1f the�re Is a change of the Loan S�svicer.Bonawa w�16e �� � _
<br /> . <. . . gie�w�it�a aao�ce of ti�e chaage ia ax�e witL gara�apb 14 above aad apph'c�ble la�v.'Itte notice a�!state the narae and �.• .,y;, .,-.:�-
<br /> � `• addr�of the ne�v La�Seavic��+d the add�ress w which paymeats shoald be mad�7he notice wU aiso contain any other � -
<br /> � �' '.. mf�matioareqauedbyspp�cabtelaw. . ` �.�p,-
<br />; ' ' ,.' 7A.He�rdousSubsCauces. Bmrowca sLatl not caase or peimit Ytte pres�ce, ns�disposal.sm�age.ar releasa of any '�r_,`�;�: -
<br />� � � �u:'• .�� Hazar+dons S�bs�aces on or m the Property.Bmmwea�aII noi do,not atlaw anyone else tfl do.aaydring affecarng dt�Pcape�ty - �:�g�.;;,.-;_
<br /> - ..... :.4_:.:. thai is in vlo�on'of F�vimnmental Lacv.7Tie preceQIng two seutences sLall notappIy to 8ie preseace:nse,os stniage on the : ,�__j11-- -,.��
<br />�t-�-° ' Prop�ty of smaII qaa��es of Har�d�o¢4 Substauces thai are genraally recogn#zed�to be�state to naimal residenti�l uses "c;�`--
<br /> -'. aad to a�ifl�ance of the Peoperty. --- -
<br /> � v��s�ba�U Pma�pd9 &ive I�uded wriuen nottCe af aQy jnvest3gation,c1a3m, deinand,tawsdit or odier acx�an tn►mry ` •�'�
<br /> 80 �5+ �Y�P�P�Y invoIviag�Ptoperty and mry Haxardons Substance ur Envhonts��Law �'
<br /> . `�`,�. of wt�s Bo�ower 6as�aw2ec�ge.If Bamaara 1e�ms.vr�nobfied bY�Y 80�������tY a�omy,ttsataay '`�
<br />- . . , m,a�ovs'�or othea r�aediation of an Hmardous Snbstance aff '�� °
<br /> Y �ir�g d�e Pic+npeaty is neces,�ary.Bormwear sAa11 promptIy raks aD
<br /> • necess�y teanedial aarons m arcoidance with Environmeatml Law. '.��': -,_.----
<br /> • As used in tdis ya[agrapb?A, "Ha�rdaus Snbstances"ace•those snbstances defined as mxic or�rd�s satsstanras by °`�`-_-
<br /> . Enviranme��l Law and the followfng substauces: gasoline, kemsene, othca ffammabte ar wxic pe�olwmpradacts. tosic :...;:-: �::--
<br /> pestisides and heabicid�,wlatIte solveuts.ma!erials conm�ning astsesWs ar fmmaldehyde.mad iadi�nactive matr�a�.As tised ia . •� �----
<br /> .'�r_ �
<br /> • ' t h i s h Z 8,"F m v i ro a m e.n t a l L aw"m e a n s f e d e�a]t a w s a n d/a w s of t h e j i u i s�c H a n wh e a r e t h e P m p e a t y i s l o t�f e d t b a t i e l a 2 e ' •�::,s
<br /> . . . ta h�t�ety pr,o o ed -
<br /> '" or environme�ntal tec�an. '
<br /> .. . . � . ;. ��,=
<br /> �,t _- -•
<br /> . . . . ' NONdJI�TIFORM COYENANTS.8amawea and I�der furthPa coveDant and agree�s follnw� ���, �1t
<br /> —, < tIl.Acee�ratioa;Reme�es.l�r�r s�aD givc noYire fi Bc.-e+a��prlur to at�:drsttm faEa�Bo;srr�es's Cra�D of r ~ _
<br /> r ;�
<br /> , aay �seaant ar agreement Qn 4Lis Secmrhy Instrumeat (but not pator to�acrele�ation under p�rraaprapb 1T aniess ,
<br /> .���.�._...;
<br /> . , . a�pti�le lac+provld�'otheswfse)•�'he notice sbaD specify:(a)t�e delaalt;(A)t�e sctton r2qntrctil to aae tGe detaul4i(c) �.�:==., --
<br />- , _ a da�e,not tess than 30 d�ya fiom the date tbe aodce ta given to Bosrower.by wi�Ie6 the detanit cz�!6e cur�tl;and(d) "'-'�W —�-.
<br /> _ �. .. �:•.;`F; Wat�ailure to�e the ddanit an vr bef'are mSe aiate speci�im the�ot�may re�alt fn acceterat�ot ttie sums serore� . . . .�� *'`;-�
<br />=: .� . 1, by t�Secarlty Instroment aad safe o!ths�*opert�.7'dz�tiae sbN!twrther inform Boprower of tae rlght t�reinstate __ _ _
<br /> � �. • � � :r aiter a�Ieratfon and t6e rigDt t�Drin�a wart actton tn asser�the uoa�istence ol.a defauit as any other dete�se ot � ���•���:�
<br /> _� . ��` Borra:rer to ecceIeratfon and sa1e.U t6e defa�I!is no0 cared on or 6ePare the date specified in t'I¢e not[oe,Leader,at its . . ---= --
<br /> . . ..,' •t�' oP���9 reqahe tm�ediate payment in fc�ot aIl sams sec�ned b�r t6ts Secartty Ius3rnmen!wi�oUt fa�ther deanand � • � , ---
<br /> � . �; and maq invoge 41ie power u?s�le and any c�u�remedtce permitted bY apDllr�ble faw Lender ebatB De entiQed to ooIIect . .
<br /> �, . . �� i. atf espenses incarrod in parsatn�the remedies pmvided in this paragrap6 tl,fadading,6nt not Gmited to.reasonabtP � �
<br /> � � ,� attorQgys'fees ana oost�ottitie es�dence. � '� '
<br /> _ : ---.__-�. Yf the g�rer o!s�le ts t�vo�s�,Troslee�aA reoord a c�u#ite o�dtt��tt tn ea� eounty � � agy�art of t6e - . -.-
<br /> • . , Piroperty fs�acated and s6aU mt�iil wptes of sac6 aotice in t�e mt�aner pi�a�i6ed by apptis�bte law tm Sorrower and to the . • � .
<br /> _ � . ot6er peasons ps�cribe6 Dy applica6te faw.A4�gr the time nqnired by aypltcable law��Ynsi¢e sna�give pubtic notice o� . ,� a.:�
<br /> . . sale to tGe persnns and in the manuer pressrl6ed bp applIcabte 1aw.Trustee.withont demand on�orraooer,s���eB the . '
<br /> ' Property et publlc uaction to the C�hest�idder at the 4tme a�d place aud ander the terms desig�oated in the aoSioe of sa2e - �
<br /> � . Foam 8pZ8 9�90 ' . . ..
<br /> . . � �-6�I(N£)(92t2).ot vsposote �n�t�als:.._�_,. �• � • � . ,
<br /> •. ' ' . ' ' . . . . .'._ . ' . . - . . .. .• . . , . . _. .
<br /> � . r . � . , ' . . . . . . . . • .. . . . . � '_ � .
<br />- • • . ' . .. , : . . . • ' � . ' . ,: . . :. ..
<br /> _ . '. ' ' , • . .
<br /> , • . -- ------- . . . ,_ ..
<br /> ', . . • , . '. . . � , , .. .�,�. ' -
<br /> �.. . . ,<<• ' '^ ���: , .
<br /> ..
<br /> -.,:., ,.,' �.: .. ,. , ..,. ; :. . , ... . .- � � • .. .. . . . '�'�:', • -
<br />