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<br /> t}� . . . `11'c � .L� .s �.�. . _-� . .
<br /> t . ' '+� . F � � < ' - ' S -��� ` ' o �y '�
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<br /> f," (t�'2 � `, � ,ti._' Y 4 �� .- '("..� , v _ - . } -� . '- - -. `C'.
<br /> f �1 C F � C L t � (4 C.
<br /> ti C t � � 4. . `"4, t , 't:a - 'F �(..
<br /> - . �` r - •.'c u.ct�' ! 6 c Y_� .� ,�.,�-`: :d('R f �f: .E� ,` � . � �� `� � _ ..'fi<.
<br /> 't� ' 4� .�` - - ` - - - '�"-S- - - - L`-` _ - +i.- .
<br /> .tn --< '1<�t
<br /> .. �'. . },� . ��� ���� � 1 ' ! �(• ` �•
<br /> � `�' �a E . . . �..
<br /> .�(.!.
<br /> , �.: ,c � paymerts m�y no tongea be ieqa�ed,ai the op�um of I.c�dPr,�mort�e iusur�nce coveaage('m the amoant and for the perind �``��` :F��'��:.,-�
<br /> �
<br /> � �- . . .
<br /> � , tbat Le�dea reqa�s)Fravided by aa inss�uer appmved by I.e�dei�gain 6ecomes ava�7able aad is obaa�ed.Haauwer stiall pay ths :'��-�.�,Q�:'.
<br /> � " _ pre�iams ieq�ed to mam�i mQr�ge ms�sa�ia effe�.ar m gmvflde a Ioss reseav��7 tha:eq�meat f�martgage � -. °n
<br /> F� ., ��.... Be �
<br /> . �� ' msurauce edds in acc�d�ce via��y vni�a agce�ne�tbeiwe�Bosmweraua IRaderorappltCable law. ~��, �.��°�
<br /> w �
<br /> . `;-='�"-��" 9 Inspatt�an. L�de�or ns agats cnay►make�easaaabFe�trie.g c�n aad inspec�ns of the Pcoperty.Le�der st�aall give ` � ��:. �� ."y`��'`.
<br /> .
<br /> - �- Borravra aatsce ai tt�e ti�of ur�w en a�pec�spec3fyinS res�b2e cause for the ia�ect�. , `'�--
<br /> ��. � � 10 C.and�oa8on. 1l�e ptaceeds of any awaid ar cia�far damage� di�t or c.�soqas�tial.In w�ecdoa with aay _ °
<br /> ,,. :� w c , _.
<br /> . . cond�nstian ar other takmg af aay pa�t of the Ptop�ty.or for ooaveyance i�lien of cond�ana�.are her�y assigaed aud ' `
<br /> . ,• S�I3A�)CQd�mT.�ll�t'l. �� < r -.-_=
<br /> . - � •-•- : ' Ia�►e evc,ni of a mtal tak�ng af the Prapearty,the pmc�eds spaD is$applieo��the sma.s seca�ed by this Se�uriry Instrumegt. "c���:`���-�-_
<br /> � � :_ ,�� wheih�or not tha►dn�with aay exceas paid G�Bormwca.In the eveataf apatdalral.�g of�e Pcoperty in whic8 the fair ma�cet ` ,r .'` -
<br /> -: -:----_ =%����'r�i`-"•�i��mc�ang is cquai o0 or��er ti�me a�oi.me�s�iry tbis�eamrity . - -`=` —:
<br /> .f ,.�; �� . � F Insocaraent immediatedy before the taI�g,aflIess Baaowea 2nd L�dea otDecaise a�gee m wA6mg,the�ams secuced by this ,`. "�.r:�";
<br /> �`E
<br /> �� � �' �_ � 5eemity Ias�eat shall bs�by the smomit of the piaceeds mui�plied by t1�follovrmg f�aciion:(a}the total amo�st of � =�_'='''-
<br />: � .:,�� _ -
<br /> _ � .' the sums se�ued immediatet�before the�g,dividea bY N)ths fair market value of the Prope�ty�amedi�eiy befoie the - ` -
<br /> ` ..f;<: �.Anyr balaace shali 6e gaid to B�reowe�Ia ttce eve�t of a pa�tial taking af the Prap�ty in wluch tl�faumarket vatae of the �—
<br /> .. . ., `. Pmgerty immediat�ty befare the tat�g Ls Iess than @ie ama�t of the sams seca�e�immediaieIy befoze the taking, �S.s . -`�.?
<br /> _ . �Boafl�cea snd Leadca�wise�ee in writmg�or antess applicable laar otheaavise grovides.the prac�eds sriaD be apptie8 0o the � - --
<br /> � .�k� sums se�ed by�is ges�rity Inst�ment whethcs ai aot the sams are tis�dae. .-
<br /> °,,�+ �..:-:.�;<%_i,•. if the Pro�ty3s abandoued by Baauwe�ar if,ai�not�ce 6y Leader to Bmsawer that the cand�or affeas to make an �`.�_7::��. .�
<br /> awanl orsc.�a claim fos d�nages,Banow�fa�7s to�espond m Leudea arithin 30 8ays after the dare We aot�cce is give�.l.�der , :` `,. ,
<br /> , r - e , t.
<br /> � :.� is a�iha�ized w coIIect aad appty the proceeds�at its opuon,eitha to resd�s�on or�air of the Ptogerty�r tn thesams seaued � � -�-
<br /> ` � . bq this Se�trily I�trame�t,whe�her or nat thm dae. , .' °`-
<br /> � '. _ �--�:.�:
<br /> Unless Icnder and Bmcawea otheawise agree in wridng,anY aPPlic�tion of�mceeds to prfoucipai shari ryai e�md or posipoae � � �?� -.--
<br /> .:, �°r`.,,;:t�..:..�`. tIle duc dffie of the manthlY PaY�nts�tn in parag�nphs 2 and 2 ar cbange tbe amouataf sac6 paymea�s, _.'-::F'-T::=.__ _
<br /> 1B.Bonbwer l�o!Be2eas�;For�earnnce By Leuder PTot a{Waiver. ExGarsion of t�e time for payanent or mndifu�atian r�r._.:�:, ��
<br /> ,:
<br /> - of�uast�nn of the sums s�med by tbis SeauIty�nstrament gianred by LeQder ta aay suoces�in int�st of Bosm�r�sbaU , .- �' _-----
<br /> ' � noi apaaD�to�celease the liah�7ity of the arigb�al Harrowes or Boaower's suocessars in�est Le�td�r sha11 not 6e teqaaed ta •:`sR�` -
<br /> .�'�.r � :'KiSa,�`�*'-
<br />-- •:;,,�,, , �.� camm�ee Praceedfngs against a�p'suecessnr m Int�e.at ar ref�se w extettcl time for gaymai or othaartse modify muaio'rrauan of � :;�.;..��-.=�'r.--
<br /> �o<:,�....T,:
<br /> . �'`"ti`.�: •. � ' the s�s secmred by tbis Secaritq.Insuument by reason of amy demand made by 4�e original BaAnou�ar Hoaowea's saccessors .�c.�,,�:.
<br /> , � � � iu ia�rest Any faibeaiance by Lender ia exe�eising any right or neanedy sLaU aot be a waivea of or prectade the ex�i.se of any � . ` '"`- '7�_�=-.
<br /> - .. s rfgbtorremedy. . , . -..r= :.,_
<br /> � ..t. � ;" Y�.Sncoesso�s aa�AssigIIS�arnad:Joint amd Severa+!�biPIty:Co-slgnera T6e cove�ts and � : ��t�Y �-,-_
<br /> . 'f aigreements of this °°���=
<br /> ,",dt;�„�,, --
<br /> , . �, SeaaitY tns0�eat s�ll bi�d and benefit the sucerssors�assigus of Latder�d Barrowea,sabject m the pmvist�om,s of
<br /> pmvi � :�
<br /> . P�B�Pb 17. B�ower's cave�ants and ag�eements shaYl be joint and seveaal. Any Bamuwea who co-sigas th4s Sec�iry , � _
<br /> �; .ti,e� � ��.�
<br /> ' � ' '� Instrament but does not execute the Not� (a)is co-s�g this Sequity Insicume�i only W murtgage,�ant�d caavey Ebai '-::�:.s� -�- �
<br /> � '"�'#�-� Barrower's�teaest�the Yroperry undear the terms of this Secmiry Insawn�ng @)is not e�o . .....�.w- ��`
<br /> .. p naity obHgated to pay the sums ,��. �, Y.,
<br />_ --,- 1 : �hy this Security tss�^tua�fi s,-id(c)agre�s ti�at L�adar mW�y qthea Bairawea may agtee to exoead,modi�fy.fotbear or --~Y'�-`_`_-
<br /> s
<br /> . �` make mry accomraodai�ons witb r.�rd to the trams of this Seaniry Inswment or the Note cvithout that Bortow�'s cansent �, °
<br /> s_,
<br /> � 13 Q.oaa Charges. If the ioan seaued b this S � ;-''���;-
<br />=- , . aa�d that!aw is a y �Y�nstrtuu�t is sab�ect to a 1$w whicb sets maaimum loan cl�cges. , -
<br /> �"Y m�ted su that the inreaest or other toan charges collecxrA ar ro be colte�ted is�c�smecdon wiQ►tite loaa .
<br /> "-- - encee�f Q�e pe��+*�d timirs.meo:(a�any sach loau el�arge shaII 6e rednced hy the amount aecessary%red�ca the charge to�he . .. °—
<br /> -°_ ' ' . peamitte�1imi�an�(b)any sums al�ady collected&om Baaower whisL exceeded pe.nniued limim will bo refimded w Barrower. � ."-
<br />.�`� : �. � Len�es may choflse w malce tLis refimd by redaang fhe�sinclpal owed undc�tl�e Note ar by mak�g a direct payment to --, --.,A-- �-a
<br /> . .. Bormwer.If a refund reduces prlacipal,tha reducolon wiU be treated as a par�ial prepaymeat witAout any yrepayment c�harge � '
<br /> .',�' •, . ond�the Note. , . --- .
<br /> �,�,�--
<br /> � . � � 24.Nottcea My aotice to Borrowed provided for in ttils Seandry Iaswmeatt shall.be given by delivering it or by mailmg it ..
<br /> . � . . : by Cust class ma�7 unJess appti�::.'?,;law requues use of aaot�er raethod'Ifre nutice shall be d'uecaed tn the Propeny Add�or '
<br /> - . ; miy.other address Bm�mwer •7--, byr nottce W Lendes.�ny noticce to 1.�8er sha116�glven by fust ctass mail w I�endea's� .°,.. �. �� � --,..
<br /> n e
<br /> __-- --__--- - � address srated herda os sn o�address Lendea desi -.--'.- -.-:�,.-;='
<br /> , Y S�hY notice w Borraxrea.An3i nouce providod for u�this Sec�uiry . �. •
<br /> . � � � Inswment shatl be dc,e.med w have been given to Borrow�or Lendea when�iven as provIded 3n this Dat�graph. � � � - -
<br /> • '. � 1S.Covemi:.;�aw;Severab�i4y Tlils Security Instrument sdall be governed by federal law and the 1aw of the ., �. '.{� �...
<br /> . } JurisdIction in which We Property ls lacated. In the event that any�rovision or clavse of tlils Se�rity Instrument or the Note ' • .
<br /> . . oonfl:�s with appllcable 1aw.sucb canftict shaU not affeee a�c�r provisions of tfis Seeurity lnstrument or the Note w�:sb ean be �
<br /> '`, � � , �`. gtvea c-�ett arithout the contticoing provision.To th9s end fine pmvLsions of thls Sectirity InsUuraent�cd the Nots a:e declared tn
<br /> � '. be severable. � . �
<br /> � • Form 8020 9/90 � •
<br /> .. � . �•6R(NE)���2�.0� Papo4olB mniate:_, . _.__ . . . �'
<br /> . . : . :P1 � .,
<br /> . � . .
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<br /> - . . . .. � . . � .. - . .. '�. . ; . . . ' ' � , •
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<br /> � .
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