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<br /> - �`.:s\<.,.s,`.�i � . . 5.Ha�� or Ptoperty� Insa�ance. Boimwer shall keep dse imptovements now exisdng ar �ere�ed oa tfie f�`��� `' �
<br />_ - '-`�-�`•�. , ����< Pragerty insumd against loss b3r sre,°nararas incluaea wit�,che tea�n °eac�anaea ooverage�ana asy otner ha�ai+ds,instudiag ,
<br /> �:i '_:�,' ttoods or IIaoding,for whistt L�der s�ins+aamce.'�is iasuraac�shall be mamtamed�the a�ts aad for the pesiads .`� ; � ` -
<br /> � `%°��• `�.` • � tLaz �xader req�aues- The ins�uanoe caaier providin�chs imsurdnce shall be chosea by Bomnwer subjea to Leader's appmval �. '� `,' '}
<br /> ����� �fiicb shall not He imreasonabiy withDeld.ff�omnNer f�s to maiutam coverage descn'b�l abave, I.�de=raay,at L,eader's �' • �•` •':
<br /> ��.�J.�
<br /> n �;{��� �� � ;.•; option,o�btain oavetage La pto�st LeadarTs rigb.ts in tha�ragerty ia aa�s�danoe with paragcagh 9. �'� ,�� =
<br /> °�•'��"�.:4i.t�j N!�polici�aa�reaeaals sLaII be acceprable w I�nder�d shaU iacta�e a staadard mortgage clause. L�der , ° ,°
<br />; `::,i�=��`i�•,<;`� shatt have tTae aght to hoId the policies aad renswats.If Lender requttes,Boimwer shail pramPBJ►gtne to L�nder aD receigts of ':�-.. . .�� -
<br /> � i � P�P��aad renewaI notices.In the eveat of 2oss,Borrower shall give pmmpt aatice to the insitr�ce c�ater aad Leader. " , -- _i�;�.
<br /> � .,�a I�ader may�make pcoof of Ioss if nut mad�Pi'omptiY�y Bomaarer. � '' r ="';.
<br /> -, ° ��,.° • �CSS�E1iCTCt�8(lSIOWEI OI$HWLSC lII VIRI �t '` _s}'-
<br /> ag�ee' tFng.insuaance pmceeds sLall be applied w c�swration or npair of the � .� . -
<br /> • ���` ;-� proPErty damage�d,ff the restaration oz�air ia aconomiraIly feasi'bte aad L�ter's security is not iesseaed.tf the r�storation or ���;�� _
<br /> , �.'� � .:, repair is not economically feasi'ble or LeQder's secarIty woutd 6e lessea�.th��ins�uance pmce�s shaU be apptie6 tp the sum9 �"�4-�-�-
<br /> � � - se�ured by this Seauity insu�ment, whet�er or not then due,with�aayr eacess paid to Borra�ver. If Basiower aban�ans the � .
<br /> ,,,_,
<br /> ° ; Property.az does aat answar witbin 30 daqa a nottce from I.eader that tha iasurance caarter has offered ro se,tsle a etai�.then _.—r =
<br /> `� ��:�-�. � leader may coIIect ehe instuaitce pr+oreeds. L�end�r magr use tke pmceeds w repair or testore the P�perty or w pay sums •:o ;;
<br /> _ . . secint�by this Secarity tnauument,whether or not thea due.The 3Q�day FerIod will begin arhea the aotice is g[ven. �+.�,:
<br /> �. `��'` � Unless Leadet and Boirower otherarlse a�ree in writing,mry�P1lc�don of p�ce�ds w priacipal s�al!not euead ar . �
<br />,����� t;�.;;�: � �-
<br /> . • " gostFone t�e dae date of the mamLlY Paymenrs refeaed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chaage the amomu of the paymeats.If . ,.._
<br /> Y �.�r �. � ` . u�der pa�eg�apb 21 t�e Pragerty is acqu�r�ed by Le�nder,Borrawer's�ight to�y iasnraace pol�cies aad procerds�sulting from `�_�`-�':=;�- ;
<br /> .�;..: _.<-, . .
<br /> , �:�., damage to t$e Pr+ape�rty pri4r to the acquisirioa sball pass to lender to the exteat of the sums se�urd by this Security lnsuument , - _ _
<br /> . � immediatel3►PrIor to the acquisitton. . '�m -
<br /> . , . . ' �.Qoe�paIICy��+eservatt�n,N�i�eaoe end P�ot�dton of the Propaetyi BomOwe�''s aAaD AppllCS�OD•s LeBSe�iollL4. _'_�_�_r"��.;, z
<br /> � J:' Barrowec shall otq�py,establisL,and use the Propeny as Bbrmwer's principal resideace wlthiq sixey days a�t e t t he eaerurian o f �." ..---
<br /> ' ( ...-y.f 4 vI'_��-x_
<br /> �_..:.....;..:�..�._,:..-s.� ttus Seauity tass�tunent and shaU condm�e to accvpy the Pmpeny as Bvrrowe�s grincipal residence fai at Ieast one year aRer � ` -� -
<br /> F �, .� condn ___
<br /> .. . � �.�.f., the date of a�.y,�imless LEader otheiwise agrees ia writing,vrhich oonsent shaU not be�onably wlt6hetd.or ualess �=`
<br />_ � � . ex�n��a�a ci�camstantes exist whicL are beyand Bamnwer's contml. Boraower shail not dcstray, daip!aSe or Impair the -�:,--.-.�.: ,.�
<br /> -. :r- �.. Property,allow the Pr�operry t�dete=Iocate,or commit waste oa the Properry.Bo�swer shari be�a aefautt if auy forfeititte ;.�'. �'�;;�'--
<br /> . �.��'. �' -�
<br /> .` •,;};;':�<`': ' � 's sqYOn or psaceediag,whether civil az criminal,is began that in Lender's good faith 2udgment c�anid resu�t in forfeit�ue of the -�-� -
<br /> =_�F'.. �u %;R.-;'.�'-
<br /> ;,�,�;.:: ' �. �roQEry+o�othe=wlse materiaIIy impair Qae lien creazed by this Security In�ment or I.�der's se�rity.intere,st.Horrovier may ' ,
<br /> � ' � cau�e such a default aad re3nstar�,as provld�in ara h 18. causing the act�on or ceedin ta be dismissed wltb a nilin � ':::�'�:� .��
<br /> ;�. '�� P �P bN Pro � g •:���-
<br /> . '`';:�. ��� ! � � ;- that, �n Lender's goad faith d�erminadon, Psetindes forfeitare of the Bomawer's inte�re.st ia the Fivpclty or other material , �.i..._.�
<br /> .- '� lmpaiiment of the lien cceated by this Security Insatimeut or Leader's seauity inteiest. Bnrraa�r sbal{also be in defaalt if
<br /> i �-"r�.-"�--
<br /> . � : .' st ' Borrower,d�ulag the toan applicadaa prorxss,gave materfaily faise or�acauate information or state�uents tQ Lender(or faited - ----- - --
<br /> : . ' ` %` ao pmvide Lxnd�s with any material inform�ation)in connectioa wtth the loau�videnced by lhe 1Vote.i�ur,ludiag,but not limited •.,�
<br /> . � � . m,r+epmsentarioas conoenaing Hoaower's occupancy of the Property as a priacipal residence.lf this 3eauIty lnstniment is on a ��`�"-
<br /> Ieasehold. Borrov�er shaU oazssply aritA ail the provisions of the lease.,If Borrower acquir�s fee title w the �ruperty, the . - .' .f�►�,-
<br /> ..�.~. , leasehold amd tb�e fee tide shal!not merge unless Lender agcees m the merger in writing. . `•._,�� �=_-
<br /> ', ";,�., ; �.� �• _
<br /> , 7.Yr�tection of Lrader's Rlp,h�s tn the P�+nperty.If Boisower fails to perform the cavenamts aad agteements coatained ia , _ .. - -
<br /> . ,`� this Security Insuument,or there is a lega]proceeding that may significandy affe�t Leader's righ'ts in Qie ProFertY(such as a .'� _-_
<br />'f � � �- proree�g inban�uptcy.probate.fineandemnation or forfeitu�or to enforce laws or regulations). tLea I.ender'may dv aud �����p;
<br /> Y_. �::�' ,� ,.: pay for�whatever is necessary to protea the value of the Ptopetty aad Lender's righu in the Property.Lender's actions may ' . -_--
<br /> `- . �� i�clude Da3+�B �Y sums secur�d hy a IIea whicl� has prloriry over tbis Sewrity Instrumenc, �pearInS in caurt, PaYmg ', �'`"".�: °�`°----
<br /> '. •�.t.
<br /> . � � reasanable attoraeys' fees and enteri�sg on the Propeny to make repalrs. Althougb Lender may take action under this paragraph � °�?��
<br /> '� . � 7,Leader does aot have to do so. � �� � -= °
<br /> � " # Any amonnts d3sbwsed by Lender nnder tLia paragrapL 7 sLall become additiomal debt of 8ormwer see�ued by this . � '°,T.-;
<br /> � �� . ! � Secarlty lnswment. Unless Boaower aad Leader agree to oWer telms of payment,chese amaunts shall bear interest fmm the
<br /> �• �_%- Qat�of dism�rsement at tHe�?ote ta�e aIId sha11 be payable, aitb interest,upon aotice from Lender to Borrower requesting z--- -�-�=--
<br /> _( -- . _.� P�ment. � -.. . -_
<br /> � 8.Mo�4gage Insmance. If Lende�szquired mortgage insuraace as a condition of makiag the loaa secureA by this Securlty , �'�-
<br /> . . � ... ,, . .:,.,:•.:
<br /> � Instrument, Borrower shaU pay the premiwas required to maintain the mortgage iasurance in effect. If. for any reason, the , �
<br />- � ' � .. mortgage insurance caverage sEquired by Lender lapses or ceases to ba in effect,Bmrrower shall pay ttie premiums required to � , • �' •
<br /> � � ' �� obrain coverage substantiaily equivalent to the mortgage insurance previousty in eff�ct,at a cost substandally egu9valent to the . ° ,�> �
<br /> .���' � . ' cost to Bosrower of the tnortgage insurance previously in effett, from an altemate mortgage insuner approved by Leader.If . �. �� _
<br /> , . :' ' subsuwdally eqnivalent mortgage insuraace caverage ls aot availabte.Borrower ehall pay to Lender each montb a sum equal to '. • �
<br /> - ,� �, one-twelfth of the yearly mnrtgage iasurance prEmium being paid by Borrower when the lnsurance aove�age IapseB or ceased to �
<br /> . '� „ , be ia effect.Leader wi11 accept,use mmd reta9a these payments as a loss reserve�n lieu of mortgage insurance. l.ass reserve , .. • � .
<br /> �:c.� � - FoRn 302 8/80 •
<br /> � � � . ���BRINE�19�t 2t.Ot veoe 3 ot e w�,�,; .� , . .
<br /> _ ...._. —- . --�--� . . . . ' - � � -
<br /> ' ' . . . , . . : , . , ;
<br /> . :. • .. , . . . .
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