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<br /> � _�: ' We.Jat�n D Raei�l snd Ju�a H.Reehl , Husband and Wife As .�oi.n�t Tenants � a
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<br /> = cs ;��- � . - � -�� ;
<br /> < � � (•Trusto� �. =.:
<br /> � � • � �
<br /> _y . • under the toQovMg Oeed ot Trust tn be ent�ed int�among Tcustors.Atentl R. BaBCk;Aitas9tev at Law.P. O. Bnx_ ��,
<br /> • �s`� 790 Q nd tstan Webraska 688�2 ���";'
<br /> .`4-. - � � _ _ -•(°TNStCB�?.
<br /> � -_i � - -- �� ....::.
<br /> �,• .,� `-� `_ and e Qverfa�ed Nationaf Bank of Qrand tsland
<br /> .�_-=-
<br /> � '� '' � (`genefl�y)wvering the propertyt desa+bed below hereby ac�owtsd4e that it b understaod that(a}the Oeed of 7rust to be , �:
<br /> °�.,.., _:�.
<br /> �' '� ' mcecuted Dy Tntstor fs a trust QeeB and not a moRgags and(b)the pow�;ot sale,pmvided for in fhe Oeed c�"t�ust prmvides . ���
<br /> ..•�` •��r"' suDstanttallY d'Aterent dghts,�nd,aLiK�ons to the Trusior thari a r�ort�ge in ths evertt of detauft or breach oP o�gadon. � .;
<br />� _.��..w..:.:.�`:__ ' - . . �---��
<br /> �' "'� � T�tstor admoWfedges thet�`s�mowJed9m?et was made p,:oi ta the exepidoh ot the Qfr�si of Trust� , . —
<br /> �o.
<br />_ - " 6 � Exepned end d�.'ed this 6tt1_,dall a!Navemiardr .���� . . .. '<�:.�:
<br />,��, ,.,`,G., Trustot C ' '�.LL.?..
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<br /> � '�.. —,1997 : =.:°_._
<br /> �� ' ' THIS O£ED oF TRU37('Sewrfry Instrument')is made on Novemllar 6ti� — ' �
<br /> c"=—
<br /> �� . � , . . , Tt�e tcustor ts Jo�ri D.Re�eht and Ja�ne K.Reeh! Hus6and and Wii� ����M Y�a� (•Bar�owef) r';"'";"
<br />-'.{•n. . , , . �
<br /> P. O.Hox 79t1 Ora�ttD tsland.Nabraska 6t3802 "'_
<br />- - - � --..._.. -- Tho wster is A�end R Baack, Attomav at l.aw. .'-�
<br /> � �::=..�
<br /> � . . ('Trustee°j.The beneRciary , �.:°
<br /> , Tho Ovortand Naitonaf Bank Grand land whicN ts organited and e�dsting
<br /> `�_' ' ' under the Iawa ot T�te nttad States Arrtertce ,end vlhose adQtess i�,�Q4 IA16St 7�11rd StTee! . �-
<br /> - 4 '. � v. . . _-
<br /> � 6ran�tsland NE 69�Ot � (•�.ender}. �-j
<br /> Eomower awes Lender the prtncip�i sum at 8eveM�r our Tf[ousand sv�n Hun red Flfteen an 92 100
<br />��. • peUara(US.$74.?i5.82 I. ThH debt Is eviQenced b�Battower's note
<br />,�, ,. ., .
<br /> � � dated the same date as this Seairtty fnsUumeat�('tVote'),which proHdes tor monthty paymenta.aritN the fu0 deM,H not paid _ ,
<br /> �'.. ` . � . earlier,due and payable on Navemhe�� 2002 --- . �
<br /> S�. ;,'�,. ' : � TAis Security Insbument secures ta Lendet: (a)repayment ot the deb4 evidenced by ihe Note, wtih interest.and aD renewals.
<br />-:,� . � �ertsions and mad'�icaUons N the Note: (b) the payment o1 a11 other sums. vhtb Interest, aQvanced under paragraAh 7 to
<br /> r . protecl tfie securny of this Security tnstrumer� aad (c) the pertomianee ot Barto�efs cavencurts and agreemeMs. �or this '�
<br /> . purpose, Bartower Urevocably grants end eanveys to Trustee, in trust, with power ot sate, the toQowing destr�ed properiy `'�•
<br /> ��;:, . ` ,• ,,: torated In HsU Comny�Nebraska . . _
<br />- - =��_=�.-�.�J'' A tea�t a� tand loaated ta ths Southeast Quarter o4 the Nartliwes4 �luarter (SE1/4A1W9 4) a4 -r
<br /> � � . SBCtion Tvre��y.p�oe (21), Towreshtp @tovon (11 NoM, Range Nina (9) Y�est af the 63h ��., In ,
<br /> !; • � ' Nait Coun�y N"ebras6ca, mare paaticularty descri�d es 4o11aws: Bepinning a4 an iran Etake on tho
<br /> � � • � � • em�4he�iy l�ree ot Anna Stresf in tho City of Grand tsland, lVetorasfca, whtch Is 8'f0 feet
<br />''•:?{ ' . .�� �� ��: southw�steriy 4�om a potnt where the southe�y Itn�af Mna Street tMersects tho east lina o4 the ,,
<br />�:�''" • �. Sautheas!�uartor M 4he Northwest Guarter(SE1/4NW1/4 ar�SecNon Twenty�ane �(21). Township
<br />;'f . .p Eleven (11). North. Ranss Nine (9) Wost a!�the 6th �M., th�nce turning a �tgh! an o ana! `::��
<br /> �,�;. � � ►unntng 1n a sou'lheas3erijl directlon paraltel arith the easterly line of Jackson Stre e�as e�onded,
<br /> :: tor a distartce o f 1 3 2 tee l, t henc e �u n n i n g r i g M 9 0 d e g r e a s i n e s e�t h w e s t e r t y a i r e c t i o n t o t a
<br />`:;#, ' • distance of 90 feel, thence running rl9ht 90 degrees parattel to tho e�dended IIRe M Jackson . •
<br /> -�:�� . , . . . south9r�iy I1ne�o;ftAnna BU�eetBtto the ptae of°�gir7ininge of Mna Street, thonce �ight along tiie ., �'
<br />.� � •
<br /> .. ; . .
<br />� . , ,
<br /> ' � which has the address of 1623 W9st Mna SL .Grand island.
<br /> � ' S:reET C11y
<br /> � Nebraske 68801-6303 1'�Perly Address'): �-//``�� .
<br /> ' D C A ��
<br /> ... . • � Fcrrs;x�29 3/"oU l�E6P�SKA���.'c F��n�ty F4LMai.r+l!A� �J�'FOR:7 IYSTAU'/.E"f��3=T �t 5
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