..,-. _A z, :�� ,.Y;;�•i �-�- , — -
<br /> s _
<br /> . , ua ti . �a�,-��F� _
<br /> . , . s ��,�,?�. r .. ` . ,�y _. `__ �� ..3 c c _ ' f t . -�' �` F. �h a _i. .- .
<br /> S�f � E . `� . F ti
<br /> �, �,s` f F�. �., � � ` .},l � r _ �, � �� F� `C ` �, .��' ,� .F � S ." i�,yicq�,.,,� a
<br /> :.__..�` �yd�d'�P"�!e F t��' .' ...W.� .. Z � _ `x!�' _f. ,i. cC.. — F-7� ro —����Y� k _
<br /> 1��� � T _^—r,r., �tc� •�,. J _ `�'� . , l �G -
<br /> lt�h� . . � . . , . . � '
<br /> �d �,t� 5 u( ' • � . • � �
<br /> ,��`':�'.. '�� Horrower s�alt proa�ly give Lender written aotIee of eny investigation.ciaim.dematEd. tatvsuit er o�cer nst�un b uny �
<br /> 0 y
<br /> ��'��'��„��-�, goverame�a1 or;egnlatory ab'�sS+or PT��P�Y iavolving td�e Pro an�aay Ha�udnus Subst�nae or E�tvirafitnentnl[mw
<br /> '�`������ `, '< af which Borrower Uaas ac�nal Imuwied�e.If Barro�rer kams. or is ao�bY anY vemmentaY ar re�talatary au`tl�frity�.thst` � _'
<br /> � }��. �.. S
<br />~.-_��;;.<<u,;{�'';•`. x. aay r�maeal ar atl�r rem�iaticn o€any Hatardous Subsiance affectit�tfle Pmpesly, s r.eoessa�+.So�rrower sfic�tl pmmpt�y tn�e �- -
<br /> ��j,�� � alt nec�ary remed�ial aaiRns in acwidance with Bmrimnmeata�tacv: . �
<br /> �.,._�:.'����� �.�-�� As used in this paragraph Z0. 'Har.udous Substances°a�re those substana��ned av coaic or ha�trdaus subxun�ces{ty � .
<br /> ``'`���.°��;: • _`°{ Envuanmema!I�w aad the foUowin� snbstanacs: gascsline.,lsemsene. other tlammable Ar toxtc prtmleum Praducv9. tnxic �_.
<br /> .. �>.::� � ° v ��'�
<br /> a�,;,�. �` .,:,��, pestisides and herbi�ides,volajile sofveats.nfateri�ls consaining esbestos'nr fom�ald�yde*nnd r�6taacriee r�atsnals.As iisctl in �
<br /> F t�� this paragraph ZU,""Envimntnental Imw"means fedetat taws anti laais af the�i�risdiction wt�re ttte Prapeit9 is toratc+d that �'�
<br /> ��.��;:�£f,�� .:�: �:etatetaheaith. oremtuann�zntalps'Atectian• � � � �---�_
<br /> t =; r ��4;-,' MON=L7IJIF��CAVENI�TS.Bortotvet and Lersder fv:the�caveaant mnd agrcc as foitnws: ':
<br /> mn {
<br /> � ��{,:�`�y,�-.�;'�• 21.Aacrteratitan;Remedi�.Len�er s�il gtve nottre t�Bnrtower prior to acceier�sttoA[ait�vin��tortome��i�re.."s� �,�
<br /> � " ��•'� - 04 any covenant or age�eat ia thts Sec�rity Iast�vmeu8 Nmt ani prtor to ¢ccctcruNoo nndt� Par�npb i� un4c��. `
<br /> ' ue
<br /> ���,�' Y,...°�, apPlirable tu�v pmvides atBe�air�a,9�e aot �11�pecify: (u)�he detauIt;(D)thr actioe reyuirE�to caee t[rs Q�tut�1l; �r .
<br /> �tY,�, x} .. � tyr s�htc�ttu drfa�I!ut��s�sn�t�1 .
<br /> ��, �h. �. . tc)a date,uot tcss than 3fl days i�om t6e the uo�fs gjve�ta�oer�n��. ---
<br /> *� � (�t b m t f i�II a r e t o eure t he d e f a�t o u o r�f o r e t h e d a t e�e c i f[e�t i n t l t e n a t f c e a u 3 y r e s v t t d n a�t[on uf the�ue�s
<br /> :;��":�;�;;`,';�;"�;.: .,:; . �.`_�
<br /> < ., �? secored bg this Secarity Wsqr�t atid sate uf t�e�+ugeriy.Tltc twttoe shali f�rthee tnfomt IIorsotae�ot tRe�tgLt 4e�
<br /> a; .,. ������r r �te alYer ace¢teratioa aad she et$h!to Drtng o ootss4 8cttoa to aste�th�ause�istence o�e Hef¢utt or atty oth:P .�. .{.
<br /> f.;�'=.
<br /> .�..-�;��� `,, - defease of Borrower to aoceleratton and sat�tf tke defuu�t Is aat ctued on or bcfu�the da4e s�xtiied In lQc rt�ttce. o::�_
<br /> =��' F� L e n der;at its a g 2 toa, map r�i r e i m m e a l�a te g s#y m e a t i n!'�l{ai a i t sua9s�e�att+ed b y Ib1�3eet�ity tnstsurl3eu!tYEtho�t
<br /> _ 'F:``;����� fucther demaad antl may invoke the�wer�f s�+e anal tmy otber rcmedtcs prrn�itted�y up�lMahi�Inw.l�ender st�tfl 60 �:;;_:`'
<br /> :K r r '� �t[tte�to soIl¢d�l�Cilses iII�ised In pu�UIUg tLe t+2ffi�C9 pTOV[OCQ IR i[tis����:oo's�ui�titmRV'
<br /> f '��jti r ..� to,reasoaa6le attorneys'fees aad oosts pf tiue evtdeace. ' � �, __
<br /> � 1 ;��, � :If the power a!saie ts tncoke�,Trastee s6rnll r�ord a nattce o8 defaWt In eucd wuaity!n.iv6ich any.part at ttto
<br /> . „r,r��E'� I�i+n t s t o c a l�i a u d s i r�l l m a i!w p i e s a f s n s�n o n r e f a t h e i t�a�a r�r p�¢scribe�f b y a p gitcabie lazv to 8otrotrcr and to
<br /> `' ��< <;°.. - F?��Y .
<br /> �.,*3�..�., ', t h e o t h e r g e�s o n s p r e s c r i b e d b y a p�pl t c able ta�v.After t��tt�e r e quired b y a p pStanbie Iasv,Teustee�11�tve pu�ltc not tcc� e :
<br /> :: �: . �„�e..�,°�,.T , of sale to the R�rsaas su�in the.manaer.gre�sribPti t►Y ayplIcabte[aw.TlUSZC�s{VIIIIOUI d�itl II t l flII I�OTI'01YCE'�g b a R!�e i l _^__
<br /> ` `.'�;�'f`r;' `'. ` the Praperty at puD1lc auct�on to the hIghest 6idder�t 4he time aad pface�nd und�the terms desi�ted In t0e not tce o!
<br /> `,-r,�r f,.� °� . saie ia bne or m�re p�ets and`in�y order T�astee determtaes.�mssy postpaae sale o�a11 or sirty�rcd ot t4�e II �`
<br /> .. ,,,�',,�;�..�.'`t . . Pro�rty by bup ��azmduncemeni at the Wne and plaee of any prevfously scteedu3cd saie.Len�er oP Ets dest�ee may E _��
<br /> - r� r.� . . ' �' --
<br /> »"..�::';���#f�;5e::7lR. . . �llt+�10S8.��CO at any s�te. . . «--
<br /> Ugon'rcceipt of payment o�the psice bi d, Trustee �a!! d ti l iver w We �SUrc h s�S e r T i v�t e e•e d e P d c a�v e y t a t g t l t G _ � _
<br /> .� � ,���: � - Y�ropertn:The redmis tn tt�e Tc�stee's dee�shuEl 6e prlma tac[e cvfdence of the.te+ut0 of ttte statwnents mctds tfeereifl. �_•
<br /> per
<br /> • `r'�,° Trustee st�all apgty the proceeds of the sale in tlie fofl4wtng ordere Ea�to e ll oosts an d eg�enses o Y exe�+c i s irtg t t e�p a t w�'o f . -
<br /> %' sat�.aa�the sai�iaeladtng the paymeat aY the Tnsstce's feeg adaall�t inqused,aot to exo�d> of $50.00 os � °� � � �=
<br />- .:.�:��� �`;.;x�'rs::_:. �.�,
<br /> _ .�-,..,::,.�. �u��e�riadpat amoum of the note se th�tiffie af the deciaration ol'deiautt,anci neasons�ie atto�nsys'facs as perfittted �� - -
<br /> � �'`' � by iaw;(b)to aIl sams ser�med by thls 3�3ty Instrument;uad(c)any excess to the Rerson or petsons IegaQy entttled to =_-
<br /> F.'�., a� .S° _ _
<br /> , , , .o r"r1-(>:>'�,:, _ j�, . - , --
<br /> �• ' BZ..Recopvey�anre. Upon payment of all sums secvred by this Security Insuumcnt. I.eader shalf reyues6 Trustee to e.^
<br /> , :; ti reta�vey the property and�sball surrender this Security Instrument urtd a11 notes evfdencing de6t secureQ by this Security
<br />= • �� • Instniment to Trustee.Trustee shail reconvey the Property without warmnty and withaat charge to the persan or persuns tey�lly
<br />,_ � �n6tled to it.Sach person or persons shall pay any reeordauon costs. ° '
<br /> • � 2,'�,Substitu3e Trustee.Lender,at its optton, o�ay from sinie to time remove Trustee and nppoint a sucsessor teustee to .
<br />- .. � � • any Tivssee appointed herzuuder by an inswment recorded in the caut►ry in w6iGh this Securhy Instntment is recorded.Without �'°`=
<br />- . . ' ,' •% �; • cunvey+ance of the Property,the successor avstee shall succced to ull the titIe.power ead dudes.cqnferred upon Trustee herein - �
<br /> - ,� and lyy agplIcable law. .
<br /> � • 2A.Reques4 for Nottces.�Borrower requests that copies of the natices of deiautt�d salc be rent to Borrawec's address _
<br /> . which is tbe Pro�serty Address. � ---
<br /> 25.Riders to tWs Secarity Tnstrument.If one or more dders are eaesuted by Borrower and recorded together with this _.._-
<br /> . ' ' �. . Security tnst�ument,ti�e cavenants and agreements 6f each such rider r�ha11 bs incorpora;ted into un0 shalt aunend and supptert�ent =_=-
<br /> �"•� - -� tite coveaants r�nd agr�m..^nts of tlus Sccurity Instjument as if the rider{s)�vete a p3rt nf thss Secudty Instrument. :_.
<br /> - . ' ' (Check applicAble box(es)l . '
<br /> ` ' �Ad1ustable[tata Rider �Condominium Ridet 1-4 Family Rider � . . �
<br /> —,' ` �radnated Paymem Rider Planned Urtit Devetapment Rider �BiweeWy Ptiyment Rider
<br /> . �. � QBaltoon Rider Rate improvertent Etider 0 Second Hame ttidec R. . -
<br /> .... . �V.A.Rider .�Other(sj(speciiyj . ' • _—
<br /> _y . � � � � � Homs equity acceea ].ine rider _
<br />`ti,. ..
<br /> �;.. ��'.-'-
<br /> '� . . .. . ' . , . �-: _
<br /> .. B1t SIGNiNG BELOW,Borrower accepu and agrces to rhe terms tmd eovenar.ts contained in this 5erurity Instrument and � �.... :
<br />-" , � . in any rider{s)executed by Borrower a�ut recarded with it. � `��
<br /> -- -- - .- - WitRes�s: • .
<br /> _ ' �. (Scal) :
<br /> '�• _� � J a . ilienthal •a�rm.vcr . .
<br /> :�.;_. . . � � (Seul) .
<br /> �� .
<br /> �� De�ie Alaa Lilienthai -I+�ROwcr
<br /> �� � . { ..
<br /> �. �JC31) .�$.?A�)
<br /> ' ' •8ottower -8orrovrcr .
<br /> il
<br />- .. . . S7'AiTE OF NEIl3IU'�SKA. County ss: Hall '
<br /> •. � The fotegoing irutrument was acknnwtedged 6efore me this lgt day of November ' 1997 ' .
<br /> - � � • bY Jana K. LilieathaY aad Dennie Alan Lilienthal, wi£e end huabat�n said Coun thc datc ati�rchaid.
<br /> - , � . Wimess my hand and notarial seal at Grand Island, Nebraska ty' •
<br /> .'. ' . ' . My Co F • • �A.1 / �=(�C�_ _.....
<br /> i
<br />� :.. ,. � ��i:�.�►hOTAR !at. N?C a : Nut ry bt�c
<br /> a ' '
<br /> ' ' � I' lUD1TH L RAUEFtT
<br /> , .
<br /> . .
<br /> '-- . . ��. ..:_.,ce*e tax
<br /> _..:.-- -- ----- .. .r..�
<br /> . i .�,H...........� ..."- . -
<br /> ' . � • P,y�74 Of 0 iorm 3020 flIDO �
<br /> . . �
<br /> , , ,_�-....�_.,,_-. - — .. . . ---------- �
<br /> . . . . . . ... . .- -
<br /> . �. . �" . :... ____ '�..�..-..-.._.. �-.4.. ..i � __ _ . . ��..
<br /> -: . . . . . . � . . . .
<br /> . . _...�____"..—�--t..-.....-..--...�....,............. . . iR..
<br /> .�. ._... �....,+..-
<br />- • -`i'.-... _� . . ' ._ .. ... .. . .. . _.. _ . � . . . ...._._ �.. ' . .� .. .. . .. ... . . .����, ...�. . . �..... . . . ..... . .. _,... .. . .. . ,. . . .. .... ...._
<br />