<br /> . . . �.• �. . �- _.�.�
<br /> : :�_____ ; <.. .:��+a� -,. � s��m� . ,�_� _��t`°�- _:Y.--� -., . _�_`�.___-�-:�� x Y��� t .:rs�� :
<br /> i ---�� rc - ' y'�' - . --' 4 - - z -tr- - r. .F �a -2 .. . p� � t-��� -
<br /> 4 ( �t . �' . �-? _ `�'r O �'f�"'' �. � t .:
<br /> 'Y T{ � 't � <, l `c' k . r 'a 4 .� G
<br /> � ..�5 .,�'�) •` � -�.'�'�'- '� . k - a-�.'' � - s x. ` �' t� y o� F W-.t... �:
<br /> .�.vR-,'.-�r;T=.=r _- °w- �.fF� .c�'�.{z� `t—=�^� -.y-. ,a _ . c _ ��.. .�-..^-�..� c'S--'
<br /> `�':� �.i c �.?J •�„_• t_.'�'�r.c .6.� . .� �s
<br /> .. . - ' �� �r �,�,�, �,�+�
<br /> `;.; '-��'n'`• � .�:c=
<br /> t i`.: • � • ..-
<br /> ' t� £�'� substantialIy eyuivalent mortgage insurance coverage is nnt availabte.Boirowet shail pay to Lender each month a �� , r �,
<br /> '.�`r.: �:� : ,,:X, . ' ' one-twelftti of the yeatly martgage insur�hce premium beiug paid by Botrower when tbe insurance wvernge lapsed , •- �'
<br /> � ��'° � � ' be in effect.Ixnder w��E aocePt•use and�retain these paYments as a lass reserve in lieu of mortgage insnrance. Loss reserve '-�;v¢i,
<br /> `�*�� if mort e insu�ance coverage t��e��t and for the pesiad
<br /> F�'. �a payments may nv tonger berequ at t6e option oY Leader. gag � :<<.
<br /> .. 4c.t:,.�, .a•.` . th3t Leader requims?psovi d e d,b�i�s��aPPmved by Lender again hecomes avai'G3ble and is obtained. Bormwer shati pay � ._.�z
<br /> . . .�`t"' ' . t�e premiums requimd to mainrain mortgage insurance in effe,ct.or to pzovide a loss resenre,until the requirement for mo�igag� �
<br />= insur�nce Pnds in ascordaace with any wntten agreemeat bet�veen Borrowzr and i:eeder or appticaUle taw. �er shal! ve� ' �";T:�
<br /> ,.` I�nder or its ag iaay maice reasnnat�le entries upon and inspections of tlie PropercY• & � .t .
<br /> ., .:�u .:.`, • 9.InspQCtioat. �
<br /> r e a s o n a b l e c a a s e f o r t h e i n s p e�t i o n. �'-.:-�t
<br /> .''�� � ��`.'r;._;; Borrawernotice at the time of or priur ta an inspection.sPecifyia8 =_-_
<br /> ,.�...,�;�� .`:_. "` . 10. Cor►demnatdun.The proceeds of any awacd or claim for darnages. dimct or c�onsequentiai. in connestion with anya ��f„R4,.
<br /> ` �' ` '`` condemnation or ather ta&ing of ar►y part of the Property,or fur comreyance ia lieu of condeamation,are hereby assigne�and� �_.:
<br /> ,�� . '� shall be paid to i.ender. .
<br /> : : .`:•�,�t tbis Securit Insd�ume�n�� e _____
<br /> in the even�of a totai taking of the Property.the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by y ,�.;�,•�.
<br /> _ �_�.� _�. whether or not then due.with any excess paid to E�rrower. In the event of a partisd taking of the Propesty in wfAch the fai
<br /> - `, 4 . markd vaiue of the 8roperty �tediatetY 6efore the ta.king is equal to or greater than tfie amount of tfle sums sec�red by ttt' � .;
<br /> . ` � Securiry Inst�smes�t itnmediately 6efore the fatdng,uniess Boaower aad L.ender otherwise agree in writing,the sums secured by �y,`:
<br />- ��`�_: r " this Security Inswment shal! be redueed by the amoum of[he pmceeds mulilplied by the following fractioa: (a)the toml �.�,- ��
<br /> amount of the sums secured immediately befoae the taking, divided b (b)the fa�r market value of the Fe�perty immediatelY -
<br /> � m whicb the fair C'�'`-'�a'�
<br />`-::«�f'"��' :'�`G.` before.thc tuking. qoy balaace s h a l l be pai d t a�orrow e r. I n t h e e v e n t o f a p a r t i a l takiu g of the Pro p ercy'. �__�w_,_
<br /> . . ,� ntatket value of the Property immediately beforc the 7aYirig is tess than the amonnt of the sums secu�ert immediately before the _, =_,:.
<br /> _ '+ �` ° ''�' taEcin�t.unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing or untess applicabte���erwise provides,the pracee�s shall ��;�-;
<br /> � ' �. Ise ttpplIe�tfl the sums secu�Ry ltits secort[y tns�uman w�swn,-�';;�:.,a... w___._..- . _
<br /> `�< , ''" If the Pcop�rly is abarutoned by Borrower.or if.after notice 6y Le�der td Borrov�rer that the coade�nar affets to matce an
<br /> .� �.; ' , , award or settle a cla�m for damuges. Bomnwer fails to respond w Lenaer within 30 days after the date t�e na�ti,ce���ive�n, �,� y
<br /> � .`;'. .. . � l.ertd�r is authorized�u collect and upply Yhe proceeds.at iu opuon,either w restoration or repa�r of the ProF�Y.
<br />� ,. � , �.�� secured by titis Security Insirument.whether or not then due. � �__'
<br />' ° �• t. .;��: Unless Ixnder artd Botrower otherwise agree ia writing,any aPPlication af proceeds to pringipal sball not eatend or =i;-_
<br /> �•t.:� . hs i and 2 ar chan e the amouqtuf such payments. �....
<br /> � postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred tn in Parag�aP g ent or modifccation �� Y'�
<br /> :~ '-`., il.Boreower N�t Reiet�sed.�orbearance By Lender Noi s Waiver.Ext�ension of the ti�+e:,ftsr P�3� �;•�Y-:
<br /> ` of ainortization.nf the swns secund by this Securiry I n s t r u t n e c�8��by�n d e r t o an y s�s���of��wer shali
<br /> � �:��_
<br /> : _...:�'_,,:' not operatc to.relcrose tlte IiaUility.af the asiginal Bornowes or Bormwer's suocessors in irnerest.�.ender shall not be cequired to �___
<br /> ;� '`-- � �, � ' commence praceedings"against any successor in interest or refuse to extend txme far payment or ot6eiwise modify a�nnrtizatian � --
<br /> `'`�,.�� % �' '°� of the sums secureA bq this Security lnstrument by reason of any demand made by the original Bormwer op Borrower's �__Fu,-
<br /> . ` successors in interest. Any forbeamnce by Lender in exercis�n8 anY n€,h�or remedY shall not be a waiver of or preclade the ��•
<br /> ' '�� ., exercise of ar►y right or remedy. • =m
<br /> Co.e�gnees, The covenanu and agreements of this
<br /> � . 1�. Successoea rutA Asstgt� Bound;dofnt and 3ev�a1 Liability; =�-- -
<br /> ,`'�".. � " Se�uriry Iustn�ment shall bind und 6enefit the.successors and assi�s bf Leader and Borrower. subject to the provisiqag of �____
<br /> `' � �;r:., para o t a Qh 17. Borrower's covenants an d agreemen t s s h a l i b e j o i n t a n d s e v e r a l. �►n y Borrower who co-si g n s this Seauity ;-
<br /> 5. ;; • Instrument but daes not execute the Nute: (a)is ca-sigaing�i s S e c n ri ty I n s t r u m e n t o n t y t o m o rt g a g e,g r d m a n d c a nv e y fhat ��
<br /> r; �,•••.: •� ' ° �� Borrower's taterest�n the Prc►perty under the terms of this Security insutf�nt:fb)is not personally obiigated w pay the sums �,..
<br /> '" � ' ` � secured by�is Security insttument:and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend,.modiTy,forb�ar ot _
<br /> � . •�,., ' � ` ! ma[ce any accotnmadation,s with re�ard ta tBe terms of this Security Insttument or the Note without that Boaorrer's carjsert. -----
<br /> � . t�� � 13.l.oan Char�Ces.if thc lnan securrA by 4his Security Inmument is subject to a law wliich srts maximu�loan charges. _____
<br /> ' - � and that law is finally Imerpreted+�that the interess or other laan eharges c:oilected or ro be callected in conrreetion with the ��
<br /> `� � � t � loan exceed the pertnitted limits.then:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the araount necessar�r to reduce the cS�arge, • r�-�:-��_
<br /> Y� � • --
<br /> °" . . . '.'�� �y to the pertnitted Ilmit:and(b)any sun�s olrc�dy wltected from Borrower which exceeded pera�itted 1'ututs will 6e rafisnded to --
<br /> �� �� � � � Barro�ver. I.endcr may chousc to m�kc this refund by reducing the principai owed �nder t6e Note or by making'•a dir�t ____�
<br /> `. • � •' payment to Barrower. if u refund reducey pri�xipal. [i:e reductton anll tse tmated as a part�at PrePaymani without any —
<br /> °<. :� prepayment eharge under the Nute. ^^ _
<br /> 14.Not[ces.Any notice to�inrrawer pmv�ded for in this Security Instrament shal16e given by delivering it or by mailing
<br />`� ' � ` it by first class mait untess applicabic law requi�es use of another method.The nodce shaU be d�retted to the Froperty Address �„___
<br /> - -:- . o� any oty�er atkfress Aotrir��es dasigt�utes by notice to Lendee. Any notice to Lender shaU be gsven by first class mail to �,,.
<br /> A ..
<br /> '� ' � I.ender's address stated hcrein ar uny nther adJress Lender desigaates by notice to Borrow.sr. Any notice prm+ided for in�this !_ ,
<br /> �•.. Securlry Instrumcnt shall 6e dcemcct ta havc been given ta Barrower or Lender when given as provided Yn th�s paragraph. _____
<br /> � �. ,. , ' 15.Governtng Law; SevcrnDffity. 7'hiw Securiry Instrument shall (�e govemed by federal law and the law of the � --_-
<br /> '�'°� ` � .� urisdiction in which the Property ig located.Yn the�vent that any�rm+islon or clause of this Secur3ty Instrument or the Note � _
<br /> �__°---�.._ _-._��m•� l
<br /> � �'- eonfln:t,g with Appiicafile is�w.such canAict shall not affect other graz.sions of this Securiry Insuament or the Note wbich can be ��_
<br /> �y �—��-
<br /> ;;�',:.�.��' . �iven effect withaut the rnnHic�ting provision.Ta this end the provisions af this Security Tnsuument aud the Nois are declared � ;
<br /> �: . eo bc severable. � '
<br /> °� � � � 16.Boriawer's Copy.Borrowcr s h a ll be givcn ane cantormed copy of tfae Note and of this S�curiry Instrumeat. =
<br /> ';. , � .. ••• 17.Teansfer o�the Property or a Benei�cio!Interest in Borrower.If a71 or any part of the Property or xny interest in it
<br /> `t, � ';�� • is rccsid ar transferrcd(or it u benef icial intcregt in Borrower is sold or transfened and BonoWer is not a natural person)without ��:`�`-��
<br /> . s ° _-
<br /> �:r . � . . , Lender's prior written consem. I.ender may, ut its option, r uire immediate payment in full of all.sums secargd by this
<br />�_ '. . • Security Instrument. Howcver,this option shall not be exercised�y Lender if eaercise is prohibited by federal law as of the date �•,`'��
<br /> ' of this Security lnstrument. � . -
<br /> If Lersder exercises thls optian.l.ender tihati givc Borrawer notire of acr.eleratian.The notice shall provide a period of noi .
<br />�.;;;-., � ' tess than 30 days From the Aate the natice i�dcliveced or maiied within whieh$urrower must pay all sums secured by this �i,
<br /> - � • S e c urity Instrument. lf Borrowcr Pi�ils u�pry thcsc humr prior to the expiration of this period.I.ender m�y invoke any remed+es
<br /> `:'• � � �.' . permittcd by this Security Instrumcnt�vitltout funhcr notice ur deman d on Borrower.
<br /> • • Rnrrower mcct� certain conditions. Aorrower shall have the right to have �,."`
<br /> ''_ � 18. Horrower s [tiF,ht ta Reinstote. If
<br /> �R 1:�. ' . enPorcement of this Security In�trumzn! di�ronNnued nt any time priar to the earlier of: (a)5 days(or such other period as ;
<br />' ��.� ' .• , �, applirablc law may spccify Pur rcins�atem�nt► hcfc�rc �alc uf thc Propeny pur�uant to any pawer of sale contained in this ;,_ .
<br /> . � Security lnstrument: or Ib)c+nry uf n Jud�mcnt enfurcin�!thi�Securiry Instsument.'i'hose conditions are that Borrower:(a)pays
<br /> '" � � " �� Lender�11 sums whi�h ihen wauld bc due unQer thir Sccurity Instrumem and the Note a4 if no acceleration had accurred:(b)
<br /> • • cures uny defauh of any atlicr ruven•rniti��r a�reements; icl pays ull expenses ineurred in enforcing this Security Instrument. • .
<br /> � � � including, hut not IlmiteJ u�.reawmable auomeyw' tceti::�nd Id1�akes sueh acdon as I.ender may reaconably reyuire to assure
<br /> • � that the lien of thiti Sccurity Intitrumcnt, I.endcr'ti righiti in ihe Yroperty attd Borrower's obligation to pay the sumc secured by
<br /> � . this Security Instrumem sfiall continur unchangeJ. Upun reinstatemeRt by Bonawer, th�s Sacuniy Instrument and the ..
<br /> ' abligatiuns secured hereby rhall rcmain fully ef(ceryive.+v if no ucceleralion had occurred. Howevet,this right to reinstate si�all - •
<br /> '. � not t�pply in the casc ui acccicrntinn miJcr p�uugrapt� 17. -�
<br /> � 19. Salc ot Nute: Ctu�n�;e of l.uan ticrvicee. Thc Nutc ur a Q;utial interest in the Note (together with this Security '
<br /> � � lnstrumcnt)m:►y bc sulJ unc nr uwrc timcs without priur nuti.c tu Borrowcr. A sale may result in a change in the eatity(known .
<br /> ' asi Ihe "L.nan 5ervicer")�hat callects montldy payment�due under the Nute und this Security lnstrument. There also may be one .
<br /> • � ' ot mare ch•rnges of ttie la�an 5ervicer unretate�)u+c�tiale of ti�e Nuu. li'ihere ic a change of the Loan Servicer.Bnrrower wilt be
<br /> �� � given wrilten nuuce uf the chan};e in uccuNance witl�p:►r.��;raph 14 a6uve und appliCable Inw.T:ie notice will state the name and •
<br />- � �- address of the new tuan 5ervicer und�he adJre�c tu whicl�paymenx�:shuuld be macle.The notice wili also contain any other
<br /> - ' � informati�n rcquircd by npplicablc la�v.
<br /> '. ;, • �. 20. Hazardaus�fuGstnnccy. borru«cr .hall uut rautic ur permit �hr prescnce, use. disposal. storage. or telease of any
<br /> ' ' . H;uardous 5ubstancec on or in thc i'mperty. Linrru�+cr +hall nut do, nor alli�w anyone else to do. smythin� affecting the
<br /> ' � . Propeny that is in violatioi�uf any Gnvire�nmental I.:n�-. 7'hc prcceding ta•u se�►traces shall not apply to the presence. use. or
<br /> -- �:sora�on the pn�r�n��+�Small quar�titic�uf Ha�ard��u�tiub.tancc,that are genetatly recngnized to be appropriate to norroal '
<br /> • � residential usc.anJ to maimcnancc uf ti►c pruper�y.
<br /> .. ` : . �,.r-.,:�a Form 3028 9/90
<br /> . . -
<br /> ..-..�—.•,....��'y4 .-�., _. _ . .. . � . . _ . • � •- ' ~ • �1 ,
<br />