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<br /> � �. iw �'G. - _. t'� � .. � ` c-� .. . _.�-acCa'�= �" r' °.a ct . ' c_t�ti . .,.,I�
<br /> . �.--..-Te :�.=. ,=c, ._._ _ _ _, . -. _ .
<br /> ,..
<br /> . c`:l, i � � . < . � . t, Kf t E .
<br /> : ` t �...,, p - • G` YS,3.. �!� 'S C ,,c �t v pCyv'+ap, �f
<br /> -' - �' �h .�t _ � -��: F .� 6� - � ;c � ° ..i� ,-� 4
<br /> F.- .�"; 1.. �:<� t. __ _.�'. x � � t t . . . G \�.t.
<br /> � . .Fi - �� ::.�.-.'.. •�. � ..
<br /> �.• �{}.''. Q .. �.__�� �
<br /> ' _ �ti , � ,}s' `
<br />. . . 4 . .� _. 'a°.` : ,a.
<br /> ` ( . 4. t`4i • . • �.�7�i3p����� ^p ���� . `� ;. _ .
<br />- c4`t��� 'u4'�. ��ir+"�-�" W�+f'�' � - "
<br /> , `�S� '��S y � �o e�;���af s�st w��he cona�a�y,d�teaos af this section svali ° . ':. --` '
<br /> � sar+►ive ang foieciosure or s�csIam of tA,is I1e�d af Trase of aaY pas�e of dde to BeneBcia�t er eny �.<_,<. �:��.'; � � : �
<br /> ' . � �pa�n isY$�ciary of aay or a!�of the Pr�sty Any c '��a�dcf�ses W the oantt'ary aze herebY araivefl, � ,�`�`<<
<br /> . ,� � "" ' ;
<br /> �,` � `�' ' ZQ.Cf71�IDE�IVA�TON.'hastar will�ive Baaeficiaiy ptompt notice of�y asxfan.ceal or tlueazeaed.by�rivase oa publie y � _ . 4
<br /> : G ` . .,:,Y e�tles ta purc�ase or take any 4r all of the ,incMd�ag a�►ease�sa�tht°vgh oonde�at�on,emin�do�in. � ° ` -
<br /> m�timted for tlm establishment uf asY :.��
<br /> . . - . • or sny ot�er mraas.Tia�OOr furtber aS�es w n�oBf�Y$�fic�3►°f�Y P�OBD�°8�� h . .
<br /> . . � sewer.vrater,oonseivatIoa. tcb.dr�na8e.ar o�er d4strtct�Iatiiag to or biading upon the PmFen9�$DY Part of it. a <<__;�,.,.-.
<br /> `� ``, <a`'��•`'�, 7Yastor a�Qr�es Be�1arS►w inteeveae ta Tiastor's name�n�►Y of the above dessn'bed acdons or clsims aud to aoliect ,., '..�` � .
<br /> �� asto < < .
<br /> �a n,d t�eive a�l sums r�niting f�m tbe asdont or clsim.Ttastor ass�gns t+�BffieficiarY the Pmc�of aay awaffi or c�aim
<br /> ' fof damages c�witb a con d e m n a t i on or a 3 II e r t a k f a g a f a l!o r s a y p a r�o f t h e P m p e rt y.S u c h P m c e e d s shali be t r ` _ `z
<br /> 6 - _ � oonsIde,r�d paym�ts a�+i anU be applied as pmvided in t6is Deed of Tiast.'Ibis a�igumeat of pzaoee0s is sabjec[to the �s 4 ,
<br /> cas.
<br /> � t�e�ms o€anp g=ior se�Ity agc�. • ` �4' �
<br /> . . .�:
<br /> . �'•-`>,' .' `�.j�j.�[J��1j�.'�i��0I8�L2eS LOID��IISt1�8IIt�8S fOuOWS: � :�.r: �� �
<br /> �` a Ttuswr sI�a11 keeP�e Fr�perry in�$�tass bp 5re,theft and other hazffids aad rlsks reasona6lq a�ociate� -. � s., �:
<br /> ` with the P c�p e t t Y dne to ha type aa�toca�don.Other bazards aad msks maY incdnde,for ex�mple,coverage against =�s �,,� ,_-:
<br /> ., :.;
<br /> . st � �i o i n�n.anc��I t a 1 1 b e m�i n t�i a e d i t t t h e mm o u u i s 2 a d f o r t h e g�t o d s that P ';� r-_=_
<br /> ,.�;.: , -- � ��.��^^ � ar --e�,. � the � �au oe c�oscu 'v� :� �°» x � -
<br /> g�ciaxq �equires• Tiie im�suraBSe rduier Pm S � -_
<br /> ru
<br /> `` gene�cia�ys appioval. ahich sbsU n�t 6e�nably vrit�h�ld. .If 1`raswr fails w ma�'mtain the c�verage `� --
<br /> '��`, � d�scn'6ed abat►e,Beae�sl�9 maY+��'g�°�obiaia oaverage m Pmt�t B���9's rlghta in 8te _ __
<br />_ `', : .,� Froperty accoi+ding w th�e terms of this Doed of'tYust. '`�
<br /> ,t�. .. . , . ::::;
<br /> All iasarance Policles ap�d renewats sLail Ue ar�ceptable w BeaccScla:Y aud sha11 irc�ude a staaBard °mo�sg� ' y;;
<br /> `� . ` • ' ' clansa° �, wtue�e applica8lr. °be�ciax9lu�s payee ctause.° Truswr sHall im�ely noti�B�ae&ciary o� .
<br /> . rannPlla2iun or t+.:�n�tm of the insa�Hencficiaz9 sha11 have the right w hold t�policles agd re�+e1s•If N- ---
<br /> � :- - g�ne�cra�p r�quices�'Ttustor at�tU immediatelY gtve to�eaeficia�► si11 te�eeiPts of P� P���� '� ,�
<br /> CI'�I
<br /> - notIces.Upaa 1nss.Tnastar ahari�ive�mnaediaoe uotice w the insnsac�ce caaier aa�B�nefic3acy►.B�eficiaiY maY ;,�, z �
<br /> � , .
<br /> � make proof of Ioss�f nat mat�e�iatetY bY Tsa.'itor. ---
<br /> . ' ' Unless Be�eBcia�►and Sn�s�Or nthe�alse ugree in w:idnS.insa�auce Pmcesda sT�sit be applied to resto�atian or �-
<br /> ` .;;`... . � tega�r of the Prapaty'damaSed if the r�tatatfon or sepair is ecoaom�c�llq feasible�d Br�eficla�►'s secority is aut � �_z_.
<br /> I�senr,d.If the re,sWsanioa or�gaU is not ecanomIt�IY feasjble or B�efic�uq s secun"fiq.aontd be t�ae+d.lhe ' -
<br /> � insnraace pmaxeQs sLa12 De applie0 to the S�D�t.whe�r or nat then dne.with any excess paid w 1Yastor. ,._�
<br /> ` � �Trw^tor abandons the Ympeny,or does not au�s�ver witkln 3Q days a aotire from BeaeSclary Wat the� . �,�`�.�;°,-_-- __
<br /> - �' T��' " caa3er ltas offear�d to seule a caaim,then Bcaef cia�Y map collect the tn.mr�ce pmcReda.BeueRciar9 maY nse the � �.�:
<br /> °`.. .•'� . �raceeds w repair or restare the pmperty or to pay the Seaued�ebt whether or nat thea due.The 30�aq perlod �,��:=.`
<br /> �e :-��
<br /> .� �. w�i be g 3 a a h e n t h e n o t i ce i s g i v e�t. , ;'��`
<br /> .--�._,. -
<br />- . .. � Unless Benefiel�Y aud Trastar othecadse agree in writing sny applieatton of pmceeds w p�3aciPa'!shall not extena =�— .—
<br /> � fw �_�r`r..�E t�{�.--..,�-- �_
<br /> _ '`;�;;: �: ; ar gostpone the due daae of scJtedu2ed payments or chamge the mmunnt of t�e pa�ments.If the Propeny,v acqni�ed . ,r:•-
<br />_- , ' ., � by geaef ciary;lYustor's right w any ins�rance poIlctes aM proceeds resoltiag fiom d2mage to the ptogeity befot� '=-�.<�.-�',�.' _-'�
<br /> - �� :f �:�� ' ttte ac�Ni�tlon sballpass w H e u e fr c�s r i l to t he e�t ten t o f t h e.S e c a n e d D e b t�d i a t e l Y b e f o r e t h e a c q a t.�i tiva �..•�. :"�--
<br /> Y .,� , B. T:vstor a8reea w maiatain eomprehensive 8eneralliabillt�►insurance naming Benefldary as an a�ditional iasuYecZ in __.__�.<`d�i. __
<br /> . � :: an amotmt accePlable to Eeneflclary.insri�ln$agaiast claims arising from anY accideat or occuirenoe in or Qn 4ie ;,,,, .�.�__}
<br /> � � ��3►• ��=;��-
<br /> � � :. C. Tivator agrees to maiatain rental loss or bush4ess ir�tx�rupttoa insurance,as reqn�red hY 8�nefic�ary.in e�amuuut -, ?�
<br /> � , e q a a l w�t 2 e a s t c ov e�s ge of ane year's debt service,and r�u►red esemw�accotmt depnsits(if agrced to sepatately �•
<br /> . � �in arlting?.under a farin of poHcy acxeptable w BeaeficIary. � :�^
<br /> . �s.-,. _ -
<br />:;L: . . . � • . .
<br /> ,..._:a_�.°
<br /> - . � '{ ..�� 22.N0�F.R�1�C20�W�UB TA�ANA l�iStJ�iANCE.Unless oth��afise psnvtd$d!n a sepazate agreeme�nt,Tnf�tor will noi
<br /> . . • � . �. .. �-_
<br /> . � �''�;� be rac��ired to pay to BeueSc�uy funda¢or taxes aad insu�se ia escrow. � . ' ..,_ _
<br /> - s� 23.FINAN�I�L M'�FOR'j`S A1r3D ADDITIONAL DflICUMEN'['8.Trustor wIU prrmvide W Benv�tctaty upoa teqaest,anY _
<br /> _ . •<�._i� �'_�
<br /> r � � financial statement or infomuadon Beae�ciary may de�m aecessary. �'anstor w�nants that all IInaaci�l stat�tnents aud �.,,.��.•�:�
<br /> � mu
<br /> � informatfan 'Y'iust�r pmvtdes to BeneSclary are.os wii! be, acc�u�; comect. zzd camplete. 'Iri�swr a$rees to slgn. .. __
<br /> z
<br />'; . . . ,', deliver. aad fiIe as BeneflcIaiy may�reasonablq request�y additional dacuments or a:N&s�opa that Beneliclary ma7► . -
<br />--,;�. , ., a�-�.sider�ary w perfea. aoadwie�and Dreserve Tr�oz's obl�atians under this De�off Tnyst aad EeueflcIasy's lien �
<br /> - � . . � :, s�s an the Prapeny.If Tmstor fails w do so.Benefi�y may sl�,deliver.aad fiIe sac�daca�ments ar certifccatea fn - -..
<br /> � � ;; Ti�a,sWr's name and Trustor heteby irrtwacablY aDPoints Beneficiary or Bzneflclary's agem as suomey in fact to do the •T .
<br /> , � . � ' ; tt�ings aecessary to comply vntb this aec�on. � . � ,�. � . '
<br /> �_; . � �� � �.: t�is D�d of Ttuat are jofnt and indlvtdual. If Ttustor signs tHls Deed of 7'rust bui does not s�gn the Evidence of Debi, - . .
<br /> T�ustor dc�s so oniy to mortgage 7Yustor's 4nier�t in the Properiy w secure payment of the 5rcured Debt an4 Tiustar . .
<br /> I, . .� � da�s not agree to be persaaaUy liable an the SaaueA Debt.Ttustar agrees thao Be�e�'tc�iacy and any party w this Deed oY • , �
<br /> :�, . v... . Tn�st may ex�A. modlfy or make any c�aP,e�n the tex�ms of tbls Deed of Trnst or the 8vidence of Debt without , � �
<br /> ,�� � ' . Tivstor's consent.Such a chamge w111 not re;ease Trustor from the terms of thls Deed ot 7'iust.Z�e dudes and beaefita of �
<br /> _� `' • , , . rbis Deed of'I1�ust shall bind aad beaetit ttte successo:s aad assigns of Trustar and Beneftclary. . . . ' :
<br /> ' . �' "� If Wis Dce8 oY'i'n�st securea a gua:anty between BencEciary aad TNStor aad does not dlrectiy ser�ue the o�li�iion whtch
<br /> � . . � is guaraatied,Tn�stor agrees to waive aay r�ghts that may prevent B�neflciary from bring�ng any acuon os claim agaiast � .
<br /> ,�,,.. �' � . Trustor or aay party indebted uader t�e obllgatton iacluding,but not iimited to,aad-0e f t c tency or one-act ion laa+s. ' �" :,.
<br /> ��� ?S.ApP�,ICABI.E LAW; SEVERABILfl'Y; II�1'I�fiPHETATION.Thia Deed of Trust is governod by the laws of the . ,
<br /> ` � . ��•. � jurisdiction in which Beaeficiaty is located,eacept Lo the extmt otherwlse required by tiie lav�+s of the junsdietion where
<br /> , + the Ptoperiy�S located.7Ljs Deed of Tmst�S complete and flilly lntegrated.?t�s D�cl of T�ust may not be amended or .
<br /> - .. � modified by oral a$reeme�e. Any section or clause in this De�d of T�vst, attec�ment�.or any agreement relate�l to the
<br /> Seaued 1�ebt tbat conflicts wlth applicable 1aw wlll not be effecdve, unless that law expressly or imp]iedty permita the
<br /> �i varlatlons by written agreement, IY any seetion or clause of thia Deed of Tnsst cannot be enforced according w its temQS, . ,
<br /> that section or clause alll be severed and will not affect the enforceability of the remainder of this Deed of'f'rust. : ,
<br /> � � . .�. � Whenever used,the s3ngiilar shall include the plural and the p]ural the singular.The capdons and heading,e oi the secflons .
<br /> • � � of this beed of Tnut are for conveaience only and are not to be used to inte�pret or define the term�of thi�p�of'MLSt. � . .
<br /> � . ' 't"�me is of the essence in this Deed of Trust. �"` '4� .u�e pagv S of 6 .. ' •
<br /> � ' ,� _�' � � O f993 Blntara SVStem�.tr+�..St.CtwO.MN It-II04397•�33f 1 fmm AO/C6OT�RE 9l73�78 ��-�.. . �---...-..'.-�--
<br /> .
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> • � ) . .
<br /> � C: . � .^._,_,r.._„_�. . - �- -
<br /> - . . -' '_'_'._, ._ ... -.__ .:t—, . .--_'_`_�.,.�-;-:.^-�-++�-°rY-. r -^r.----r�.."'^`^""'_.-�-.-� � . .. � —
<br /> ._ . . . _ . . . ... .. -.,_ ......_.: . . . .-. . ...�i. .:�. � . . ....__. e . _..�.... -.. ..t-..�.�....:�....�... .-..,_. .. .. ._.. -..,. ,
<br /> ._w--t^_.�++��..�-�-'„+�'-"'-'^-:��.. �.a . . . ... _. . s � . .. ...
<br />