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<br /> �y �h
<br /> � ��.;.�:: �� witIwu�aaavepau�flf the.Pmg�rty��all�tsaeEd tm a]I-We.tttte.�awer aud dat�_oonfened npon t#ee Trustee by�tuis �
<br /> `<� 4`� 'IIeed af�Yvst aad�plica�le Iaw. � - �,
<br /> t�` - _ � . . �., ���`
<br /> ,�::. ' ` �' � Z7.1�I�ILZ.Untes� ceqtured by la�.aap tao�iQe�hait,t�e�by it or by m�ilia ii by fi:st caass m� �. � '�
<br /> =.• ��;�'`;, '�� • ta the agpmpri�ie party�����e�s� s an page 1 af�his Deed of Tcnst�ur w say aa���r�dre�s desi�ia avrlting.N�e to
<br /> � 6> �aae Ecuatos witl he�ied to b�au'dc�tq aII uastois. , .
<br /> � ��; �:U.C.C.PIt09LfiiONS.if�,the feuowiag�ce appHcabFe W.ims do aot listdt,this D�d of Tms�
<br /> --�_-�. C1•Cu�tru�3a�►Ia�a.'!`�is�of T[ast searres aa abligattaa ins�for th�aonstimsxion of an imptoyem�nt on _ _
<br /> � -.'_:fi � ., _ - �w_____�_. � . .. �
<br /> i�rvpei[y
<br /> , .;yf. , x _ ° ❑ �FIItn�g.Trostos gants to BeaeBdaiy a seauity inierest ia aU goads that TmaOOr oams aow ar ia the famre
<br /> . , ,` ; sqil t�ai arc os will beoanr�fnxhares retated w the Ftopertp. � ''� -
<br /> .. �. u`r c.• . ' ❑ � '�tC7� ���IIZSr LS4iIQStr 8IIl��►'�U�t18. �lQS[0I'�f8 t0 B�Ct'dl�8"$�Olt�l I1�ICI�T3t �D 3� � m�"��
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<br /> _� - _ _ - nat lirnited� atl'�Consectratina B�seaave.pIDgram(CRP� a�td Faym� i�1 K�tl (RIK? Pa31�� � � -
<br /> " �, aII f whic�d�ait e�o 6e�;ta tTi�t�tna ---- -------
<br /> .�;. �L��C �D °pmFe�tq`}.:- ,
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<br /> ��;�` � � � L� Pe�onal Frog�cty� 17mstor gt}mts ta B�eBaaty.a seatrity i�erest ia atl peisonal pmg�sty tacar� an or . F`:'
<br /> : y
<br />. ` ,� : :° . �.cirl�the Pcopezty. �his�CarIty intexest incIudes all,faaa pmducm�i�ve�r.aryt e�, accouats• � `4
<br /> _ '� .,:'�.r. . ' �doa�.instram�ts.ca�ast�i FaPe�.genesa2 intaa�b2es.and a12 otha it�s of ge�so�Pmp�r�.Y�Yustor owns � ;:`.`,;.
<br /> - - , nmw oi i a t i�e f u t u r� a a d.t h a t are a s�d or�e f i il'ai.d i e�o n. a w a�p. o p�r a t t o a: m a s t a g�. a r ,•
<br /> �r, �oe of the Property. 1�e term "Pe�s0aa1 �P�Y° $P�Y �nd�.tiast.pmperty desc�bed as
<br /> ` ",�^s�` °fl,ousehoId gaads-"S�cnted ia ca�nne�inII wffit e"ao�er°Inan as.tt�nse L�tms aie de�in applicable Eed� r.'�:
<br /> .}:;�`�" ��:� . � regala�a�us gayemiag�t aad R�ceptive c�dit pxasx�sea. - � .r,
<br />- .z..:t... :..,� . � ,::-,--
<br /> :, . ,� ;� � � D �'il+ing As �nan�ing stat�eat. Truswr agrees and�"acIuta�tedges;�at tbis nee$ of Tnist also su�ces aa`a , ;�,.:� .,'
<br /> '.�_ F_ ',' fi�g sta�asnt aad�s sv�h,tn�.ay be fi�d of rec�.�as a�g statement of p�poses of Artide 9�s�f'th�
<br /> �`�` _ Uuifurm comm�ecciat�ude.A sar6on,Photo�c,�e ar othei�epmd�ctian of B�iis Deed of'!'tast Is st�cIe�t . `
<br /> . as a finaucing stanem�at. . , , : � � '`-.
<br /> . ���; 2,9.Q���,�f cbeck�d.th�foltowln�_aie sppSicaDie t�q Q�is Deed of� � . . . .. -'
<br /> ' ~�~��` �I.iue oY Csed�t.'�e S�d Debt inclndes a revolvfig iine of cred�t pmvision.Aiihougb►the S�DeDt may be ,
<br /> � . rEdtact�d W a�ero balaa�this Deed oY Tiust an'il r�arzia izt eff�tmrll released. , �-'-
<br /> ,�.�. , .' � . 0 ���D�k9•Trnstar crov�aaLS aad aaAa��s s�at t�e F:ogeKy wiII h�t�e@ p:iud�pallq fot ag�isu2:'�aL`. �
<br /> u
<br /> , � ;:�=�` , ur farm�ng piupases and that Tmstor is aa indivldaal a:4er�iiy alIa�d tu avm agr�Itu:ai}aud as specit?�l by law.� . , 4� --
<br /> :, v:; , . . � . . . . . � �-
<br /> � "` . 0 Add3tEonal�wms......... ...................................................... . ......:,.........}..... ...............:... `
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<br /> v....E • . , .;
<br /> _ .� ,��t�. . . � n�tc�a�orr oF Ho�An �, � . .. �_.
<br /> ` . . �.i Putsaant w the Farm Rbs�este�d Proieaion Act,desi�atian of homestead(�is attard�ed to tt�s Deed of'nvst aad made a „ ; ---
<br /> r. _ . . part hereoE�2�as bEen di�claimed;the disciafimer�S auached W tbis De�of Tnist aad alade a p�h�eof. ' � . �
<br /> � � ;:Y � SIGNATOJ�tF�:BY stgn9ng t�Io�l, 'Picastor agcees W the teTms and coveaaats coataiaed ia this D�ef Ttast mzd in�y . .
<br /> � �`r _ � � . auachmeats.TtustoT alsa ac�qwledges re�eipt of a aopy of t�De�of Ttast ontIte date statea above on PEge�. '
<br /> q; ' . .��. .r.�
<br /> - :`° . �. .} ❑ActuaI antLurity was gtanted to the patde.a stgaing betaw by resoIudan signed and dated..............:..................... _
<br /> -_: ' ., : :: . • ..
<br /> . � . ..;. . . . �nn�y�: .r�l.' I?4S'��:.��..40,....:................. �n►y x�,....................................
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<br /> _�:`.. , •,
<br /> . � :. ` � ❑Refer to the Addendum which is auarhed and iaoarporated �� for addiflonal Tiustors. signatures and
<br /> _ - - '• � acimowled�tneuts. � . '
<br /> �:1�. , .
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<br /> . ., .............................}ss. �.
<br /> ..., .�: . . • . ..,. .
<br /> :�:�.�:�, :;� . . c��mu 'Ibis lnstrument was ac�awledge9 before me thL9.........:..........day of.................................................. .` `
<br /> � • by....... ....... ................................................................................................................. . .
<br /> " , . "' . " My cammfssian ezplr�s: � .
<br /> . , (Se� .................... ... .........................
<br /> ;.:...• . .................... .
<br /> . (Notasy Pabllc)
<br /> �- � . : . STA7'E:OF�'�................ ............COUI�3TY OF��,t... . ' . . .....)ss. ' �
<br /> . • � � 'I1�ls lnstrament was acknowledged 6cfora me�tWs.......��.......day o4....Q�.�"���..����......................
<br /> :. • : by��.��eS'��i...� r�:.......................................................................................:. � �
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<br /> , ' • � Of l,t���e��►.��,i..�,�......................................... .. ..... . .twrmot8us;�s+mEctio> . .
<br /> �,. a ............................................................................ .. .,.�. .oa b. ..f of the business or entIty.
<br /> ` � My cammLssion expires: '•
<br />_ . �� , � O,�_ .
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